
basic fees Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

basic fees
Grundgebühr f
Grundgebühren pl
basic fee
basic fees
attorney's fees
basic work data
medical fees
drei grundlegende Gesichtspunkte
three basic principles
einschließlich aller Gebühren
including any fees
Element der Bewegung, Elementarbewegung
basic motion
Gebühren im voraus bezahlt
fees paid in advance
reduction of fees
scale of charges and fees
table of fees
tariff of fees
court fees
basic training
basic equipment
basic hardware
basic conditions
basic needs
basic wants
basic staff number
basic data
Grundelement einer Tätigkeit
basic element of an activity
basic salary
basic research
grundlegende Tatsachen
basic facts
grundliegende Strategie
basic strategy
basic wage
basic premium
basic price
basic material
Grundstoffindustrie, Schlüsselindustrie
basic industry
basic rate
Grundzeit für eine Bewegung
basic motion time
Grundzeit für einen Arbeitsgang
basic time
Kern der Aussage
basic message
kleinste Einheit einer Bewegung
basic motion
consular fees
Normalzeit für einen Arbeitsgang
basic time
surgical fees insurance
basic agreement
lawyer's fees
basic materials
auction fees
wesentliche Resultate
basic findings
Abfallgebühren pl
waste collection fees
Ablösesumme f
Ablösesummen pl
transfer fee
transfer fees
Ansatz m
Ansätze pl
basic approach
basic approaches
Ansatz m, Auffassung f
(basic) approach
Anwaltsgebühren pl
attorney fees
Aufnahmegebühr f
Aufnahmegebühren pl
admission fee
admission fees
Ausbildungsgebühr f
Ausbildungsgebühren pl
training fee
training fees
Ausbildungssprung f mil.
Ausbildungssprünge pl
basic airborne jump
basic airborne jumps
Ausgabeaufschlag m fin.
issue surcharge, asset-based fees
Basic n comp.
Basispatent n
Basispatente pl
basic patent
basic patents
Basiswahrscheinlichkeitszuweisung f
basic probability assignment
Baurichtmaß n
basic dimensions
Bausubstanz f
basic structure of a building
Bearbeitungsgebühr f, Bearbeitungsentgelt n
Bearbeitungsgebühren pl, Bearbeitungsentgelte pl
arrangement fee, processing fee
arrangement fees, processing fees
Bedarf m
den Bedarf decken
den Bedarf decken von
bei Bedarf
bei dringendem Bedarf
Dinge des täglichen Bedarfs
einem Bedarf abhelfen
to supply the need
to satisfy the needs of
if needed, when required, as required, on request
in cases of urgent need
everyday necessities, basic necessities
to meet a need
Bewertungsgebühr f
Bewertungsgebühren pl
appraisal fee
appraisal fees
Eckdaten pl
basic information
Eintrittsgeld n
Eintrittsgelder pl
Eintritt frei
entrance fee
entrance fees
entrance free
Elektrode f electr. techn.
Elektroden pl
Elektrode (erzsauer)
Elektrode (Fülldraht)
Elektrode (kalkbasisch)
Elektrode (nackt, blank)
Elektrode (Seelen)
umhüllte Elektrode
iron oxide electrode
cored-wire electrode
basic electrode
bare-wire electrode
cored electrode
overed electrode, coated electrode
Erfolgshonorar n
Erfolgshonorare pl
contingent fee, contingency fee Am.
contingent fees, contingency fees
Erfolgshonorar n, Leistungshonorar n
Erfolgshonorare pl, Leistungshonorare pl
success fee
success fees
Erlass m (einer Strafe, von Gebühren)
remission (of punishment, of fees)
Fallschirmspringerlehrgang m mil.
Fallschirmspringerlehrgänge pl
basic airborne course (BAC)
basic airborne courses
Gebühr f, Preis m
Gebühren pl, Kosten pl
gegen Gebühr
gegen Bezahlung (Entrichtung) einer Gebühr
eine Gebühr entrichten
Gebühren erlassen
fees, charges
for a fee
against payment of a fee
to pay a fee
to waive fees
Gebührenerlass m
remission of fees
Gebührenordnung f
scale of fees, scale of charges
Grundanforderung f
Grundanforderungen pl
basic requirement, prerequisite
basic requirements, prerequisites
Grundausbildung f
basic training
Grundausführung f, Basisausführung f
basic model
Grundausrüstung f
basic hardware
Grundaussage f
basic statement
Grundausstattung f
basic equipment
Grundbaustein m
basic module
Grundbedingung f
Grundbedingungen pl
basic condition
basic conditions
Grundbegriff m
Grundbegriffe pl
basic idea
basic ideas
Grundbetrag m
Grundbeträge pl
basic amount
basic amounts
Grundflugmanöver n im Luftkampf mil.
basic fighter maneuvers (BFM)
Grundfunktion f
Grundfunktionen pl
basic logic function
basic logic functions
Grundfunktionsglied n
basic logic element
Grundgebühr f
Grundgebühren pl
basic fee
basic fees
Grundgeräusch n
Grundgeräusche pl
basic noise
basic noises
Grundgerät n, Basisgerät n
Grundgeräte pl, Basisgeräte pl
basic unit
basic units
Grundgesetz n
basic law
Grundklima n
basic climate
Grundkonzept n, Grobkonzept n
Grundkonzepte pl, Grobkonzepte pl
basic concept, main concept
basic concepts, main concepts
Grundkurs m
Grundkurse pl
basic class, basic course
basic classes, basic courses
Grundlagen-Fachbereich m
department of basic sciences
Grundlagenforschung f
basic research, fundamental research
Grundlehrgang m (Ausbildung)
basic training course
Grundlohn m
basic wages
Grundmaterial n
basic material, raw material
Grundrahmen m
Grundrahmen pl
base frame, basic frame
base frames, basic frames
Grundrechenarten pl
basic arithmetic operations
Grundrecht n
Grundrechte pl
basic right, fundamental right
basic rights, fundamental rights
Grundregel f
Grundregeln pl
basic rule
basic rules
Grundstudium n
Abschluss des Grundstudiums
foundation course, stage studies, basic study
completion of basic studies
Grundsubstanz f
basic element
Grundtakt m
basic clock rate
Grundtakt m
basic pulse code
Grundton m, Grundfarbton m
basic colour Br., basic color
Grundton m, Grundstimmung f
basic tone, prevailing mood
Grundübel n
basic evil
Grundvoraussetzung f
basic assumption
Grundwehrdienst m mil.
basic military service
Grundwissen n, Grundlagenwissen n, Grundkenntnisse pl (in)
basic knowledge (of)
Grundwortschatz m
basic vocabulary
Grundzahl f, Basiszahl f
basic number
Grundzustand m
Last im Grundzustand
basic state
basic load
Hauptaussage f
Hauptaussagen pl
basic message
basic messages
Honorar n, Lohn m
Honorare pl
Honorar zahlen
gegen angemessenes Honorar
fee, professional fee
to pay a fee
for an appropriate fee
Jahresgebühr f
Jahresgebühren pl
annual fee
annual fees
Kinderbetreuungskosten pl
child-care fees
Komplexgebühr f
Komplexgebühren pl
complex fee
complex fees
Kopfpauschale f
Kopfpauschalen pl
capitation fee
capitation fees
Kursgebühr f
Kursgebühren pl
course fee
course fees
Leihgebühr f
lending fees
Mahngebühr f
Mahngebühren pl
reminder fee
reminder fees
Mitgliedsbeitrag m, Mitgliederbeitrag m
Mitgliedsbeiträge pl, Mitgliederbeiträge pl
membership fee
membership fees
Nennmaß n
basic size
Parkgebühr f
Parkgebühren pl
parking fee, parking tax
parking fees, parking taxes
Preis m
Preise pl
Quellenstudium n, Quellenstudien pl
basic research
Rahmenabkommen n
Rahmenabkommen pl
skeleton agreement, basic agreement
skeleton agreements, basic agreements
Rahmenvertrag m, Mantelvertrag m
Rahmenverträge pl, Mantelverträge pl
basic agreement, skeleton agreement
basic agreements, skeleton agreements
Rechtsanwaltskosten pl, Anwaltskosten pl
lawyer's fees
Richtpreis m
Richtpreise pl
offizieller Richtpreis m
basic price, norm price, suggested price, recommended price, target price
basic prices, norm prices, suggested prices, recommended prices, target prices
officially fixed base price
Rundfunkgebühren pl
radio licence fees
Schulgeld n, Schulgebühren pl
school fee, school fees
Sitzungsgeld n, Betreuungsgebühr f
Sitzungsgelder pl, Betreuungsgebühren pl
attendance fee
attendance fees
Stammpatent n
Stammpatente pl
basic patent
basic patents
Studiengebühr f
Studiengebühren pl
tuition fee
tuition fees
Umwandlungsgebühr f
Umwandlungsgebühren pl
conversion fee
conversion fees
Urinstinkt m
Urinstinkte pl
basic instinct
basic instincts, caveman instincts
Urvertrauen n
sense of basic trust
Verwaltungsgebühr f
Verwaltungsgebühren pl
administrative fee
administrative fees
Zulassungsgebühr f
Zulassungsgebühren pl
admission fee
admission fees
basisch adj chem.
basic, alkaline
grundlegend adj
grundsätzlich adv
as a basic principle
regulär adj
absolut regulär
regular, normal, basic
absolutely regular
BIOS n, Ein-
Ausgabe-System (Computer)
BIOS : basic input
output system
Ausgangsstoffe pl techn.
basic materials
admission fees
as a basic principle
attorney fees

Deutsche Grundgebuehren Synonyme

Englische basic fees Synonyme

basic fees Definition

(a.) Relating to a base
(a.) Having the base in excess, or the amount of the base atomically greater than that of the acid, or exceeding in proportion that of the related neutral salt.
(a.) Apparently alkaline, as certain normal salts which exhibit alkaline reactions with test paper.
(a.) Said of crystalline rocks which contain a relatively low percentage of silica, as basalt.

basic fees Bedeutung

basic training the initial period of training for new military personnel, involves intense physical activity and behavioral discipline
(usually plural) a necessary commodity for which demand is constant
basic point defense missile system a shipboard missile system
basic cognitive process cognitive processes involved in obtaining and storing knowledge
fundamental principle
basic principle
principles from which other truths can be derived, first you must learn the fundamentals, let's get down to basics
basic assumption
self-evident truth
an assumption that is basic to an argument
Basic English a simplified form of English proposed for use as an auxiliary language for international communication, devised by C. K. Ogden and I. A. Richards
BASIC a popular programming language that is relatively easy to learn, an acronym for beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code, no longer in general use
basic dye
basic color
basic colour
a dye that is considered to be a base because the chromophore is part of a positive ion
basic iron pig iron containing a high percentage of phosphorus, used in making steel by a process that removes the phosphorus
basic slag slag produced in making steel, low in silica but having large amounts of calcium phosphate, useful as fertilizer
basic of or denoting or of the nature of or containing a base
basic introductory serving as a base or starting point, a basic course in Russian, basic training for raw recruits, a set of basic tools, an introductory art course
basic pertaining to or constituting a base or basis, a basic fact, the basic ingredients, basic changes in public opinion occur because of changes in priorities
reduced to the simplest and most significant form possible without loss of generality, a basic story line, a canonical syllable pattern
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125 Bewertungen 3


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