
Deutsche hochmodern Synonyme

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Englische ultra-modern state of the art Synonyme

hochmodern Definition

Granite State
() New Hampshire
(a.) Of or pertaining to the present time, or time not long past
(a.) New and common
(n.) A person of modern times
(n.) The circumstances or condition of a being or thing at any given time.
(n.) Rank
(n.) Condition of prosperity or grandeur
(n.) Appearance of grandeur or dignity
(n.) A chair with a canopy above it, often standing on a dais
(n.) Estate, possession.
(n.) A person of high rank.
(n.) Any body of men united by profession, or constituting a community of a particular character
(n.) The principal persons in a government.
(n.) The bodies that constitute the legislature of a country
(n.) A form of government which is not monarchial, as a republic.
(n.) A political body, or body politic
(n.) In the United States, one of the commonwealth, or bodies politic, the people of which make up the body of the nation, and which, under the national constitution, stands in certain specified relations with the national government, and are invested, as commonwealth, with full power in their several spheres over all matters not expressly inhibited.
(n.) Highest and stationary condition, as that of maturity between growth and decline, or as that of crisis between the increase and the abating of a disease
(a.) Stately.
(a.) Belonging to the state, or body politic
(v. t.) To set
(v. t.) To express the particulars of
(n.) A statement
(a.) A prefix from the Latin ultra beyond (see Ulterior), having in composition the signification beyond, on the other side, chiefly when joined with words expressing relations of place
(a.) Going beyond others, or beyond due limit
(n.) One who advocates extreme measures
Ultra vires
() Beyond power

ultra-modern state of the art Bedeutung

state the way something is with respect to its main attributes, the current state of knowledge, his state of health, in a weak financial state
change of state the act of changing something into something different in essential characteristics
modern ballet a style of ballet that admits a wider variety of movements
modern dance a style of theatrical dancing that is not as restricted as classical ballet, movements are expressive of feelings
Secretary of State the position of the head of the State Department, the position of Secretary of State was established in
state-sponsored terrorism terrorism practiced by a government against its own people or in support of international terrorism
Homo sapiens sapiens
modern man
subspecies of Homo sapiens, includes all modern races
chair of state a ceremonial chair for an exalted or powerful person
Empire State Building a skyscraper built in New York City in ,feet tall
pike state highway
a broad highway designed for high-speed traffic
Ohio State University a university in Columbus, Ohio
state prison a prison maintained by a state of the U.S.
cognitive state
state of mind
the state of a person's cognitive processes
religious trance
ecstatic state
a trance induced by intense religious devotion, does not show reduced bodily functions that are typical of other trances
steady state theory
continuous creation theory
(cosmology) the theory that the universe maintains a constant average density with matter created to fill the void left by galaxies that are receding from each other, the steady state theory has been abandoned in favor of the big bang theory
solid-state physics the branch of physics that studies the properties of materials in the solid state: electrical conduction in crystals of semiconductors and metals, superconductivity, photoconductivity
state's evidence evidence for the prosecution in criminal proceedings
modern font
Bodoni font
a typeface (based on an th century design by Gianbattista Bodoni) distinguished by regular shape and hairline serifs and heavy downstrokes
Modern English English since about
Modern Greek
New Greek
the Greek language as spoken and written today
Modern Hebrew Hebrew used in Israel today, revived from ancient Hebrew
modern jazz
new jazz
neo jazz
any of various styles of jazz that appeared after
Kaplan Group
Association of Islamic Groups and Communities
Caliphate State
a Turkish terrorist group of fundamentalist Muslims with ties to al-Qaeda that operates in Germany, seeks the violent overthrow of the Turkish government and the establishment of an Islamic nation modeled on Iran
authoritarian state
authoritarian regime
a government that concentrates political power in an authority not responsible to the people
State Department a department of government in one of thestates
Department of State
United States Department of State
State Department
State DoS
the federal department in the United States that sets and maintains foreign policies, the Department of State was created in
res publica
body politic
a politically organized body of people under a single government, the state has elected a new president, African nations, students who had come to the nation's capitol, the country's largest manufacturer, an industrialized land
rogue state
renegade state
rogue nation
a state that does not respect other states in its international actions
church-state a state ruled by religious authority
city state
a state consisting of a sovereign city
welfare state a government that undertakes responsibility for the welfare of its citizens through programs in public health and public housing and pensions and unemployment compensation etc.
puppet government
puppet state
pupet regime
a government that is appointed by and whose affairs are directed by an outside authority that may impose hardships on those governed
state the group of people comprising the government of a sovereign state, the state has lowered its income tax
state government the government of a state in the United States
totalitarian state
totalitation regime
a government that subordinates the individual to the state and strictly controls all aspects of life by coercive measures
supreme court state supreme court
high court
the highest court in most states of the United States
state capitalism an economic system that is primarily capitalistic but there is some degree of government ownership of the means of production
state socialism an economic system in which the government owns most means of production but some degree of private capitalism is allowed
secondary modern school a former British secondary school emphasizing practical rather than academic education
state bank a bank chartered by a state rather than by the federal government
police state a country that maintains repressive control over the people by means of police (especially secret police)
Committee for State Security
Soviet KGB
formerly the predominant security police organization of Soviet Russia
narco-state an area that has been taken over and is controlled and corrupted by drug cartels and where law enforcement is effectively nonexistent, this Mexican town has become a narco-state that ships pounds of cocaine to the United States every day
state line
state boundary
the boundary between two states
buffer state
buffer country
a small neutral state between two rival powers
the territory occupied by a nation, he returned to the land of his birth, he visited several European countries
associated state
a state or territory partly controlled by (but not a possession of) a stronger state but autonomous in internal affairs, protectorates are established by treaty
state province the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation, his state is in the deep south
American state one of thestates of the United States
state capital the capital city of a political subdivision of a country
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