
unfertige Erzeugnisse {pl} Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

unfertige Erzeugnisse pl; halbfertige Erzeugnisse pl; Halbfertigerzeugnisse pl; Umlaufmaterial n (Buchhaltung) econ. adm.
work in progress WIP ; work in process WIP ; material in process; goods in progress; goods in process (accounting)
Erzeugnis n, Produkt n
Erzeugnisse pl, Produkte pl
Erzeugnis n, Produkt n
Erzeugnisse pl, Produkte pl
Erzeugnisse, Produkte
Erzeugnis n; Produkt n; Ertrag m; Ausbeute f
Erzeugnisse pl; Produkte pl
Produkt n; Erzeugnis n
Produkte pl; Erzeugnisse pl
inländisches Erzeugnis
medizinisches Produkt
Produkte mit geringem Marktanteil und geringem Marktwachstum econ.
domestic product
medical product
poor dogs
auf andere Weise; anderweitig; in sonstiger Weise; sonstwie ugs. adv
wenn du nichts anderes vorhast
soferne nichts anderes vereinbart ist
sofern nichts anderes festgelegt ist
vorbehaltlich anderweitiger Regelung
Diese Erzeugnisse müssen etikettiert oder anderweitig kenntlich gemacht werden.
Kann ich frisches Basilikum einfrieren oder sonstwie haltbar machen?
unless you are otherwise engaged
unless otherwise agreed
unless otherwise specified
except as otherwise provided
Those products must be labelled or otherwise identified.
Can I freeze or otherwise preserve fresh basil?
Produkt n; Erzeugnis n
Produkte pl; Erzeugnisse pl
Elektroerzeugnis n
inländisches Erzeugnis
medizinisches Produkt
Weißprodukte pl (Marketing)
Produkte mit geringem Marktanteil und geringem Marktwachstum econ.
electrical product
domestic product
medical product
white-label products (marketing)
poor dogs
auf andere Weise; anderweitig; in sonstiger Weise; sonstwie ugs. adv
wenn du nichts anderes vorhast
sofern nichts anderes vereinbart ist
sofern nichts anderes festgelegt ist
vorbehaltlich anderweitiger Regelung
durch Verhandlungen oder auf andere Weise
Diese Erzeugnisse müssen etikettiert oder anderweitig kenntlich gemacht werden.
Kann ich frisches Basilikum einfrieren oder sonstwie haltbar machen?
unless you are otherwise engaged
unless otherwise agreed
unless otherwise specified
except as otherwise provided
through negotiation or otherwise
Those products must be labelled or otherwise identified.
Can I freeze or otherwise preserve fresh basil?
halbfertiges Erzeugnis n; Halbfertigerzeugnis n; Halbfertigprodukt n; Halbfertigfabrikat n; Halbfabrikat n; Halbzeug n; Halbware f econ. techn.
halbfertige Erzeugnisse pl; Halbfertigerzeugnisse pl; Halbfertigprodukte pl; Halbfertigfabrikate pl; Halbfabrikate pl; Halbzeuge pl; Halbwaren pl
Halbzeug für Röhren
half-finished product; semi-finished product; semi-manufactured product
half-finished products; semi-finished products; semi-manufactured products; half-finished goods; semi-finished goods; half-manufactured goods
tube rounds
unfertige Erzeugnisse pl; halbfertige Erzeugnisse pl; Halbfertigerzeugnisse pl; Umlaufmaterial n (Buchhaltung) econ. adm.
work in progress WIP ; work in process WIP ; material in process; goods in progress; goods in process (accounting)
Erzeugnisse pl; Produkte pl
Erzeugnisse pl auf Milchbasis
milk-based products
Umstellungserzeugnisse pl (Erzeugnisse aus der Umstellung auf ökologische Landwirtschaft) agr. envir.
in-conversion products {pl} (products under conversion to organic farming)

Deutsche unfertige Erzeugnisse {pl} Synonyme

Englische work in progress WIP ; work in process WIP ; material in process; goods in progress; goods in process Synonyme

work  Grand Guignol  Nachtmusik  Passion play  Tom show  abatis  absolute music  accomplish  accomplished fact  accomplishment  acetify  achieve  achievement  acidify  acidulate  act  acta  acting  action  activism  activities  activity  adaptation  admix  advance  advanced work  advantage  adventure  affair  affairs  affect  agency  air varie  aleatory  aleatory music  alkalify  alkalize  alloy  amalgamate  answer  antimasque  arch dam  arrangement  art  art object  article  artifact  assignment  attain  attempt  audience success  author  autograph  avail  backset  backstop  bag  balistraria  ballet  bamboo curtain  bank  banquette  bar  barbed-wire entanglement  barbican  barrage  barricade  barrier  bartizan  bastion  battlement  be busy  be effective  be employed  be equal to  be in action  be productive  be responsible for  be right  bear  bear-trap dam  beaver dam  befit  befitting  beget  behave  behavior  bemingle  bend  benefit  best seller  bias  blend  block out  blow  blubber  boil  boil over  bomb  book  boom  borate  bottom  bound book  brainchild  breakwater  breastwork  breed  bric-a-brac  brick wall  bring about  bring forth  bring into being  bring to effect  bring to fruition  bring to pass  broadcast drama  bubble  bubble over  bubble up  buffer  bulkhead  bulwark  burble  burden  burlesque show  business  busy  busywork  calling  carbonate  career  career building  careerism  carry on  carry on business  carry out  carry through  carve  casemate  cast  catalyze  cause  chamber music  chamber orchestra  char  charade  chare  charge  chemical  cheval-de-frise  child  chisel  chlorinate  chore  circumvallation  classic  clear up  cliff hanger  closet drama  coalesce  cofferdam  coinage  color  coloring book  combine  comedy drama  commerce  commingle  commission  commitment  commix  compass  compose  composition  compound  computer printout  conceive  concern  concernment  concoct  concoction  conduct  conglomerate  consummate  contract  contravall  
work against  antagonize  be antipathetic  be inimical  beat against  clash  collide  conflict  conflict with  confute  contradict  contrapose  contravene  counter  counteract  counterattack  counterpose  countervail  counterwork  cross  go against  go counter to  interfere with  lock horns  meet head-on  militate against  oppose  oppugn  resist  run against  run counter to  swim upstream  
work at  be employed  carry on  carry on business  conduct  do  do business  employ  engage in  exercise  follow  follow a trade  go in for  have a job  keep up  labor  moonlight  practice  practice a profession  prosecute  pursue  set up shop  specialize in  stay employed  tackle  take on  take to  take up  toil  transact business  undertake  use  wage  work  work for  
work for  administer to  attend  attend on  be employed  care for  carry on business  cater to  chore  dance attendance upon  do business  do for  do service to  drudge  follow a trade  have a job  help  keep up  labor  lackey  look after  maid  minister to  moonlight  pander to  practice a profession  serve  set up shop  stay employed  take care of  tend  toil  transact business  upon  valet  wait  wait on  work  work at  
work in  admit  barge in  be admitted  break in  break in upon  breeze in  burst in  bust in  butt in  charge in  come barging in  come between  come breezing in  come busting in  come in  crash  crash in  crash the gates  creep in  cross the threshold  crowd in  cut in  drag in  drop in  edge in  elbow in  encroach  enter  entrench  foist  foist in  fudge in  gain admittance  get in  go in  go into  have an entree  have an in  hop in  horn in  impinge  implant in  impose  impose on  impose upon  infiltrate  infringe  inject in  insert  insert in  insinuate  insinuate in  intercalate  interfere  interjaculate  interject  interlope  interpolate  interpose  intervene  introduce in  intrude  invade  irrupt  jam in  jump in  look in  lug in  obtrude  pack in  pop in  press in  push in  put between  put in  put on  put upon  run in  rush in  sandwich  set foot in  slink in  slip in  smash in  smuggle in  sneak in  squeeze in  steal in  step in  storm in  take in  throng in  throw in  thrust in  trench  trespass  visit  wedge in  worm  worm in  
work of art  art object  brainchild  bric-a-brac  classic  composition  creation  design  grotesque  kitsch  master  masterpiece  masterwork  mobile  museum piece  nude  old master  pasticcio  pastiche  piece  piece of virtu  stabile  statue  still life  study  virtu  work  
work on  abuse  act on  act upon  advocate  affect  apply pressure  approach  bear upon  beset  besiege  blandish  bleed  bleed white  bug  buttonhole  cajole  call on  call upon  coax  concentrate on  deceive  drain  draw  draw on  dun  exert influence  exert pressure  exhort  exploit  focus on  foist on  get cozy with  high-pressure  ill-use  importune  impose on  impose upon  influence  insist  insist upon  jawbone  lead on  lobby  lobby through  magnetize  make advances  make overtures  make up to  make use of  manipulate  milk  misuse  nag  nag at  operate on  pass off on  pass the buck  pester  plague  play on  plead with  ply  press  pressure  presume upon  pull strings  push  put across  put on  put over  put upon  recommend  shift the blame  shift the responsibility  soft-soap  stroke  suck dry  sweet-talk  take advantage of  tease  treat  urge  use  use ill  wheedle  wire-pull  work upon  
work out  accommodate  accomplish  achieve  add  adjust  algebraize  amplify  answer  arrange  attain  attend  become of  bottom  bring off  calculate  carry into effect  carry into execution  carry off  carry out  carry through  cast  cipher  clear up  close  close with  come about  come of  come out  come through  compass  complete  compose  compute  concert  conclude  consummate  contrive  crack  cut out  deal with  debug  decipher  decode  descant  design  detail  develop  devise  dilate  discharge  disentangle  dispatch  dispose of  divide  divine  do  do the job  do the trick  dope  dope out  effect  effectuate  elaborate  enact  end  enlarge  enlarge upon  ensue  enter into detail  estimate  eventuate  evolve  execute  expand  expatiate  explain  explicate  extract roots  fall out  fare  fathom  fetch  figure  figure in  figure out  find out  find the answer  find the solution  fix  follow  forecast  frame  fulfill  get  get right  get through  go into  go through  guess  guess right  have it  hit it  implement  intend  interpret  issue  knock off  labor  lay plans  make  make a projection  make arrangements  make out  make up  manage  measure  methodize  multiply  open the lock  organize  pan out  particularize  perform  plan  plan ahead  plumb  polish off  prearrange  produce  program  project  prove  prove to be  psych  psych out  put away  put in practice  put into effect  put into practice  put through  puzzle out  rationalize  ravel  ravel out  realize  reckon  rehearse in extenso  relate at large  resolve  result  riddle  schedule  schematize  score  set up  settle  settle with  shape  solve  sort out  spell out  straighten out  subtract  succeed  systematize  take account of  take care of  tally  terminate  translate into action  turn out  turn the trick  undo  unfold  unlock  unravel  unriddle  unscramble  untangle  untwist  unweave  work  work up  
work stoppage  arrest  bell  boycott  boycottage  check  checkmate  cutoff  dead stop  deadlock  end  endgame  ending  final whistle  full stop  grinding halt  gun  halt  job action  lockout  outlaw strike  revolt  rulebook slowdown  sick-in  sit-down  sit-down strike  slowdown  stalemate  stand  standoff  standstill  stay  stop  stoppage  strike  sympathy strike  tie-up  turnout  walkout  wildcat strike  
work toward  bend to  bias  conduce  contribute  dispose  go  have a tendency  head  incline  lead  lean  look to  point  point to  redound to  serve  set  set toward  show a tendency  tend  trend  turn  verge  warp  
work up  Pap test  aggravate  agitate  anatomic diagnosis  annoy  arouse  arrange  awake  awaken  beat  beat up  biological diagnosis  biopsy  blow the coals  blow up  breed  bristle  calculate  call forth  call up  cast  cause  chafe  churn  churn up  clinical diagnosis  concert  contrive  convulse  cut out  cytodiagnosis  design  devise  diagnosis  differential diagnosis  digital examination  disarrange  discompose  disquiet  disturb  electrocardiography  electroencephalography  electromyography  embitter  engender  enkindle  enrage  examination  exasperate  excite  fan  fan the fire  fan the flame  feed the fire  ferment  figure  fire  flame  flurry  foment  forecast  frame  frenzy  fret  get up  hatch  heat  heat up  huff  impassion  incense  incite  induce  inflame  infuriate  instigate  intend  irritate  key up  kindle  laboratory diagnosis  lather up  lay plans  light the fuse  light up  madden  make a projection  make arrangements  mammography  methodize  miff  move  muster up  nettle  occasion  oral examination  organize  overexcite  paddle  peeve  perturb  perturbate  physical diagnosis  physical examination  pique  plan  plan ahead  postmortem diagnosis  prearrange  produce  program  project  provoke  put up to  rally  rankle  rationalize  rile  ripple  roil  roughen  rouse  ruffle  rumple  schedule  schematize  serodiagnosis  set astir  set fire to  set on  set on fire  set up  shake  shake up  shape  sic on  smear  steam up  stir  stir the blood  stir the embers  stir the feelings  stir up  study  summon up  swirl  systematize  test  tickle  trouble  turn on  upset  urinalysis  uroscopy  vex  wake  wake up  waken  warm  warm the blood  whet  whip  whip up  whisk  work into  work out  
work well  be blooded  be effortless  be painless  be successful  catch on  click  coast  come off  connect  farewell  flow  give no trouble  glide  go  go easily  go great guns  go like clockwork  go off  go over  go over big  go to town  graduate  make a hit  meet with success  pass  present no difficulties  prevail  prosper  qualify  roll  run smoothly  sail  slide  succeed  sweep  take  work wonders  
work wonders  be blooded  be successful  catch on  click  come off  connect  farewell  go  go great guns  go off  go over  go over big  go to town  graduate  make a hit  meet with success  pass  prevail  prosper  qualify  succeed  take  work well  
workable  achievable  actable  answerable  applicable  ascertainable  attainable  banausic  capable of solution  compassable  decipherable  decodable  determinable  doable  effective  effectual  efficient  explainable  explicable  exploitable  feasible  manageable  maneuverable  manipulatable  negotiable  open to solution  operable  operatable  overcomable  performable  practicable  practical  pragmatic  realizable  resolvable  soluble  solvable  superable  surmountable  usable  viable  
workaday  Attic  banausic  breadwinning  businesslike  chaste  classic  classical  commercial  common  commonplace  everyday  garden  garden-variety  homely  homespun  household  lowly  materialistic  matter-of-fact  moneymaking  mundane  nondescript  ordinary  plain  practical  prosaic  prosy  pure  pure and simple  quotidian  realistic  routine  simple  unremarkable  usual  utilitarian  workday  working  
workbench  agency  ambo  atelier  bar  barbershop  beauty parlor  beauty shop  bench  board  buffet  butcher shop  company  concern  corporation  counter  desk  escritoire  establishment  facility  firm  house  installation  institution  lectern  loft  organization  parlor  secretaire  secretary  shop  stand  studio  sweatshop  table  work site  work space  workhouse  working space  workplace  workroom  workshop  worktable  writing table  
workbook  Domesday Book  abecedarium  abecedary  account book  address book  adversaria  album  alphabet book  annual  appointment calendar  appointment schedule  battledore  blankbook  blotter  calendar  casebook  cashbook  catalog  classified catalog  commonplace book  court calendar  daybook  desk calendar  diary  diptych  docket  engagement book  exercise book  gradus  grammar  hornbook  journal  ledger  log  logbook  loose-leaf notebook  manual  manual of instruction  memo book  memorandum book  memory book  notebook  pad  petty cashbook  pocket notebook  pocketbook  police blotter  primer  reader  schoolbook  scrapbook  scratch pad  speller  spelling book  spiral notebook  t  table  tablet  text  triptych  writing tablet  yearbook  
worked up  agog  angered  angry  aquiver  aroused  atingle  atwitter  browned-off  bursting  carried away  cross  ebullient  effervescent  excited  exhilarated  fired  high  hopped up  impassioned  incensed  indignant  inflamed  irate  ireful  keyed up  lathered up  livid  mad  manic  moved  pissed  pissed-off  ready to burst  riled up  roused  sore  steamed up  stimulated  stirred  stirred up  thrilled  ticked off  tingling  tingly  turned-on  whipped up  wrathful  wrathy  wroth  wrought up  wrought-up  yeasty  
worker  actor  agent  ant  architect  army ant  artisan  assistant  author  bee  black ant  blue-collar worker  brainworker  brassworker  breadwinner  bumblebee  carpenter ant  casual  casual laborer  clothworker  common laborer  craftsman  creator  day laborer  doer  drone  emmet  employee  executant  executor  executrix  fabricator  factory worker  fieldworker  fire ant  flintworker  flunky  free lance  free-lancer  full-time worker  garmentworker  girl Friday  glassworker  goldworker  hand  handicraftsman  hired hand  hired man  hireling  honeybee  hornet  house ant  industrial worker  ironworker  jobber  jobholder  laborer  laboring man  laceworker  leatherworker  maker  man Friday  mechanic  medium  menial  mercenary  metalworker  migrant  millworker  mineworker  moiler  mover  myrmidon  navvy  needleworker  office temporary  operant  operative  operator  pensioner  performer  perpetrator  pismire  practitioner  prime mover  producer  proletarian  queen  queen bee  red ant  right-hand man  roustabout  salaried worker  self-employed person  servant  slave ant  soldier  stiff  subject  temporary  termite  toiler  wage earner  wage slave  wageworker  wasp  workgirl  workhand  working girl  workingman  workingwoman  workman  yellow jacket  
workhorse  beast of burden  bidet  buck  carriage horse  cart horse  cavalry horse  draft horse  dray horse  driving horse  drudge  fag  fill horse  filler  galley slave  gigster  greasy grind  grind  grub  hack  hackney  horse  hunter  jument  lead  leader  mount  pack horse  palfrey  peon  plodder  plow horse  pole horse  polo pony  post-horse  remount  rider  riding horse  road horse  roadster  rouncy  saddle horse  saddler  sawbuck  shaft horse  slave  slavey  slogger  stalking-horse  sumpter  sumpter horse  swot  thill horse  thiller  toiler  trestle  wheeler  wheelhorse  

unfertige Erzeugnisse {pl} Definition

(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Account
Bantam work
() Carved and painted work in imitation of Japan ware.
Dress goods
() A term applied to fabrics for the gowns of women and girls
Dry goods
() A commercial name for textile fabrics, cottons, woolens, linen, silks, laces, etc., -- in distinction from groceries.
(n. pl.) See Good, n., 3.
(n.) Artificial and ornamental rockwork in imitation of a grotto.
(n.) See Handiwork.
(a.) Consisting of matter
(a.) Hence: Pertaining to, or affecting, the physical nature of man, as distinguished from the mental or moral nature
(a.) Of solid or weighty character
(a.) Pertaining to the matter, as opposed to the form, of a thing. See Matter.
(n.) The substance or matter of which anything is made or may be made.
(v. t.) To form from matter
(n.) The act of proceeding
(n.) A series of actions, motions, or occurrences
(n.) A statement of events
(n.) Any marked prominence or projecting part, especially of a bone
(n.) The whole course of proceedings in a cause real or personal, civil or criminal, from the beginning to the end of the suit
(n.) A moving or going forward
(n.) In actual space, as the progress of a ship, carriage, etc.
(n.) In the growth of an animal or plant
(n.) In business of any kind
(n.) In knowledge
(n.) Toward ideal completeness or perfection in respect of quality or condition
(n.) A journey of state
(v. i.) To make progress
(v. i.) To make improvement
(v. t.) To make progress in
Sabrina work
() A variety of applique work for quilts, table covers, etc.
Siemens-Martin process
() See Open-hearth process, etc., under Open.
Sorrento work
() Ornamental work, mostly carved in olivewood, decorated with inlay, made at or near Sorrento, Italy. Hence, more rarely, jig-saw work and the like done anywhere.
Steelbow goods
() Those goods on a farm, such as corn, cattle, implements husbandry, etc., which may not be carried off by a removing tenant, as being the property of the landlord.
(n.) Work done by the piece, as in nonmetaliferous rock, the amount done being usually reckoned by the fathom.
Weldon's process
() A process for the recovery or regeneration of manganese dioxide in the manufacture of chlorine, by means of milk of lime and the oxygen of the air
(n.) Exertion of strength or faculties
(n.) The matter on which one is at work
(n.) That which is produced as the result of labor
(n.) Specifically: (a) That which is produced by mental labor
(n.) Structures in civil, military, or naval engineering, as docks, bridges, embankments, trenches, fortifications, and the like
(n.) The moving parts of a mechanism
(n.) Manner of working
(n.) The causing of motion against a resisting force. The amount of work is proportioned to, and is measured by, the product of the force into the amount of motion along the direction of the force. See Conservation of energy, under Conservation, Unit of work, under Unit, also Foot pound, Horse power, Poundal, and Erg.
(n.) Ore before it is dressed.
(n.) Performance of moral duties
(n.) To exert one's self for a purpose
(n.) Hence, in a general sense, to operate
(n.) Hence, figuratively, to be effective
(n.) To carry on business
(n.) To be in a state of severe exertion, or as if in such a state
(n.) To make one's way slowly and with difficulty

work in progress WIP ; work in process WIP ; material in process; goods in progress; goods in process (accounting) Bedeutung

physical process
a sustained phenomenon or one marked by gradual changes through a series of states, events now in process, the process of calcification begins later for boys than for girls
material breach a breach serious enough to destroy the value of the contract and to give a basis for an action for breach of contract
advancement progress gradual improvement or growth or development, advancement of knowledge, great progress in the arts
work flow
progress (or rate of progress) in work being done
procession advance
advancement forward motion
onward motion
the act of moving forward (as toward a goal)
service serving
service of process
the act of delivering a writ or summons upon someone, he accepted service of the subpoena
work activity directed toward making or doing something, she checked several points needing further work
work load
work that a person is expected to do in a specified time
active work of little value, while he was waiting he filled the days with busywork
welfare work
social service
an organized activity to improve the condition of disadvantaged people in society
line of work
the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money, he's not in my line of business
the occupation for which you are paid, he is looking for employment, a lot of people are out of work
electrical work the craft of an electrician
sheet-metal work the craft of doing sheet metal work (as in ventilation systems)
tool-and-die work the craft of making special tools and dies
the occupation of maintaining and auditing records and preparing financial reports for a business
cost accounting keeping account of the costs of items in production
inventory accounting accounting that controls and evaluates inventory
police work
police investigation
the investigation of criminal activities
detection detecting
detective work
a police investigation to determine the perpetrator, detection is hard on the feet
field work an investigation carried out in the field rather than in a laboratory or headquarters
time and motion study
time-and-motion study
time-motion study
motion study
time study
work study
an analysis of a specific job in an effort to find the most efficient method in terms of time and effort
undercover work
the act of keeping a secret watch for intelligence purposes
surgery surgical operation
surgical procedure
surgical process
a medical procedure involving an incision with instruments, performed to repair damage or arrest disease in a living body, they will schedule the operation as soon as an operating room is available, he died while undergoing surgery
mission missionary work the organized work of a religious missionary
scut work
trivial, unrewarding, tedious, dirty, and disagreeable chores, the hospital hired him to do scut work
waste of material a useless consumption of material
mathematical process
mathematical operation
(mathematics) calculation by mathematical methods, the problems at the end of the chapter demonstrated the mathematical processes involved in the derivation, they were learning the basic operations of arithmetic
work-study program an educational plan in which students alternate between paid employment and formal study
a particular course of action intended to achieve a result, the procedure of obtaining a driver's license, it was a process of trial and error
work-in occasion when workers continue to work as a protest against e.g. proposed dismissal or closure of the factory
due process
due process of law
(law) the administration of justice according to established rules and principles, based on the principle that a person cannot be deprived of life or liberty or property without appropriate legal procedures and safeguards
social work any of various services designed to aid the poor and aged and to increase the welfare of children
work to rule a job action in which workers cause a slowdown by doing only the minimum amount required by the rules of the workplace
work stoppage
a group's refusal to work in protest against low pay or bad work conditions, the strike lasted more than a month before it was settled
work animal an animal trained for and used for heavy labor
bedding material
bedding litter
material used to provide a bed for animals
work shoe
a thick and heavy shoe
consumer goods goods (as food or clothing) intended for direct use or consumption
soft goods
textiles or clothing and related merchandise
durable goods
consumer durables
consumer goods that are not destroyed by use
artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers, the fabric in the curtains was light and semitransparent, woven cloth originated in Mesopotamia around BC, she measured off enough material for a dress
fancy goods goods that are chiefly ornamental
material things needed for doing or making something, writing materials, useful teaching materials
work body of work
the total output of a writer or artist (or a substantial part of it), he studied the entire Wagnerian oeuvre, Picasso's work can be divided into periods
packaged goods groceries that are packaged for sale
photographic paper
photographic material
light-sensitive paper on which photograph can be printed
piece of cloth
piece of material
a separate part consisting of fabric
sporting goods sports equipment sold as a commodity
upholstery material the fabric used in upholstering
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