
Mongolian Song Thrush Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Chinasingdrossel f ornith.
Mongolian Song Thrush
Erinnerungsmelodie, Erkennungsmelodie
theme song
Aufheben n, Getue n, Gedöns n
viel Aufhebens machen um, ein Gedöns machen um
viel Aufhebens von etw. machen
to make a fuss about
to make a great song and dance about sth.
Butterbrot n
Butterbrote pl
Butterbrot n
für ein Butterbrot zu haben sein übtr.
slice of bread and butter
slices of bread and butter
to go for a song fig.
Drossel f ornith.
Drosseln pl
Gesang m
Gesangbuch n
Gesangbücher pl
song book, choir book, hymnbook
song books, choir books, hymnbooks
das Hohelied n der Liebe relig.
the song of songs
Kampflied n
battle song
Kriegslied n, Kampflied n
Kriegslieder pl, Kampflieder pl
battle song
battle songs
Liebeslied n
Liebeslieder pl
love song
love songs
Lied n, Song m
Lieder pl
Liederabend m, Matinee f
song recital, lieder recital
Lobgesang m
Lobgesänge pl
song of praise, hymn of praise
songs of praise, hymns of praise
Loblied n
ein Loblied auf jdn. anstimmen
ein Loblied auf sich singen
song of praise
to sing sb.'s praise
to sing one's own praises
Pilzkrankheit f (der Vagina) med.
thrush (of vagina)
Schlager m mus.
Schlager pl
pop song
pop songs
Schnulze f
Schnulzen pl
schmaltzy song
schmaltzy songs
Schwämmchen n, Soor m med.
Schwanengesang m
Schwanengesänge pl
swan song
swan songs
Spottlied n
Spottlieder pl
satirical song
satirical songs
Strahlfäule f
Titelsong m, Erkennungslied n
Titelsongs pl, Erkennungslieder pl
theme song
theme songs
Trinklied n
Trinklieder pl
drinking song
drinking songs
Volkslied n, Folksong m mus.
Volkslieder pl, Folksongs pl
folk song
folk songs
Wanderlied n
hiking song, wandering song
Wiegenlied n
cradle song
mongolisch adj
Mongol, Mongolian
um einen Spottpreis
for a song
Mongole m, Mongolin f geogr.
mongolisch adj geogr.
Bechsteindrossel f ornith.
Dark-throated Thrush (Turdus ruficollis), Black-throated Thrush
Blaumerle f ornith.
Blue Rock Thrush (Monticola solitarius)
Einfarbdrossel f ornith.
Tickell's Thrush (Turdus unicolor)
Einsiedlerdrossel f ornith.
Hermit Thrush (Catharus guttatus)
Erddrossel f ornith.
White's (Scaly) Thrush (Zoothera dauma)
Grauwangendrossel f ornith.
Grey-cheeked Thrush (Catharus minimus)
Misteldrossel f ornith.
Mistle Thrush (Turdus viscivorus)
Naumanndrossel f ornith.
Dusky Thrush (Turdus naumanni), Naumann's Thrush
Schieferdrossel f, Sibirische Drossel f ornith.
Siberian Thrush, Siberian Ground Thrush (Zoothera sibirica)
Singdrossel f ornith.
Song Thrush (Turdus philomelos), throstle
Sprosser m ornith.
Thrush Nightingale (Luscinia luscinia)
Steinrötel m ornith.
Mountain Rock Thrush, Rufous-tailed Rock-Thrush (Monticola saxatilis)
Weißbrauendrossel f ornith.
Eye-browed Thrush (Turdus obscurus)
Zwergdrossel f ornith.
Swainson's Thrush (Catharus ustulatus)
Rostflügeldrossel f ornith.
Dusky Thrush
Rotkehldrossel f ornith.
Red-throated Thrush
Schwarzkehldrossel f ornith.
Black-throated Thrush
Colmaameisendrossel f ornith.
Rufous-capped Ant-thrush
Salzlerche f ornith.
Mongolian Short-toed Lark
Mongolenlerche f ornith.
Mongolian Lark
Pittadrossel f ornith.
Lesser New Guinea Thrush
Weißschwanzdrossel f ornith.
Greater New Guinea Thrush
Schwarzbrauendrossel f ornith.
Cataponera Thrush
Goldschnabel-Musendrossel f ornith.
Orange-bellied Nightingale Thrush
Tropfenbrust-Musendrossel f ornith.
Spotted Nightingale Thrush
Bergmusendrossel f ornith.
Frantzius' Nightingale Thrush
Graurücken-Musendrossel f ornith.
Slaty-backed Nightingale Thrush
Graukehl-Musendrossel f ornith.
Slender-billed Nightingale Thrush
Schwarzkopf-Musendrossel f ornith.
Black-headed Nightingale Thrush
Braunkopf-Musendrossel f ornith.
Russet Nightingale Thrush
Morgenrötel m ornith.
Collared Palm Thrush
Tropfenrötel m ornith.
Spotted Morning Thrush
Graubruströtel m ornith.
Rufous-tailed Palm Thrush
Antillendrossel f ornith.
Forest Thrush
Celebesdrossel f ornith.
Sulawesi Mountain Thrush
Walddrossel f ornith.
Wood Thrush
Miomborötel m ornith.
Miombo Rock Thrush
Kurzzehenrötel m ornith.
Short-toed Rock Thrush
Himalayarötel m ornith.
Blue-capped Rock Thrush
Langzehenrötel m ornith.
Sentinel Rock Thrush
Amurrötel m ornith.
White-throated Rock Thrush
Rötelmerle f ornith.
Chestnut-bellied Rock Thrush
Schluchtenrötel m ornith.
Little Rock Thrush
Klippenrötel m ornith.
Cape Rock Thrush
Lanaiklarino ornith.
Lanai Thrush
Kauaiklarino ornith.
Large Kauai Thrush
Hawaiiklarino ornith.
Hawaiian Thrush
Palmerklarino ornith.
Small Kauai Thrush
Ceylonpfeifdrossel f ornith.
Ceylon Whistling Thrush
Purpurpfeifdrossel f ornith.
Himalayan Blue Whistling Thrush
Sundapfeifdrossel f ornith.
Sunda Whistling Thrush
Malabarpfeifdrossel f ornith.
Malabar Whistling Thrush
Taiwanpfeifdrossel f ornith.
Formosan Whistling Thrush
Glanzpfeifdrossel f ornith.
Shiny Whistling Thrush
Malaienpfeifdrossel f ornith.
Malayan Whistling Thrush
Finschdrossel f ornith.
Finsch's Flycatcher Thrush
Kurzlaufdrossel f ornith.
Rufous Flycatcher Thrush
Tristandrossel f ornith.
Tristan Thrush
Köhlerdrossel f ornith.
Yellow-legged Thrush
Taczanowskidrossel f ornith.
Pale-eyed Thrush
Akaziendrossel f ornith.
Groundscraper Thrush
Atztekendrossel f ornith.
Aztec Thrush
Gmelindrossel f ornith.
Mountain Thrush
Trauerdrossel f ornith.
White-nacked Thrush
Rahmbauchdrossel f ornith.
Creamy-bellied Thrush
Weißkinndrossel f ornith.
White-chinned Thrush
Komorendrossel f ornith.
Comoro Thrush
Scheckendrossel f ornith.
Japanese Grey Thrush
Kurodadrossel f ornith.
Seven Islands Thrush
Chiguancodrossel f ornith.
Chiguanco Thrush
Rotkopfdrossel f ornith.
Red-billed Thrush
Schwarzbrustdrossel f ornith.
Black-breasted Thrush
Magellandrossel f ornith.
Austral Thrush
Rostdrossel f ornith.
Fea's Thrush
Ockerbauchdrossel f ornith.
Chestnut-bellied Thrush
Kakaodrossel f ornith.
Cocoa Thrush
Riesendrossel f ornith.
Great Thrush
Gilbdrossel f ornith.
Clay-coloured Thrush
Palmaritodrossel f ornith.
Unicoloured Thrush
Taitadrossel f ornith.
Taita Olive Thrush
Schwarzschnabeldrossel f ornith.
Black-billed Thrush
Weißaugendrossel f ornith.
White-eyed Thrush
Rhododendrondrossel f ornith.
Kessler's Thrush
Lawrencedrossel f ornith.
Lawrence's Thrush
Fahlbrustdrossel f ornith.
Pale-breasted Thrush
Rotschnabeldrossel f ornith.
Kurrichane Thrush
Maranondrossel f ornith.
Maranon Thrush
Jemendrossel f ornith.
Yemen Thrush
Chinasingdrossel f ornith.
Mongolian Song Thrush
Weißachseldrossel f ornith.
Slaty Thrush
Nacktaugendrossel f ornith.
Bare-eyed Thrush
Blaßsteißdrossel f ornith.
Pale-vented Thrush
Sao-Tomé-Drossel f ornith.
Gulf of Guinea Thrush
Kapdrossel f ornith.
Olive Thrush
Kapuzendrossel f ornith.
Black-hooded Thrush
Fahldrossel f ornith.
Pale Thrush
Grenadadrossel f ornith.
Lesser Antillean Thrush
Rotfußdrossel f ornith.
Red-legged Thrush
Südseedrossel f ornith.
Island Thrush
Rotaugendrossel f ornith.
Grand Cayman Thrush
Mausdrossel f ornith.
Plumbeous-backed Thrush
Kastaniendrossel f ornith.
Grey-headed Thrush
Rotbauchdrossel f ornith.
Rufous-bellied Thrush
Samtdrossel f ornith.
Glossy-black Thrush
Haitidrossel f ornith.
La Selle Thrush
Brillendrossel f ornith.
African Bare-eyed Thrush
Andromedadrossel f ornith.
Sunda Ground Thrush
Kamerundrossel f ornith.
Black-eared Ground Thrush
Mindorodrossel f ornith.
Ashy Ground Thrush
Damadrossel f ornith.
Orange-headed Ground Thrush
Crossleydrossel f ornith.
Crossley's Ground Thrush
Dixondrossel f ornith.
Long-tailed Mountain Thrush
Sumbawadrossel f ornith.
Chestnut-backed Ground Thrush
Molukkendrossel f ornith.
Moluccan Ground Thrush
Rotrückendrossel f ornith.
Red-backed Ground Thrush
Everettdrossel f ornith.
Everett's Ground Thrush
Gurneydrossel f ornith.
Orange Ground Thrush
Nataldrossel f ornith.
Spotted Ground Thrush
Papuaerddrossel f ornith.
Heine's Ground Thrush

Deutsche Chinasingdrossel {f} [ornith.] Synonyme

Englische Mongolian Song Thrush Synonyme

Mongolian Song Thrush Definition

Ant thrush
() One of several species of tropical birds, of the Old World, of the genus Pitta, somewhat resembling the thrushes, and feeding chiefly on ants.
Ant thrush
() See Ant bird, under Ant.
Brown thrush
() A common American singing bird (Harporhynchus rufus), allied to the mocking bird
(a.) Of or pertaining to Mongolia or the Mongols.
(n.) One of the Mongols.
(n.) That which is sung or uttered with musical modulations of the voice, whether of a human being or of a bird, insect, etc.
(n.) A lyrical poem adapted to vocal music
(n.) More generally, any poetical strain
(n.) Poetical composition
(n.) An object of derision
(n.) A trifle.
(n.) Any one of numerous species of singing birds belonging to Turdus and allied genera. They are noted for the sweetness of their songs.
(n.) Any one of numerous species of singing birds more or less resembling the true thrushes in appearance or habits
(n.) An affection of the mouth, fauces, etc., common in newly born children, characterized by minute ulcers called aphthae. See Aphthae.
(n.) An inflammatory and suppurative affection of the feet in certain animals. In the horse it is in the frog.
Water thrush
() A North American bird of the genus Seiurus, belonging to the Warbler family, especially the common species (S. Noveboracensis).
Water thrush
() The European water ousel.
Water thrush
() The pied wagtail.

Mongolian Song Thrush Bedeutung

swan song
last hurrah
a final performance or effort (especially before retirement)
the act of singing, with a shout and a song they marched up to the gates
song sparrow
Melospiza melodia
small songbird common in North America
ant thrush a kind of antbird
thrush songbirds characteristically having brownish upper plumage with a spotted breast
missel thrush
mistle thrush
mistletoe thrush
Turdus viscivorus
large European thrush that feeds on mistletoe berries
song thrush
Turdus philomelos
common Old World thrush noted for its song
ring ouzel
ring blackbird
ring thrush
Turdus torquatus
European thrush common in rocky areas, the male has blackish plumage with a white band around the neck
hermit thrush
Hylocichla guttata
North American thrush noted for its complex and appealing song
Wilson's thrush
Hylocichla fuscescens
tawny brown North American thrush noted for its song
wood thrush
Hylocichla mustelina
large thrush common in eastern American woodlands, noted for its melodious song
thrush nightingale
Luscinia luscinia
large nightingale of eastern Europe
water thrush brownish North American warbler found near streams
mocking thrush
thrush-like American songbird able to mimic other birdsongs
brown thrasher
brown thrush
Toxostoma rufums
common large songbird of eastern United States having reddish-brown plumage
cover version
cover song
a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody else, they made a cover of a Beatles' song
siren call
siren song
the enticing appeal of something alluring but potentially dangerous, he succumbed to the siren call of the wilderness
Song of Songs
Song of Solomon
Canticle of Canticles
an Old Testament book consisting of a collection of love poems traditionally attributed to Solomon but actually written much later
Prayer of Azariah and Song of the Three Children an Apocryphal book consisting of text added to the Book of Daniel
fairytale fairy tale fairy story cock-and-bull story
song and dance
an interesting but highly implausible story, often told as an excuse
call birdsong
the characteristic sound produced by a bird, a bird will not learn its song unless it hears it at an early age
song and dance theatrical performance combining singing and dancing
Mongolic language
a family of Altaic language spoken in Mongolia
theme song a melody that recurs and comes to represent a musical play or movie
signature signature tune
theme song
a melody used to identify a performer or a dance band or radio
religious song religious music for singing
a short musical composition with words, a successful musical must have at least three good songs
drinking song a song celebrating the joys of drinking, sung at drinking parties
folk song
folk ballad
a song that is traditionally sung by the common people of a region and forms part of their culture
love song
a song about love or expressing love for another person
banquet song
a song (sometimes improvised) sung by guests at a banquet
torch song a popular song concerned with disappointment in love
work song a usually rhythmical song to accompany repetitious work
song a distinctive or characteristic sound, the song of bullets was in the air, the song of the wind, the wheels sang their song as the train rocketed ahead
Sung dynasty
Song dynasty
the imperial dynasty of China fromto , noted for art and literature and philosophy
Mongolian People's Republic
Outer Mongolia
a landlocked socialist republic in central Asia
Yellow race
Mongoloid race
Mongolian race
an Asian race
a member of the nomadic peoples of Mongolia
thrush a woman who sings popular songs
song a very small sum, he bought it for a song
Mongolian monetary unit monetary unit in Mongolia
thrush candidiasis of the oral cavity, seen mostly in infants or debilitated adults
of or relating to the region of Mongolia or its people or their languages or cultures, the Mongol invaders, a Mongolian pony, Mongolian syntax strongly resembles Korean syntax
Mongolian of or relating to the modern Mongolian People's Republic, the Mongolian embassy
for a song
for a bargain price
at a low price
for a relatively small amount of money, we bought the house for a song
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