
weitermachen Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

carry on (doing sth)
keep up
to keep up
fortsetzen, weitermachen
fortfahren. weitermachen
go on
weitergehen, weitermachen
go on
(mit etw.) (stur) weitermachen
to plough on (with sth.)
etw. fortsetzen
etw. weitermachen
to crack on with sth. coll.
to crack on with sth. coll.
(mit etw.) (stur) weitermachen v
to plough on (with sth.)
weitermachen v
(etw.) fortsetzen
to plough ahead
to plough ahead (with sth.)
fortfahren, weitergehen, weitermachen
etw. fortsetzen; etw. weitermachen v
to crack on with sth. coll.
(mit etw.) weitermachen; (etw.) fortsetzen
to push on (with sth.)
(mit etw.) fortfahren; (etw.) weitermachen
to resume (sth.) geh.
immer weitermachen; (unermüdlich) weitermachen
to soldier on
weiterkämpfen; trotz Schwierigkeiten weitermachen; sich durchschlagen
to struggle along on
weiterkämpfen; trotz Schwierigkeiten weitermachen; sich durchschlagen v
to struggle along on
(mit etw.) fortfahren v; (etw.) weitermachen v
fortfahren, etw. zu tun
to resume (sth.) formal
to resume doing sth.
immer weitermachen; unermüdlich unbeirrt weitermachen; bei der Stange bleiben v
to soldier on
weitermachen, forttreiben v
weitermachend, forttreibend
weitergemacht, fortgetrieben
to go on with, to keep on with, to carry on with
going on with, keeping on with, carrying on with
gone on with, kept on with, carried on with
weitermachen; weiterlaufen v
weitermachend; weiterlaufend
weitergemacht; weitergelaufen
to continue
weitermachen, weiterlaufen v
weitermachend, weiterlaufend
weitergemacht, weitergelaufen
to continue
weitermachen; forttreiben v
weitermachend; forttreibend
weitergemacht; fortgetrieben
Weiter im Programm!
to go on with; to keep on with; to carry on with
going on with; keeping on with; carrying on with
gone on with; kept on with; carried on with
On with the show!
Stil m; Manier f
im gleichen Stil; in die gleiche Kerbe
Wenn Sie so weitermachen, dann …
Wenn das so weitergeht …
in similar vein; in the same vein
If you continue in this vein, then …
If things continue in this vein …
mit etw. beharrlich fortfahren; mit etw. weitermachen v
Halte nicht an einer Aufgabe fest, wenn es für dich zu viel ist.
to persist with sth.
Don't persist with a task if it is too much for you.
Stil m; Manier f
im gleichen Stil; in die gleiche Kerbe
Wenn Sie so weitermachen dann ...
Wenn das so weitergeht ...
in similar vein; in the same vein
If you continue in this vein then ...
If things continue in this vein ...
weitermachen, fortfahren v
weitermachend, fortfahrend
weitergemacht, fortgefahren
da weitermachen, wo man aufgehört hat
to keep up, to pick up
keeping up, picking up
kept up, picked up
to pick up where one left off
weitermachen; fortfahren v
weitermachend; fortfahrend
weitergemacht; fortgefahren
da weitermachen wo man aufgehört hat
Weiter so!
to keep up; to pick up
keeping up; picking up
kept up; picked up
to pick up where one left off
Keep it up!; Keep at it!
weitermachen; fortfahren v
weitermachend; fortfahrend
weitergemacht; fortgefahren
da weitermachen, wo man aufgehört hat
Weiter so!
to keep up; to pick up
keeping up; picking up
kept up; picked up
to pick up where one left off
Keep it up!; Keep at it!
bleiben; weitermachen; fortfahren v
bleibend; weitermachend; fortfahrend
geblieben; weitergemacht; fortgefahren
gelassen bleiben
gesund bleiben
geistig rege bleiben
Bleib wie du bist!; Bleib dir treu!
to keep {kept; kept}
to keep calm; to keep cool
to keep well and fit
to keep one's mind alive
Keep it real!
mit etw. (zügig) weitermachen; fortfahren geh. v
weitermachend; fortfahrend
weitergemacht; fortgefahren
sich (bei der Arbeit) ranhalten
seine Pläne vorantreiben
trotzdem dessen ungeachtet weitermachen
to press on with sth.; to press forward sth.
pressing on with; pressing forward
pressed on with; pressed forward
to press on with your work
to press on with your plans
to press on regardless
bleiben, weitermachen, fortfahren v
bleibend, weitermachend, fortfahrend
geblieben, weitergemacht, fortgefahren
gelassen bleiben
gesund bleiben
geistig rege bleiben
Bleib wie du bist!, Bleib dir treu!
to keep {kept, kept}
to keep calm, to keep cool
to keep well and fit
to keep one's mind alive
Keep it real!
jdn. zu etw. ermuntern; ermutigen; animieren v
ermunternd; ermutigend; animierend
ermuntert; ermutigt; angeimiert
jdn. zum Weitermachen ermuntern
mehr Besucher dazu animieren, solche Veranstaltungen zu besuchen
Die Schüler werden ermuntert, kreativ zu sein.
to encourage sb.
to encourage sb. to carry on
to encourage more visitors to attend these events
Students are encouraged to be creative.
(nach einer Unterbrechung) mit etw. weitermachen v
Sie machte mit der Geschichte dort weiter, wo sie aufgehört hatte, bevor ich sie unterbrochen hatte.
Er hofft, dass er und seine Ex-Freundin dort weitermachen können, wo sie aufgehört haben.
to take up sth.; to pick up sth. (after an interruption)
taking up; picking up
taken up; picked up
She took up the story where she had left off before I had interrupted her.
He is hoping that he and his ex-girlfriend can take up where they left off.
fortfahren, weitergehen, weitermachen, vorwärtsgehen v
fortfahrend, weitergehend, weitermachend, vorwärtsgehend
fortgefahren, weitergegangen, weitergemacht, vorwärtsgegangen
fährt for, geht weiter, macht weiter, geht vorwärts
fuhr for, ging weiter, machte weiter, ging vorwärts
to proceed
fortfahren; weitergehen; weitermachen; vorwärtsgehen v
fortfahrend; weitergehend; weitermachend; vorwärtsgehend
fortgefahren; weitergegangen; weitergemacht; vorwärtsgegangen
fährt fort; geht weiter; macht weiter; geht vorwärts
fuhr fort; ging weiter; machte weiter; ging vorwärts
to proceed
ermuntern, ermutigen, aufmuntern, anspornen, anfeuern, anhalten
ermunternd, ermutigend, aufmunternd, anspornend, anfeuernd
ermuntert, ermutigt, aufgemuntert, angespornt, angefeuert
ermuntert, ermutigt
ermunterte, ermutigte
jdn. ermuntern, etw. zu tun
jdn. zum Weitermachen ermuntern
to encourage
to encourage sb. to do sth.
to encourage sb. to carry on
etw. weiterhin tun; weiter etw. tun; mit etw. weitermachen v
weiterhin tuend; weiter tuend; weitermachend
weiterhin getan; weiter getut; weitergemacht
das Telefon behalten und weiter dafür bezahlen
mit einem Sport weitermachen, so lange man sich gut dabei fühlt
Weiter im Programm!
Jetzt hör schon auf mit deinen 'negativen Kalorien'.
to go on; to keep on; to carry on with sth. doing sth.
going on; keeping on; carrying on
gone on; kept on; carried on
to keep the phone and keep on paying for it
to carry on with a sport as long as you feel comfortable
On with the show!
Don't keep going on about those 'negative calories'.
ermuntern; ermutigen; aufmuntern; anspornen; anfeuern; anhalten; animieren v
ermunternd; ermutigend; aufmunternd; anspornend; anfeuernd; animierend
ermuntert; ermutigt; aufgemuntert; angespornt; angefeuert; animiert
ermuntert; ermutigt; muntert auf; spornt an; feuert an; animiert
ermunterte; ermutigte; munterte auf; spornte an; feuerte an; animierte
jdn. ermuntern etw. zu tun
jdn. zum Weitermachen ermuntern
to encourage
to encourage sb. to do sth.
to encourage sb. to carry on

Deutsche weitermachen Synonyme

fortfahren  fortführen  fortsetzen  kontinuieren  weiterführen  weitermachen  
Weitere Ergebnisse für weitermachen Synonym nachschlagen

Englische carry on Synonyme

carry  accept  accomplish  acquit  act  act up  adopt  affiliate  afford support  air express  airfreight  airlift  announce  approve  asportation  attend  back  back up  balance  balance the books  be gravid  be in  be knocked up  be pregnant  be with child  bear  bear the palm  bear up  bearing  bolster  bolster up  book  brace  breed  bring  bring off  broadcast  brood  buck  buoy up  buttress  capitalize  capture  carry away  carry it  carry off  carry on  carry out  carry over  carry the day  carry young  carrying  cart  cartage  cast up accounts  channel  chaperon  charge off  close out  close the books  come out first  communicate  companion  company  compass  complete  comport  conclude  conduct  consort with  continue  convey  conveyance  convoy  cover  cradle  credit  crutch  cushion  deal in  debit  decide  delight  demean  deport  determine  diapason  display  disport  dispose  disseminate  do  docket  drag  drayage  drive  effect  embrace  encompass  engage  enlist  enrapture  enter  entrust  environ  escort  espouse  excite  execute  expressage  extend  extend credit  ferriage  ferry  fetch  finance  finish in front  fluke  fly  fool around  freight  freightage  funnel  gain  gain the day  gamut  gestate  get  get to do  give  give credit  give support  give tick  go  go in for  go on  go out  handle  hatch  haulage  hauling  have  hold  hold up  hump  impel  implement  impress  incline  incubate  induce  influence  inspire  interest in  job  journalize  keep  keep afloat  keep at  keep books  keep on  keep up  kidnap  kill  lead  lend support  lie  lift  lighterage  log  lug  lugging  lure  mainstay  maintain  make a killing  make an entry  manage  manhandle  market  merchandise  minute  misbehave  move  nick  note  offer  operate  pack  packing  pass  perform  persevere  persist  pillow  pinch  pipe  play up  portage  porterage  possess  post  post up  present  proceed  procure  prompt  prop  purloin  quit  radius  railway express  range  ratify  rea  
carry away  abduce  abduct  allure  annihilate  attract  bear the palm  becharm  beguile  bereave of life  bewitch  captivate  capture  carry  carry it  carry off  carry the day  cart away  cast a spell  charm  chloroform  come apart  come off  come out first  come undone  come unstuck  crack up  crimp  cut down  cut off  delectate  delight  delocalize  deprive of life  destroy  disintegrate  dislodge  dispatch  displace  dispose of  do away with  do for  do to death  draw on  enamor  enchant  end  endear  enrapture  enravish  enthrall  entrance  execute  exterminate  fall off  fall to pieces  fascinate  finish  finish in front  finish off  fluke  fly apart  freak out  gain  gain the day  get loose  give way  go to pieces  hold for ransom  hold in thrall  hypnotize  immolate  imparadise  impress  infatuate  inflame with love  intrigue  kidnap  kill  knock dead  knock out  launch into eternity  lay aside  liquidate  lynch  make a killing  make away with  manhandle  martyr  martyrize  mesmerize  move  peel off  poison  purge  put aside  put away  put down  put to death  put to sleep  ravish  relocate  remove  remove from life  run away with  sacrifice  seduce  send  set aside  shanghai  shift  shunt  side  skyjack  slay  snatch  spell  spellbind  spirit away  spring apart  start  starve  take away  take life  take off  take the cake  tantalize  tempt  thrill  tickle  tickle pink  titillate  transport  unravel  vamp  win  win out  win the battle  win the laurels  win the palm  win the prize  win through  witch  wow  
carry off  abduce  abduct  accomplish  achieve  annihilate  bear the palm  bereave of life  bring about  bring off  bring through  bring to effect  bring to pass  capture  carry  carry away  carry into effect  carry into execution  carry it  carry out  carry the day  carry through  cart away  chloroform  come out first  come through  come through with  compass  crimp  crown with success  cut down  cut off  delocalize  deprive of life  destroy  dislodge  dispatch  displace  dispose of  do away with  do for  do the trick  do to death  down  end  execute  exterminate  finish  finish in front  finish off  fluke  fulfill  gain  gain the day  get by  get through  go through  hold for ransom  immolate  implement  impress  kidnap  kill  launch into eternity  lay aside  lay low  liquidate  lynch  make a killing  make away with  manhandle  martyr  martyrize  move  poison  pull off  purge  put across  put aside  put away  put down  put in practice  put into effect  put into practice  put over  put through  put to death  put to sleep  relocate  remove  remove from life  run away with  sacrifice  send  set aside  shanghai  shift  shunt  side  skyjack  slay  snatch  spirit away  starve  take away  take life  take off  take the cake  throttle  translate into action  turn the trick  win  win out  win the battle  win the laurels  win the palm  win the prize  win through  work out  
carry on  abide  act up  antic  assault  attack  barbarize  batter  be enthusiastic  be livid  be patient  be pissed  be responsible for  bear with composure  behave ill  bide  bluster  boil  browned off  brutalize  bubble over  burn  butcher  call the signals  caper  captain  caracole  carry on over  carry out  carry through  cavort  cease not  chafe  command  conduct  continue  continue to be  control  curvet  cut a dido  cut capers  cut up  cut up rough  dance  deal with  defeat time  defy time  destroy  direct  disport  do  drag on  drive  dwell  effervesce  employ  endure  engage in  engineer  enthuse  exercise  exist  extend  flounce  follow  fool around  forbear  fret  frisk  frolic  fume  gambol  get into mischief  go along  go in for  go on  go on over  govern  gush  gush over  hammer  handle  hang on  have a conniption  head  head up  hell around  hold  hold on  hold out  hold steady  horse  horse around  horseplay  jog on  keep  keep at  keep at it  keep busy  keep driving  keep going  keep moving  keep on  keep trying  keep up  last  last long  last out  lay waste  lead  lead on  linger  live  live on  live through  loot  maffick  maintain  make go  make much of  make the rules  manage  maneuver  manipulate  mastermind  maul  misbehave  misdemean  mug  never cease  not accept compromise  officer  operate  ordain  order  peg away  perdure  perennate  perform on  persevere  persist  pillage  pilot  pissed off  play  play the fool  plug away  practice  prescribe  prevail  prosecute  pull the strings  pursue  quarterback  rage  raise Cain  raise hell  raise sand  raise the deuce  raise the devil  raise the roof  ramp  rampage  rant  rant and rave  rape  rave  rave about  regulate  remain  rhapsodize  riot  roar  rollick  romp  roughhouse  ruin  run  run on  sack  savage  see to  seethe  simmer  sizzle  skip  skipper  slaughter  slog on  smoke  smolder  sow chaos  specialize in  sport  stagger on  stand  stay  stay on  steer  stew  storm  subsist  survive  su  
carry out  abide by  adhere to  administer  administrate  apply  be responsible for  bring about  bring off  bring to effect  bring to pass  carry into effect  carry into execution  carry off  carry on  carry through  come through  come through with  complete  conduct  deal with  direct  discharge  do  drive  effect  effectuate  enforce  execute  extend out  fill out  finalize  fulfill  get through  go  go out  go through  govern  handle  honor  implement  make  make go  make out  manage  maneuver  manipulate  observe  operate  outdistance  outlie  outrange  outstretch  perform  perform on  pilot  play  practice  promulgate  prosecute  pull off  put across  put in force  put in practice  put into effect  put into execution  put into practice  put over  put through  put to use  range out  reach out  render  run  seal  see to  sign  steer  stretch out  take care of  transact  translate into action  work  work out  
carry over  assign  balance  balance the books  book  capitalize  carry  cast up accounts  charge off  close out  close the books  communicate  consign  credit  debit  deliver  deport  diffuse  disseminate  docket  enter  expel  export  extradite  hand forward  hand on  hand over  impart  import  journalize  keep books  log  make an entry  make over  metastasize  metathesize  minute  note  pass  pass on  pass over  pass the buck  perfuse  post  post up  relay  spread  strike a balance  switch  transfer  transfer property  transfuse  translate  translocate  transmit  transplace  transplant  transpose  turn over  
carry through  abide  abide by  adhere to  administer  be patient  be responsible for  bear with composure  bring about  bring off  bring to effect  bring to pass  carry into effect  carry into execution  carry off  carry on  carry out  come through  come through with  complete  conduct  deal with  direct  discharge  do  drive  effect  effectuate  endure  enforce  execute  exhaust every move  face out  fill out  follow out  follow through  follow up  forbear  fulfill  get through  go all out  go for broke  go the limit  go through  handle  honor  implement  last  make  make go  make out  manage  maneuver  manipulate  not hesitate  not look back  observe  operate  overlook nothing  perdure  perform  perform on  persist  pilot  play  practice  promulgate  prosecute  pull off  put across  put in force  put in practice  put into effect  put into practice  put over  put through  render  run  see it through  see out  see to  steer  stick at nothing  stop at nothing  take care of  think little of  think nothing of  transact  translate into action  wait  wait it out  work  work out  
carry weight  amount to something  balance  be featured  be heavy  be influential  be persuasive  be prominent  be somebody  be something  count  counterbalance  cut ice  cut some ice  get top billing  have an in  have full play  have influence  have personality  have pull  have weight  heft  hold the scales  import  lie heavy  matter  signify  stand out  star  strike a balance  tell  tip the scales  weigh  weigh heavy  weigh in  weigh out  weight  
carrying  accoutered  aid  air express  airfreight  airlift  anticipating  armed  asportation  backing  bearing  big with child  big-laden  bolstering  bracing  breeding  bristling with arms  burdened  buttressing  carriage  carry  carrying a fetus  cartage  conveyance  drayage  expecting  expressage  ferriage  freight  freightage  full-armed  gestating  gravid  great  haulage  hauling  heavy  heavy with child  heavy-armed  heeled  holding  in arms  knocked up  light-armed  lighterage  lugging  maintaining  maintenance  moral support  packing  parturient  portage  porterage  preggers  pregnant  propping  psychological support  railway express  reliance  security blanket  shipment  shipping  shoring  subsidy  subvention  superfetate  superimpregnated  support  supporting  supportive  supportive relationship  supportive therapy  suspensory  sustaining  sustainment  sustenance  sustentation  sustentative  sword in hand  teeming  telpherage  toting  transit  transport  transportation  transporting  transshipment  truckage  under arms  upholding  upkeep  waft  waftage  wagonage  well-armed  with child  

weitermachen Definition

(v. t.) To convey or transport in any manner from one place to another
(v. t.) To have or hold as a burden, while moving from place to place
(v. t.) To move
(v. t.) To transfer from one place (as a country, book, or column) to another
(v. t.) To convey by extension or continuance
(v. t.) To bear or uphold successfully through conflict, as a leader or principle
(v. t.) To get possession of by force
(v. t.) To contain
(v. t.) To bear (one's self)
(v. t.) To bear the charges or burden of holding or having, as stocks, merchandise, etc., from one time to another
(v. i.) To act as a bearer
(v. i.) To have propulsive power
(v. i.) To hold the head
(v. i.) To have earth or frost stick to the feet when running, as a hare.
(n.) A tract of land, over which boats or goods are carried between two bodies of navigable water

carry on (doing sth) Bedeutung

carry the act of carrying something
fireman's carry the act of carrying a person over your shoulder
transfer transfer of training
application of a skill learned in one situation to a different but similar situation
Carry Nation
Carry Amelia Moore Nation
United States prohibitionist who raided saloons and destroyed bottles of liquor with a hatchet (-)
the accumulated and undivided profits of a corporation after provision has been made for dividends and reserves
have a bun in the oven
be pregnant with, She is bearing his child, The are expecting another child in January, I am carrying his child
carry to term carry out a pregnancy, She decided to carry the child to term, even though the foetus was shown to be defective
carry extend continue or extend, The civil war carried into the neighboring province, The disease extended into the remote mountain provinces
carry over transfer or persist from one stage or sphere of activity to another
extinguish eradicate
wipe out
carry off
kill in large numbers, the plague wiped out an entire population
follow through
follow up
follow out
carry out
put through
go through
pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue, Did he go through with the treatment?, He implemented a new economic plan, She followed up his recommendations with a written proposal
carry back deduct a loss or an unused credit from taxable income for a prior period
carry weight have influence to a specified degree, Her opinion carries a lot of weight
carry c include, as on a list, How many people are carried on the payroll?
go on
carry on
continue talking, I know it's hard, he continued, but there is no choice, carry on--pretend we are not in the room
carry sing or play against other voices or parts, He cannot carry a tune
carry convey express serve as a means for expressing something, The painting of Mary carries motherly love, His voice carried a lot of anger
carry pass on a communication, The news was carried to every village in the province
carry c be successful in, She lost the game but carried the match
carry win in an election, The senator carried his home state
carry secure the passage or adoption (of bills and motions), The motion carried easily
carry cover a certain distance or advance beyond, The drive carried to the green
carry have a certain range, This rifle carries for ,feet
carry be able to feed, This land will carry ten cows to the acre
drink alcohol without showing ill effects, He can hold his liquor, he had drunk more than he could carry
carry bear or be able to bear the weight, pressure,or responsibility of, His efforts carried the entire project, How many credits is this student carrying?, We carry a very large mortgage
carry c propel or give impetus to, The sudden gust of air propelled the ball to the other side of the fence
propel, Carry the ball, dribble the ball
take away
bear off
bear away
carry away
carry off
remove from a certain place, environment, or mental or emotional state, transport into a new location or state, Their dreams carried the Romantics away into distant lands, The car carried us off to the meeting, I'll take you away on a holiday, I got carried away when I saw the dead man and I started to cry
move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body, You must carry your camping gear, carry the suitcases to the car, This train is carrying nuclear waste, These pipes carry waste water into the river
hold carry bear support or hold in a certain manner, She holds her head high, He carried himself upright
carry through
carry out
put in effect, carry out a task, execute the decision of the people, He actioned the operation
carry bear (a crop), this land does not carry olives
include as the content, broadcast or publicize, We ran the ad three times, This paper carries a restaurant review, All major networks carried the press conference
carry pursue a line of scent or be a bearer, the dog was taught to fetch and carry
carry transfer (a number, cipher, or remainder) to the next column or unit's place before or after, in addition or multiplication, put down and carry
carry over
carry forward
transfer from one time period to the next
carry over transport from one place or state to another, Adam would have been carried over into the life eternal
convey carry channel
transmit or serve as the medium for transmission, Sound carries well over water, The airwaves carry the sound, Many metals conduct heat
carry over
hold over
hold over goods to be sold for the next season
post carry d transfer (entries) from one account book to another
have on hand, Do you carry kerosene heaters?
face the music
carry-the can
accept the unpleasant consequences of one's actions
carry capture after a fight, The troops carried the town after a brief fight
carry have on the surface or on the skin, carry scars
carry on
direct the course of, manage or control, You cannot conduct business like this
act up
carry on
misbehave badly, act in a silly or improper way, The children acted up when they were not bored
behave acquit
deport conduct comport carry
behave in a certain manner, She carried herself well, he bore himself with dignity, They conducted themselves well during these difficult times
pull off
negociate bring off
carry off
be successful, achieve a goal, She succeeded in persuading us all, I managed to carry the box upstairs, She pulled it off, even though we never thought her capable of it, The pianist negociated the difficult runs
carry through
pull through
bring through
bring into safety, We pulled through most of the victims of the bomb attack
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