
Deutsche ident Synonyme

dasselbe  Âebenso  Âgenauso  Âgleich  Âgleichartig  Âident  (österr.)  Âidentisch  Âohne  Unterschied  Âwie  
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Englische identical Synonyme

identical  alike  all one  all the same  aped  biform  bifurcated  bilateral  bipartisan  bipartite  coequal  comparable  consimilar  consubstantial  convertible  coordinate  copied  correspondent  corresponding  counterfeit  dichotomous  double  duadic  dual  dualistic  duplex  duplicate  duplicated  dyadic  equal  equiparant  equipollent  equivalent  ersatz  exact  exactly alike  fake  favoring  following  homogeneous  homoousian  identic  imitated  imitation  indistinguishable  interchangeable  just alike  like  matched  matching  mimicked  mock  much the same  nearly reproduced  not unlike  one  phony  resembling  same  selfsame  similar  simulated  smacking of  something like  suggestive of  synthetic  tantamount  twain  twin  twinned  two  two-sided  undifferent  uniform with  very  without difference  without distinction  
identically  ad eundem  alike  as  as is  as well  ceteris paribus  coequally  coextensively  coincidentally  congruently  correspondently  correspondingly  coterminously  ditto  either  equally  equivalently  evenly  ibid  ibidem  in kind  in like manner  in that way  indifferently  just the same  like  like that  like this  likewise  proportionately  same here  similarly  so  synonymously  the same way  thus  without distinction  


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