
Deutsche zweibahnig Synonyme

Englische dual web Synonyme

dual  Janus-like  ambidextrous  bifacial  bifold  biform  bifurcated  bilateral  binary  binate  biparous  bipartisan  bipartite  bivalent  conduplicate  dichotomous  disomatous  double  double-barreled  double-faced  duadic  dualistic  duple  duplex  duplicate  duplicated  dyadic  geminate  geminated  identical  matched  paired  second  secondary  twain  twin  twinned  two  two-faced  two-level  two-ply  two-sided  two-story  twofold  
dual personality  alcoholic  alternating personality  antisocial personality  catatonia  catatonic schizophrenia  dementia praecox  depersonalization  disconnection  disordered personality  dissociation  dissociation of personality  disturbed personality  double personality  drug user  emotional dissociation  emotionally unstable personality  escapist  hebephrenia  hebephrenic schizophrenia  hostile personality  hypochondriac  hypochondriast  idiot  imaginary invalid  immature personality  inadequate personality  inferior personality  malade imaginaire  maladjusted personality  mental dissociation  mentally defective personality  moral insanity  multiple personality  neuropath  neurotic  neurotic personality  paranoia  paranoid personality  paranoid psychosis  paraphrenia  personality disorganization  perverse personality  psychoneurotic  psychopath  psychopathic personality  psychotic  psychotic personality  schizoid  schizoid personality  schizoidism  schizophrenia  schizothymia  seclusive personality  sexual psychopath  shut-in personality  sociopath  split personality  valetudinarian  valetudinary  weak personality  
dualism  Janus  acosmism  allotheism  ambiguity  ambivalence  anthropolatry  anthropomorphism  anthropotheism  autotheism  biformity  bifurcation  conjugation  cosmotheism  deism  dichotomy  ditheism  doubleness  doublethink  doubling  duality  duplexity  duplication  duplicity  dyotheism  equivocality  halving  henotheism  hylotheism  irony  monolatry  monotheism  multitheism  myriotheism  pairing  pantheism  physicomorphism  physitheism  pluralism  polarity  polytheism  psychotheism  tetratheism  theism  theopantism  theriotheism  tritheism  twinning  two-facedness  twoness  zootheism  
dualistic  bifold  biform  bifurcated  bilateral  binary  bipartisan  bipartite  dichotomous  double  double-barreled  duadic  dual  duple  duplex  duplicated  dyadic  identical  matched  twain  twin  twinned  two  two-sided  

zweibahnig Definition

(a.) Expressing, or consisting of, the number two

dual web Bedeutung

DIP switch
dual inline package switch
(computer science) one of a set of small on-off switches mounted in computer hardware, used in place of jumpers to configure the machine for a user
divided highway
dual carriageway
a highway divided down the middle by a barrier that separates traffic going in different directions, in Britain they call a divided highway a dual carriageway
dual scan display a type of passive matrix display in which the top and bottom half of the screen are refreshed simultaneously
dual a grammatical number category referring to two items or units as opposed to one item (singular) or more than two items (plural), ancient Greek had the dual form but it has merged with the plural form in modern Greek
double dual
consisting of or involving two parts or components usually in pairs, an egg with a double yolk, a double (binary) star, double doors, dual controls for pilot and copilot, duple (or double) time consists of two (or a multiple of two) beats to a measure
double dual twofold two-fold treble threefold three-fold having more than one decidedly dissimilar aspects or qualities, a double (or dual) role for an actor, the office of a clergyman is twofold, public preaching and private influence- R.W.Emerson, every episode has its double and treble meaning-Frederick Harrison
having a median strip or island between lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions, a divided highway
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