
White rumped Thicket Flycatcher Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Weißbürzel-Dickichtschnäpper m ornith.
White-rumped Thicket Flycatcher
white-collar occupation
white-collar worker
white-collar workers
white-collar worker
höherer Angestellter
white-collar employee
White Paper
weiße Bevölkerung
white population
weiße Ware
white goods
lästiger Besitz, der hohe Kosten verursacht
white elephant fig.
Bleiweiß n
white lead
Büroangestellte m f , Büroangestellter
white-collar worker, office-worker
Dickicht n
Dickichte pl
Eiweiß n, Klar n Ös. (eines Eies)
egg-white, white of an egg
Fliege f zool.
Fliegen pl
weiße Fliege
whitefly, white fly
Fliegenfänger m
Fliegenfänger pl
Informationsschrift f
white paper
Johannisbeere f, Ribisel f Ös. bot.
Johannisbeeren pl, Ribiseln pl Ös.
schwarze Johannisbeere f
rote Johannisbeere f
weiße Johannisbeere f
black currant, blackcurrant
red currant, garnet berry
white currant
(weißer) Kittel
(white) coat
Leerraum m
white space, whitespace
Leukozyte f, weißes Blutkörperchen anat.
Leukozyten pl
leukocyte, white blood cell
weiße Lichtnelke f bot.
white campion
Mädchenhandel m
white slavery
Milchkaffee m, Melange f Ös.
coffee with milk, white coffee
Mitesser m, Hautmitesser m, Komedon n
Mitesser pl, Hautmitesser pl, Komedonen pl
offene Mitesser, offene Komedonen
geschlossene Mitesser, geschlossenes Komedon
blackhead, comedo
blackheads, black heads
white head
Notlüge f
white lie
Parlamentärflagge f
flag of truce, white flag
Rafting n, Wildwasserbootsfahren n
rafting, white-water rafting
Reif m, Raureif m, Raufrost m
rime, white frost
Rohkarosserie f
body in white, bodyshell
Schaumkrone f (auf Wellen)
white crest
Schimmel m (weißes Pferd)
Schimmel pl
white horse
white horses
Schwarz-Weiß-Film m, Schwarzweißfilm m
black-and-white film
Silberpappel f bot.
Silberpappeln pl
white poplar
white poplars
weißer Steinklee bot.
white melilot
Testbenzin m
white spirit
Traum m
Träume pl
ein schlechter Traum
ein Traum in Weiß
a bad dream
a vision in white
Weihnachten n, Weihnacht f, Weihnachten pl
Weihnachtstag m
1. Weihnachtsfeiertag, Christtag m Ös.
2. Weihnachtsfeiertag, Stephanitag m Ös.
Frohe Weihnachten!, Fröhliche Weihnachten!
weiße Weihnachten
grüne Weihnachten
Christmas, Xmas
Christmas day
Christmas Day Br.
Boxing Day Br.
Merry Christmas!
white Christmas, Christmas with snow
Christmas without snow
Weißhai m zool.
great white shark
Weißbrot n cook.
Weißbrote pl
rundes, hohes Weißbrot
white bread
white breads
cottage loaf Br.
Weißbuch n, öffentliche Diskussionsschrift f
White Paper
Weißbuche f bot.
Weißbuchen pl
white beech, hornbeam
white beeches
Weißdorn m bot.
hawthorn, white haw, whitethorn
Weißglut f
jdn. zur Weißglut bringen ugs.
white heat
to make sb. livid Br. coll.
Weißgold n
white gold
Weißkohl m, Weißkraut n bot. cook.
white cabbage
Weißmetall n
Weißmetalle pl
white alloy
white alloys
Weißwandreifen m
white sidewall tyre
Weißwein m
white wine
Wildwasser n
white water, wildwater
Wirtschaftskriminalität f
economic crime, white-collar crime, corporate crime
Zinkweiß n
zinc white
Weißer Zwerg astron.
white dwarf
anziehen, kleiden, bekleiden, einkleiden
anziehen, kleidend, bekleidend, einkleidend
angezogen, gekleidet, bekleidet, eingekleidet
kleidet, bekleidet
kleidete, bekleidete
ganz im Weiß gekleidet sein
to clothe {clothed, clad obs., clothed, clad obs.}
clothed, clad
to be clad in white
jdn. (total) ausnehmen
to bleed white sb.
cremeweiß adj
hochdramatisch adj
ganz in Weiß gekleidet
to garb
garbed all in white
schlohweiß, schneeweiß adj
snow white
schreckhaft, feige adj
chickenhearted, white-livered, yellow-bellied
schwarzweiß adj
black and white
silber-weiß adj
silberweiß adj
sprenkeln, bespritzen
sprenkelnd, bespritzend
gesprenkelt, bespritzt
rot mit weiß gesprenkelt, rot mit weißen Tupfen
to fleck
red flecked with white
weiß adj (Farbe)
gebrochen weiß
weißschwänzig adj
weiß glühend, weißglühend alt adj
white-hot, incandescent
weißhaarig adj
white wash
white washing
Rauschstörung f
white noise
Dort steht es schwarz auf weiß.
There it is in black and white.
Er wollte das Gegenteil beweisen.
He tried to prove that black is white.
Nicht alle Narren haben Kappen. Sprw.
If all fools wore white caps, we should seem a flock. prov.
Weiß setzt in zwei Zügen matt.
White mates in two.
Atlantischer Weißseitendelfin m zool.
Atlantische Weißseitendelfine pl
Atlantic White-sided Dolphin, Jumper, Springer
Atlantic White-sided Dolphins, Jumpers, Springers
Breitmaulnashorn n, Weißes Nashorn zool.
Breitmaulnashörner pl, Weiße Nashörner
white rhinoceros, white rhino, square lipped rhinoceros
white rhinoceroses, square lipped rhinoceroses
Geissbrasse f zool.
Geissbrassen pl
White seabream
White seabreams
Kohlweißling m zool.
Kohlweißlinge pl
cabbage white butterfly
cabbage white butterflies
Termite f zool.
Termiten pl
termite, white ant
termites, white ants
(Amphiprion leucokranos) zool.
white cap (anemone) clown
Rotmeer-Wimpelfisch m (Heniochus intermedius) zool.
black & white heniochus
Schwarzweiß-Riffbarsch m (Chromis iomelas) zool.
black & white chromis
Smiths Säbelzahnblenni m, Malediven-Säbelzahnschleimfisch m (Meiacanthus smithii) zool.
white blenny
Weißgesicht-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon mesoleucos) zool.
white face butterfly
Atlantischer Weissseitendelfin m, Nordischer Delfin m, Springer zool.
Atlantic white-sided dolphin, jumper, springer, lag, North Atlantic dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus)
Beluga, Beluga-Wal, Weißwal m, Weißer Delfin m, Meereskanarie, Meereskanarienvogel zool.
beluga whale, beluga, Belukha, white whale, sea canary (Delphinapterus leucas)
Chile-Delfin m zool.
black dolphin, Chilean dolphin, Chilean black dolphin, white-bellied dolphin (Cephalorhynchus eutropia)
Commerson-Delfin m, Jacobiter m zool.
Commerson's dolphin, black-and-white dolphin, sunk dolphin, Piebald dolphin, puffing pig (Cephalorhynchus commersonii)
Dall-Hafenschweinswal m, Weissflankenschweinswal m zool.
Dall's porpoise, Dall's harbour porpoise, white-flanked porpoise, spray porpoise, True's porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli)
Fleckendelfin m, Pantropischer Fleckendelfin m, Schlankdelfin m zool.
pantropical spotted dolphin, white-spotted dolphin, slender-beaked dolphin, bridled dolphin, spotter, spotted porpoise (Stenella attenuata)
Gemeiner Delfin m, Gewöhnlicher Delfin m, Unterarten: Kurzschnauzen Gemeiner Delfin m, Langschnauzen Gemeiner Delfin m zool.
common dolphin, saddleback dolphin, criss-cross dolphin, hourglass dolphin, cape dolphin, white-bellied porpoise, subspecies: short-beaked common dolphin, long-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis, Delphinus capensis)
Hector-Delfin m zool.
Hector's dolphin, little pied dolphin, New Zealand dolphin, white-front dolphin (Cephalorhynchus hectori)
Kurzschnabeldelfin m zool.
Fraser's dolphin, Sarawak dolphin, shortsnout dolphin, Bornean dolphin, Fraser's porpoise, white-bellied dolphin (Lagenodelphis hosei)
Pazifischer Weissstreifendelfin m zool.
Pacific white-sided dolphin, white-striped dolphin, lag, hookfin porpoise, hook-finned porpoise (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens)
Rundkopfdelfin m, Gestreifter Delfin m, Rissos Delfin m zool.
Risso's dolphin, grey dolphin, white-head grampus, grey grampus (Grampus griseus)
Streifendelfin m, Blauweißer Delfin m zool.
striped dolphin, whitebelly dolphin, Euphrosyne dolphin, blue-white dolphin, Meyen's dolphin, Gray's dolphin, streaker porpoise (Stenella coeruleoalba)
Stundenglas-Delfin m zool.
hourglass dolphin, Wilson's dolphin, southern white-sided dolphin, cross-bearing dolphins (Lagenorhynchus cruciger)
Weißschnauzendelfin m, Langfinnendelfin m zool.
white-beaked dolphin, white-nosed dolphin, squidhound, white-beaked porpoise (Lagenorhynchus albirostris)
Weißes Meer geogr.
White Sea
Bachstelze f ornith.
White Wagtail (Motacilla alba), Pied Wagtail
Bläßgans f ornith.
Greater White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons)
Erddrossel f ornith.
White's (Scaly) Thrush (Zoothera dauma)
Gelbschnabeltaucher m ornith.
White-billed Diver (Gavia adamsii)
Grauschnäpper m ornith.
Spotted Flycatcher (Muscicapa striata)
Halsbandschnäpper m ornith.
Collared Flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis)
Rosapelikan m ornith.
Great White Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus)
Rötelschwalbe f ornith.
Red-rumped Swallow (Hirundo daurica)
Schneesperling m ornith.
White-winged Snowfinch (Montifringilla nivalis)
Seeadler m ornith.
White-tailed Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)
Silberreiher m ornith.
Great White Egret (Ardea alba)
Trauerschnäpper m ornith.
(European) Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca)
Wasseramsel f ornith.
(White-throated) Dipper (Cinclus cinclus)
Weißbürzel-Strandläufer m ornith.
White-rumped Sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis)
Weißflügellerche f ornith.
White-winged Lark (Melanocorypha leucoptera)
Weißflügel-Seeschwalbe f ornith.
White-winged Tern (Chlidonias leucopterus)
Weißrückenspecht m ornith.
White-backed Woodpecker (Dendrocopos leucotos)
Weißschwanzkiebitz m ornith.
White-tailed Lapwing (Vanellus leucurus), White-tailed Plover
Weißstorch m, Weißer Storch ornith.
White Stork (Ciconia ciconia)
Zwerggans f ornith.
Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus)
Zwergschnäpper m ornith.
Red-breasted Flycatcher (Ficedula parva)
Halbringschnäpper m ornith.
Semicollared Flycatcher
Schneefink m ornith.
White-winged Snow Finch, Snow Finch
Weißkopfnoddi m ornith.
White-capped Noddy
Weißkopf-Ruderente f ornith.
White-headed Duck
Weißwangen-Seeschwalbe f ornith.
White-cheeked Tern
Zwergbläßgans f ornith.
Lesser White-fronted Goose
Buschtinamu m ornith.
Thicket Tinamou
Weißbauch-Steißhuhn n ornith.
White-bellied Nothura
Weißkehltinamu m ornith.
White throated Tinamou
Weißflügelpinguin m ornith.
White-flippered Penguin
Rollandtaucher m ornith.
White-tufted Grebe
Weißgesicht-Sturmtaucher m ornith.
White-faced Shearwater
Weißkinn-Sturmvogel m ornith.
White-chinned Petrel
Weißnacken-Sturmvogel m ornith.
Kermadec White-necked Petrel
Salvinsturmvogel m ornith.
White-necked Petrel
Weißkopf-Sturmvogel m ornith.
White-headed Petrel
Weißflügel-Sturmvogel m ornith.
White winged Petrel
Weißbauch-Strumschwalbe f ornith.
White-bellied Storm Petrel
Weißkehl-Sturmschwalbe f ornith.
White-throated Storm Petrel
Weißgesicht-Sturmschwalbe f ornith.
White-faced Storm Petrel
Weißschwanz-Tropikvogel m ornith.
White-tailed Tropic Bird
Nashornpelikan m ornith.
American White Pelican
Weißpelikan m ornith.
White Pelican
Weißbrustkormoran m ornith.
White-breasted Cormorant
Weißhalsreiher m ornith.
White-necked Heron
Weißwangenreiher m ornith.
White-faced Egret
Weißrückenreiher m ornith.
White-backed Night Heron

Deutsche Weißbürzel-Dickichtschnäpper {m} [ornith.] Synonyme

Englische White-rumped Thicket Flycatcher Synonyme

White rumped Thicket Flycatcher Definition

(a.) As white as cream.
(n.) One of numerous species of birds that feed upon insects, which they take on the wing.
Schwann's white substance
() The substance of the medullary sheath.
(a.) White as snow
(a.) A wood or a collection of trees, shrubs, etc., closely set
(n.) A vinelike plant (Vitis Caribaea) growing in parched districts in the West Indies, and containing a great amount of sap which is sometimes used for quenching thirst.
(superl.) Reflecting to the eye all the rays of the spectrum combined
(superl.) Destitute of color, as in the cheeks, or of the tinge of blood color
(superl.) Having the color of purity
(superl.) Gray, as from age
(superl.) Characterized by freedom from that which disturbs, and the like
(superl.) Regarded with especial favor
(n.) The color of pure snow
(n.) Something having the color of snow
(n.) Specifically, the central part of the butt in archery, which was formerly painted white
(n.) A person with a white skin
(n.) A white pigment
(n.) Any one of numerous species of butterflies belonging to Pieris, and allied genera in which the color is usually white. See Cabbage butterfly, under Cabbage.
(v. t.) To make white
(n.) See White-face.
(n.) The wheatear.
(n.) Any one of several species of small Old World singing of the genus Zosterops, as Zosterops palpebrosus of India, and Z. c/rulescens of Australia. The eyes are encircled by a ring of white feathers, whence the name. Called also bush creeper, and white-eyed tit.
(n.) A white mark in the forehead of a horse, descending almost to the nose
(n.) A white mark on the foot of a horse, between the fetlock and the coffin.
White friar
() A mendicant monk of the Carmelite order, so called from the white cloaks worn by the order. See Carmelite.
(a.) Having a white front
(n.) A somewhat heart-shaped cherry with a whitish skin.
(a.) White with heat
(a.) Whitewashed or plastered with lime.
(a.) Having a pale look
(n.) A kind of food made of milk or cream, eggs, sugar, bread, etc., baked in a pot.
(n.) A dangerous disease of sheep.

White rumped Thicket Flycatcher Bedeutung

white backlash
backlash by white racists against black civil rights advances
white sale a sale of household linens
white man's burden the supposed responsibility of the white race to provide care for their non-white subjects
great white shark
white shark
man-eating shark
Carcharodon carcharias
large aggressive shark widespread in warm seas, known to attack humans
whitetip shark oceanic whitetip shark
white-tipped shark
Carcharinus longimanus
large deep-water shark with white-tipped dorsal fin, worldwide distribution, most dangerous shark
white-throated sparrow
Zonotrichia albicollis
common North American finch with a white patch on the throat and black-and-white striped crown
New World flycatcher
flycatcher tyrant flycatcher
tyrant bird
large American birds that characteristically catch insects on the wing
vermillion flycatcher
firebird Pyrocephalus rubinus mexicanus
tropical American flycatcher found as far north as southern Texas and Arizona, adult male has bright scarlet and black plumage
scissortailed flycatcher
grey flycatcher of the southwestern United States and Mexico and Central America having a long forked tail and white breast and salmon and scarlet markings
Old World flycatcher
true flycatcher
any of a large group of small songbirds that feed on insects taken on the wing
spotted flycatcher
Muscicapa striata
Muscicapa grisola
common European woodland flycatcher with greyish-brown plumage
white-breasted nuthatch
Sitta carolinensis
bluish-grey nuthatch with black head and white breast, of eastern North America
white-bellied swallow
tree swallow Iridoprocne bicolor
bluish-green-and-white North American swallow, nests in tree cavities
white-tailed kite
Elanus leucurus
grey-and-white American kite of warm and tropical regions
grey sea eagle
gray sea eagle
European sea eagle
white-tailed sea eagle
Haliatus albicilla
bulky greyish-brown eagle with a short wedge-shaped white tail, of Europe and Greenland
white stork
Ciconia ciconia
the common stork of Europe, white with black wing feathers and a red bill
great white heron Ardea occidentalis large white heron of Florida and the Florida Keys
great white heron Casmerodius albus widely distributed Old World white egret
American egret
great white heron Egretta albus
a common egret of the genus Egretta found in America, it is a variety of the Old World white egret Casmerodius albus
white-headed stilt
Himantopus himantopus leucocephalus
stilt of the southwest Pacific including Australia and New Zealand having mostly white plumage but with black wings and nape of neck
white pelican
Pelecanus erythrorhynchos
large American pelican, white with black wing feathers
Old world white pelican
Pelecanus onocrotalus
similar to American white pelican
white whale
beluga Delphinapterus leucas
small northern whale that is white when adult
West Highland white terrier small white longoated terrier developed in Scotland
white wolf
Arctic wolf
Canis lupus tundrarum
wolf of Arctic North America having white fur and a black-tipped tail
Arctic fox
white fox
Alopex lagopus
thickly-furred fox of Arctic regions, brownish in summer and white in winter
bald-faced hornet
white-faced hornet
Vespula maculata
North American hornet
white ant
whitish soft-bodied ant-like social insect that feeds on wood
white admiral Limenitis camilla Eurasian butterfly with brown wings and white markings
banded purple
white admiral Limenitis arthemis
North American butterfly with blue-black wings crossed by a broad white band
small white
Pieris rapae
small widely distributed form
large white
Pieris brassicae
Old World form of cabbage butterfly
white-tailed jackrabbit
whitetail jackrabbit
Lepus townsendi
largest hare of northern plains and western mountains of United States, brownish-grey in summer and pale grey in winter, tail nearly always all white
white-footed mouse
vesper mouse
Peromyscus leucopus
American woodland mouse with white feet and underparts
white rhinoceros
Ceratotherium simum
Diceros simus
large light-grey African rhinoceros having two horns, endangered, sometimes placed in genus Diceros
white-lipped peccary
Tayassu pecari
blackish peccary with whitish cheeks, larger than the collared peccary
Dall sheep
Dall's sheep
white sheep
Ovis montana dalli
large white wild sheep of northwestern Canada and Alaska
Virginia deer
white tail
white-tailed deer
whitetail deer
Odocoileus Virginianus
common North American deer, tail has a white underside
white elephant albinic Indian elephant, rare and sometimes venerated in east Asia
giant perch
giant seaperch
Asian seabass
white seabass
Lates calcarifer
a species of large perch noted for its sporting and eating qualities, lives in marine, estuary, and freshwater habitats
white crappie
Pomoxis annularis
a crappie that is white
white perch
silver perch Morone americana
small silvery food and game fish of eastern United States streams
white croaker chenfish
kingfish Genyonemus lineatus
small silvery marine food fish found off California
white croaker queenfish
Seriphus politus
silvery and bluish drumfish of shallow California coastal waters
white mullet
Mugil curema
silvery mullet of Atlantic and Pacific coasts
white marlin
Makaira albida
small marlin (topounds) of western Atlantic
Pacific sturgeon
white sturgeon Sacramento sturgeon
Acipenser transmontanus
food and game fish of marine and fresh waters of northwestern coast of North America
beluga hausen
white sturgeon Acipenser huso
valuable source of caviar and isinglass, found in Black and Caspian seas
black and white
a black-and-white photograph or slide
clean room
white room
a room that is virtually free of dust or bacteria, used in laboratory work and in assembly or repair of precision equipment
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123 Bewertungen 3


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White is an achromatic color, a color without hue. An incoming light to the human eye that stimulates all its three types of color sensitive cone cells in nearly equal amounts results in white. White is one of the most common colors in nature, the color of sunlight, snow, milk, chalk, limestone and other common minerals. In many cultures white represents or signifies purity, innocence, and light, and is the symbolic opposite of black, or darkness. According to surveys in Europe and the United States, white is the color most often associated with perfection, the good, honesty, cleanliness, the beginning, the new, neutrality, and exactitude.

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