
Deutsche zensieren Synonyme

verbieten  zensieren  zensurieren  (österr.,  schweiz.)  
(Filme  von  anstößigen  Stellen)  reinigen  kürzen  säubern  zensieren  
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Englische censor Synonyme

censor  abbreviate  abridge  annotator  asphyxiate  belittler  black out  bleach  blip  blot out  blue-pencil  bottle up  bowdlerize  cancel  captious critic  carper  caviler  censurer  choke off  clamp down on  clean up  cognoscente  commentator  commenter  common scold  connoisseur  conscience  conscientiousness  cork  cork up  crack down on  critic  criticaster  criticizer  critickin  criticule  cross out  crush  cut  cut out  damp down  delete  drown  edit  edit out  editor  erase  ethical self  excise  expunge  expurgate  extinguish  faultfinder  frondeur  gag  grace  hold down  hugger-mugger  hush  hush up  hush-hush  inner arbiter  inward monitor  jump on  keep down  keep under  kill  literary critic  man of letters  momus  monopolist  moral censor  muckraker  muffle  muzzle  narrow  nitpicker  omit  pettifogger  pour water on  protectionist  purge  purify  put down  quash  quell  quench  quibbler  repress  rescind  restrain  restrict  restrictionist  reviewer  rub out  scholiast  scold  screen  shush  shut down on  silence  sit down on  sit on  smash  smellfungus  smother  social conscience  social critic  squash  squelch  stanch  stifle  strangle  strike  strike off  strike out  stultify  subdue  suffocate  superego  suppress  tender conscience  textual critic  throttle  twinge of conscience  voice of conscience  void  
censored  arcane  cabalistic  classified  close  closed  concealed  cryptic  dark  enigmatic  esoteric  hermetic  hidden  hush-hush  latent  mysterious  occult  restricted  secret  smothered  stifled  suppressed  top secret  ulterior  unbreatheable  under security  under wraps  undisclosable  undisclosed  undivulgable  undivulged  unrevealable  unrevealed  unspoken  untellable  untold  unutterable  unuttered  unwhisperable  
censorious  Quakerish  Victorian  abusive  accusatory  back-biting  belittling  bitchy  blackening  blameful  calumniatory  calumnious  captious  carping  catty  caviling  chiding  choicy  choosy  condemnatory  conscientious  contemptuous  contumelious  critic  critical  damnatory  defamatory  demure  denunciatory  deprecative  deprecatory  depreciative  depreciatory  derisive  derisory  derogative  derogatory  detractory  discriminating  discriminative  disparaging  exacting  execrating  execrative  execratory  fastidious  faultfinding  hidebound  hypercritical  invective  inveighing  judgmental  libelous  meticulous  mid-Victorian  minimizing  narrow  objurgatory  old-maidish  overcritical  overmodest  particular  pejorative  perfectionistic  picky  precise  precisianistic  priggish  prim  proscriptive  prudish  punctilious  puristic  puritanic  puritanical  reproachful  reprobative  reviling  ridiculing  sanctimonious  scandalous  scoffing  scrupulous  scurrile  scurrilous  selective  sensitive  slanderous  slighting  smug  stiff-necked  straitlaced  strict  stuffy  vilifying  vituperative  
censorship  abbreviation  abridgment  bamboo curtain  barrier of secrecy  blackout  block  blockage  blocking  blue-penciling  bowdlerization  cancellation  censoring  crackdown  crushing  curtain  deletion  editing  erasure  expurgation  extinguishment  hush-up  inhibition  iron curtain  ironbound security  oath of secrecy  official secrecy  omission  pall  psychological block  putting down  quashing  quelling  quenching  repression  resistance  restraint  seal of secrecy  security  smashing  smothering  squashing  squelching  stifling  strangling  striking  subdual  suffocating  suppression  throttling  veil  veil of secrecy  wraps  


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