
adoptive family Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Adoptivfamilie f soc.
Adoptivfamilien pl
adoptive family
adoptive families
eine Familie unterhalten
keep a family
Einkommen der Familie
family income
Familie ernähren
support a family
Familienbetrieb, Familienunternehmen
family business
Familienbetrieb, Familienunternehmen
family enterprise
Familienbetrieb, Familienunternehmen
family establishment
family income
family size
family planning
family status
family business
family-owned enterprise
family head
head of the family
family income supplement
family reunion
family income supplement
Familienzuschuss, Familienzuschlag
family allowance
family doctor
Haushaltspackung, Familienpackung
family size package
Kinder aufziehen
raise a family
multiple family dwelling
mithelfende Familienangehörige
family workers
family name
seine Familie verlassen
abandon one's family
unbezahlt mithelfende Familienangehörige
unpaid family workers
Untersuchung der Lebenshaltungskosten
family expenditure survey
von der Familie unterstützt
Adelsgeschlecht n, Adelsfamilie f
nobility, noble family
Adoptivkind n
Adoptivkinder pl
adoptive child
adoptive children
die engsten Angehörigen
the immediate family
Bindungen pl, Verbindungen pl
familiäre Bindungen
family ties
Einfamilienhaus n
Einfamilienhäuser pl
freistehendes Einfamilienhaus
one-family house, single-family house
one-family houses, single-family houses
detached house
Ersatzfamilie f
Ersatzfamilien pl
surrogate family
surrogate families
Familie f
Familien pl
eine Familie mit drei Personen
eine Familie unterhalten
eine Familie ernähren
seine Familie verlassen
in der Familie liegen
Familie, in der Kinder von den Großeltern erzogen werden
a family of three
to keep a family
to support a family
to abandon one's family
to run in the family
skip-generation family
Familienähnlichkeit f
family likeness
Familienangehörige m f , Familienmitglied n
Familienangehörigen pl, Familienmitglieder pl
member of the family
members of the family
Familienmitglied n
Familienmitglieder pl
family member, dependant
family members, dependants
Familienangelegenheit f
Familienangelegenheiten pl
in dringenden Familienangelegenheiten
family affair
family affairs
on urgent family business
Familienbetrieb m
family business
Familiengrab n
Familiengräber pl
family grave
family graves
Familiengröße f
family size
Familiengruft f
Familiengruften pl
family vault
family vaults
Familieneinkommen n
family income
Familienkreis m
family circle
Familienleben n
family circle
Familienplanung f
family planning
Familienrat m
family powwow
Familienrecht n
family law
Familiensorgen pl
family troubles
Familienstand m
marital status, family status
Familientreffen n
family reunion
Familienunternehmen n, Familienbetrieb m
family business
Familienverhältnisse pl
aus geordneten Familienverhältnissen kommen
family circumstances, family background
to have a stable family background
Familienvorstand m
family head
Familienzulage f
family allowance
Familienzusammenführung f
family reunion
Familienzuschuss m, Familienzuschlag m
Familienzuschüsse pl, Familienzuschläge pl
family allowance
family allowances
Familienzuwachs m
addition to the family
Frau f, Ehefrau f
Frauen pl, Ehefrauen pl
meine Frau
Frau und Kinder haben
für Frau und Kinder sorgen
my wife
to have a wife and children
to keep a wife and family
Gastfamilie f
host family
Hauptlinie f, Hauptzweig m (Abstammung)
stem (of family tree)
Hausandacht f
family prayers
Hausarzt m, Hausärztin f med.
Hausärzte pl, Hausärztinnen pl
family doctor, family physician
family doctors, family physicians
Kernfamilie f
nuclear family
Kreis m
Kreise pl
sich im Kreise drehen
im Kreise der Familie
im engsten Kreise feiern
in den besten Kreisen
to move in a circle
in the family (circle)
to celebrate within the family circle, with one's close friends
in the best circles
die Meinigen
my family, my people, mine, those close to me, significant others
Milieu n
häusliches Milieu
environment, social background, surroundings
family background
Nachname m, Zuname m, Familienname m
Nachnamen pl, Zunamen pl, Familiennamen pl
mit Zuname
surname, last name, family name
Nachtschattengewächs n bot.
Nachtschattengewächse pl
plant of the Solanaceae family
Nachwuchs m (Familie)
offspring, addition to the family
Nestbeschmutzer m, Nestbeschmutzerin f
runner-down of one's own family
country coll., denigrator of one's ...
Nestwärme f
warmth of a happy family life, love and security
Rechnerfamilie f
computer family
Sippe f
family, tribe
Stammbaum m
family tree
Stammbuch n, Familienstammbuch n
Stammbücher pl, Familienstammbücher pl
family register, family album
family registers, family albums
Stammburg f
Stammburgen pl
family seat
family seats
in anderen Umständen sein, schwanger sein
to be expecting, to be in the family way
Vormundschaftsgericht n
Family Division of the High Court Br.
ganz, vollständig adj
ganz England
die ganze Familie
den ganzen Tag
ihr ganzes Leben
die ganze Zeit
ganze zwölf Tage
ganz plötzlich, auf einmal
ganz plötzlich, völlig überraschend
all England
all the family
all the day
all her life
all the time, all along
all of twelve days
all at once
all of a sudden
gesamt adj
die gesamte Familie
die gesamten Kosten
whole, entire, total
the whole family, all the family
the total costs
innerhalb prp, +Genitiv
innerhalb der Familie
innerhalb einer Firma
innerhalb eines Monats, binnen eines Monats
innerhalb von 10 Tagen nach Auftragseingang
within the family
within a company
within a month
within 10 days after receipt of order
mein pron
meine Familie
meine Privatangelegenheiten
my family, my people
my private affairs
(der, die, das) seinige
die seinigen, die Seinigen
his family
Fam. : Familie
addition to the family
adoptive parents
family affair
family circle
Nachname, Familienname
family name
family seats
family tree
member of family
one family house
fuer Frau und Kinder sorgen
to keep a wife and family
eine große Familie
a large family
Aalmuttern pl; Gebärfische pl (Zoarcidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
eelpouts (zoological family)
Ackerschnecken pl; Kleinschnegel pl (Agriolimacidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
graue Feldschnecke; graue einfarbige Ackerschnecke (Deroceras agrestis Limax agrestis Agriolimax agrestis)
genetzte Ackerschnecke (Deroceras reticulatum)
agriolimacidae (zoological family)
Northern field slug; field slug; milky slug
grey garden slug; grey field slug
Adelsgeschlecht n; Adelsfamilie f soc.
Adelsgeschlechter pl; Adelsfamilien pl
noble dynasty; noble family
noble dynasties; noble families
Adlerfarngewächse pl; Schüsselfarngewächse pl (Dennstaedtiaceae) bot.
bracken fern family
Adlerfarngewächs n; Schüsselfarngewächs n bot.
member plant of the bracken (fern) family
Adlerrochen pl (Myliobatidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
eagle rays (zoological family)
Adoptivfamilie f soc.
Adoptivfamilien pl
adoptive family
adoptive families
Adoptivgeschwister pl soc.
adoptive siblings
Adoptivkind n; Adoptierte m f; Adoptierter soc.
Adoptivkinder pl; Adoptierten pl; Adoptierte
Vermittlung eines Adoptivkindes
adoptive child; adopted child; adoptee
adoptive children; adopted children; adoptees
placement of a child for adoption
Adoptivmutter f soc.
Adoptivmütter pl
adoptive mother
adoptive mothers
Adoptivvater m soc.
Adoptivväter pl
adoptive father
adoptive fathers
Ahlenschnecken pl (Subulinidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
awl snails (zoological family)
Ahorngewächse pl (Aceraceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
maple family (botanical family)
Algenfarngewächse pl (Azollaceae) bot.
water mosquito fern family; azolla family
Altweltgeier pl (Aegypiinae) (zoologische Familie) ornith.
Old World vultures (zoological family)
Ameisenigel pl; Schnabeligel pl; Echidna pl (Tachyglossidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
spiny anteaters; echidnas (zoological family)
Ameisenpittas pl (Formicariidae) (zoologische Famile) ornith.
formicariids (zoological family)
Ameisenvögel pl (Thamnophilidae) (zoologische Familie) ornith.
antbirds (zoological family)
Ameisenzikaden pl (Tettigometridae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
tettigometrid planthoppers (zoological family)
Ammern pl (Emberizidae) (zoologische Familie) ornith.
buntings Br.; American sparrows Am. (zoological family)
Anglerfische pl; Fühlerfische pl (Antennariidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
frogfish; anglerfishes Austr. (zoological family)
Annattogewächse pl (Bixaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
achiote family (botanical family)
Araliengewächse pl bot.
araliaceae; aralia family; ivy family
Archenmuscheln pl (Arcidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
ark clams.(zoological family)
Arzt m; Ärztin f; Mediziner m; Medizinerin f
Ärzte pl; Ärztinnen; Mediziner pl; Medizinerinnen pl
der behandelnde Arzt
niedergelassener Arzt; niedergelassene Ärztin
zum Arzt gehen
Arzt im Praktikum (AiP); Turnusarzt m Ös.; Assistent im ersten Jahr
Arzt in der Ausbildung
Dienst habender Arzt; behandelnder Arzt
angehender Arzt
Jungassistent m
Altassistent m
Wir ließen den Arzt kommen.
Kannst du mir einen guten Hausarzt empfehlen?
Er war beim Arzt.
doctor; physician; medical doctor M.D. ; medic coll.
doctors; physicians; medics
the attending physician; the attending doctor
registered doctor (with his her own practice)
to go to the doctor; to go to the doctor's
intern; first year resident Am.; junior house officer Br.; Foundation House Officer FHO Br.; pre-registration house officer Br.
doctor in charge; physician in charge
senior house officer SHO Br.; resident Am.
registrar Br.; fellow Am.
We sent for the doctor.
Can you recommend a good family doctor?
He has been to see the doctor.
Asterngewächse pl bot.
daisy family
Ausschuss m; Ausschuß m alt adm.
Ausschüsse pl
in einem Ausschuss sein; einem Ausschuss angehören
beratender Ausschuss
federführender Ausschuss
mitberatender Ausschuss
ständiger Ausschuss
Sanktionsausschuss m (des UNO-Sicherheitsrats)
Sportausschuss m
Verteidigungsausschuss m
Verfahren des beratenden Ausschusses
Ausschuss für Arbeit und Soziales
Ausschuss für Bildung Forschung und Technikfolgenabschätzung
Ausschuss für die Angelegenheiten der Europäischen Union
Ausschuss für Ernährung Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz
Ausschuss für Familie Senioren Frauen und Jugend
Ausschuss für Gesundheit
Ausschuss für Kultur und Medien
Ausschuss für Menschenrechte und humanitäre Hilfe
Ausschuss für Tourismus
Ausschuss für Umwelt Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit
Ausschuss für Verkehr Bau und Stadtentwicklung
Ausschuss für Wahlprüfung Immunität und Geschäftsordnung
Wahlprüfungsausschuss m
Ausschuss für Wirtschaft und Technologie
Ausschuss für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
Auswärtiger Ausschuss
Finanzausschuss m
Der Ausschuss tagt in unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung. pol.
to be on a committee; to be a memeber of a committee; to sit on a committee; to serve on a committee
advisory committee; consultative committee
committee responsible
committee asked for an opinion
standing committee
sanctions committee (of the UN Security Council)
Sports Committee
Defence Committee
advisory committee procedure
Committee on Labour and Social Affairs
Committee on Education Research and Technology Assessment
Committee on the Affairs of the European Union
Committee on Food Agriculture and Consumer Protection
Committee on Family Affairs Senior Citizens Women and Youth
Committee on Health
Committee on Cultural and Media Affairs
Committee on Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid
Committee on Tourism
Committee on the Environment Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
Committee on Transport Building and Urban Development
Committee for the Scrutiny of Elections Immunity and the Rules of Procedure
Committee for the Scrutiny of Elections
Committee on Economics and Technology
Committee on Economic Cooperation and Development
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Finance Committee
The committee meets in different configurations.
Austern pl (Ostreidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
true oysters (zoological family)
Bärlappgewächs n bot.
Bärlappgewächse pl (Lycopodiaceae)
member plant of the clubmoss family
clubmoss family
Balsambaumgewächse pl (Burseraceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
torchwood family; incense tree family; frankincense family; myrrh family (botanical family)
Balsaminengewächse pl (Balsaminaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
balsam family (botanical family)
Baumsteiger pl (Dendrocolaptidae) (zoologische Famile) ornith.
woodcreepers (zoological family)
Bauteil n; Teil n techn.
Bauteile pl; Teile pl
defekte Teile
druckbeanspruchte Teile mach.
druckführende Teile mach.
erste werkzeugfallende Teile
Teilefamilie f
broken parts
pressure parts
pressure parts
first off tool parts
family of parts
Bennussgewächse pl (Moringaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
horseradish tree family (botanical family)
Bernsteinschnecken pl (Succineidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
amber snails (zoological family)
Beutelratten pl (Didelphidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
opossums; possums coll. (zoological family)
Bindung f soc.
Bindungen pl
eine enge Bindung
die Bindung zwischen Mutter und Kind
Familienbande pl
das Band der Ehe
a close bond
the bond between mother and child
family bonds
the bonds of marriage
Bindung f; Verbundenheit f (mit jdm. etw.) psych. soc.
die starke enge gefühlsmäßige Verbundenheit zwischen Mutter und Kind
familiäre Bindungen
bond; bonds; ties (with sb. sth.)
the strong close emotional bond between mother and child
family ties
Binsengewächse pl; Simsengewächse Ös. pl (Juncaceae) (botanische Famile) bot.
rush family (botanical family)
Blatthornkäfer pl; Scarabaeidae pl (zoologische Familie) zool.
heiliger Pillendreher m (Scarabaeus sacer)
scarabs; scarab beetles; chafers (zoological family)
sacred scarab
Blattkäfer pl (Chrysomelidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
leaf beetles (zoological family)
Blauaugen pl (Pseudomugilidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
blue-eyes (zoological family)
Blutzikaden pl (Cercopidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
froghoppers (zoological family)
Bockkäfer pl (Cerambycidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
longhorn beetles; long-horned beetles; longicorns (zoological family)
Brachsenkrautgewächse pl (Isoetaceae) bot.
quillwort family
Braunwurzgewächse pl (Scrophulariaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
figwort family (botanical family)
Breiapfelgewächse pl; Sapotengewächse pl (Sapotaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
sapodilla family (botanical family)
Breitflügelmotten pl (Chimabachidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
broad-winged moths (zoological family)

Deutsche Adoptivfamilie {f} [soc.] / Adoptivfamilien {pl} Synonyme


Englische adoptive family Synonyme

adoptive family Definition

(a.) Pertaining to adoption
(v. t.) The collective body of persons who live in one house, and under one head or manager
(v. t.) The group comprising a husband and wife and their dependent children, constituting a fundamental unit in the organization of society.
(v. t.) Those who descend from one common progenitor
(v. t.) Course of descent
(v. t.) Honorable descent
(v. t.) A group of kindred or closely related individuals
(v. t.) A group of organisms, either animal or vegetable, related by certain points of resemblance in structure or development, more comprehensive than a genus, because it is usually based on fewer or less pronounced points of likeness. In zoology a family is less comprehesive than an order

adoptive family Bedeutung

family practice
family medicine
medical practice that provides health care regardless of age or sex while placing emphasis on the family unit
family therapy any of several therapeutic approaches in which a family is treated as a whole
natural family planning any of several methods of family planning that do not involve sterilization or contraceptive devices or drugs, coitus is avoided during the fertile time of a woman's menstrual cycle
birth control
birth prevention
family planning
limiting the number of children born
basal body temperature method of family planning
basal body temperature method
natural family planning in which the fertile period of the woman's menstrual cycle is inferred by noting the rise in basal body temperature that typically occurs with ovulation
ovulation method of family planning
ovulation method
natural family planning in which the fertile period is inferred from changes in the character and quantity of cervical mucus, ovulation is marked by an increase in mucus that becomes sticky and then clearer and slippery
bacteria family a family of bacteria
family Rhizobiaceae
a small family of rod-shaped bacteria
family Bacillaceae
typically rod-shaped usually Gram-positive bacteria that produce endospores
family Myxophyceae
family Schizophyceae
former terms for Cyanophyceae
family Nostocaceae
blue-green algae
family Oscillatoriaceae
blue green algae
family Pseudomonodaceae
rod-shaped Gram-negative bacteria, include important plant and animal pathogens
family Athiorhodaceae
small motile sulphur bacteria
family Nitrobacteriaceae
usually rod-shaped bacteria that oxidize ammonia or nitrites: nitrobacteria
family Thiobacteriaceae
free-living coccoid to rod-shaped bacteria that derive energy from oxidizing sulfur or sulfur compounds
family Spirillaceae
rigid spirally curved elongate bacteria
family Bacteroidaceae
family of bacteria living usually in the alimentary canal or on mucous surfaces of warm-blooded animals, sometimes associated with acute infective processes
family Corynebacteriaceae
a large family of mostly Gram-positive and aerobic and nonmotile rod-shaped bacteria of the order Eubacteriales
family Enterobacteriaceae
a large family of Gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria of the order Eubacteriales
family Rickettsiaceae
microorganism resembling bacteria inhabiting arthropod tissues but capable of causing disease in vertebrates
family Chlamydiaceae
Gram-negative parasites in warm-blooded vertebrates
family Mycoplasmataceae
pleomorphic Gram-negative nonmotile microorganism similar to both viruses and bacteria, parasitic in mammals
family Actinomycetaceae
filamentous anaerobic bacteria
family Streptomycetaceae
higher bacteria typically aerobic soil saprophytes
family Mycobacteriaceae
a family of bacteria
family Polyangiaceae
family Myxobacteriaceae
bacteria living mostly in soils and on dung
family Micrococcaceae
spherical or elliptical usually aerobic eubacteria that produce yellow or orange or red pigment, includes toxin-producing forms as well as harmless commensals and saprophytes
family Lactobacillaceae
family Lactobacteriaceae
lactic acid bacteria and important pathogens, bacteria that ferment carbohydrates chiefly into lactic acid
family Spirochaetaceae
large coarsely spiral bacteria, free-living in fresh or salt water or commensal in bodies of oysters
family Treponemataceae
small spirochetes some parasitic or pathogenic
protoctist family any of the families of Protoctista
family Endamoebidae
a large family of endoparasitic amebas that invade the digestive tract
family Globigerinidae
a family of protoctists
family Nummulitidae
a family of fossil protoctists
family Arcellidae
soil and freshwater protozoa, cosmopolitan in distribution
family Tribonemaceae
simple filamentous freshwater yellow-green algae
family Laminariaceae
large family of marine brown algae including many economically important large kelps chiefly of northern waters
family Fucaceae
small family of brown algae: gulfweeds, rockweeds
family Euglenaceae
considered green algae
family Ulvaceae
sea-lettuce family
thin flat or tubular green algae
family Volvocaceae
unicellular or colonial biflagellate free-swimming flagellates
family Chlamydomonadaceae
green algae some of which are colored red by hematochrome
family Zygnemataceae
pond scums: common freshwater algae forming green slimy masses
family Oedogoniaceae
filamentous green algae
family Characeae
green algae superficially resembling horsetail ferns: stoneworts
family Desmidiaceae
unicellular algae
family Gigartinaceae
a family of protoctist
family Rhodymeniaceae
a family of protoctist
family Bangiaceae
a family of protoctist
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