
Deutsche indizieren Synonyme

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Englische subscript Synonyme

subscript  PS  Parthian shot  addendum  afterthought  appendix  back matter  chorus  coda  codicil  colophon  conclusion  consequence  continuance  continuation  double take  dying words  envoi  epilogue  follow-through  follow-up  last words  parting shot  peroration  postface  postfix  postlude  postscript  refrain  second thought  sequel  sequela  sequelae  sequelant  sequent  sequitur  suffix  supplement  swan song  tag  
subscription  John Hancock  OK  X  acceptance  accommodation  accordance  affirmance  affirmation  alms  alms fee  approbation  approval  authentication  authorization  autograph  award  awarding  bestowal  bestowment  certification  charity  christcross  cipher  collection  commitment  communication  concession  conferment  conferral  confirmation  contribution  cost  countermark  countersign  countersignature  counterstamp  cross  deliverance  delivery  device  dole  donation  donative  dues  endorsement  endowment  fee  furnishment  gifting  giving  go-ahead  grant  granting  green light  hand  handout  impartation  impartment  imprimatur  initials  investiture  investment  liberality  mark  mark of signature  monogram  nod  notarization  obligation  offer  offering  offertory  okay  payment  permission  pittance  pledge  presentation  presentment  price  promise  provision  ratification  remittance  rubber stamp  sanction  seal  sigil  sign manual  signature  signet  stamp  stamp of approval  supplying  surrender  the nod  tithe  validation  visa  vise  votive offering  vouchsafement  warrant  


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