
blast disease Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Reisbrand m (Pflanzenkrankheit) bot. agr.
blast disease; blast of rice; rice blast; ryegrass blast; rice seedling blight; pitting disease (plant disease)
occupational disease
tropical disease
Abstrahlen n (mit Sand usw.)
Ahornsirupkrankheit f, Leuzinose f med.
maple syrup urine disease (MSUD)
Alzheimer Krankheit f, Alzheimersche Krankheit f med.
Alzheimer's disease
Anemonenfischkrankheit f
clown fish disease
Arthropathie f, Gelenkerkrankung f med.
arthropathy, joint disease
Arthrose f, Gelenkerkrankung f med.
arthrosis, joint disease
Atombunker m
nuclear blast-proof bunker
Autoimmunerkrankung f med.
autoimmune disease
Basedowsche Krankheit f, Basedowkrankheit f med.
Grave's disease, exophthalmic goitre
Berufskrankheit f med.
Berufskrankheiten pl
occupational disease
occupational diseases
Blasrohr n techn.
Blasrohre pl
blast pipe
blast pipes
Blattkrankheit f bot.
Blattkrankheiten pl
leaf disease
leaf diseases
Bö f, Böe f
Böen pl
Borreliose f, Lyme-Borreliose f, Lyme-Krankheit f med.
Lyme disease, Lyme borreliosis
Bronzekrankheit f, Bronzepest f med.
bronze disease
Divertikelkrankheit f med.
diverticular disease
Druckwelle f
Druckwellen pl
blast wave, shock wave
blast waves, shock waves
Druckwelle f, Explosion f, Knall m
Druckwellen pl, Explosionen pl
Explosion einer Bombe
bomb blast
Pfeiffersches Drüsenfieber n, Studentenfieber n, Mononukleose f med.
glandular fever, mononucleosis, kissing disease
Düse f
blast pipe
Eingruppierungskatalog m für Patienten (DRG)
Healthcare Resource Groups (HRG) Br., Disease Related Groups (DRG)
Erbkrankheit f med.
hereditary disease
Erkrankung f, Krankheit f
Erkrankungen pl, Krankheiten pl
disease, illness
diseases, illnesses
Gebläseluft f
Geisteskrankheit f
mental disease, psychopathy
Geschlechtskrankheit f med.
Geschlechtskrankheiten pl
sexually transmitted disease (STD), venereal disease
sexually transmitted diseases, venereal diseases
Gichtgas n techn.
blast furnace gas
Gichtgasvorwärmer m techn.
Gichtgasvorwärmer pl
blast furnace gas preheater
blast furnace gas preheaters
Haffkrankheit f med.
Haff disease
Hautkrankheit f med.
Hautkrankheiten pl
skin disease
skin diseases
Heißwind m
hot blast
Herzkrankheit f med.
Herzkrankheiten pl
heart disease
heart diseases
Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankung f med.
Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen pl
cardiovascular disease
cardiovascular diseases
Herzleiden n
heart disease, heart condition, heart trouble
Herztod m med.
plötzlicher Herztod
death from heart disease, cardiac death
sudden cardiac death
Hochofen m
blast furnace
Hochofengas n
blast furnace gas
Hochofenmöllerung f
blast furnace burdening
auf Hochtouren, auf vollen Touren übtr.
at full blast, in full blast
Hornsignal n
blast on a horn
Infektionskrankheit f
infectious disease
Kinderkrankheit f med.
Kinderkrankheiten pl
childhood disease, childhood illness
childhood diseases, childhood illnesses
Kontakt m electr.
Kontakte pl
Kontakt herstellen
erweiterter Kontakt
federnder Kontakt
gedrehte Kontakte
geschützte Kontakte
gesteckter Kontakt, gewickelter Kontakt
konzentrischer Kontakt
männlicher Kontakt
potenzialfreier Kontakt
voreilender Kontakt
Kontakte strahlen
Ausbau der Kontakte
auswechselbare, lötfreie Kontakte
direkt geschalteter Kontakt
Bund des Kontaktes
Kontakt mit Anschlusshülse
Kontakte einschieben, Kontakte einbringen
to make contact
enlarged contact
resilient contact
machined contacts
shrouded contacts
wrapped connection
concentric contact
pin contact
dry contact
first-to-make last-to-break contact
to blast the contacts
removal of contacts
crimp snap-in contacts
slow action contact
connector shoulder
contact with conductor barrel
to insert contacts
Krankheit f
Krankheiten pl
chronische Krankheit
durch Sexualkontakt übertragbare Krankheiten
endemische Krankheit
meldepflichtige Krankheit
von Krankheit schwer gezeichnet
mit einer Krankheit behaftet sein
sich eine Krankheit zuziehen
chronic disease
sexually transmissible diseases (STDs)
notifiable disease
ravaged by disease
to be afflicted with a disease
to contract a disease
Krankheitserreger m
disease-causing agent, disease agent
Krankheitsherd m
focus of a disease
Krankheitsverlauf m med.
Krankheitsverläufe pl
course of a disease
courses of a disease
Legionärskrankheit f
Legionnaire's disease
Lötlampe f
Lötlampen pl
blowtorch, blowlamp, blast lamp
Lungenkrankheit f med.
chronische Lungenkrankheit
eine Lungenkrankheit der Bergarbeiter med.
lung disease, pulmonary disease
chronic lung disease: chronic pulmonary disease
Lymphadenopathie f, Erkrankung der Lymphknoten med.
lymphadenopathy, lymph node disease
Maul- und Klauenseuche f med.
foot-and-mouth disease
Osteoarthritis f, Gelenkentzündung f med.
osteoarthritis, degenerative arthritis, degenerative joint disease
Parkinson-Krankheit f med.
Parkinson's disease
Parodontose f, Parodontosis f, Zahnfleischschwund m med.
periodontitis, pyorrhea, periodontal disease
Pflanzenkrankheit f bot.
Pflanzenkrankheiten pl bot.
plant disease
plant diseases
Pilzkrankheit f, Pilzerkrankung f med.
fungal disease
Pneumopathia f, Lungenerkrankung f med.
pneumopathy, lung disease
Reinigungsstrahlen n
blast cleaning
Rinderwahnsinn m, Rinderwahn m agr.
mad cow disease
Seuche f med.
pandemic disease
Sichelzellenanämie f, Sichelzellkrankheit f, Erkrankung der roten Blutkörperchen med.
sickle cell anemia, sickle-cell disease
Standpauke f
Trompetenstoß m
blast on a trumpet
Tropenkrankheit f med.
tropical disease
Tuten n
Ulmensterben n bot. hist.
Dutch elm disease
Viruskrankheit f med.
Viruskrankheiten pl
virus disease
virus diseases
Winderhitzer m
Winderhitzer pl
hot-blast stove, cowper stove
hot-blast stoves, cowper stoves
Windstoß m
Windstöße pl
blast, blast of wind
Zeit f
Zeiten pl
zur rechten Zeit
zur rechten Zeit
in schlechten Zeiten
angegebene Zeit
die meiste Zeit
die meiste Zeit des Jahres
seine meiste Zeit
Zeit brauchen
Zeit finden für, dazu kommen
jdm. Zeit lassen
sich Zeit lassen
Zeit und Ort bestimmen
die Zeit totschlagen, die Zeit vertreiben
die Zeit verbringen
sich die Zeit vertreiben
seine Zeit vertrödeln
die Zeit vertrödeln
eine schöne Zeit haben, viel Spaß haben
in kurzer Zeit
von der Zeit an
harte (schwere, schlimme) Zeiten
mit der Zeit Schritt halten
mit der Zeit gehen
seiner Zeit voraus
etw. zur falschen Zeit tun
eine schöne Zeit haben
Zeit vergeuden
Zeit verwenden auf
Zeit zu gewinnen suchen
eine lange Zeit schönen Wetters
der Zahn der Zeit
zur rechten Zeit
absolute Zeit
höchste Zeit
in due time
in good season
in times of scarceness
indicated time, time indicated
most of the time
most of the year
most of his time
to take time
to get round to
to give sb. time
to take up time
to set time and place
to kill time
to spend the time
to while away the time
to while away one's time
to fritter away time
to have a nice time
in a little while
from that time on
hard times
to keep up with the time
to keep up with the times
ahead of the times
to sing the Magnificat at matins fig.
to have a good time, to have a blast coll.
to waste time
to spend time on
to play for time
a long spell of fine weather
the ravages of time
absolute time
about time
Zöliakie f, Sprue (Unverträglichkeit von Gluten) med.
Coeliac disease, Coeliac condition, celiac disease
Zoonose f med. (Tierkrankheit)
zoonosis, zoonotic disease
abstrahlen v (mit Sand usw.)
to blast
ansteckend, übertragbar adj (durch Berührung)
nicht ansteckend
ansteckende Krankheit
contagious disease
dampfstrahlen v
to vapor-blast, to steam-clean
to blast
heimtückisch adj
eine heimtückische Krankheit, eine insidiöse Krankheit
an insidious disease
sandstrahlen v
to blast clean, to sandblast
blasting clean, sandblasting
schlagen, sprengen, vernichten v
schlagend, sprengend, vernichtend
geschlagen, gesprengt, vernichtet
to blast
verdorren lassen, erfrieren lassen v
verdorren lassend, erfrieren lassend
verdorren lassen, erfrieren lassen
to blast
Die Krankheit ist ansteckend.
The disease is contagious.
Seit wann leiden Sie an dieser Krankheit?
How long have you been suffering from this disease?
Verdammt!, Verflucht!
Damn!, Damn it!, Blast!, Blast it!
Lochkrankheit f zool.
head and lateral line erosion, hole-in-head disease
BSE : schwammartige Hirnkrankheit des Rindes (Rinderwahnsinn)
BSE : Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (mad cow disease)
Geschlechtskrankheit f
VD : venereal disease
Windstoss, Explosion, schlagen, sprengen, vernichten
blast furnace
blast it
blast lamp
Erkrankung, Krankheit
heart disease
hereditary disease
infectious disease
mental disease
skin disease
Die Krankheit ist ansteckend
the disease is contagious
veneral disease
virus disease
Krankheit, Leiden
Erkrankung des Herzens
heart disease
Abschuss f; Start m (Rakete Raumschiff)
launching; blast-off (rocket; spaceship)
Addison-Krankheit f med.
Addison's disease
Älchenkrankheit f agr. med.
eelworm disease; nematode disease
Ahornsirupkrankheit f; Leuzinose f med.
maple syrup urine disease MSUD
Allergose f
allergic disease
Alzheimer Krankheit f; Alzheimersche Krankheit f med.
Alzheimer's disease
Amyotrophe Lateralsklerose f med.
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ALS ; motor neuron disease
Anfang m; Beginn m; Einsatz m; Einsetzen n
bei Beginn; bei Einbruch
bei Ausbruch der Krankheit; zum Zeitpunkt des Ausbruches der Krankheit
at the first onset
at the onset of disease; at the time of onset of disease
Aortenbogensyndrom n; pulslose Krankheit f med.
pulseless disease
Arthropathie f; Arthropathia f; Gelenkerkrankung f med.
arthropathy; joint disease
Atemwegserkrankung f; Atemwegerkrankung f; Luftwegerkrankung f med.
Atemwegserkrankungen pl; Atemwegerkrankungen pl; Luftwegerkrankungen pl
respiratory tract disease
respiratory tract diseases
Athetose f (unwillkürliche Bewegungen bei Gehirnläsion) med.
Athetose eines Körperteils; Einzelathetose; Monathetose
kongenitale Athetose; Hammond'sches Syndrom
Scheinathetose f
Hammond's disease
Autoimmunerkrankung f; Autoimmunkrankheit f med.
Autoimmunerkrankungen pl; Autoimmunkrankheiten pl
autoimmune disease; autoimmune disorder
autoimmune diseases; autoimmune disorders
Bagatellkrankheit f med.
Bagatellkrankheiten pl
trivial disease
trivial diseases
Bakterienerkrankung f; Bakterienkrankheit f; bakterielle Krankheit f; Bakteriose f med.
Bakterienerkrankungen pl; Bakterienkrankheiten pl; bakterielle Krankheiten pl; Bakteriosen pl
bacterial disease; bacteriosis
bacterial diseases; bacterioses
Basedow-Krankheit f; Basedow'sche Krankheit f med.
Graves' disease; toxic goitre syndrome; exophthalmic goitre
Bauchspeicheldrüsenerkrankung f med.
disease of the pancras; pancre(at)opathy
Baumfraß m (Baumkrankheit) bot.
tree blight (tree disease)
Baumkrankheit f bot.
Baumkrankheiten pl
tree disease
tree diseases
Berufskrankheit f; Berufserkrankung f med.
Berufskrankheiten pl; Berufserkrankungen pl
occupational disease
occupational diseases
Besatzgewicht n (beim Winderhitzer) (Metallurgie) techn.
Besatzgewichte pl
filler brick weight (of a hot blast stove) (metallurgy)
filler brick weights
Besatzpfropfen m (für Bohrlöcher) min.
tamping clay (for blast holes)
Beschicken n; Beschickung f; Begichtung f (eines Hochofens) techn.
charging (of a blast furnace)
Beschickungsbühne f; Begichtungsbühne f; Chargierbühne f (Metallurgie) techn.
charging floor gallery platform; top platform of a blast furnace (metallurgy)
Blasdüse f; Blasform f; Winddüse f; Windform f (des Hochofens) (Metallurgie) techn.
Blasdüsen pl; Blasformen pl; Winddüsen pl; Windformen pl
tuyère; tuyere; tuyer Am.; nozzle (of the blast furnace) (metallurgy)
tuyères; tuyeres; tuyers; nozzles
Blasensucht f (Pemphigus vulgaris) med.
blistering disease
Blasrohr n; Zugrohr n (Bahn) techn.
Blasrohre pl; Zugrohre pl
blast pipe (railway)
blast pipes
Blastzelle f anat.
Blastzellen pl
blast cell
blast cells
Blattfleckenkrankheit f bot. agr.
leaf spot disease
Borreliose f; Lyme-Borreliose f; Lyme-Krankheit f med.
Lyme disease; Lyme borreliosis
Braunfäule f; Brand m; Mehltau m bot.
blight; mildew; blast
Bronzekrankheit f; Bronzepest f med.
bronze disease
Brustkrankheit f med.
Brustkrankheiten pl
breast disease
breast diseases
Bunker m mil.
Bunker pl
Atombunker m
Munitionsbunker m
U-Boot-Bunker m
nuclear blast-proof bunker
ammunition bunker
submarine pen
Dauerausscheider m med.
asymptomatic disease carrier; healthy disease carrier
Dörrfleckenkrankheit f (des Hafers) bot. agr.
grey gray speck disease (of oat)
Pfeiffersches Drüsenfieber n; Studentenfieber n; Mononukleose f med.
glandular fever; mononucleosis; kissing disease

Deutsche Reisbrand {m} (Pflanzenkrankheit) [bot.] [agr.] Synonyme

Englische blast disease; blast of rice; rice blast; ryegrass blast; rice seedling blight; pitting disease Synonyme

blast disease Definition

Addison's disease
() A morbid condition causing a peculiar brownish discoloration of the skin, and thought, at one time, to be due to disease of the suprarenal capsules (two flat triangular bodies covering the upper part of the kidneys), but now known not to be dependent upon this causes exclusively. It is usually fatal.
Basedow's disease
() A disease characterized by enlargement of the thyroid gland, prominence of the eyeballs, and inordinate action of the heart
() A suffix or terminal formative, used principally in biological terms, and signifying growth, formation
(n.) A violent gust of wind.
(n.) A forcible stream of air from an orifice, as from a bellows, the mouth, etc. Hence: The continuous blowing to which one charge of ore or metal is subjected in a furnace
(n.) The exhaust steam from and engine, driving a column of air out of a boiler chimney, and thus creating an intense draught through the fire
(n.) The sound made by blowing a wind instrument
(n.) A sudden, pernicious effect, as if by a noxious wind, especially on animals and plants
(n.) The act of rending, or attempting to rend, heavy masses of rock, earth, etc., by the explosion of gunpowder, dynamite, etc.
(n.) A flatulent disease of sheep.
(v. t.) To injure, as by a noxious wind
(v. t.) Hence, to affect with some sudden violence, plague, calamity, or blighting influence, which destroys or causes to fail
(v. t.) To confound by a loud blast or din.
(v. t.) To rend open by any explosive agent, as gunpowder, dynamite, etc.
(v. i.) To be blighted or withered
(v. i.) To blow
Blast pipe
() The exhaust pipe of a steam engine, or any pipe delivering steam or air, when so constructed as to cause a blast.
Bright's disease
() An affection of the kidneys, usually inflammatory in character, and distinguished by the occurrence of albumin and renal casts in the urine. Several varieties of Bright's disease are now recognized, differing in the part of the kidney involved, and in the intensity and course of the morbid process.
(n.) Lack of ease
(n.) An alteration in the state of the body or of some of its organs, interrupting or disturbing the performance of the vital functions, and causing or threatening pain and weakness
(v. t.) To deprive of ease
(v. t.) To derange the vital functions of
Graves' disease
() Same as Basedow's disease.
Hodgkin's disease
() A morbid condition characterized by progressive anaemia and enlargement of the lymphatic glands
Hot blast
() See under Blast.
Meniere's disease
() A disease characterized by deafness and vertigo, resulting in incoordination of movement. It is supposed to depend upon a morbid condition of the semicircular canals of the internal ear. Named after Meniere, a French physician.
Pott's disease
() Caries of the vertebrae, frequently resulting in curvature of the spine and paralysis of the lower extremities
Thomsen's disease
() An affection apparently congenital, consisting in tonic contraction and stiffness of the voluntary muscles occurring after a period of muscular inaction.
(n.) A whirling blast or wind.

blast disease Bedeutung

blast a very long fly ball
solo homer
solo blast
a home run with no runners on base
surveillance of disease the ongoing systematic collection and analysis of data about an infectious disease that can lead to action being taken to control or prevent the disease
Borrelia burgdorferi
Lime disease spirochete
cause of Lyme disease, transmitted primarily by ticks of genus Ixodes
blast furnace a furnace for smelting of iron from iron oxide ores, combustion is intensified by a blast of air
intense adverse criticism, Clinton directed his fire at the Republican Party, the government has come under attack, don't give me any flak
good time
a highly pleasurable or exciting experience, we had a good time at the party, celebrating after the game was a blast
shock wave
blast wave
a region of high pressure travelling through a gas at a high velocity, the explosion created a shock wave
tin pest
tin disease
tin plague
the transformation of ordinary white tin into powdery grey tin at very cold temperatures
eruption blast bam
a sudden very loud noise
blast an explosion (as of dynamite)
bomb blast the explosion of a bomb
backfire from a recoilless weapon
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
a federal agency in the Department of Health and Human Services, located in Atlanta, investigates and diagnoses and tries to control or prevent diseases (especially new and unusual diseases)
a strong current of air, the tree was bent almost double by the gust
pink disease fungus
Corticium salmonicolor
fungus causing pink disease in citrus and coffee and rubber trees etc
cardiovascular disease a disease of the heart or blood vessels
celiac disease a disorder in children and adults, inability to tolerate wheat protein (gluten), symptoms include foul-smelling diarrhea and emaciation, often accompanied by lactose intolerance
glandular disease
gland disease
glandular disorder
a disorder of the glands of the body
decompression sickness
aeroembolism air embolism gas embolism caisson disease
pain resulting from rapid change in pressure
disease an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning
disease of the neuromuscular junction a disease characterized by impairment of neuromuscular junctions
Banti's disease
Banti's syndrome
a disease characterized by congestion and enlargement of the spleen, accompanied by anemia or cirrhosis
pulmonary anthrax
inhalation anthrax
anthrax pneumonia
ragpicker's disease
ragsorter's disease
woolsorter's pneumonia
woolsorter's disease
a form of anthrax infection acquired by inhalation of dust containing Bacillus anthracis, initial symptoms (chill and cough and dyspnea and rapid pulse) are followed by extreme cardiovascular collapse
cat scratch disease a disease thought to be transmitted to humans by a scratch from a cat
endemic disease
a disease that is constantly present to a greater or lesser degree in people of a certain class or in people living in a particular location
idiopathic disease
idiopathic disorder
any disease arising from internal dysfunctions of unknown cause
monogenic disorder
monogenic disease
an inherited disease controlled by a single pair of genes
polygenic disorder
polygenic disease
an inherited disease controlled by several genes at once
Kawasaki disease
mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome
an acute disease of young children characterized by a rash and swollen lymph nodes and fever, of unknown cause
Meniere's disease a disease of the inner ear characterized by episodes of dizziness and tinnitus and progressive hearing loss (usually unilateral)
occupational disease
industrial disease
disease or disability resulting from conditions of employment (usually from long exposure to a noxious substance or from continuous repetition of certain acts)
Paget's disease
osteitis deformans
a disease of bone occurring in the middle aged and elderly, excessive bone destruction sometimes leading to bone pain and fractures and skeletal deformities
periodontal disease
a disease that attacks the gum and bone and around the teeth
pyorrhea pyorrhoea pyorrhea alveolaris
Riggs' disease
chronic periodontitis, purulent inflammation of the teeth sockets
nervous disorder
neurological disorder
neurological disease
a disorder of the nervous system
brain disorder
brain disease
any disorder or disease of the brain
myoclonus epilepsy
Lafora's disease
epilepsy characterized by clonus of muscle groups and progressive mental deterioration and genetic origin
paralysis agitans
Parkinson's disease
Parkinson's syndrome
shaking palsy
a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system characterized by tremor and impaired muscular coordination
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease
rare (usually fatal) brain disease (usually in middle age) caused by an unidentified slow virus, characterized by progressive dementia and gradual loss of muscle control
coronary heart disease a heart disease due to an abnormality of the arteries that supply blood and oxygen to the heart
heart disease
a disease of the heart
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Lou Gehrig's disease
thickening of tissue in the motor tracts of the lateral columns and anterior horns of the spinal cord, results in progressive muscle atrophy that starts in the limbs
arterial sclerosis
hardening of the arteries
induration of the arteries
coronary-artery disease
sclerosis of the arterial walls
coronary artery disease
a stage of arteriosclerosis involving fatty deposits (atheromas) inside the arterial walls, thus narrowing the arteries
valvular heart disease heart disease caused by stenosis of the cardiac valves and obstructed blood flow or caused by degeneration and blood regurgitation
kidney disease
renal disorder
a disease affecting the kidneys
Bright's disease
an inflammation of the kidney
polycystic kidney disease
kidney disease characterized by enlarged kidneys containing many cysts, often leads to kidney failure
liver disease a disease affecting the liver
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