
Deutsche Feuerschwanzschama [ornith.] Synonyme

Englische Orange-tailed Shama Synonyme

Orange tailed Definition

(a.) Having the tail cropped.
(a.) Having the lower ends of garments defiled by trailing in mire or filth
(a.) Daggle-tailed
(a.) Untidy
(a.) Having an expanded, or fan-shaped, tail
(a.) Having the outer tail feathers longer than the median ones
(n.) The fruit of a tree of the genus Citrus (C. Aurantium). It is usually round, and consists of pulpy carpels, commonly ten in number, inclosed in a leathery rind, which is easily separable, and is reddish yellow when ripe.
(n.) The tree that bears oranges
(n.) The color of an orange
(a.) Of or pertaining to an orange
Osage orange
() An ornamental tree of the genus Maclura (M. aurantiaca), closely allied to the mulberry (Morus)
(a.) Having a tapered tail, with the middle feathers longest
(a.) Having long and spatulate, or racket-shaped, tail feathers.
(a.) Having a long, tapering tail like that of a rat.
(a.) Having a red tail.
(a.) Having the tail crossed by conspicuous bands of color.
(a.) Having the tail, or lower part of the body, bright red.
(a.) Having the outer feathers much the longest, the others decreasing regularly to the median ones.
Sea orange
() A large American holothurian (Lophothuria Fabricii) having a bright orange convex body covered with finely granulated scales. Its expanded tentacles are bright red.
(a.) Having the tail quills ending in sharp, naked tips.
(a.) Having the quill feathers of the tail somewhat rigid.
(a.) Having a short, thick tail.
(a.) Having a tail like that of a swallow
(a.) United by dovetailing
(a.) Having a tail
(a.) Having a tail which has the middle pair of feathers longest, the rest successively and decidedly shorter, and all more or less attenuate
(a.) Having some or all of the tail quills terminated in a long, slender, pointed shaft, without a web or barbules.

Orange tailed Bedeutung

green-tailed towhee
Chlorura chlorura
towhee of the Rocky Mountains
redtail red-tailed hawk
Buteo jamaicensis
dark brown American hawk species having a reddish-brown tail
swallow-tailed kite
swallow-tailed hawk
Elanoides forficatus
graceful North American black-and-white kite
white-tailed kite
Elanus leucurus
grey-and-white American kite of warm and tropical regions
grey sea eagle
gray sea eagle
European sea eagle
white-tailed sea eagle
Haliatus albicilla
bulky greyish-brown eagle with a short wedge-shaped white tail, of Europe and Greenland
tailed frog
bell toad
ribbed toad
tailed toad
Ascaphus trui
western North American frog with a taillike copulatory organ
zebra-tailed lizard
gridiron-tailed lizard
Callisaurus draconoides
swift lizard with long black-banded tail and long legs, of deserts of United States and Mexico
sharp-tailed grouse
sprig tail
Pedioecetes phasianellus
large grouse of prairies and open forests of western North America
band-tailed pigeon
band-tail pigeon
Columba fasciata
wild pigeon of western North America, often mistaken for the now extinct passenger pigeon
pin-tailed sandgrouse
pin-tailed grouse
Pterocles alchata
sandgrouse of Europe and Africa having elongated middle tail feathers
pintail pin-tailed duck
Anas acuta
long-necked river duck of the Old and New Worlds having elongated central tail feathers
nail-tailed wallaby
nail-tailed kangaroo
small wallabies with a horny nail on the tip of the tail
brush-tailed phalanger
Trichosurus vulpecula
bushy-tailed phalanger
brewer's mole
hair-tailed mole
Parascalops breweri
mole of eastern North America
short-tailed shrew
Blarina brevicauda
North American shrew with tail less than half its body length
slender-tailed meerkat
Suricata suricatta
a meerkat with a thin and elongated tail
orange bat
orange horseshoe bat
Rhinonicteris aurantius
a common bat of northwestern Australia having orange or yellow fur
free-tailed bat
freetailed bat
small swift insectivorous bat with leathery ears and a long tail, common in warm regions
orange tortrix
tortrix Argyrotaenia citrana
California moth whose larvae live in especially oranges
white-tailed jackrabbit
whitetail jackrabbit
Lepus townsendi
largest hare of northern plains and western mountains of United States, brownish-grey in summer and pale grey in winter, tail nearly always all white
round-tailed muskrat
Florida water rat
Neofiber alleni
of Florida wetlands
brush-tailed porcupine
brush-tail porcupine
porcupine with a tuft of large beaded bristles on the tail
long-tailed porcupine
Trichys lipura
porcupine of Borneo and Sumatra having short spines and a long tail
Virginia deer
white tail
white-tailed deer
whitetail deer
Odocoileus Virginianus
common North American deer, tail has a white underside
black-tailed deer
blacktail deer
Odocoileus hemionus columbianus
mule deer of western Rocky Mountains
longtail weasel
long-tailed weasel
Mustela frenata
the common American weasel distinguished by large size and black-tipped tail
pen-tailed tree shrew
brown tree shrew having a naked tail bilaterally fringed with long stiff hairs on the distal third, of Malaysia
Madagascar cat
ring-tailed lemur
Lemur catta
small lemur having its tail barred with black
a bassarisk
coon cat raccoon fox
ringtail ring-tailed cat
civet cat miner's cat
Bassariscus astutus
raccoon-like omnivorous mammal of Mexico and the southwestern United States having a long bushy tail with black and white rings
four-tailed bandage a bandage consisting of a strip of cloth split in two on both ends, the central part is placed under the chin to restrict motion of the mandible and the tails are tied over the top of the head
orange grove grove of orange trees
swallow-tailed coat
morning coat
a man's full-dress jacket with two long tapering tails at the back
orange red c
a variable color that is vivid red but sometimes with an orange tinge
orange color or pigment, any of a range of colors between red and yellow
reddish orange an orange color closer to red than to yellow
orange yellow
a shade of yellow tinged with orange
orange peel strips of orange peel cooked in sugar and coated with sugar
orange marmalade marmalade made from oranges
orange toast buttered toast with sugar and grated orange rind and a little orange juice
orange peel
orange rind
the rind of an orange
Cox's Orange Pippin a yellow Pippin with distinctive flavor
orange round yellow to orange fruit of any of several citrus trees
temple orange large sweet easily-peeled Florida fruit with deep orange rind
mandarin orange
a somewhat flat reddish-orange loose skinned citrus of China
bitter orange
Seville orange
sour orange
highly acidic orange used especially in marmalade
sweet orange orange with sweet juicy pulp, often has a thin skin
Jaffa orange sweet almost seedless orange of Israel
navel orange seedless orange enclosing a small secondary fruit at the apex
Valencia orange variety of sweet orange cultivated extensively in Florida and California
orange zest tiny bits of orange peel
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