
arithmetic overflow Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

arithmetischer Ueberlauf
arithmetic overflow
arithmetisch adj
arithmetische Funktion f
arithmetische Gleichung f; Ausdruck m
arithmetische Prüfung f
arithmetische Reihe f
arithmetischer Block
arithmetischer Elementarausdruck; Rechenwerk n
arithmetischer Ãœberlauf
arithmetisches Unterprogramm
arithmetic; arithmetical
arithmetic function
arithmetic expression
arithmetic check
arithmetic series
arithmetic block
arithmetic element
arithmetic overflow
arithmetic subroutine
arithmetisch adj
arithmetische Anweisung f
arithmetische Funktion f
arithmetische Gleichung f; Ausdruck m
arithmetische Prüfung f
arithmetische Reihe f
arithmetischer Befehl
arithmetischer Block
arithmetischer Elementarausdruck; Rechenwerk n
arithmetischer Ãœberlauf
arithmetisches Unterprogramm
arithmetic; arithmetical
arithmetic statement
arithmetic function
arithmetic expression
arithmetic check
arithmetic series
arithmetical instruction
arithmetic block
arithmetic element
arithmetic overflow
arithmetic subroutine
arithmetisch adj
arithmetische Anweisung f
arithmetische Funktion f
arithmetische Gleichung f, Ausdruck m
arithmetische Prüfung f
arithmetische Reihe f
arithmetischer Befehl
arithmetischer Block
arithmetischer Elementarausdruck, Rechenwerk n
arithmetischer Ãœberlauf
arithmetisches Mittel
arithmetisches Unterprogramm
arithmetic, arithmetical
arithmetic statement
arithmetic function
arithmetic expression
arithmetic check
arithmetic series
arithmetical instruction
arithmetic block
arithmetic element
arithmetic overflow
arithmetic mean
arithmetic subroutine

Deutsche arithmetischer Ueberlauf Synonyme

arithmetischer  Operator  ÂOperator  ÂRechenzeichen  
arithmetischer Operator  Operator  Rechenzeichen  

Englische arithmetic overflow Synonyme

arithmetic overflow Definition

(n.) The science of numbers
(n.) A book containing the principles of this science.
(v. t.) To flow over
(v. t.) To flow over the brim of
(v. i.) To run over the bounds.
(v. i.) To be superabundant
(n.) A flowing over, as of water or other fluid
(n.) That which flows over
(n.) An outlet for the escape of surplus liquid.

arithmetic overflow Bedeutung

flood overflow
a large flow
arithmetic operation a mathematical operation involving numbers
arithmetic the branch of pure mathematics dealing with the theory of numerical calculations
arithmetic mean
first moment
expectation expected value
the sum of the values of a random variable divided by the number of values
the occurrence of surplus liquid (as water) exceeding the limit or capacity
arithmetic progression (mathematics) a progression in which a constant is added to each term in order to obtain the next term, ----- is the start of an arithmetic progression
boolean operation
binary operation
binary arithmetic operation
an operation that follows the rules of Boolean algebra, each operand and the result take one of two values
overflow incontinence urinary incontinence that occurs when the bladder is so full that it continually leaks urine, often attributable to a blocked urethra (e.g., due to prostate enlargement) or weak bladder muscles or nerve damage
bubble over
spill over
overflow with a certain feeling, The children bubbled over with joy, My boss was bubbling over with anger
well over
run over
brim over
flow or run over (a limit or brim)
relating to or involving arithmetic, arithmetical computations
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Arithmetic or arithmetics is the oldest and most elementary branch of mathematics. It consists of the study of numbers, especially the properties of the traditional operations between them?addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Arithmetic is an elementary part of number theory, and number theory is considered to be one of the top-level divisions of modern mathematics, along with algebra, geometry, and analysis. The terms arithmetic and higher arithmetic were used until the beginning of the 20th century as synonyms for number theory and are sometimes still used to refer to a wider part of number theory.