
von … an (Zeitangabe) {prp} Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Zeitangabe f ling.
adverbial expression of time; adverbial of time; expression of time
Zeitangabe f ling.
adverbial expression of time
Datum, Zeitangabe, Zeitpunkt
während; währenddessen geh.; währenddem ugs. conj (Zeitangabe)
while; whilst Br. (used to refer to a time)
von … an (Zeitangabe) prp
Von Beginn des Buches an ist klar, dass …
from (used to refer to a time period)
It is clear from the beginning of the book that …
Uhrzeit f; Zeitangabe f
nach der Uhrzeit fragen
Haben sie die genaue Uhrzeit?
time; time of day
to ask the time
Do you have the correct time?
längstens jedoch (+ Zeitangabe)
in der Regel 3 Monate lang, längstens jedoch sechs Monate
but no longer than; but not exceeding (+expression of time)
typically for three months, but no longer than six months but not exceeding six months
ab; per; mit; mit Wirkung vom adm. (+ Zeitangabe)
Das Projekt wurde per mit 1. Juli beendet.
as from Br.; as of Am. (+ expression of time)
The project was terminated as of July 1.
Datum n, Zeitangabe f, Zeitpunkt m, Termin m, Verabredung f
Daten pl
neueren Datums
of recent date
genau; exakt adv (+ Zeitangabe)
genau um Mitternacht
exakt zur Halbzeit zum Ende der Spielzeit sport
on the stroke of (+ expression of time)
at the stroke of midnight
on the stroke of half-time full-time
letztere; letzterer; letzteres (Aufzählung); jüngste; jüngster; jüngstes (Zeitangabe) adj
in der jüngsten Zeit
im letzteren Fall
(the) latter
in these latter days
in the latter case
den die das ganze n (+ Zeitangabe) hindurch; den die das ganze n (+ Zeitangabe) über adv
das ganze Jahr hindurch; das ganze Jahr über
ihr ganzes Leben lang
throughout (+ expression of time)
throughout the year
throughout her life
Datum n; Zeitangabe f; Zeitpunkt m
Daten pl; Zeitangaben pl
der Hochzeitstermin
neueren Datums
ohne Datum
falsches Datum
Wir schreiben den 5. Mai 2000.
Merken Sie sich bitte das Datum in Ihrem Kalender vor.
the date of the wedding
of recent date
no date n.d.
The date is 5 May 2000.; Our story begins on May 5th, 2000.
Please save the date in your calendar.
Datum n; Zeitangabe f; Zeitpunkt m
Daten pl; Zeitangaben pl
der Hochzeitstermin
neueren Datums
ohne Datum
falsches Datum
Wir schreiben den 5. Mai 2000.
Merken sie sich bitte das Datum in Ihrem Kalender vor.
the date of the wedding
of recent date
no date n.d.
The date is 5 May 2000.; Our story begins on May 5th 2000.
Please save the date in your calendar.
da; wo; in an zu dem; in an zu der adv (Zeitangabe)
Freitag ist der Tag, an dem …
Wir leben in einer Zeit, in der wo …
Es gibt Zeiten, da hasse ich meine Arbeit.
Morgen, da müssen wir eine Entscheidung treffen.; Morgen ist der Tag, an dem wir eine Entscheidung treffen müssen.
when; on which (used to refer to a time)
Friday is the day when …
We are living in a time when …
There are times when I hate my job.
Tomorrow is when we must decide.
vorig; vergangen; letzte r s; verflossen geh.; verwichen obs. adj (+ Zeitangabe)
vorige Woche; vergangene Woche; letzte Woche; in der vergangenen letzten Woche
voriger Monat; vergangener Monat
voriges vergangenes letztes Jahr; im vergangenen letzten Jahr; im verflossenen Jahr geh.
the past; this past; last (used to refer to a time period)
this past week; last week
last month
in the past year; this past year; last year
bis prp; +Akk. (+ Zeitangabe, bis wann etw. andauert)
bis jetzt; bisher
bis heute; bis zum heutigen Tag(e)
bis morgen
bis auf weiteres; bis auf Widerruf
bis auf
bis nach den Wahlen
bis 3 Uhr warten
bis in den Tod
bis dass der Tod uns euch scheidet
bis wann?
Bis vor einigen Jahren war das nicht legal.
until; till coll.; 'til coll.; up until; up till; up to
until now; till now; up until now; up to now
until this day; till this day; up until this day; up to this day; up to the present day time
till tomorrow; by tomorrow
until further notice; for the time being
(right) down to
until after the elections
to wait until three o'clock
till death
until till death do us you part
until when; till when
That was illegal up until a few years ago.
bis spätestens; bis prp; spätestens adv (+ Zeitangabe als Ende einer Frist)
spätestens um 10
bis spätestens Donnerstag
Lieferung bis (spätestens)
spätestens dann, wenn …
allerspätestens morgen Mittag
Kannst du mit der Arbeit bis fünf Uhr fertig sein?
Bis morgen habe ich es fertig.
Sie sollte jetzt schon da sein.
Nächste Woche um diese Zeit bin ich schon im Urlaub.
Wenn Sie dieses Schreiben erreicht, werde ich das Land bereits verlassen haben.
Spätestens da wurde uns klar, dass …
Spätestens seit seinem Fernsehauftritt ist er in aller Munde.
by; no later than; at the latest (postpositive)
at ten at the latest
by Thursday at the latest
delivery by
at the latest when …
at the very latest tomorrow noon
Can you finish the work by five o'clock?
I'll have it done by tomorrow.; I'll get it done by tomorrow.
She ought to have arrived by now by this time.
By this time next week I'll be on holiday.
By the time (that) this letter reaches you I will have left the country.
It was then, if not before, that we realized …
He has been the talk of the town since he appeared on TV, if not earlier.

Deutsche von … an (Zeitangabe) {prp} Synonyme

Datum  ÂZeitangabe  ÂZeitpunkt  
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Englische adverbial expression of time; adverbial of time; expression of time Synonyme

von … an (Zeitangabe) {prp} Definition

(a.) Of or pertaining to an adverb
Benting time
() The season when pigeons are said to feed on bents, before peas are ripe.
(n.) The act of expressing
(n.) The act of declaring or signifying
(n.) Lively or vivid representation of meaning, sentiment, or feeling, etc.
(n.) That which is expressed by a countenance, a posture, a work of art, etc.
(n.) A form of words in which an idea or sentiment is conveyed
(n.) The representation of any quantity by its appropriate characters or signs.
(n.) Duration, considered independently of any system of measurement or any employment of terms which designate limited portions thereof.
(n.) A particular period or part of duration, whether past, present, or future
(n.) The period at which any definite event occurred, or person lived
(n.) The duration of one's life
(n.) A proper time
(n.) Hour of travail, delivery, or parturition.
(n.) Performance or occurrence of an action or event, considered with reference to repetition
(n.) The present life
(n.) Tense.
(n.) The measured duration of sounds
(v. t.) To appoint the time for
(v. t.) To regulate as to time
(v. t.) To ascertain or record the time, duration, or rate of
(v. t.) To measure, as in music or harmony.
(v. i.) To keep or beat time
(v. i.) To pass time
(a.) Honored for a long time
(n.) A tabular statement of the time at which, or within which, several things are to take place, as the recitations in a school, the departure and arrival of railroad trains or other public conveyances, the rise and fall of the tides, etc.
(n.) A plane surface divided in one direction with lines representing hours and minutes, and in the other with lines representing miles, and having diagonals (usually movable strings) representing the speed and position of various trains.
(n.) A table showing the notation, length, or duration of the several notes.

adverbial expression of time; adverbial of time; expression of time Bedeutung

time the continuum of experience in which events pass from the future through the present to the past
expression the act of forcing something out by squeezing or pressing, the expression of milk from her breast
pursuit sideline
spare-time activity
an auxiliary activity
time and motion study
time-and-motion study
time-motion study
motion study
time study
work study
an analysis of a specific job in an effort to find the most efficient method in terms of time and effort
waste of time the devotion of time to a useless activity, the waste of time could prove fatal
time exposure exposure of a film for a relatively long time (more than half a second)
harvest time
the season for gathering crops
haying time
the season for cutting and drying and storing grass as fodder
break time out
a pause from doing something (as work), we took a -minute break, he took time out to recuperate
free time
spare time
time that is free from duties or responsibilities
character printer
character-at-a-time printer
serial printer
a printer that prints a single character at a time
line printer
line-at-a-time printer
printer that serves as an output device on a computer, prints a whole line of characters at a time
page printer
page-at-a-time printer
a printer that prints one page at a time
time-ball a ball that slides down a staff to show a fixed time, especially at an observatory
time bomb
infernal machine
a bomb that has a detonating mechanism that can be set to go off at a particular time
time capsule container for preserving historical records to be discovered at some future time
time clock clock used to record the hours that people work
time-delay measuring instrument
time-delay measuring system
chronoscope for measuring the time difference between two events
time exposure a photograph produced with a relatively long exposure time
time-fuse a fuse made to burn for a given time (especially to explode a bomb)
time machine a science fiction machine that is supposed to transport people or objects into the past or the future
time-switch a switch set to operate at a desired time
look aspect facial expression
the feelings expressed on a person's face, a sad expression, a look of triumph, an angry face
time of origin
the oldness of wines
rhythm as given by division into parts of equal duration
light time distance measured in terms of the speed of light (or radio waves), the light time from Jupiter to the sun is approximately minutes
space-time continuum
the four-dimensional coordinate system ( dimensions of space and of time) in which physical events are located
time series a series of values of a variable at successive times
pulse-time modulation modulation of the time between successive pulses
construction grammatical construction
a group of words that form a constituent of a sentence and are considered as a single unit, I concluded from his awkward constructions that he was a foreigner
parenthetical expression
an expression in parentheses, his writing was full of parentheticals
adverbial a word or group of words function as an adverb
time sheet a record of the hours worked by employees
a group of symbols that make a mathematical statement
circumlocution indirect expression an indirect way of expressing something
time signal a signal (especially electronic or by radio) indicating the precisely correct time
time signature
musical time signature
a musical notation indicating the number of beats to a measure and kind of note that takes a beat
facial expression
facial gesture
a gesture executed with the facial muscles
expression manifestation reflection reflexion expression without words, tears are an expression of grief, the pulse is a reflection of the heart's condition
the style of expressing yourself, he suggested a better formulation, his manner of expression showed how much he cared
self-expression the expression of one's individuality (usually through creative activities)
turn of phrase
turn of expression
a distinctive spoken or written expression, John's succinct turn of phrase persuaded her that it would not be a good idea
expression verbal expression
the communication (in speech or writing) of your beliefs or opinions, expressions of good will, he helped me find verbal expression for my ideas, the idea was immediate but the verbalism took hours
a word or phrase that particular people use in particular situations, pardon the expression
idiom idiomatic expression
phrasal idiom
set phrase
phrase r
an expression whose meanings cannot be inferred from the meanings of the words that make it up
slang slang expression
slang term
informal language consisting of words and expressions that are not considered appropriate for formal occasions, often vituperative or vulgar, their speech was full of slang expressions
good time
a highly pleasurable or exciting experience, we had a good time at the party, celebrating after the game was a blast
time a person's experience on a particular occasion, he had a time holding back the tears, they had a good time together
semantic error
run-time error
runtime error
an error in logic or arithmetic that must be detected at run time
an instance or single occasion for some event, this time he succeeded, he called four times, he could do ten at a clip
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