
Deutsche geringwertig {adj} Synonyme

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Englische inferior; substandard Synonyme

inferior  Mickey Mouse  adherent  assistant  attendant  auxiliary  average  back-burner  bad  base  black  bootlicker  cheap  cheesy  client  coarse  cog  common  commonality  commonalty  crappy  creature  criminal  crummy  declasse  defective  deficient  demeaning  dependent  deputy  dinky  disadvantaged  disciple  dispensable  doormat  down  earlier  employee  evil  fair  feudal  feudatory  flunky  follower  fourth-class  gimcrack  good-for-nothing  hack  hanger-on  heeler  helper  henchman  hireling  hoi polloi  homager  humble  ill  immaterial  imperfect  improper  in the shade  inaccurate  inadequate  inappreciable  inauspicious  incapable  incapable of  incompetent  inconsequential  inconsiderable  indifferent  ineffective  inefficient  inept  inessential  inexpedient  infra dig  insignificant  insufficient  invalid  irregular  irrelevant  junior  junky  lackey  lacking  less  lesser  lickspittle  liege  liege man  lightweight  little  lousy  low  low-class  low-grade  low-priority  low-quality  low-test  lower  lower class  lower orders  lowest  lowly  malevolent  marginal  masses  mean  mediocre  menial  middling  minion  minor  minus  minute  modest  myrmidon  negligible  nether  no great shakes  no-account  no-good  nonessential  not vital  of no account  of no consequence  of no matter  of no significance  ordinary  paltry  pawn  peccant  peon  petit  poor  poor relation  punk  retainer  right-hand man  satellite  satrap  scrub  second fiddle  second rank  second string  second-best  second-class  second-rate  secondary  seedy  serf  servant  servile  shabby  shoddy  short  short of  sinful  sinister  slave  sleazy  small  sorry  stooge  sub  subaltern  subjacent  subject  subordinate  subservient  substandard  sycophant  tacky  tawdry  technical  third rank  third string  third stringer  third-class  third-rate  tinny  tributary  unable  unable to  under  underling  underprivileged  understrapper  unendowed  unessential  unfavorable  unfit  unfitted  ung  
inferiority  aberrance  aberrancy  aberration  abnormality  abnormity  amorphism  anomalism  anomalousness  anomaly  arrear  arrearage  arrears  badness  baseness  coarseness  commonness  damnability  decline  defalcation  default  defectiveness  deficiency  deficit  delinquency  derangement  deviation  difference  disability  disablement  disqualification  divergence  eccentricity  erraticism  evilness  failure  falling short  fourth-rateness  heteromorphism  humbleness  imbecility  immateriality  imperfection  improperness  inability  inaccuracy  inadequacy  inauspiciousness  incapability  incapacitation  incapacity  incompetence  incompetency  inconsequence  inconsequentiality  inconsiderableness  indifference  ineffectuality  inefficiency  ineptitude  inexpedience  infancy  inferiorness  insignificance  insufficiency  invalidity  irregularity  irrelevance  juniority  legal incapacity  littleness  low priority  lower status  lowliness  malevolence  marginality  meanness  mediocrity  minority  monstrosity  moral badness  negligibility  peccancy  pettiness  picayune  picayunishness  pokiness  poorness  puniness  reprehensibility  satellite status  second-rateness  secondariness  service  servitorship  shoddiness  short measure  shortage  shortcoming  shortfall  slightness  slump  smallness  subjecthood  subnormality  subordinacy  subordinate role  subordination  subservience  subserviency  superiority  teratism  third-rateness  underage  unfavorableness  unfitness  unhealthiness  unimportance  unimpressiveness  unkindness  unnaturalism  unnaturalness  unnoteworthiness  unpleasantness  unskillfulness  viciousness  wardship  wickedness  worthlessness  

geringwertig {adj} Definition

(a.) Lower in place, rank, excellence, etc.
(a.) Poor or mediocre
(a.) Nearer the sun than the earth is
(a.) Below the horizon
(a.) Situated below some other organ
(a.) On the side of a flower which is next the bract
(a.) Junior or subordinate in rank
(n.) A person lower in station, rank, intellect, etc., than another.

inferior; substandard Bedeutung

inferior rectus muscle
inferior rectus
rectus inferior
the ocular muscle whose contraction turns the eyeball down and medially
inferior alveolar artery
arteria alveolaris inferior
the alveolar artery that goes through the mandibular canal to supply the lower teeth
inferior cerebellar artery the inferior branch of the cerebellar artery
inferior labial artery
arteria labialis inferior
an artery that is a branch of the facial artery that supplies the lower lip
inferior mesenteric artery arises near the lower end of the aorta and supplies the large intestine
inferior cerebral vein
venae cerebrum inferior
veins that drain the undersurface of the cerebral hemispheres and empty into the cavernous and transverse sinuses
inferior epigastric vein
vena epigastrica inferior
empties into the external iliac vein
inferior labial vein
vena labialis inferior
a tributary of the facial vein that drains the lower lip
inferior ophthalmic vein a vein that drains a venous network in the floor and medial wall of the eye socket
inferior pulmonary vein
vena pulmanalis inferior
either of two pulmonary veins (left and right) returning blood from the inferior lobes of the lungs
inferior thalamostriate vein
striate vein
tributaries to the basal vein
inferior thyroid vein any of several veins on each side that drain the thyroid gland and empty into the innominate vein
inferior vena cava
receives blood from lower limbs and abdominal organs and empties into the posterior part of the right atrium of the heart, formed from the union of the two iliac veins
inferior colliculus an essential auditory center in the midbrain
true vocal cord
true vocal fold
inferior vocal cord
inferior vocal fold
either of the two lower vocal folds that come together to form the glottis, produce a vocal tone when they are approximated and air from the lungs passes between them
serratus posterior inferior a thin quadrilateral muscle at the junction of the thoracic and lumbar regions, acts to counteract the pull of the diaphragm on the ribs to which it is attached
a character or symbol set or printed or written beneath or slightly below and to the side of another character
inferior conjunction (astronomy) the alignment of the Earth and a planet on the same side of the sun
inferior court
lower court
any court whose decisions can be appealed to a higher court
inferior planet any of the planets whose orbit lies inside the earth's orbit
inferior one of lesser rank or station or quality
falling short of some prescribed norm, substandard housing
inferior of or characteristic of low rank or importance
inferior of low or inferior quality
inferior having an orbit between the sun and the Earth's orbit, Mercury and Venus are inferior planets
written or printed below and to one side of another character
inferior lower than a given reference point, inferior alveolar artery
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