
a case (for against) Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

exceptional case
bei Nichteinlösung
in case of dishonour
in case of affirmation
as the case may be
Darstellung des Falles
statement of the case
den Umständen entsprechend
as the case may be
einen Fall vor Gericht durchfechten
fight a case
individual case
in the case of
falls er sich vorbehalten hat
in case he may have reserved
case study
as the case may be
marginal case
case of hardship
case of average
im ersteren Fall
in the former case
im Falle
in case
im Falle
in the case
im Falle der Verhinderung
in case of being prevented
im Falle des Verlusts, im Schadensfalle
in case of loss
im Falle von
in case of
im Falle von
in the case of
im letzteren Fall
in the latter case
im Notfall
in case of an emergency
im Notfall, notfalls
in case of need
im Zweifel, im Zweifelsfalle
in case of doubt
im Zweifelsfall
in case of doubt
in dem Falle vorgesehen in
in the case provided for in
in diesem Fall
in that case
in diesem Falle
in that case
in einem dringenden Fall
in a case of urgency
je nach Lage des Falles
as the case may be
jeder Einzelfall
each individual case
kann sich in keinem Falle bedienen
can in no case avail himself of
Kiste zur Verpackung von Waren
packing case
Kiste, Fall, Streitfall
lower case letters
nach Prüfung des Falles
after having examined the case
address in case of need
referee in case of need
acceptance in case of need
case of need
in case of emergency
oder dergleichen
or as the case may be
test case
circumstances of the case
case of loss
von Fall zu Fall
as the case arises
case history
Weisungen der Notadresse
instructions from the case-of-need
bill case
wie immer es sein mag
as the case may be
Aktentasche f
Aktentaschen pl
brief case, briefcase
brief cases, briefcases
Aktentasche f, Aktenkoffer m
Aktentaschen pl, Aktenkoffer pl
attache case
attache cases
Anwendungsfall m comp.
Anwendungsfälle pl
use case
use cases
Arztkoffer m med.
Arztkoffer pl
doctor's kit, doctor's case
doctor's kits, doctor's cases
Ausgleichsgehäuse n
differential case
Ausnahme f, Ausnahmefall m
Ausnahmen pl, Ausnahmefälle pl
exception, exceptional case
exceptions, exceptional cases
Ausnahmegenehmigung f
Ausnahmegenehmigungen pl
special case authorization, certificate of exemption
special case authorizations, certificates of exemption
im Bedarfsfall
in case of need, if necessary
Belastungsfall m
case of loading
Bettbezug m
plumeau case
Brillenetui n
Brillenetuis pl
spectacle case, glasses box
spectacle cases, glasses boxes
Buchstaben-Ziffernumschaltung f
case shift
Dativ m, dritter Fall gramm.
dative, dative case
Einsatzhärten n techn.
case hardening
Einsatzhärtungstiefe f techn.
case depth
Einsatzschicht f (Einsatzhärten) techn.
Einsatzstahl m techn.
case hardening steel
Einzelfall m
Einzelfälle pl
individual case, particular case
individual cases
Elektrodenköcher m techn.
Elektrodenköcher pl
electrode case
electrode cases
eine Sache des Ellbogengebrauchs
a case of dog-eat-dog
Ernstfall m
Ernstfälle pl
case of emergency
cases of emergency
Etui n
Etuis pl
Extremfall m
Extremfälle pl
extreme case
extreme cases
Fach n
Fall m, Sache f, Prozess m
Fälle pl
ein schwieriger Fall
auf jeden Fall
auf jeden Fall, auf alle Fälle
auf keinen Fall
auf gar keinen Fall
dieser spezielle Fall
für alle Fälle
für den Fall, dass ich ...
für solche Fälle
hoffnungsloser Fall
schlimmster Fall, ungünstigster Fall
in den meisten Fällen
im Falle, für den Fall
in diesem Fall
in vielen Fällen
zu Fall bringen
zu Fall bringen
auf alle Fälle
auf alle Fälle
einer der wenigen Fälle
a hard case
at all events, in any event, at any rate
in any case
by no means, in no case, on no account
not on any account
this particular case
just in case
in case I ...
for such occasions
basket case
worst case
in the majority of cases
in the event
in that case
in many instances
to make fall, to bring down
to cause the downfall
at all events
without fail
one of the rare cases
Fall m, Kasus m gramm.
Nominativ m, erster Fall
Genitiv m, zweiter Fall
Dativ m, dritter Fall
Akkusativ m, vierter Fall
Instrumental n, fünfter Fall
Ablativ m, fünfter Fall
Präpositiv m, sechster Fall
Vokativ m (Anredefall), sechster Fall
nominative case
genitive case
dative case
accusative case
instrumental case
ablative case
prepositional case
vocative case
Fall-Kontroll-Studie f
case-control study
Fallbeispiel n
case example
Fallbesprechung f
case review
Fallbesprechung f med.
case conference
Fallstudie f, Fallbeispiel n
case study
Fallunterscheidung f
case discrimination
Federmappe f
Federmappen pl
pencil case
pencil cases
Futteral n
Gehäuse n
Gehäuse pl
case, housing
cases, housings
Geigenkasten m mus.
Geigenkästen pl
violin case
violin cases
Genitiv m, zweiter Fall gramm.
im Genitiv
genitive, possessive case
on the genitive
Geschossmantel m mil.
bullet case
Glaskasten m
Glaskästen pl
glass case
glass cases
Grenzfall m
Grenzfälle pl
borderline case, marginal case
borderline cases, marginal cases
Grippefall m med.
Grippefälle pl
flu case
flu cases
Großbuchstabe m
Großbuchstaben pl
upper-case character
upper-case characters
Kleinschreibung unterschieden
Kleinschreibung nicht unterschieden
Handkoffer m
suitcase, suit case
Holzkiste f
Holzkisten pl
wooden box, wooden case
wooden boxes, wooden cases
Idealfall m
ideal case
Instrumentenkoffer m, Instrumentenkasten m mus.
Instrumentenkoffer pl, Instrumentenkästen pl
instrument case
instrument cases
Kartätsche f hist.
case-shot, canister shot
Kartentasche f
Kasusendung f, Endung f
Kasusendungen pl, Endungen pl
case ending
case endings
Kiste f
Kisten pl, Schachteln pl
box, case, chest, crate
Kleinbuchstabe m
lower-case character
Kleinschrift f
lower case, lowercase
Koffer m
Koffer pl
sich mit einem schweren Koffer schleppen
case, suitcase
cases, suitcases
to lug a heavy case around
Kontaktlinsenbehälter m
Kontaktlinsenbehälter pl
contact lenses case
contact lenses cases
Kopfkissenbezug m
pillow case
Krankengeschichte f med.
case history, medical history
Krankheitsfall m
Krankheitsfälle pl
im Krankheitsfall
case of illness
cases of illness
in the event of illness
Lederetui n
leather case
Maultasche f cook.
Maultaschen pl
Swabian ravioli, filled pasta case
Swabian raviolis, filled pasta cases
Modder m, jemand, der Produkte (insb. Hard- oder Software) ändert
Case-Modder m, jemand, der Computergehäuse optisch aufbessert
Modding n, Abändern von Produkten (insb. Hard- oder Software)
Case-Modding n, optisches Aufbessern von Computergehäusen
Mordfall m
Mordfälle pl
murder, murder case, homicide case Am.
murders, murder cases, homicide cases
Musterkoffer m
Musterkoffer pl
case of samples
cases of samples
Musterprozess m
Musterprozesse pl
test case
test cases
Normalfall m
Normalfälle pl
normal case
normal cases
Not f, äußerer Zwang
der Not gehorchen
im Notfall
to bow to necessity
in case of necessity
im Notfall
in case of need
Patronenhülse f
Patronenhülsen pl
cartridge case, bullet casing
cartridge cases, bullet casings
Pflegefall m
Pflegefälle pl
nursing case
nursing cases
Präzedensfall m
Präzedensfälle pl
test case
test cases
Präzedenzfall m, Präjudiz n
einen Präzedenzfall schaffen
einen Präzedenzfall bilden
ohne einen Präzedenzfall
precedent, precedent case
to set a precedent
to constitute a precedent
Präzedenzrecht n, Richterrecht n
case law
Problemfall m
Problemfälle pl
problem case, problematic case
problem cases, problematic cases
Prozessakten pl
records of a case
Prozessführung f
conduct of a case
Radkasten m
Radkästen pl
wheel case, wheel house Br.
wheel cases, wheel houses
Rechtsfall m
Rechtsfälle pl
laufender Rechtsfall
law case
law cases
ongoing case
Sachverhalt m
the facts (of the case)
Samenbehälter m
Samenbehälter pl
seed case
seed cases
Schadensfall m, Versicherungsfall m
Schadensfälle pl, Versicherungsfälle pl
im Schadensfall
meldepflichtiger Schadensfall
case of damage, event of damage
cases of damage, events of damage
in the event of damage
damage that must be reported
Schaukasten m
Schaukästen pl
show case, display
show cases, displays
Schlimmstfall m, Schlimmstfall-Szenario n
Schlimmstfälle pl, Schlimmstfall-Szenarios pl
worst case, worst-case scenario
worst cases, worst-case scenarios
Schminkkoffer m
vanity case
Schmuckkästchen n
jewel case
Schreibmappe f
Schreibmappen pl
writing case
writing cases
Schrein m
case, cabinet, cupboard
Setzerei f
case room
Setzkasten m
letter case
Sonderfall m, Spezialfall m
Sonderfälle pl, Spezialfälle pl
special case
special cases
Sprungdeckelgehäuse n (einer Uhr)
hunting case
Stahl m
Stähle pl
alterungsbeständiger Stahl
bandbeschichteter Stahl
durchhärtbare Stähle
gezogener Stahl
halbberuhigter Stahl
hochfester Stahl
lufthärtende Stähle
non-ageing steel, non-aging steel
coil-coated steel
through-hardening steels
case-hardening steels
tensional steel
semi-killed steel
high-tensile steel
air-hardening steels
nitriding steels
Strafsache f
Strafsachen pl
criminal case
criminal cases
Tatbestand m
facts of the case
Testdatensatz m
test case
Testfall m
Testfälle pl
test case
test cases

Deutsche Ausnahmefall Synonyme

Ausnahme  ÂAusnahmefall  

Englische exceptional case Synonyme

a case (for against) Definition

(n.) A box, sheath, or covering
(n.) A box and its contents
(n.) A shallow tray divided into compartments or "boxes" for holding type.
(n.) An inclosing frame
(n.) A small fissure which admits water to the workings.
(v. t.) To cover or protect with, or as with, a case
(v. t.) To strip the skin from
(n.) Chance
(n.) That which befalls, comes, or happens
(n.) A patient under treatment
(n.) The matters of fact or conditions involved in a suit, as distinguished from the questions of law
(n.) One of the forms, or the inflections or changes of form, of a noun, pronoun, or adjective, which indicate its relation to other words, and in the aggregate constitute its declension
(v. i.) To propose hypothetical cases.
(n.) The space between two principals or girders
(n.) One of the joists framed between a pair of girders in naked flooring.
Case knife
() A knife carried in a sheath or case.
Case knife
() A large table knife
Case shot
() A collection of small projectiles, inclosed in a case or canister.
(n.) The covering of an insect, esp. the elytra of beetles.
(a.) Pertaining to, or kept in, the lower case

a case (for against) Bedeutung

case load the number of cases handled in a given period of time (as by a court or agency)
case study a detailed analysis of a person or group from a social or psychological or medical point of view
trespass on the case an action brought to recover damages from a person whose actions have resulted indirectly in injury or loss, a person struck by a log as it was thrown onto a road could maintain trespass against the thrower but one who was hurt by stumbling over it could maintain and action on the case
a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy, the family brought suit against the landlord
antitrust case a legal action brought against parties who are charged with limiting free competition in the market place
custody case a legal action to determine custody (usually of children following a divorce)
test case
test suit
a representative legal action whose outcome is likely to become a precedent
wing case
either of the horny front wings in beetles and some other insects which cover and protect the functional hind wings
attache case
a shallow and rectangular briefcase
case a portable container for carrying several objects, the musicians left their instrument cases backstage
case display case
a glass container used to store and display items in a shop or museum or home
case pillowcase
slip pillow slip
bed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow, the burglar carried his loot in a pillowcase
case compositor's case
typesetter's case
(printing) the receptacle in which a compositor has his type, which is divided into compartments for the different letters, spaces, or numbers, for English, a compositor will ordinarily have two such cases, the upper case containing the capitals and the lower case containing the small letters
case knife sheath knife a knife with a fixed blade that is carried in a sheath
case knife a metal blade with a handle, used as cutlery
case shot
canister canister shot
a metallic cylinder packed with shot and used as ammunition in a firearm
the enclosing frame around a door or window opening, the casings had rotted away and had to be replaced
cigarette case a small flat case for holding cigarettes, can be carried in a purse or a pocket
dispatch case
dispatch box
case consisting of an oblong container (usually having a lock) for carrying dispatches or other valuables
dressing case a small piece of luggage for carrying brushes and bottles and toilet articles while traveling
gear box
gear case
the shell (metal casing) in which a train of gears is sealed
glasses case a case for carrying spectacles
gun case a case for storing a gun
letter case case for carrying letters
overnight bag
overnight case
a small traveling bag to carry clothing and accessories for staying overnight
packing box packing case a large crate in which goods are packed for shipment or storage
pencil box
pencil case
a box for holding pencils
shell case casing the housing or outer covering of something, the clock has a walnut case
tool chest
tool cabinet
tool case
a box or chest or cabinet for holding hand tools
trophy case a case in which to display trophies
watch case the metal case in which the works of a watch are housed
an enveloping structure or covering enclosing an animal or plant organ or part
case the actual state of things, that was not the case
case in point
an example that is used to justify similar occurrences at a later time
grammatical case
nouns or pronouns or adjectives (often marked by inflection) related in some way to other words in a sentence
nominative case
subject case
the category of nouns serving as the grammatical subject of a verb
oblique case
any grammatical case other than the nominative
accusative case
objective case
the case of nouns serving as the direct object of a verb
dative case
the category of nouns serving as the indirect object of a verb
genitive case
possessive case
the case expressing ownership
attributive genitive
attributive genitive case
a word in the genitive case that is used as an attributive adjective, an example of the attributive genetive is `John's' in `John's mother'
vocative case
the case (in some inflected languages) used when the referent of the noun is being addressed
ablative case
the case indicating the agent in passive sentences or the instrument or manner or place of the action described by the verb
case history detailed record of the background of a person or group under study or treatment
case law
common law
(civil law) a law established by following earlier judicial decisions
case a statement of facts and reasons used to support an argument, he stated his case clearly
case a problem requiring investigation, Perry Mason solved the case of the missing heir
a specific size and style of type within a type family
case study a careful study of some social unit (as a corporation or division within a corporation) that attempts to determine what factors led to its success or failure
an occurrence of something, it was a case of bad judgment, another instance occurred yesterday, but there is always the famous example of the Smiths
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