
blood plasma deficiency Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Blutplasmamangel m; Plasmamangel m; Oligoplasmie f med.
blood plasma deficiency; apoplasmia; oligoplasmia; mioplasmia
relative by blood
Defizit, Unzulänglichkeit, Mangel
ein Defizit decken
make good a deficiency
fehlendes Gewicht
deficiency in weight
deficiency in receipts
unzulängliche Anzahl
deficiency in number
unzulängliche Menge
deficiency in quantity
vitamin deficiency
Ader f, Blutader f anat.
Adern pl
blood vessel, vein
Aderlass m
blood-letting, bleeding
Aids n med.
AIDS, Aids (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)
Antihypertonikum n, Heilmittel gegen erhöhten Blutdruck med. pharm.
antihypertensive, high blood pressure drug
Antikoagulans n, Antikoagulant m, Gerinnungshemmer m, gerinnungshemmende Substanz f med. pharm.
anticoagulant, substance that prevents blood clotting
Ausfallbürgschaft f
letter of indemnity, indemnity bond, deficit guarantee, deficiency suretyship, conditional guarantee
Blut n
Blut vergießen
Blut husten
blaues Blut übtr.
böses Blut übtr.
to shed blood
to expectorate
blue blood fig.
bad blood fig.
Blut-Hirn-Schranke f, Blut-Gehirn-Schranke f
blood-brain barrier, blood-cerebral barrier
Blutalkohol m, Blutalkoholgehalt m
blood alcohol, blood alcohol concentration (BAC), level of alcohol in the blood
Blutbank f
Blutbanken pl
blood bank
blood banks
Blutbild n med.
blood count, hemogram
Blutchemie f
blood chemistry
Blutdruck m med.
hoher Blutdruck
blood pressure
high blood pressure
Blutdruckmessung n med.
taking the blood pressure
Bluterguss m med.
Blutergüsse pl
effusion of blood
effusions of blood
Blutgerinnsel n, Gerinnsel n, Koagulum n med.
blood clot, coagulum
Blutgefäß n anat.
Blutgefäße pl
blood vessel
blood vessels
Blutgeld n
blood money
Blutgerinnung f
blood coagulation, clotting of the blood
Blutgruppe f med.
Blutgruppen pl
blood group
blood groups
Blutdruckmesser m, Blutdruckmessgerät n med.
blood pressure gauge, sphygmomanometer
Blutentnahme f
taking of a blood sample
Blutfarbe f
blood colour Br., blood color Am.
Blutfleck m
Blutflecken pl
bloodstain, blood stain
Blutkrankheit f, Bluterkrankung f med.
blood disorder
Blutkreislauf m, Blutzirkulation f
großer Blutkreislauf, Körperkreislauf m anat.
blood circulation, circulation
systemic circulation
Blutlache f
Blutlachen pl
pool of blood
pools of blood
Blutplasma n
blood plasm
Blutplättchen n, Thrombozyt m anat.
(blood) platelet
Blutprobe f, Bluttest m, Blutuntersuchung f
Blutproben pl, Bluttests pl, Blutuntersuchungen pl
blood test
blood tests
Blutprobe f, kleine Blutmenge
Blutproben pl, kleine Blutmengen
blood sample
blood samples
Blutrache f
blood revenge, blood vengeance
Blutspende f
Blutspenden pl
blood donation
blood donations
Blutspender m, Blutspenderin f
Blutspender pl, Blutspenderinnen pl
blood donor
blood donors
Blutspendewesen n, Blutspendedienst m
blood donor service
Blutspendezentrale f
Blutspendezentralen pl
blood donor centre
blood donor centres
Blutspur f
Blutspuren pl
trail of blood
trails of blood
Blutstatus m med.
complete blood count (CBC)
Blutstropfen m
Blutstropfen pl
drop of blood
drops of blood
Blutsverwandtschaft f
blood relation
Bluttransfusion f med.
blood transfusion
Blutung f
issue of blood
Blutvergiftung f
blood poisoning
Blutverlust m
loss of blood
Blutwurst f, Rotwurst f
kind of black pudding, blutwurst Am., blood sausage Am.
Blutzucker m
blood sugar
Blutzuckerwert m
blood sugar level
Defizienz f, Mangelhaftigkeit f
Differentialblutbild n med.
differential blood count
Drachenblut n
dragon's blood
Durchblutung f
blood flow, circulation, blood supply, perfusion
Eisenmangel m
iron deficiency
Eiweißmangel m
protein deficiency
Erythropoese f, Erythrozytopoese f, Bildung von roten Blutkörperchen med.
erythropoiesis, red blood cell production
Fleisch n
durchwachsenes Fleisch
sein eigenes Fleisch und Blut
noch ein Stück Fleisch
marbled meat
his own flesh and blood
another piece of meat
Gebrechen n
Gebrechen pl
defect, deficiency, weakness, affliction
defects, deficiencies, weaknesses, afflictions
Hämoptoe, Bluthusten n med.
haemoptysis, coughing up blood
Halbblut n
half-blood, half-breed
Hypertonie f, Bluthochdruck m med.
an Bluthochdruck leiden
hypertension, high blood pressure
to have high blood pressure
Hypoglykämie f, Hypoglycämie f, Unterzuckerung f, starke Absenkung des Blutzuckers med.
hypoglycemia Am., hypoglycaemia Br., low blood sugar
Hypotension f, niedriger Blutdruck med.
hypotension, low blood pressure
Lactasemangel m
lactase deficiency
Leukozyte f, weißes Blutkörperchen anat.
Leukozyten pl
leukocyte, white blood cell
Lücke in der Gesamtnachfrage
aggregate deficiency in demand
Mangel m
Mängel pl
Manko n
deficiency, deficit, shortcoming
Meinungsverschiedenheiten pl
bad blood
Mindereinnahmen pl
deficiency in receipts
Plasma n
Plasmabrenner m
Plasmabrenner pl
plasma torch
plasma torches
Plasmaexpander m, Plasmaersatzmittel zur Auffüllung des Blutkreislaufs med.
plasma expander
Plasmaprotein n med.
plasma protein
Plasmaspritzen n
plasma spraying
Promillegrenze f, Blutalkohollimit f
blood-alcohol limit
Rotwurst n cook.
blood sausage
Ruhedurchblutung f
blood circulation at rest
Schwachsinn m med.
leichter Schwachsinn
mittelschwerer Schwachsinn
schwerer Schwachsinn
mental deficiency, feeble-mindedness
mild mental deficiency
severe to moderate mental deficiency
profound mental deficiency
Schweiß m (Jägersprache für Blut)
Thrombus m, Blutpfropf m med.
thrombus, blood clot
Unzulänglichkeit f
Vitaminmangel m
vitamin deficiency
Zinkmangel m med.
zinc deficiency
blutbespritzt adj
gefleckt, befleckt adj
Flecken haben
blutbespritzt sein
to be specked
to be specked with blood
kaltblütig adv
in cold blood
normotensiv adj, mit normalem Blutdruck med.
normotensive, with normal blood pressure
rasen, sausen v
rasend, sausend
gerast, gesaust
rast, saust
raste, sauste
das Blut schoss ihr ins Gesicht
to rush
the blood rushed into her head
Blut und Wasser schwitzen übtr.
to sweat
to sweat blood, to be in a cold sweat
spenden v
Blut spenden
Bitte spenden Sie für ...
to donate, to give
donating, giving
donated, given
donates, gives
donated, gave
to donate blood, to give blood
Please donate sth. to (for) ...
(Tränen, Blut) vergießen
to shed {shed, shed} (tears, blood)
Es liegt im Blut.
It runs in the blood.
Menschliches Blut hat überall dieselbe Farbe.
Human blood is all one color.
Mir kam die Galle hoch.
My blood was up.
Wo nichts ist, da hat der Kaiser sein Recht verloren. Sprw.
You can't squeeze blood out of a turnip. prov.
Blutfasan m ornith.
Blood Pheasant
Purpurmistelfresser m ornith.
Blood-breasted Flowerpecker
HIV : Virus der Immunschwächekrankheit
HIV : Human Immuno-deficiency Virus
bad blood
blood donor
blood group
blood picture
blood poisoning
blood pressure
blood relation
blood test
blood thirsty
blood transfusion
blood transfusion
cold blood
effusion of blood
effusions of blood
in cold blood
Es liegt im Blut
it runs in the blood
loss of blood
plasma display
Blut vergiessen
shed blood
taking the blood pressure
Blut vergiessen
to shed blood
blood sausage
in Fleisch und Blut
Abbinden n; Abklemmen n med.
Abbinden von Blutgefäßen
Abbinden Abklemmen der Eileiter (Sterilisation)
ligation; ligature
ligation of blood vessels
tubal ligation
Adel m; Aristokratie f soc.
von Adel sein
niederer Adel
der hohe und niedere Adel
geistiger Adel
Adel verpflichtet.
Erbadel m
Geburtsadel m
Geblütsadel m
Landadel m
Uradel m
Adligen pl; Adlige
nobility; aristocracy
to be a member of the nobility
low nobility aristocracy; gentry Br.
the nobility and the gentry Br.
intellectual elite
Noblesse oblige.
hereditary nobility aristocracy
nobility aristocracy by birth
nobility asristocracy by blood
landed nobility aristocracy
ancient nobility aristocracy
Ader f; Blutader f anat.
Adern pl
blood vessel; vein
Aderlass m med. hist.
blood-letting; bleeding
Aids n med.
Aids-assozierte opportunistische Infektionen und Koinfektionen
AIDS; Aids (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)
AIDS-associated opportunistic infections co-infections and malignancies
Antihypertonikum n; Heilmittel gegen erhöhten Blutdruck med. pharm.
antihypertensive; high blood pressure drug
Antikoagulans n; Antikoagulant m; blutgerinnungshemmende Substanz f; Blutgerinnungshemmer m pharm.
anticoagulant; substance inhibiting blood clot formation
Arzneimittel n adm.; Medikament n; Medizin f ugs. pharm. med.
Arzneimittel pl; Medikamente pl
Arzneimittel Medikament der Wahl
Arzneimittel pl für seltene Leiden
apothekenfreie Medikamente
ohne Medikamente
Medikamente gegen Bluthochdruck nehmen (verabreicht) bekommen
ein Medikament nehmen
ein Medikament ausschleichen (die Dosierung allmählich reduzieren) med.
mit Medikamenten handeln
Arnzeimittel ausgeben abgeben
freiverkäufliche Medikamente
Abgabe f von Arzneimitteln
einen Patienten auf ein Medikament eine Dosierung einstellen
Nehmen Sie (irgendwelche) Medikamente?
Nehmen Sie noch andere Medikamente?
(medicinal) drug; medication; medicine; medicament (formal)
drugs; medications
drug of choice
orphan drugs
OTC drugs
to be on medication for high blood pressure
to take a medication
to taper a drug (gradually reduce the dosage)
to deal in drugs
to dispense medication
over the counter medicines
drug dispensing
to stabilize a patient on a drug dosage
Are you taking any medicine?
Are you taking any other medications?
Ausfallbürgschaft f
letter of indemnity; indemnity bond; deficit guarantee; deficiency suretyship; conditional guarantee
Blut n
Blut vergießen
Blut husten
blaues Blut übtr.
böses Blut übtr.
Das macht schafft nur böses Blut.
Seit dem Streit gibt es viel böses Blut zwischen den Nachbarn.
to shed blood
to expectorate
blue blood fig.
bad blood fig.
That only creates bad blood.
There's been a lot of bad blood between the neighbours since their quarrel.
Blut-Hirn-Schranke f; Blut-Gehirn-Schranke f
blood-brain barrier; blood-cerebral barrier
Blutalkohol m; Blutalkoholgehalt m
blood alcohol; blood alcohol concentration BAC ; level of alcohol in the blood
Blutalkoholspiegel m med.
blood-alcohol level
Blutbeimengung f med.
Blutbeimengungen pl
admixture of blood
admixtures of blood
Blutbild n med.
blood count; hemogram

Deutsche Blutplasmamangel {m}; Plasmamangel {m}; Oligoplasmie {f} [med.] Synonyme

Englische blood plasma deficiency; apoplasmia; oligoplasmia; mioplasmia Synonyme

blood plasma deficiency Definition

(n.) The fluid which circulates in the principal vascular system of animals, carrying nourishment to all parts of the body, and bringing away waste products to be excreted. See under Arterial.
(n.) Relationship by descent from a common ancestor
(n.) Descent
(n.) Descent from parents of recognized breed
(n.) The fleshy nature of man.
(n.) The shedding of blood
(n.) A bloodthirsty or murderous disposition.
(n.) Temper of mind
(n.) A man of fire or spirit
(n.) The juice of anything, especially if red.
(v. t.) To bleed.
(v. t.) To stain, smear or wet, with blood.
(v. t.) To give (hounds or soldiers) a first taste or sight of blood, as in hunting or war.
(v. t.) To heat the blood of
(a.) Having the hair matted with clotted blood.
Blood money
() Money paid to the next of kin of a person who has been killed by another.
Blood money
() Money obtained as the price, or at the cost, of another's life
(a.) Bloodshot.
Blood vessel
() Any vessel or canal in which blood circulates in an animal, as an artery or vein.
(n.) The state of being deficient
Dragon's blood
() Alt. of Dragon's tail
Half blood
() The relation between persons born of the same father or of the same mother, but not of both
Half blood
(n.) A person so related to another.
Half blood
(n.) A person whose father and mother are of different races
(n.) A variety of quartz, of a color between grass green and leek green, which is found associated with common chalcedony. It was much esteemed by the ancients for making engraved ornaments.
(n.) The viscous material of an animal or vegetable cell, out of which the various tissues are formed by a process of differentiation
(n.) Unorganized material
(n.) A mixture of starch and glycerin, used as a substitute for ointments.

blood plasma deficiency Bedeutung

blood typing determining a person's blood type by serological methods
blood transfusion
the introduction of blood or blood plasma into a vein or artery
blood sport sport that involves killing animals (especially hunting)
blood count the act of estimating the number of red and white corpuscles in a blood sample
complete blood count
blood profile
counting the number of white and red blood cells and the number of platelets in cubic millimeter of blood
differential blood count counting the number of specific types of white blood cells found in cubic millimeter of blood, may be included as part of a complete blood count
blood-oxygenation level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging
functional magnetic resonance imaging that relies on intrinsic changes in hemoglobin oxygenation
arterial blood gases measurement of the pH level and the oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations in arterial blood, important in diagnosis of many respiratory diseases
blood feud
a feud in which members of the opposing parties murder each other
blood fluke
flatworms parasitic in the blood vessels of mammals
blood clam red-blooded clam
barrel knot
blood knot
a knot used for tying fishing leaders together, the ends of the two leaders are wrapped around each other two or three times
blood temperament or disposition, a person of hot blood
full blood descent from parents both of one pure breed
body temperature
blood heat
temperature of the body, normally . F or C in humans, usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person's health
inadequacy deficiency
lack of an adequate quantity or number, the inadequacy of unemployment benefits
cell membrane
plasma membrane
a thin membrane (a double layer of lipids) enclosing the cytoplasm of a cell, proteins in the membrane control passage of ions (like sodium or potassium or calcium) in and out of the cell, all cells have a cell membrane
arterial blood vessel
a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body
blood the fluid (red in vertebrates) that is pumped through the body by the heart and contains plasma, blood cells, and platelets, blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and carries away waste products, the ancients believed that blood was the seat of the emotions
arterial blood blood found in arteries, except for the pulmonary artery the arterial blood is rich in oxygen
blood group
blood type
human blood cells (usually just the red blood cells) that have the same antigens
Rh-positive blood type
Rh positive
the blood group (approximately % of people) whose red cells have the Rh factor (Rh antigen)
Rh-negative blood type
Rh-negative blood
Rh negative
the blood group whose red cells lack the Rh factor (Rh antigen)
blood stream
the blood flowing through the circulatory system
blood clot
a semisolid mass of coagulated red and white blood cells
cord blood blood obtained from the umbilical cord at birth
menstrual blood
menstrual flow
flow of blood from the uterus, occurs at roughly monthly intervals during a woman's reproductive years
venous blood blood found in the veins, except in the pulmonary vein venous blood is rich in carbon dioxide and poor in oxygen
whole blood blood that has not been modified except for the addition of an anticoagulant, whole blood is normally used in blood transfusions
blood serum
an amber, watery fluid, rich in proteins, that separates out when blood coagulates
plasm blood plasma
the colorless watery fluid of the blood and lymph that contains no cells, but in which the blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes, and thrombocytes) are suspended
blood vessel a vessel in which blood circulates
venous blood vessel
a blood vessel that carries blood from the capillaries toward the heart, all veins except the pulmonary vein carry unaerated blood
venous blood system
(zoology) the system of venous blood vessels in an animal
blood cell
blood corpuscle
either of two types of cells (erythrocytes and leukocytes) and sometimes including platelets
white blood cell
white cell
white blood corpuscle
white corpuscle
blood cells that engulf and digest bacteria and fungi, an important part of the body's defense system
plasma cell
a cell that develops from a B lymphocyte in reaction to a specific antigen, found in bone marrow and sometimes in the blood
red blood cell
a mature blood cell that contains hemoglobin to carry oxygen to the bodily tissues, a biconcave disc that has no nucleus
mental deficiency
mild mental retardation
ABO blood group system
ABO system
ABO group
a classification system for the antigens of human blood, used in blood transfusion therapy, four groups are A and B and AB and O
blood test a serologic analysis of a sample of blood
PSA blood test a blood test that measures levels of a protein called prostate specific antigen that is manufactured exclusively by the prostate gland, men with prostate problems usually have elevated levels of PSA
plasma physics the branch of physics concerned with matter in its plasma phase
bad blood
a feeling of ill will arousing active hostility
high-vitamin diet
vitamin-deficiency diet
a diet designed to patients with vitamin deficiencies
blood meal the dried and powdered blood of animals
blood sausage
blood pudding
black pudding
a black sausage containing pig's blood and other ingredients
blood people viewed as members of a group, we need more young blood in this organization
d lineage
line of descent
blood line
the descendants of one individual, his entire lineage has been warriors
blood-brain barrier a mechanism that creates a barrier between brain tissues and circulating blood, serves to protect the central nervous system, the brain was protected from the large molecules of the virus by the blood-brain barrier
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