
tauglich Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

geeignet, tauglich
dienlich; tauglich; nützlich adj
geeignet; tauglich (für; zu) adj
fit (for)
geeignet, tauglich (für, zu) adj
fit (for)
geeignet; tauglich (für; zu) adj
Überleben der Stärksten
fit (for)
survival of the fittest
wehrdiensttauglich; tauglich ugs. adj mil.
bedingt tauglich
fit for military service
fit for limited duties
wehrfähig; wehrdiensttauglich adj mil.
am wehrfähigsten
bedingt tauglich
fit for military service
fitter for military service
fittest for military service
fit for limited duties
wehrfähig, wehrdiensttauglich adj mil.
am wehrfähigsten
bedingt tauglich
fit for military service
fitter for military service
fittest for military service
fit for limited duties
tauglich; brauchbar; verwertbar; aussagekräftig; valide geh. adj (Daten, Erkenntnisse usw.)
aussagekräftige Daten
valid (data, findings etc.)
valid data
geeignet, passend, tauglich, angemessen, recht adj (für)
geeigneter, passender
am geeignetsten, am passendsten
am besten geeignet, am günstigsten
nicht geeignet, nicht benutzbar
als geeignet angesehen werden
eine geeignete Lösung
suitable (for)
more suitable
most suitable
most suitable
to be considered suitable
a suitable solution
geeignet; passend; tauglich; angemessen; recht; adäquat adj (für)
geeigneter; passender
am geeignetsten; am passendsten
am besten geeignet; am günstigsten
nicht geeignet; nicht benutzbar
nicht geeignet für Kinder unter 6
als geeignet angesehen werden
eine geeignete Lösung
ein geeignetes Angebot
wenn es Ihnen passt; bei Gelegenheit
Dieser Film ist für Kinder ab 12 Jahren geeignet.
suitable (for)
more suitable
most suitable
most suitable
not suitable for children under 6
to be considered suitable
a suitable solution
a suitable offer
when suitable
This film movie is suitable for children aged 12 and up.

Deutsche tauglich Synonyme

fähig  Âim  Stande  Âqualifiziert  Âtauglich  
adäquat  Âangebracht  Âangemessen  Âbrauchbar  (für,  zu)  Âentsprechend  Âgeeignet  Âim  Rahmen  Ânach  Maß  Âpassend  Âqualifiziert  (für)  Âsinnvoll  Âstimmig  Âtauglich  (für,  zu)  Âverwendbar  (für,  zu)  Âzweckmäßig  
Weitere Ergebnisse für tauglich Synonym nachschlagen

Englische fit Synonyme

fit  Jacksonian epilepsy  Rolandic epilepsy  a propos  abdominal epilepsy  able  acceptable  access  accommodate  accommodate with  accord  according to Hoyle  accouter  acquired epilepsy  activated epilepsy  ad rem  adapt  adapt to  adaptation  adapted  adequate  adjust  adjust to  adjusted  adjustment  admissible  ado  advance  advantage  advantageous  advisable  affect epilepsy  agitation  agree with  akinetic epilepsy  alive and kicking  alter  ameliorate  amok  ample  answer  apoplexy  applicable  appoint  apposite  apprentice  appropriate  apropos  apt  arm  arrest  assimilate  assimilate to  attack  attune  au fait  auspicious  autonomic epilepsy  balance  balanced  barely sufficient  be OK  be guided by  be right  be there  become  becoming  befit  befitting  belong  bend  benefit  better  blaze  blockage  bother  botheration  break  break in  break up  breakup  breed  bright-eyed and bushy-tailed  bring up  bunkum  burst  bustle  cancel  capable  capacitate  caparison  cardiac epilepsy  cat fit  cataclysm  change  checked out  chime in with  chipper  climax  clonic spasm  clonus  comely  commensurate  commotion  compensate  competent  comply  comply with  compose  condign  condition  conditioning  conform  congruous  conniption  conniption fit  consonant  convenient  convert  convulsion  coordinate  correct  correspond  corresponding  cortical epilepsy  costume  counterbalance  counterpoise  countervail  cramp  cultivate  cursive epilepsy  cut to  cyclone  decent  decorous  defensible  deform  denature  deserved  desirable  develop  diastrophism  disaster  discipline  disguise  diurnal epilepsy  diversify  do  do the job  do the trick  dovetailing  dress  drill  duck fit  due  eclampsia  efficient  eligible  enable  enablement  enfranchised  enjoying health  enough  epilepsia  epilepsia gravior  epilepsia major  epilepsia minor  epilepsia mitior  epilepsia nutans  epilepsia tarda  epilepsy  epitasis  equal to  equalize  equate  equip  equipment  equitable    
fit in  accord  be there  belong  conform  correspond  dovetail  fall in with  fall into line  fit  follow the crowd  follow the fashion  follow the rule  get in line  go  go through channels  harmonize  have its place  have place  implant  infix  inlay  jibe  keep in step  pass muster  play the game  square  stay in line  tally  tessellate  toe the mark  
fit to be tied  enraged  fierce  fighting mad  fuming  furious  hopping mad  in a rage  infuriate  infuriated  rabid  raging  ranting  raving  raving mad  roaring mad  savage  storming  wild  
fitful  adrift  afloat  aimless  alternating  amorphous  broken  broken off  capricious  careening  casual  catchy  changeable  changeful  chopped-off  choppy  convulsive  correctly  decently  decorously  decousu  desultory  deviable  deviative  disarticulated  disconnected  discontinued  discontinuous  discrete  disjunct  disjunctive  disordered  dispersed  disproportionate  dizzy  eccentric  eclamptic  episodic  erratic  fast and loose  fickle  fidgety  fitly  fittingly  flickering  flighty  flitting  fluctuating  formless  freakish  frivolous  giddy  gratuitous  guttering  halting  haphazard  herky-jerky  heteroclite  hit-or-miss  immethodical  impetuous  impulsive  inchoate  incoherent  inconsistent  inconstant  indecisive  indiscriminate  infirm  intermittent  intermitting  interrupted  irregular  irresolute  irresponsible  jagged  jerking  jerky  jiggety  jumpy  justly  lurching  mazy  meaningless  mercurial  misshapen  moody  nicely  noncontinuous  nonlinear  nonsequential  nonserial  nonsymmetrical  nonsystematic  nonuniform  occasional  on-again-off-again  orderless  orgasmic  parenthetic  patchy  periodic  planless  promiscuous  properly  rambling  random  recurrent  restless  rightly  rough  roving  saltatory  scatterbrained  scrappy  senseless  shapeless  shifting  shifty  shuffling  snatchy  spasmatic  spasmic  spasmodic  spastic  spineless  sporadic  spotty  staggering  straggling  straggly  suspended  systemless  twitchety  twitching  twitchy  unaccountable  unarranged  uncertain  unclassified  unconnected  uncontrolled  undependable  undirected  undisciplined  unequal  uneven  unfixed  ungraded  unjoined  unmethodical  unmetrical  unordered  unorganized  unpredictable  unregular  unreliable  unrestrained  unrhythmical  unsettled  unsorted  unstable  unstable as water  unstaid  unsteadfast  unsteady  unsuccessive  unsymmetrical  unsystematic  ununiform  vacillating  vagrant  vague  variable  varying  veering  vellicative  vicissitudinary  vicissitudin  
fitfully  at haphazard  at intervals  at irregular intervals  at random  brokenly  by catches  by chance  by fits  by jerks  by skips  by snatches  capriciously  carelessly  desultorily  disconnectedly  discontinuously  eccentrically  erratically  flutteringly  haltingly  haphazardly  here and there  hit or miss  in snatches  in spots  inconstantly  indiscriminately  infrequently  intermittently  irregularly  jerkily  lurchingly  nonuniformly  occasionally  off and on  patchily  per saltum  promiscuously  quakingly  quaveringly  quiveringly  randomly  roughly  saltatorily  shakily  shudderingly  skippingly  sloppily  spasmodically  sporadically  spottily  tremblingly  tremulously  uncertainly  unevenly  unmethodically  unpredictably  unrhythmically  unsteadily  unsystematically  variably  waveringly  whimsically  willy-nilly  wobblingly  
fitness  Hygeia  ability  ableness  acceptability  account  adequacy  admissibility  advantage  advantageousness  advisability  applicability  appositeness  appropriateness  aptitude  aptness  auspiciousness  becomingness  beneficialness  bloom  caliber  capability  capableness  capacity  chargedness  civility  competence  competency  condition  convenience  correctitude  correctness  criticality  crucialness  decencies  decency  decorousness  decorum  desirability  efficacy  efficiency  eligibility  eligible  emotional health  expedience  expediency  facility  faculty  favorableness  feasibility  felicitousness  felicity  fettle  fine fettle  fittedness  fittingness  flair  flush  fruitfulness  genius  genteelness  gentility  glow  good shape  goodness  happiness  harmony  health  healthiness  kilter  loadedness  mastery  maturity  meetness  mental health  niceness  normality  normativeness  opportuneness  order  percentage  pertinence  physical condition  physical fitness  politicness  pregnancy  preparedness  proficiency  profit  profitability  properness  propitiousness  proprieties  propriety  prudence  qualification  readiness  relevance  repair  righteousness  rightness  ripeness  rosiness  salubriousness  salubrity  seasonableness  seasoning  seemliness  service  serviceability  shape  sufficiency  suitability  suitableness  suitedness  susceptibility  talent  tempering  the goods  the stuff  timeliness  tone  trim  urbanity  use  usefulness  utility  vigor  well-being  what it takes  wholesomeness  wisdom  worthiness  worthwhileness  
fits and starts  ague  arrhythmia  brokenness  bumpiness  capriciousness  chattering  choppiness  chorea  cold shivers  desultoriness  disconnectedness  discontinuity  eccentricity  erraticness  fibrillation  fitfulness  fluctuation  inconstancy  intermittence  irregularity  jactation  jactitation  jerkiness  joltiness  nonuniformity  palsy  patchiness  quaking  quavering  quivering  roughness  shakes  shaking  shivering  shivers  shuddering  spasms  spasticity  sporadicity  sporadicness  spottiness  stagger  succussion  trembling  tremulousness  uncertainty  unevenness  unmethodicalness  unpredictability  unsteadiness  unsystematicness  variability  vibration  whimsicality  wobble  
fitted  a propos  able  acceptable  accoutered  ad rem  adapted  adjusted  admissible  applicable  apposite  appropriate  apropos  apt  armed  au fait  becoming  befitting  bespoke  capable  catered  checked out  competent  conformable  custom-made  desirable  dovetailing  efficient  eligible  endowed  enfranchised  equal to  equipped  felicitous  fit  fitted for  fitted out  fitting  furnished  geared  happy  heeled  invested  journeyman  just right  likely  matched  meshing  on the button  opportune  outfitted  pat  prepared  proficient  provided  purveyed  qualified  relevant  rigged  right  seasonable  sortable  suitable  suited  suiting  supplied  tailor-made  tailored  to the point  to the purpose  up to  up to snuff  well-fitted  well-qualified  well-suited  with voice  with vote  worthy  
fitting  a propos  about-face  accessories  accommodation  accordant  according to Hoyle  accouterments  ad rem  adaptation  adapted  adjustment  advantageous  advisable  alteration  amelioration  apostasy  apparatus  appliances  applicable  appointments  apposite  appropriate  appurtenances  apropos  apt  armament  attachments  auspicious  banausic  becoming  befitting  beneficial  betterment  break  change  change of heart  changeableness  civil  comely  comme il faut  commodious  concordant  condign  conditioning  congruous  constructive change  continuity  conveniences  convenient  conversion  correct  decent  decorous  defection  degeneration  degenerative change  desirable  desired  deterioration  deviation  difference  discontinuity  divergence  diversification  diversion  diversity  dovetailing  due  duffel  elements  employable  enablement  equipage  equipment  expedient  facilities  facility  favorable  feasible  felicitous  fit  fitted  fitten  fittings  fixtures  flip-flop  fortunate  fructuous  functional  furnishing  furnishings  furniture  gear  geared  genteel  germane  good  good for  gradual change  happy  harmonious  helpful  impedimenta  improvement  inspired  installations  just  just right  kit  kosher  likely  lucky  machinery  materiel  meet  melioration  meshing  mitigation  modification  modulation  munition  munitions  nice  normal  normative  of general utility  of help  of service  of use  on the button  opportune  outfit  overthrow  paraphernalia  parts  pat  pertinent  pieces  plant  plumbing  politic  practical  pragmatical  profitable  proper  propitious  providential  qualification  qualified  radical change  recommendable  redesign  reform  reformation  relevant  remaking  renewal  reshaping  restructuring  reversal  revival  revivification  revolution  rig  rigging  right  right and proper  righteous  rightful  ripe  seasonable  seemly  serviceable  shift  sortable  stock-in-trade  sudden change  suitable  suited  suiting  switch  

tauglich Definition

fit Bedeutung

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100 Bewertungen 5


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