
stehende Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Peilung f
stehende Peilung
bearing, fix
constant bearing
unter Asylschutz stehende Person
person granted asylum
Peilung f
rechtweisende Peilung naut.
stehende Peilung
bearing; fix
true bearing
constant bearing
nahe beieinanderliegend; eng beieinanderliegend; eng stehend adj
eng stehende Augen
close-set eyes
eng stehend; dicht aneinandergereiht adj
eng stehende Häuser
dicht aneinandergereihte Steine
closely placed; thickset
closely placed houses; thickset houses
closely place stones; thickset stones
anerkannter Asylsuchender m; anerkannter Asylant m; unter Asylschutz stehende Person f pol.
person granted asylum
Gaubenfenster n; stehendes Dachfenster n arch.
Gaubenfenster pl; stehende Dachfenster pl
dormer window
dormer windows
Fahrgast m (im öffentlichen Nahverkehr) transp.
Fahrgäste pl
stehende Fahrgäste pl
Keine Stehplätze!
passenger; rider; traveller Br.; traveler Am. (in local public transport)
passengers; riders; travellers; travelers
standing passengers; standees Am. Sc.; straphangers coll.
No standing passengers allowed!; No standees allowed! Am.
Welle f, Woge f
Wellen pl, Wogen pl
kleine Welle
abklingende Welle
dynamische Welle
stehende Welle
decaying wave
dynamic wave
standing wave, stationary wave
Auszubildende m f; Auszubildender; Azubi m; in Ausbildung stehende Person adm.; Lehrling m
Auszubildenden pl
Macht f, Herrschaft f (über)
an die Macht gelangen
an der Macht sein
alles in seiner Macht Stehende tun
Macht abgebend, Macht teilend
weltliche Macht
die Macht der Liebe
power (of)
to come to power
to be in power
to do all in one's power
temporal power
the power of love
Auszubildende m,f; Auszubildender; Azubi m; in Ausbildung stehende Person adm.; Lehrling m
Auszubildenden pl
bezahlter Auszubildender; bezahlter Lehrling
unbezahlter Auszubildender; unbezahlter Lehrling
remunerated trainee
remunerated trainee
Welle f phys. telco.
Wellen pl
abklingende Welle
dynamische Welle
einfallende Welle telco.
elektromagnetische Welle
gedämpfte Welle
interne Welle
stehende Welle; Stehwelle
Unstetigkeitswelle f
decaying wave
dynamic wave
incident wave
electromagnetic wave
damped wave
internal wave
standing wave; stationary wave
discontinuity wave
sich bewerben v (um)
sich bewerbend
sich beworben
bewirbt sich
bewarb sich
sich um eine Stelle bewerben
sich schriftlich bewerben
Er bewarb sich um die Stelle.
Er hat sich bei ... beworben.
Bitte richten Sie Ihre schriftliche Bewerbung an unten stehende Adresse.
to apply (for)
to apply for a job
to apply in writing
He applied for the job.
He's applied to ... (for a job).
Please apply in writing to the address below.
stillstehend; stehend; ruhend adj techn.
stillstehen; stehen; ruhen
stehende Figur (Kathodenstrahlröhre)
stehende Schwingung
stehende Welle; Stehwelle f phys. telco.
ruhender Kern (Kerntechnik)
ruhender Verkehr auto
(in seiner Stellung) verharren; sich nicht bewegen
to be stationary
stationary figure image pattern (cathode ray tube)
stationary oscillation; vibration
stationary wave; standing wave
stationary static nucleus; nucleus at rest (nuclear engineering)
stationary traffic
to remain stationary
Kraft f; Macht f; Vermögen n; Fähigkeit f
Konzentrationsfähigkeit f
Es steht nicht in meiner Macht, Ihnen zu helfen.
Ich werde alles in meiner Macht Stehende tun unternehmen, um die Lage zu verbessern.
Es ist eine alte Geschichte, aber sie vermag die Kinder immer noch zu fesseln.
power of concentration
I don't have it in my power to help you.
I'll do everything in within my power to improve the situation.
It's an old story, but it still has the power to captivate children.
Kraft f; Macht f; Vermögen n; Fähigkeit f
Konzentrationsfähigkeit f
Es steht nicht in meiner Macht Ihnen zu helfen.
Ich werde alles in meiner Macht Stehende tun unternehmen um die Lage zu verbessern.
Es ist eine alte Geschichte aber sie vermag die Kinder immer noch zu fesseln.
power of concentration
I don't have it in my power to help you.
I'll do everything in within my power to improve the situation.
It's an old story but it still has the power to captivate children.
sich bewerben v (um)
sich bewerbend
sich beworben
bewirbt sich
bewarb sich
sich erneut bewerben
sich um eine Stelle bewerben
sich schriftlich bewerben
Er bewarb sich um die Stelle.
Er hat sich bei … beworben.
Bitte richten Sie Ihre schriftliche Bewerbung an unten stehende Adresse.
to apply (for)
to reapply
to apply for a job
to apply in writing
He applied for the job.
He's applied to … (for a job).
Please apply in writing to the address below.
Welle f; Woge f
Wellen pl; Wogen pl
kleine Welle
abklingende Welle
dynamische Welle
einfallende Welle; einlaufende Welle
fortschreitende Welle
gedämpfte Welle
gesteuerte Welle
interne Welle
stehende Welle
sich überschlagende Welle
gruppengebundene lange Wellen
zykloidale Welle
gegen die Wellen ankämpfen
wavelet; ripplet
decaying wave
dynamic wave
incident wave
progressive wave; travelling wave; swashing wave
damped wave
sustained wave
internal wave
standing wave; stationary wave
combing wave; comber
group-bounded long waves
cycloidal wave
to breast the waves
stillstehend; stehend; ruhend adj techn.
stillstehen; stehen; ruhen
stehende Figur (Kathodenstrahlröhre)
stehende Schwingung
stehende Welle; Stehwelle f phys. telco.
ruhender Kern (Kerntechnik)
ruhender Verkehr auto
im Stand
(in seiner Stellung) verharren; sich nicht bewegen
Drehen Sie im Stand den Motor ab. auto
to be stationary
stationary figure image pattern (cathode ray tube)
stationary oscillation; vibration
stationary wave; standing wave
stationary static nucleus; nucleus at rest (nuclear engineering)
stationary traffic
when stationary
to remain stationary
Turn off your engine when stationary.
Haltesignal n; Stoppsignal n; Signal n in Haltstellung; auf Halt stehendes Signal n; haltzeigendes Signal n (Bahn)
Haltesignale pl; Stoppsignale pl; Signale pl in Haltstellung; auf Halt stehende Signale pl; haltzeigende Signale pl
bedingtes Haltesignal; permissives Haltsignal
unbedingtes Haltesignal; absolutes Haltesignal
Ãœberfahren eines Haltsignals
stop signal; signal at danger (railway)
stop signals; signals at danger
permissive signal; stop-and-proceed signal; permissive stop-and-proceed light
absolute stop signal
passing a signal in the stop position; running past a stop signal; overrunning of a signal at danger
Wohnimmobilie f; Wohnobjekt n
Wohnimmobilien pl; Wohnobjekte pl
baufällige Wohnimmobilie
entkernte Wohnimmobilie
gehobene Wohnimmobilie
herkömmliche konventionelle Wohnimmobilie
hochwertige Wohnimmobilie
Wohnimmobilie im Bau
leer stehende leerstehende Wohnimmobilie
marktgängige Wohnimmobilie
neu erbaute Wohnimmobilie
Wohnimmobilie in Bestzustand 1a-Zustand
sanierte Wohnimmobilie
Eigentumswohnobjekt n
überalterte Wohnimmobilie
umfunktionierte konvertierte umgenutzte Wohnimmobilie
unbewohnbare Wohnimmobilie
residential property
residential properties
dilapidated residential property
gutted residential property
upmarket upscale residential property
conventional residential property
high-quality residential property; high-end residential property
residential property under construction
vacant residential property; unoccupied residential property
standard residential property
newly constructed residential property
residential property in mint condition
refurbished residential property; rehabilitated residential property
freehold residential property
obsolete residential property
converted residential property
uninhabitable residential property
Wohnimmobilie f; Wohnobjekt n
Wohnimmobilien pl; Wohnobjekte pl
baufällige Wohnimmobilie
entkernte Wohnimmobilie
gehobene Wohnimmobilie
herkömmliche konventionelle Wohnimmobilie
hochwertige Wohnimmobilie
Wohnimmobilie im Bau
leer stehende leerstehende Wohnimmobilie
marktgängige Wohnimmobilie
neu erbaute Wohnimmobilie
Wohnimmobilie in Bestzustand 1a-Zustand
sanierte Wohnimmobilie
trendige Wohnimmobilie
überalterte Wohnimmobilie
umfunktionierte konvertierte umgenutzte Wohnimmobilie
unbewohnbare Wohnimmobilie
residential property
residential properties
dilapidated residential property
gutted residential property
upmarket upscale residential property
conventional residential property
high-quality residential property; high-end residential property
residential property under construction
vacant residential property; unoccupied residential property
standard residential property
newly constructed residential property
residential property in mint condition
refurbished residential property; rehabilitated residential property
trendy residential property
obsolete residential property
converted residential property
uninhabitable residential property
Yogastellung f; Yogahaltung f (Asana) phil.
Adlerstellung f (Yoga)
Baumstellung f (Yoga)
Bogenstellung f (Yoga)
Drehsitz f (Yoga)
Dreieckstellung f (Yoga)
Fischstellung f (Yoga)
gebundene Winkelstellung f (Yoga)
gedrehte, seitliche Winkelstellung f (Yoga)
Girlandenstellung f; tiefe Hockstellung f (Yoga)
Halbmondstellung f (Yoga)
Heldenstellung f (Yoga)
Heuschreckenstellung f (Yoga)
Kobrastellung f (Yoga)
Kopf-Fuß-Stellung f (Yoga)
Kuhmaulstellung f (Yoga)
Lotussitz m (Yoga)
Nach-unten-schauender-Hund-Stellung f; Dachstellung f (Yoga)
Pflugstellung f (Yoga)
Schulterstand m; Kerze f (Yoga)
Seitstützstellung f; seitliche Brettstellung f (Yoga)
sitzende stehende Vorwärtsbeuge f (Yoga)
Stocksitz m (Yoga)
Stockstellung f; Stabstellung f; Plankenstellung f (Yoga)
Tänzerstellung f (Yoga)
Totenstellung f; Entspannungslage f (Yoga)
volle Bootsstellung f (Yoga)
yoga pose; yoga posture; yoga position (asana)
eagle pose (yoga)
tree pose (yoga)
bow pose (yoga)
spinal twist (yoga)
triangle pose (yoga)
fish pose (yoga)
bound angle pose (yoga)
revolved side angle pose (yoga)
garland pose (yoga)
crescent moon pose (yoga)
hero pose; warrior pose (yoga)
locust pose (yoga)
cobra pose (yoga)
standing forward bend (yoga)
cow face pose (yoga)
lotus pose (yoga)
downward facing dog pose (yoga)
plough pose Br.; plow pose Am. (yoga)
shoulder stand (yoga)
side plank pose (yoga)
seated standing forward bend (yoga)
staff pose (yoga)
four limbed staff pose (yoga)
lord of dance pose (yoga)
corpse pose; relaxation pose (yoga)
full boat pose (yoga)
Jogastellung f; Jogahaltung f (Asana) phil.
Adlerstellung f (Joga)
Baumstellung f (Joga)
Bogenstellung f (Joga)
Drehsitz f (Joga)
Dreieckstellung f (Joga)
Fischstellung f (Joga)
gebundene Winkelstellung f (Joga)
gedrehte seitliche Winkelstellung f (Joga)
Girlandenstellung f; tiefe Hockstellung f (Joga)
Halbmondstellung f (Joga)
Heldenstellung f (Joga)
Heuschreckenstellung f (Joga)
Kobrastellung f (Joga)
Kopf-Fuß-Stellung f (Joga)
Kuhmaulstellung f (Joga)
Lotussitz m (Joga)
Nach-unten-schauender-Hund-Stellung f; Dachstellung f (Joga)
Pflugstellung f (Joga)
Schulterstand m; Kerze f (Joga)
Seitstützstellung f; seitliche Brettstellung f (Joga)
sitzende stehende Vorwärtsbeuge f (Joga)
Stocksitz m (Joga)
Stockstellung f; Stabstellung f; Plankenstellung f (Joga)
Tänzerstellung f (Joga)
Totenstellung f; Entspannungslage f (Joga)
volle Bootsstellung f (Joga)
yoga pose; yoga posture; yoga position (asana)
eagle pose (yoga)
tree pose (yoga)
bow pose (yoga)
spinal twist (yoga)
triangle pose (yoga)
fish pose (yoga)
bound angle pose (yoga)
revolved side angle pose (yoga)
garland pose (yoga)
crescent moon pose (yoga)
hero pose; warrior pose (yoga)
locust pose (yoga)
cobra pose (yoga)
standing forward bend (yoga)
cow face pose (yoga)
lotus pose (yoga)
downward facing dog pose (yoga)
plough pose Br.; plow pose Am. (yoga)
shoulder stand (yoga)
side plank pose (yoga)
seated standing forward bend (yoga)
staff pose (yoga)
four limbed staff pose (yoga)
lord of dance pose (yoga)
corpse pose; relaxation pose (yoga)
full boat pose (yoga)

Deutsche stehende Synonyme

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Englische bearing fix Synonyme

bearing  Zeitgeist  action  actions  activity  acts  address  affectation  affective meaning  aftermath  aim  air  air express  airfreight  airlift  applicability  application  appositeness  aspect  asportation  attitude  axis  azimuth  backing  ball bearing  bearings  beck  beckon  behavior  behavior pattern  behavioral norm  behavioral science  bent  bevel bearing  birthing  body language  bolstering  boost  born  bracing  brow  bump  bumper crop  bunt  burdened  bushing  butt  buttressing  calved  carriage  carry  carrying  cartage  cast  cast of countenance  celestial navigation  charade  chassis  childbearing  childbirth  chironomy  color  coloring  complexion  comportment  concern  concernment  conduct  connection  connotation  consequence  conveyance  correlation  countenance  course  crop  culture pattern  current  custom  dactylology  dead reckoning  deaf-and-dumb alphabet  delivery  demeanor  denotation  deportment  dig  direction  direction line  display  doing  doings  drayage  drift  dropped  dumb show  effect  endurance  enduring  essence  exposure  expressage  extension  face  facial appearance  favor  feature  features  ferriage  fix  foaled  folkway  force  frame  freight  freightage  front  frontage  fructiferous  fructification  fruit  fruitbearing  fruiting  fruition  fulcrum  garb  germaneness  gesticulation  gesture  gesture language  gestures  gist  given birth  giving birth  glacial movement  goings-on  grammatical meaning  guise  hand signal  harvest  hatched  haulage  hauling  head  heading  headstock  helmsmanship  holding  hustle  idea  impact  implication  import  inclination  infrastructure  intension  interest  jab  jewel  jog  joggle  jolt  jostle  kinesics  lay  lexical meaning  lie  lighterage  line  line of direction  line of march  line of position  lineaments  lines  literal meaning  look  looks  lugging  main current  mainstream  maintaining  maintien  make  manner  manners  materiality  meaning  method  methodology  methods  mi  
bearings  abode  accommodation  achievement  adaptation  adjustment  alerion  alignment  animal charge  annulet  area  argent  armorial bearings  armory  arms  aspect  attitude  azimuth  azure  bandeau  bar  bar sinister  baton  bearing  bench mark  bend  bend sinister  billet  blazon  blazonry  bordure  broad arrow  cadency mark  canton  case  celestial navigation  chaplet  charge  chevron  chief  circumstance  coat of arms  cockatrice  condition  coronet  crescent  crest  cross  cross moline  crown  dead reckoning  device  difference  differencing  disorientation  district  eagle  emplacement  ermine  ermines  erminites  erminois  escutcheon  estate  exposure  falcon  fess  fess point  field  file  fix  flanch  fleur-de-lis  footing  fret  frontage  fur  fusil  garland  griffin  gules  gyron  hatchment  helmet  heraldic device  hole  honor point  impalement  impaling  inescutcheon  jam  label  latitude and longitude  lay  lie  lieu  line of position  lion  locale  locality  location  locus  lot  lozenge  mantling  marshaling  martlet  mascle  metal  modality  mode  motto  mullet  nombril point  octofoil  or  ordinary  orientation  orle  pale  paly  pass  pean  pheon  pickle  pilotage  pinpoint  place  placement  plight  point  position  position line  posture  predicament  purpure  quarter  quartering  radio bearing  rank  region  rose  sable  saltire  scutcheon  set  shield  site  situation  situs  spot  spread eagle  standing  state  station  status  stead  subordinary  tenne  tincture  torse  tressure  unicorn  vair  vert  whereabout  whereabouts  wreath  yale  

stehende Definition

(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bear
(n.) The manner in which one bears or conducts one's self
(n.) Patient endurance
(n.) The situation of one object, with respect to another, such situation being supposed to have a connection with the object, or influence upon it, or to be influenced by it
(n.) Purport
(n.) The act, power, or time of producing or giving birth
(n.) That part of any member of a building which rests upon its supports
(n.) The portion of a support on which anything rests.
(n.) Improperly, the unsupported span
(n.) The part of an axle or shaft in contact with its support, collar, or boxing
(n.) The part of the support on which a journal rests and rotates.
(n.) Any single emblem or charge in an escutcheon or coat of arms -- commonly in the pl.
(n.) The situation of a distant object, with regard to a ship's position, as on the bow, on the lee quarter, etc.
(n.) The widest part of a vessel below the plank-sheer.
(n.) The line of flotation of a vessel when properly trimmed with cargo or ballast.
Bearing cloth
() A cloth with which a child is covered when carried to be baptized.
Bearing rein
() A short rein looped over the check hook or the hames to keep the horse's head up
(v. t.) Firm
(v. t.) Not liable, or given, to change
(v. t.) Remaining unchanged or invariable, as a quantity, force, law, etc.
(v. t.) Consistent
(n.) That which is not subject to change
(n.) A quantity that does not change its value
(n.) A kind of rural festival at the dedication of a church, when the parishioners brought rushes to strew the church.

bearing fix / constant bearing Bedeutung

bearing false witness
lying under oath
criminal offense of making false statements under oath
ball bearing
needle bearing
roller bearing
bearings containing small metal balls
bearing a rotating support placed between moving parts to allow them to move easily
bearing rein
a rein designed to keep the horse's head in the desired position
bearing wall any wall supporting a floor or the roof of a building
charge bearing heraldic bearing
armorial bearing
heraldry consisting of a design or image depicted on a shield
journal bearing the bearing of a journal
thrust bearing a bearing designed to take thrusts parallel to the axis of revolution
dignified manner or conduct
bearing posture
characteristic way of bearing one's body, stood with good posture
constant quantity
a quantity that does not vary
law of constant proportion
law of definite proportions
(chemistry) law stating that every pure substance always contains the same elements combined in the same proportions by weight
typewriter font
constant-width font
fixed-width font
monospaced font
a typeface is which each character is given the same width (as by a typewriter)
the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies
Constant Lambert
Leonard Constant Lambert
English composer and conductor (-)
constant a number representing a quantity assumed to have a fixed value in a specified mathematical context, the velocity of light is a constant
Boltzmann's constant constant used in the calculation of the ideal gas constant
cosmological constant an arbitrary constant in the equations of general relativity theory
equilibrium constant (chemistry) the ratio of concentrations when equilibrium is reached in a reversible reaction (when the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction)
dissociation constant the equilibrium constant for a reversible dissociation
gas constant
universal gas constant
(physics) the universal constant in the gas equation: pressure times volume R times temperature, equal to . joules per kelvin per mole
gravitational constant
universal gravitational constant
constant of gravitation
(physics) the universal constant relating force to mass and distance in Newton's law of gravitation
Hubble's constant
Hubble constant
Hubble's parameter
Hubble parameter
(cosmology) the ratio of the speed of recession of a galaxy (due to the expansion of the universe) to its distance from the observer, the Hubble constant is not actually a constant, but is regarded as measuring the expansion rate today
Planck's constant
the constant of proportionality relating the energy of a photon to its frequency, approximately . x ^- joule-second
factor of proportionality
constant of proportionality
the constant value of the ratio of two proportional quantities x and y, usually written y kx, where k is the factor of proportionality
rydberg constant
rydberg unit
a wave number characteristic of the wave spectrum of each element
bearing relevant relation or interconnection, those issues have no bearing on our situation
time constant the ratio of the inductance of a circuit in henries to its resistance in ohms
white metal
bearing metal
an alloy (often of lead or tin base) used for bearings
bearing brass a brass bushing or a lining for a bearing
time constant (electronics) the time required for the current or voltage in a circuit to rise or fall exponentially through approximately per cent of its amplitude
solar constant the rate at which radiant solar energy is received at the outer layer of the earth's atmosphere
bearing(a) (of a structural member) withstanding a weight or strain
capable of bearing a structural load, a supporting wall
constant steadfast in purpose or devotion or affection, a man constant in adherence to his ideals, a constant lover, constant as the northern star
uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing, the ceaseless thunder of surf, in constant pain, night and day we live with the incessant noise of the city, the never-ending search for happiness, the perpetual struggle to maintain standards in a democracy, man's unceasing warfare with drought and isolation, unremitting demands of hunger
of or relating to or part of trees or shrubs bearing cones and evergreen leaves
capable of producing eggs and bearing offspring
containing gold, auriferous quartz veins
fur-bearing of animals having fur (especially of commercial quality)
nut-bearing (of shrubs or trees) producing nuts
oil-bearing containing oil, oil-bearing shale
invariant unvarying
unvarying in nature, maintained a constant temperature, principles of unvarying validity
producing living young (not eggs)
spore-bearing bearing spores instead of producing seeds
interest-bearing of financial obligations on which interest is paid
of or relating to or containing nitrogen
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