arithmetic Englisch Deutsch Arithmetik Übersetzung Synonym

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arithmetic Englisch Deutsch:

Arithmetik f arithmetic
Arithmetik, rechnen, Rechnungarithmetic
Rechenkunst f arithmetic
arithmetisches Mittelarithmetic mean
Rechenwerk n arithmetic unit
Rechenwerkarithmetic unit
Stellenverschiebungarithmetic shift
Stellenverschiebung f arithmetic shift
arithmetische Pruefungarithmetic check
graphische Darstellungarithmetic chart
graphische Darstellung f arithmetic chart
arithmetischer Blockarithmetic block
arithmetische Reihearithmetic series
Kopfrechnen n mental arithmetic
Kopfrechnenmental arithmetic
Kopfrechnen n school math.mental arithmetic
Adressrechnen n comp. address arithmetic
arithmetisches Mittelarithmetic average
arithmetischer Elementarausdruck, Rechenwerkarithmetic element
mathematischer Rechner arithmetic computer
mathematischer Rechner marithmetic computer
arithmetische Funktionarithmetic function
arithmetischer Operator, Rechenzeichenarithmetic operator
arithmetischer Ueberlaufarithmetic overflow
Rechenregisterarithmetic register
Intervallarithmetik f math. interval arithmetic
arithmetische Operation, Rechenoperationarithmetic operation
Rechenvorgangarithmetic procedure
arithmetische Anweisungarithmetic statement
Berechnungsverfahrenarithmetic technique
Unterlaufarithmetic underflow
arithmetische Rechenoperationarithmetic operation
Berechnungsverfahren n arithmetic technique
Unterlauf m arithmetic underflow
arithmetisches Unterprogrammarithmetic subroutine
Rechenwerk (ALU)arithmetic-logic-unit
arithmetische Gleichung, Ausdruckarithmetic expression
Rechenaufgabeproblem in arithmetic
Rechenwerkarithmetic logic unit
Festkommaarithmetik f math. fixed-point arithmetic
arithmetische Reihearithmetic progression
Rechenbefehlarithmetic instruction
arithmetische Progressionarithmetic progression
Fließkommaarithmetik f math. floating-point arithmetic
Grundrechenartenfirst rules of arithmetic
Arithmetik-Prozessor m
Co-Prozessor m
arithmetic processing unit
Arithmetik-Prozessor m, Co-Prozessor m arithmetic processing unit
Arithmetik-Prozessor, Co-Prozessorarithmetic processing unit
Rechenwerkarithmetic logical function
Rechenwerk n arithmetic logical function
Rechenwerk n ALU : arithmetic logic unit
Grundrechenartenbasic arithmetic operations
Grundrechenarten pl basic arithmetic operations
hoehere Rechenartadvanced arithmetic operation
Bruchrechnung f
Bruchrechnen n math.
fractions   fractional arithmetic
Progression f
arithmetische Progression f
arithmetic progression

Rechnen n (Grundschulfach) schoolarithmetic (elementary school subject)
Rechenaufgabe f
Rechenaufgaben pl
arithmetic problem
arithmetic problems

Rechenzeichen n
arithmetischer Operator math.
Rechenzeichen pl
arithmetische Operatoren
arithmetic operator
arithmetic operators

Rechenart f math.
höhere Rechenart
advanced arithmetic operation

Rechenregister n
Rechenregister pl
arithmetic register
arithmetic registers

Rechenzeichen n, arithmetischer Operator
Rechenzeichen pl, arithmetische Operatoren
arithmetic operator
arithmetic operators

Rechenoperation f, arithmetische Operation f
Rechenoperationen pl, arithmetische Operationen pl
arithmetic operation
arithmetic operations

Rechenwerk narithmetic unit   arithmetic logic unit ALU
Rechenvorgang m
Rechenvorgänge pl
arithmetic procedure
arithmetic procedures

Rechenoperation f
arithmetische Operation f
Rechenoperationen pl
arithmetische Operationen pl
arithmetic operation
arithmetic operations

arithmetic Definition:

Arithmetic (n.) The science of numbers
Arithmetic (n.) A book containing the principles of this science.
arithmetic operation a mathematical operation involving numbers
arithmetic the branch of pure mathematics dealing with the theory of numerical calculations
arithmetic mean / first moment / expectation expected value the sum of the values of a random variable divided by the number of values
arithmetic progression (mathematics) a progression in which a constant is added to each term in order to obtain the next term, "----- is the start of an arithmetic progression"
boolean operation / binary operation / binary arithmetic operation an operation that follows the rules of Boolean algebra, each operand and the result take one of two values
arithmetical / arithmetic relating to or involving arithmetic, "arithmetical computations"

arithmetic Synonyme:

arithmetic  Boolean algebra  Euclidean geometry  Fourier analysis  Lagrangian function  algebra  algebraic geometry  analysis  analytic geometry  associative algebra  binary arithmetic  calculation  calculus  ciphering  circle geometry  descriptive geometry  differential calculus  division algebra  equivalent algebras  estimation  figuring  game theory  geodesy  geometry  graphic algebra  group theory  higher algebra  higher arithmetic  hyperbolic geometry  infinitesimal calculus  integral calculus  intuitional geometry  invariant subalgebra  inverse geometry  line geometry  linear algebra  mathematical physics  matrix algebra  metageometry  modular arithmetic  n-tuple linear algebra  natural geometry  nilpotent algebra  number theory  plane trigonometry  political arithmetic  projective geometry  proper subalgebra  quaternian algebra  reckoning  reducible algebra  set theory  simple algebra  solid geometry  speculative geometry  spherical trigonometry  statistics  subalgebra  systems analysis  topology  trig  trigonometry  universal algebra  universal geometry  vector algebra  zero algebra  
arithmetical  algebraic  algorismic  algorithmic  aliquot  analytic  cardinal  decimal  differential  digital  even  exponential  figural  figurate  figurative  finite  fractional  geometric  imaginary  impair  impossible  infinite  integral  irrational  logarithmic  logometric  mathematical  negative  numeral  numerary  numerative  numeric  odd  ordinal  pair  positive  possible  prime  radical  rational  real  reciprocal  submultiple  surd  transcendental  
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