
Deutsche walnussartig Synonyme

Englische walnut-like; juglandaceous Synonyme

walnussartig Definition

(n.) The fruit or nut of any tree of the genus Juglans

walnut-like; juglandaceous Bedeutung

walnut oil oil from walnuts
walnut nut of any of various walnut trees having a wrinkled two-lobed seed with a hard shell
black walnut American walnut having a very hard and thick woody shell
English walnut nut with a wrinkled two-lobed seed and hard but relatively thin shell, widely used in cooking
sweet gum satin walnut
hazelwood red gum
reddish-brown wood and lumber from heartwood of the sweet gum tree used to make furniture
family Juglandaceae
walnut family
trees having usually edible nuts: butternuts, walnuts, hickories, pecans
walnut tree
any of various trees of the genus Juglans
walnut hard dark-brown wood of any of various walnut trees, used especially for furniture and paneling
California black walnut
Juglans californica
medium-sized tree with somewhat aromatic compound leaves and edible nuts
butternut tree
white walnut
Juglans cinerea
North American walnut tree having light-brown wood and edible nuts, source of a light-brown dye
black walnut
black walnut tree
black hickory Juglans nigra
North American walnut tree with hard dark wood and edible nut
English walnut
English walnut tree
Circassian walnut
Persian walnut
Juglans regia
Eurasian walnut valued for its large edible nut and its hard richly figured wood, widely cultivated
Caucasian walnut
Pterocarya fraxinifolia
medium-sized Caucasian much-branched tree distinguished from other walnut trees by its winged fruit
African walnut
Lovoa klaineana
tropical African timber tree with wood that resembles mahogany
walnut blight a disease of English walnut trees
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