
analytical grade Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

analysenrein; fĂŒr Analysezwecke; pro analysis p. a. adj (Reinheitsgrad) chem.
analytical-grade; pro analysis p.a. (purity grade)
analytische Untersuchung
analytical study
analytical job evaluation
service grade
Grad an Genauigkeit
grade of accuracy
Grad an QualitÀt
grade of quality
Grundschule (US)
grade school
commercial grade
hochgradig, hochwertig
hochwertig, hohe QualitÀt
high grade
im einfachen Dienst
in the lower grade of the civil service
im gehobenen Dienst
in the upper grade of the civil service
im höheren Dienst
in the higher grade of the civil service
im mittleren Dienst
in the middle grade of the civil service
Lohngruppe, Schulnote, Dienstgrad
niedrige QualitÀt
low grade
QualitÀt der Dienstleistung
grade of service
grade of school
Sorte, Grad, Neigung
summarische Arbeitsplatzbewertung
non-analytical job evaluation
grade rate
labour grade
Verwandter ersten Grades
first-grade relative
Verwandter zweiten Grades
second-grade relative
von niedriger QualitÀt
low grade
wir stufen die Ware nach GĂŒteklassen
we grade goods
Abschlusszeugnis n, Abschlußzeugnis n alt
Abschlusszeugnisse pl, Abschlußzeugnisse pl
leaving certificate, final grade certificate
leaving certificates, final grade certificates
Anspruchsklasse f
Anstieg m (Straße)
gradient, grade Am.
Besoldungsgruppe f
Besoldungsgruppen pl
salary grade
salary grades
Besoldungsgruppe f mil.
Besoldungsgruppen pl
pay grade Am.
pay grades
Brennstoffsorte f mach.
fuel grade
mittlerer Dienst
clerical grade
Dienstalter n
age in grade
Edelstahl m, rostfreier Stahl
high-grade steel, stainless steel
Edelstahlband n
high-grade steel strip
Eintrag m, Eintragung f
EintrÀge pl, Eintragungen f
analytische Eintragung f
analytical entry
Examensnote f
Examensnoten pl
final grade
final grades
Festigkeitsklasse f
strength class, grade
Filterklasse f
filter grade
Gehaltsstufe f, Gehaltsklasse f
salary level, salary grade
Gesamtnote f, Endnote f
Gesamtnoten pl, Endnoten pl
overall mark, final grade, cumulative grade, overall score
overall marks, final grades, cumulative grades, overall scores
Gesamttitelangabe f
Analytical note
Grad m, Stufe f, QualitÀt f, Rang m, Klasse f
Grundschule f
Grundschulen pl
primary school, elementary (grade) school Am.
primary schools, elementary (grade) schools
GĂŒtestufe f techn.
GĂŒtestufen pl
HĂ€rtegrad m
HĂ€rtegrade pl
hardness grade, degree of hardness
hardness grades, degrees of hardness
in LebensmittelqualitÀt
Notendurchschnitt m
grade point average
Notenpunkt m
erwogene Durchschnittsnote
grade point (ECTS)
grade point average
Papiersorte f, PapierqualitÀt f
paper grade
PrÀzisionsgrad m
grade of precision, grade of accuracy
QualitÀtssicherung f
analytische QualitÀtssicherung (AQS)
quality assurance (QA)
analytical quality assurance (AQA)
Rangstufe f
Rangstufen pl
grade, rank, order
grades, ranks, orders
Reinstwasser n
pharmaceutical-grade water, ultrapure water
SchrankenwÀrter m, SchrankenwÀrterin f
level-crossing attendant Br., grade-crossing attendant Am., crossing keeper
SchwingstÀrkestufe f
vibration severity grade
Sonderklasse f
special class, top grade
Sorte f, GĂŒteklasse f
Sorten pl, GĂŒteklassen pl
bessere Sorten
high grades
Unterstufe f
lower grade
Zensur f, Schulnote f, Note f
Zensuren pl, Schulnoten pl, Noten pl
hervorragend (Zensur 1+)
sehr gut (Zensur 1)
gut (Zensur 2)
befriedigend (Zensur 3)
genĂŒgend (Zensur 4)
mangelhaft (Zensur 5)
ungenĂŒgend (Zensur 6)
mark, grade Am.
marks, grades
very good
fail, inadequate
fail, inadequate
analytisch adj
analytische Arbeitsbewertung
analytischer Beweis
analytische Funktion
analytischer Satz
analytische ZeitschÀtzung
analytic, analytical
analytic job evaluation
analytic proof
analytic function
analytic proposition
analytical estimating
bodengleich adj
on grade
einstufen, einteilen, abstufen, klassifizieren
einstufend, einteilend, abstufend, klassifizierend
eingestuft, eingeteilt, abgestuft, klassifiziert
to grade
gleichrangig adj
of the same grade, equally important
high-grade, high, to a high degree
hochwertig adj
am hochwertigsten
more high-grade
most high-grade
minderwertig adj, von niedriger QualitÀt
to grade
von geringer QualitÀt
zensieren, bewerten, benoten v (Zensuren geben)
zensierend, bewertend, benotend
zensiert, bewertet, benotet
zensiert, bewertet, benotet
zensierte, bewertete, benotete
to mark, to grade Am.
marking, grading
marked, graded
marks, grades
marked, graded
Analysenchemikalien pl chem. techn.
analytical chemicals
Analysenmesstechnik f electr. techn.
analytical measuring
Analysensiebmaschinen pl techn.
analytical screening machines
Analysetechniken pl electr. techn.
analytical systems
analytische Zeitschaetzung
analytical estimating
Grad, Stufe, Qualitaet, einteilen, abstufen, Rang, Klasse
grade of service
mit einer Note verbundene Punkte
grade points
hardness grade
high grade
lower grade
more high grade
most high grade
eine höherwertigere Sorte
a superior grade
eine minderwertigere Sorte
an inferior grade
mit der Graduierung ĂŒbereinstimmt
the quality is up to grade
sehr kleinlich bei der Graduierung
very particular about the grade
Abschlusszeugnis n; Abschlußzeugnis n alt school stud.
Abschlusszeugnisse pl; Abschlußzeugnisse pl
leaving certificate; final grade certificate; leaving cert results; final degree
leaving certificates; final grade certificates
Analysenwaage f; Feinwaage f; chemische Waage f chem.
Analysenwaagen pl; Feinwaagen pl; chemische Waagen pl
analytical balance; chemical balance
analytical balances; chemical balances
Anspruchsklasse f (eines Produkts) (QualitÀtssicherung)
grade (of a product) (quality assurance)
Anstieg m (Straße)
gradient; grade Am.
BetriebsgĂŒte f
grade of service
Chemie f chem.
analytische Chemie
anorganische Chemie
Aromatenchemie f
Isotopenchemie f
organische Chemie
physikalische Chemie
Stereochemie f
technische Chemie
Chemie der heißen Atome; Recoil-Chemie f
Chemie der AtmosphÀre
analytical chemistry
inorganic chemistry
chemistry of aromatic compounds
isotope chemistry
organic chemistry
physical chemistry
technical chemistry
hot atom chemistry; recoil chemistry
Durchschnittsnote f
grade point average Am.
Edelstahl m; Sonderstahl m
high-grade steel; special steel
Eintrag m; Eintragung f
EintrÀge pl; Eintragungen pl
analytische Eintragung f
analytical entry
Einzelnote f school
Einzelnoten pl
individual mark; individual grade
individual marks; individual grades
Examensnote f stud.
Examensnoten pl
final grade
final grades
FÀhigkeit f; Begabung f; BefÀhigung f; Vermögen n; Möglichkeit f
FĂ€higkeiten pl; Begabungen pl
analytische FĂ€higkeiten
analytical abilities
Fertigkeit f; FĂ€higkeit f; Kompetenz f psych.
Fertigkeiten pl; FĂ€higkeiten pl; Kompetenz f
verbale FĂ€higkeiten; mĂŒndliche AusdrucksfĂ€higkeit
SchlĂŒsselkompetenzen pl; soziale und emotionale FĂ€higkeiten (Umgang mit Menschen)
Fachkompetenz f; fachliche Qualifikationen pl
FĂ€higkeiten zur Analyse und Fehlersuche
verbal skills
soft skills
hard skills; specialist skills
analytical and troubleshooting skills
Festigkeitsklasse f
strength class; grade
Filterklasse f
Filterklassen pl
filter grade
filter grades
GefÀllausrundung f (Bahn)
transition from one gradient Br. grade Am. to another (railway)
GefĂ€llstrecke f (Straßenbau)
down grade (road building)
GefÀllstrecke f (Bahn)
line on a falling gradient Br. grade Am. (railway)
Gehaltsstufe f; Gehaltsklasse f; Entlohnungsstufe f
Gehaltsstufen pl; Gehaltsklassen pl; Entlohnungsstufen pl
salary grade; pay grade; salary level
salary grades; pay grades; salary levels
Gesamtnote f; Endnote f
Gesamtnoten pl; Endnoten pl
overall mark; final grade; cumulative grade; overall score
overall marks; final grades; cumulative grades; overall scores
Grad m; Stufe f; QualitÀt f; Rang m; Klasse f
Grundschule f Dt. SĂŒdtirol; Klippschule f Nordostdt.; Elementarschule f hist.; Volksschule f Ös.; Pirmarschule f Schw.; PrimĂ€rschule f Lux. school
Grundschulen pl; Klippschulen pl; Elementarschulen pl; Volksschulen pl; Pirmarschulen pl; PrimÀrschulen pl
primary school Br.; elementary school Am.; grammar school Am.; grade school Am.
primary schools; elementary schools; grammar schools; grade schools
Grundschullehrer m; Grundschullehrerin f Dt. SĂŒdtirol; Volksschullehrer m Ös.; Primarlehrer m Schw. school
Grundschullehrer pl; Grundschullehrerinnen pl; Volksschullehrer pl; Primarlehrer pl
primary school teacher Br.; elementary grammar grade school teacher Am.
primary school teachers; elementary grammar grade school teachers
HĂ€rtegrad m
HĂ€rtegrade pl
hardness grade; degree of hardness
hardness grades; degrees of hardness
Industriediamant m
Industriediamanten pl
industrial grade diamond; bort; boart; boort
industrial grade diamonds; borts; boarts; boorts
Jahrgangsstufe f; Klassenstufe f; Schulstufe f Ös. Schw.; Klasse f; Klassen pl school
Sie unterrichtet eine erste Klasse in der ersten Klasse.
Unsere Tochter geht jetzt in die achte Klasse.
Die fĂŒnften Klassen fĂŒhren nĂ€chste Woche ihr TheaterstĂŒck auf.
form Br.; grade Am. (school year group)
She teaches the first form. Br.; She teaches first grade. Am.
Our daughter is in (the) eighth form grade now.
The fifth form grade will perform their play this week.
Lösung f math.
geschlossene analytische Lösung
closed-form analytical solution
Mehrbereichsöl n techn.
multi-purpose oil; multi-grade oil
Mehrzwecksorte f econ.
Mehrzwecksorten pl
multiple-purpose grade
multiple-purpose grades
MindergĂŒte f
sub-standard grade; sub-standard quality
Mindestnote f school
minimum required mark grade
MĂŒndelsicherheit f fin.
eligibility for trusts; trustee security status; investment grade (for trustee investments)
Neigungswechsel m; GefÀllwechsel m (Bahn)
change in gradient Br.; change of grade Am. (railway)
Notendurchschnitt m
grade point average GPA
Notenpunkt m stud.
Notenpunkte pl
erwogene Durchschnittsnote
grade point (ECTS)
grade points
grade point average
Papiersorte f; PapierqualitÀt f print
paper grade
PlanĂŒbergang m
PlanĂŒbergang BahnĂŒbergang
level crossing
level crossing grade crossing
Planierpflug m (Tagebau) min.
PlanierpflĂŒge pl
elevating grade (surface mining)
elevating grades
PrÀzisionsgrad m
grade of precision; grade of accuracy
QualitÀtssicherung f
analytische QualitÀtssicherung AQS
quality assurance QA
analytical quality assurance AQA
Rangstufe f
Rangstufen pl
grade; rank; order
grades; ranks; orders
Reagens n; Reagenz n; Reagentie f chem.
Reagenzien pl
als Reagens (geeignet)
reagent grade
Reinaluminium n; HĂŒttenaluminium n
high-grade aluminium; primary aluminium pig
Reinstaluminium n
highest-grade aluminium
Reinstwasser n
pharmaceutical-grade water; ultrapure water
Schallplatte f
Schallplatten pl
eine Schallplatte machen
Schallplatte mit gedrÀngter Rillenschrift
Die Schallplatte ist hÀngengeblieben. ugs.
disk record; phonographic record; gramophone record; record
disk records; phonographic records; gramophone records; records
to make a record
variable-grade record
The record hangs. coll.
SchrankenwÀrter m; SchrankenwÀrterin f
level-crossing attendant Br.; grade-crossing attendant Am.; crossing keeper
Schrottanleihe f; Junk-Bond m; schlecht bewertete Anleihe fin.
Schrottanleihen pl; Junk-Bonds pl; schlecht bewertete Anleihe
junk bond; high yield bond; speculative grade bond
junk bonds; high yield bonds; speculative grade bonds
SchulanfĂ€nger m; ErstklĂ€ssler m; Erstklassler m Bayr. Ös. school.
SchulanfÀnger pl; ErstklÀssler pl; Erstklassler pl
child starting school; (primary) school starter Br.; first-grade student Am.; first-grader Am. coll.
children starting school; school starters; first-grade students; first-graders
Sonderklasse f
Sonderklassen pl
special class; top grade
special classes; top grades
Sorte f; GĂŒteklasse f
Sorten pl; GĂŒteklassen pl
bessere Sorten
high grades
Stabsoffizier m mil.
Stabsoffiziere pl
staff officer; field officer; field-grade officer Am.
staff officers; field officers; field-grade officers
Superbenzin n
four-star petrol Br.; premium (grade) gas Am.; premium coll. Am.
Ton m min.
nach Ton graben
geschlÀmmter Ton
Ton mit geringer PlastizitÀt
Ton mit Kalkkonkretionen
Ton unter Flöz
alaunhaltiger Ton
bildsamer Ton
brandrissiger Ton
dĂŒnngeschichteter Ton
eisenhaltiger Ton
erhÀrteter Ton
fetter Ton
feuerfester Ton
gebrannter Ton
geschwellter Ton
gewöhnlicher Ton
hochplastischer Ton
klebriger Ton
magerer Ton
mergeliger Ton
mulmiger Ton
schlickiger Ton
schluffiger Ton
schmutzfarbiger Ton
tropisch schwerer Ton
verfestigter Ton
zermĂŒrbter Ton
zerruschelter Ton
clay; argil; potter's earth
to cut clay in a pit
lean clay
clay with race
astringent clay
ball clay
drawn clay
banded clay; leaf clay; varved clay
clay-stone; mudstone
fat clay; rich clay; heavy clay; soapy clay
refractory clay; fire clay
burnt clay
expanded clay; expansive clay
low-grade clay
long clay
sticky clay; gutta-pecha clay
meagre clay; sandy clay; green clay
marly clay
crumbly clay
clay-containing silt
silty clay
drab clay
black cotton soil
consolidated clay
shattered clay
slickensided clay
TrassenschĂ€ler m (Straßenbau) auto
TrassenschÀler pl
grade-builder (road building)
Truppenoffizier m (Leutnant; Oberleutnant; Hauptmann) mil.
Truppenoffiziere pl
company-grade officer Am.
company-grade officers

Deutsche analysenrein; fĂŒr Analysezwecke; pro analysis p. a. {adj} (Reinheitsgrad) [chem.] Synonyme

analysis  Baconian method  Boolean algebra  Euclidean geometry  Fourier analysis  Lagrangian function  a fortiori reasoning  a posteriori reasoning  a priori reasoning  abstraction  
transactional analysis  Arica movement  Erhard Seminars Training  New Consciousness  Pentothal interview  SAT  T-group  assertiveness training  behavior modification  behavior therapy  

Englische analytical-grade; pro analysis p.a. Synonyme

analytical grade Definition

(a.) Of or pertaining to analysis
(n.) A step or degree in any series, rank, quality, order
(n.) The rate of ascent or descent
(n.) A graded ascending, descending, or level portion of a road
(n.) The result of crossing a native stock with some better breed. If the crossbreed have more than three fourths of the better blood, it is called high grade.
(v. t.) To arrange in order, steps, or degrees, according to size, quality, rank, etc.
(v. t.) To reduce to a level, or to an evenly progressive ascent, as the line of a canal or road.
(v. t.) To cross with some better breed
(n.) A harsh scraping or cutting

analytical grade Bedeutung

grade a variety of cattle produced by crossbreeding with a superior breed
analytical balance
chemical balance
a beam balance of great precision used in quantitative chemical analysis
grade separation a crossing that uses an underpass or overpass
level crossing
grade crossing
intersection of a railway and a road on the same level, barriers close road when trains pass
grade the gradient of a slope or road or other surface, the road had a steep grade
a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality, a moderate grade of intelligence, a high level of care is required, it is all a matter of degree
grade ground level the height of the ground on which something stands, the base of the tower was below grade
mark grade
a number or letter indicating quality (especially of a student's performance), she made good marks in algebra, grade A milk, what was your score on your homework?
grade point a numerical value assigned to a letter grade received in a course taken at a college or university multiplied by the number of credit hours awarded for the course
analytic geometry
analytical geometry
coordinate geometry
the use of algebra to study geometric properties, operates on symbols defined in a coordinate system
a degree of ablaut
grade point average
a measure of a student's academic achievement at a college or university, calculated by dividing the total number of grade points received by the total number attempted
grade insignia
V-shaped sleeve badge indicating military rank and service, they earned their stripes in Kuwait
class form
a body of students who are taught together, early morning classes are always sleepy
grade school
grammar school
elementary school
primary school
a school for young children, usually the first or grades
analytical cubism the early phase of cubism
field-grade officer
field officer
an officer holding the rank of major or lieutenant colonel or colonel
lieutenant junior grade
lieutenant JG
an officer holding a commissioned rank in the United States Navy or United States Coast Guard, below lieutenant and above ensign
analytical review an auditing procedure based on ratios among accounts and tries to identify significant changes
one-hundredth of a right angle
level tier
a relative position or degree of value in a graded group, lumber of the highest grade
weapons plutonium
weapon-grade plutonium
plutonium that is recovered when nuclear weapons are disassembled, it is stored in plutonium pits
grade determine the grade of or assign a grade to
grade score mark assign a grade or rank to, according to one's evaluation, grade tests, score the SAT essays, mark homework
grade place
assign a rank or rating to, how would you rank these students?, The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide
grade level to the right gradient
analytic analytical of a proposition that is necessarily true independent of fact or experience, `all spinsters are unmarried' is an analytic proposition
analytic analytical using or skilled in using analysis (i.e., separating a whole--intellectual or substantial--into its elemental parts or basic principles), an analytic experiment, an analytic approach, a keenly analytic man, analytical reasoning, an analytical mind
grade-appropriate the quality of ability and work that is appropriate for students in a specified grade
surpassing in quality, top-grade ore
technical grade
containing small amounts of other chemicals, hence slightly impure, technical-grade sulfuric acid
inferior in rank or status, the junior faculty, a lowly corporal, petty officialdom, a subordinate functionary
extremely strong or concentrated or durable, industrial-strength detergent, weapons-grade salsa
weapons-grade of a quality adequate for use in weapons (especially in weapons of mass destruction), weapons-grade plutonium, weapons-grade anthrax
of the kind or quality used in commerce, average or inferior, commercial grade of beef, commercial oxalic acid
low-grade of inferior quality
used of beef, usable but inferior
grade-constructed constructed at ground level, grade-constructed accesses to the freeway
factor analytical
factor analytic
of or relating to or the product of factor analysis
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120 Bewertungen 4


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