mezzanine Englisch Deutsch Entresol Übersetzung Synonym

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mezzanine Englisch Deutsch:

Zwischengeschossdecke f
Zwischengeschoßdecke f Ös. constr.
mezzanine floor
Mezzanin-Kapital n fin.mezzanine capital
Mezzanin-Finanzierung f
ungesicherte Restfinanierung f (Mischung zw. Fremd- und Eigenkapitalfinanzierung) fin.
mezzanine financing Br.
Mezzanin-Finanzierung f
ungesicherte Restfinanzierung f (Mischung zw. Fremd- und Eigenkapitalfinanzierung) fin.
mezzanine financing Br.
Hochparterre n, Halbgeschoss n, Zwischengeschoss n mezzanine, mezzanine floor
Mezzanin-Darlehen n
Mezzanin-Kredit m fin.
Mezzanin-Darlehen pl
Mezzanin-Kredite pl
mezzanine loan   mezzanine credit
mezzanine loans   mezzanine credits

Halbstock m
Halbgeschoss n
Halbgeschoß n Ös.
Zwischengeschoss n
Zwischengeschoß n Ös.
Hochparterre n
Mezzanin m Ös. arch.
half storey Br.   half story Am.   intermediate storey story   mezzanine   entresol

mezzanine Definition:

Mezzanine (n.) Same as Entresol.
Mezzanine (n.) A partial story which is not on the same level with the story of the main part of the edifice, as of a back building, where the floors are on a level with landings of the staircase of the main house.
mezzanine / mezzanine floor / entresol intermediate floor just above the ground floor
mezzanine first balcony first or lowest balcony

mezzanine Synonyme:

clerestory  entresol  first floor  flat  floor  ground floor  level  mezzanine  mezzanine floor  rez-de-chaussee  ridgepole  roof  roofpole  rooftop  story  street floor  surface  top  top floor  top side  topside  topsides  upper side  upside  
ground floor  anticipation  beginnings  clerestory  earliness  early hour  early stage  entresol  first crack  first floor  first stage  flat  floor  foresight  head start  level  mezzanine  mezzanine floor  prevenience  prevision  readiness  rez-de-chaussee  running start  story  street floor  time to spare  very beginning  
story  Clio  Muse of history  account  action  adventures  alibi  allegation  allegory  anagnorisis  anecdotage  anecdote  angle  annals  architectonics  architecture  argument  article  assertion  atmosphere  autobiography  back-fence gossip  background  band  beat  bed  bedding  belly laugh  belt  biographical sketch  biography  blague  blue story  book  budget of news  case history  catastrophe  characterization  chitchat  chronicle  chronicles  chronology  clerestory  cock-and-bull story  color  complication  confabulation  confessions  contention  continuity  contrivance  copy  couche  course  curriculum vitae  deck  denouement  description  design  detective story  development  device  diary  dirty joke  dirty story  dispatch  double entendre  entresol  epic  episode  epos  ethnic joke  exaggeration  exclusive  excuse  experiences  fable  fabliau  fabrication  facts  fairy  fairy tale  falling action  falsehood  falsity  farfetched story  farrago  feature  fib  fiction  first floor  fish story  flam  flat  flimflam  floor  folktale  fortunes  fun  funny story  gag  gallery  gest  ghost story  gimmick  good one  good story  gossip  gossiping  gossipmongering  gossipry  ground floor  groundless rumor  hagiography  hagiology  half-truth  historiography  history  howler  idle talk  incident  information  item  jape  jest  jestbook  joke  journal  laugh  layer  ledge  legal fiction  legend  level  lie  life  life and letters  life story  line  little white lie  local color  martyrology  measures  memoir  memoirs  memorabilia  memorial  memorials  mendacity  mezzanine  mezzanine floor  mood  motif  movement  mystery  myth  mythos  narration  narrative  necrology  news  news item  newsmongering  obituary  overlayer  overstory  panic  parable  peripeteia  photobiography  piece  piece of gossip  pious fiction  plan  play  plot  point  prevarication  profile  recital  recognition  record  recounting  release  report  representation  resume  rez-de-chaussee  rib tickler  
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