
Deutsche voriger Monat Synonyme

Dezember  Âletzter  Monat  des  Jahres  ÂMonat  der  Wintersonnenwende  ÂMonat  des  Winterbeginns  Âzwölfter  Monat  des  Jahres  
Juni  ÂJuno  (gesprochene  Form)  ÂMonat  der  Sommersonnenwende  ÂMonat  des  Sommerbeginns  ÂRosenmonat  Âsechster  Monat  des  Jahres  
dritter  Monat  des  Jahres  ÂMärz  ÂMärzen  (veraltet)  ÂMonat  des  Frühlingsbeginns  
Monat  des  Herbstbeginns  Âneunter  Monat  des  Jahres  ÂSeptember  
letzter  Âvorhergehender  Âvoriger  Âzurückliegender  
Jahreszwölftel  ÂMonat  
jeden  Monat  Âmonatlich  Âmtl.  
achter  Monat  des  Jahres  ÂAugust  
April  Âvierter  Monat  des  Jahres  
Oktober  Âzehnter  Monat  des  Jahres  
elfter  Monat  des  Jahres  ÂNebelmonat  ÂNovember  
fünfter  Monat  des  Jahres  ÂMai  ÂWonnemonat  ÂWonnemond  
erster  Monat  des  Jahres  ÂJanuar  ÂJänner  (österr.)  
Julei  (gesprochene  Form)  ÂJuli  Âsiebenter  Monat  des  Jahres  
Feber  (österr.)  ÂFebruar  ÂHornung  (veraltet)  Âzweiter  Monat  des  Jahres  
Monat des Herbstbeginns  neunter Monat des Jahres  September  
achter Monat des Jahres  August  
dritter Monat des Jahres  März  Märzen (veraltet)  Monat des Frühlingsbeginns  
elfter Monat des Jahres  Nebelmonat  November  
erster Monat des Jahres  Januar  Jänner (österr.)  
fünfter Monat des Jahres  Mai  Wonnemonat  Wonnemond  
jeden Monat  monatlich  mtl.  
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Englische previous month Synonyme

previous  a bit previous  above  advanced  aforementioned  aforesaid  ahead  ancient  ante  antecedent  anterior  anticipatory  before  beforehand  ci-devant  earlier  early  elder  erstwhile  far ahead  first  fore  foregoing  former  forward  half-baked  half-cocked  hasty  ill-considered  immemorial  impulsive  in advance  late  not firm  old  olden  older  once  onetime  overhasty  oversoon  past  precedent  preceding  precipitate  precocious  precurrent  preexistent  prehistoric  premature  previous to  prime  primeval  primitive  prior  prior to  quondam  recent  rushed  senior  sometime  soon  then  too early  too soon  uncrystallized  unjelled  unmatured  unmeditated  unpremeditated  unprepared  unripe  untimely  whilom  
previously  aforetime  already  at one time  before  before all  before now  beforehand  beforetime  earlier  early  ere  ere then  erenow  erewhile  erst  erstwhile  formerly  heretofore  historically  hitherto  in olden times  in the past  in times past  once  only yesterday  or ever  prehistorically  priorly  recently  some time ago  then  theretofore  whilom  yesterday  yet  

voriger Monat Definition

(n.) One of the twelve portions into which the year is divided
(a.) Going before in time

previous month Bedeutung

previous question a motion calling for an immediate vote on the main question under discussion by a deliberative assembly
day of the month
the specified day of the month, what is the date today?
Revolutionary calendar month a month in the Revolutionary calendar
month a time unit of approximatelydays, he was given a month to pay the bill
lunar month
synodic month
the period between successive new moons (. days)
anomalistic month period between successive perigees, approximately . days
sidereal month period between successive conjunctions with a star, . days
solar month one-twelfth of a solar or tropical year
calendar month
one of the twelve divisions of the calendar year, he paid the bill last month
Gregorian calendar month a month in the Gregorian calendar
Jewish calendar month a month in the Jewish calendar
Islamic calendar month any lunar month in the Muslim calendar
Hindu calendar month any lunisolar month in the Hindu calendar
month of Sundays a time perceived as long, I hadn't seen him in a month of Sundays
just preceding something else in time or order, the previous owner, my old house was larger
too soon or too hasty, our condemnation of him was a bit previous, a premature judgment
former(a) late(a) previous(a) (used especially of persons) of the immediate past, the former president, our late President is still very active, the previous occupant of the White House
month by month for an indefinite number of months, month by month, the betrayal gnawed at his heart
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