
care worn Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

care worn
abgenutzte Banknoten
worn bank notes
abgenutzte Münze
worn coin
angemessene Sorgfalt
adequate care
institutional care
ärztliche Betreuung
medical care
Gesundheitsfürsorge, Gesundheitsvorsorge
health care
health care
getragen, abgenutzt
große Sorgfalt
great care
Ihnen anvertraut
entrusted to your care
child care
Mangel an ordentlicher Fürsorge
lack of proper care
mangelnde Sorgfalt
want of care
mit angemessener Sorgfalt
with reasonable care
mit Vorsicht zu handhaben
handle with care
nur leicht beschädigt, leicht benutzt
per Adresse
care of
sei vorsichtig
take care
soll mit angemessener Sorgfalt prüfen
shall take reasonable care to check
sorgen, Sorge, Sorgfalt, Fürsorge
übliche Sorgfalt
ordinary care
verkehrsübliche Sorgfalt
care and attention
vorsichtig umgehen
handle with care
in Acht nehmen
sich sehr in Acht nehmen, sich anständig benehmen, auf sein Auftreten aufpassen
to take care of
to mind one's P's and Q's (... one's pleases and thank-you's)
Akutbett n med.
Akutbetten pl
acute care bed
acute care beds
Akutversorgung f med.
acute care
Altenpflege f
geriatric care, geriatric nursing, care of the elderly
Altenpflegezentrum n
geriatric care centre Br., geriatric care center Am.
Altersfürsorge f
care of the elderly
Ambulanz f
outpatients' department, out-patient care
Anteilnahme f, Interesse n
Arbeitsmedizin f
occupational medicine Br., industrial medicine Am., occupational medicine and health care
Beachtung f, Berücksichtigung f
sorgfältige Beachtung
care and attention
Behandlung f, Pflege f
Betreuung f
medizinische Betreuung
betriebsärztliche Betreuung
medical care
occupational-medical care
Brustbeutel m
Brustbeutel pl
money bag (worn around the neck)
money bags
sich einen Dreck kümmern vulg.
not to care a fuck slang
Einband m
Einbände pl, Einfassungen pl
Einband lose
beschädigter Einband
fester Einband
flexibler Einband
gestickter Einband
Einband fehlt
lose im Einband
binding loose
binding worn
embroidered binding
binding gone
binding loosened
Fürsorge f, Zuwendung f
Fußpflege f
pedicure, chiropody, care of the feet
Fußpflege f
foot care
Gärtnerdienste pl
gardening and plant care
Ganztagsschule f
Ganztagsschulen pl
all-day schooling, all-day school, primary schools' wrap-around care
all-day schoolings, all-day schools
Garten m
Gärten pl
den Garten pflegen
alpiner Garten
to take care of the garden
alpine garden
Gesichtspflege f
facial care
Gesundheitspolitik f
health policy, health care policy
Gesundheitsvorsorge f
health care
Gesundheitswesen n
Kosten des Gesundheitswesens
public health
health care costs
Haarpflege f
hair care
Haarpflegemittel n
Haarpflegemittel pl
hair-care product
hair-care products
Hauspflege f
home care
Hautpflege f
skin care, care of the skin
Heilverfahren n
care process
Inkontinenzversorgung f
incontinence care
Intensivpflege f med.
Pfleger m in der Intensivpflege, Pflegerin f in der Intensivpflege
intensive care (IC)
IC nurse
Intensivstation m med.
Intensivstationen pl
intensive care ward Br., intensive care unit (ICU)
intensive care wards, intensive care units
Kinderbetreuung f, Kinderpflege f
Kinderbetreuung am Arbeitsplatz
child care, childcare
crêche facilities
Kinderbetreuungseinrichtung f
Kinderbetreuungseinrichtungen pl
child-care center Am.
child-care centers
Kinderbetreuungskosten pl
child-care fees
Krankenpflege f
häusliche Krankenpflege
health care, nursing
home health care, home nursing
Kundenpflege f econ.
customer care
Mittagsbetreuung f für Kinder
child-care over the lunch hour
Nachbehandlung f
ambulante Nachbehandlung
after-treatment, aftertreatment, after-care
ambulatory after-care
Obhut f
in jds. Obhut
in so.'s care, under so.'s care
Pflege f, Wartung f
in Pflege geben
in Pflege nehmen
ein Kind in Pflege geben
to put into care
to take into care
to foster a child
Pflegebedürftigkeit f
need for care
(kosmetisches) Pflegemittel n
(cosmetic) care product
Pflegepersonal n
nursing staff, care workers
Pflegeunterbringung f
foster care
Pflegeversicherung f
nursing care insurance
Reifen m
Reifen pl
platter Reifen
abgefahrener Reifen
abgewerteter Reifen
feinprofilierter Reifen
gewachsener Reifen
nachgeschnittener Reifen
nachschneidbarer Reifen
profilloser Reifen, Reifen ohne Profil
profilloser Reifen
runderneuerter Reifen
schlauchloser Reifen
unvulkanisierter Reifen
verstärkter Reifen
Reifen einer Handelsmarke
Belastung pro Reifen
Reifen mit Notlaufeigenschaften
Reifen mit zu hohem Luftdruck
Reifen für landwirtschaftliche Geräte
tyre, tire Am.
tyres, tires Am.
flat tyre
bald tyre, smooth tyre, worn tyre
downgraded tyre
siped tyre
grown tyre
mud and snow tyre (M+S)
recut tyre, regrooved tyre
regroovable tyre
plain tread tyre, plain tyre, slick tyre
smooth tread tyre (slick)
remoulded tyre, retread tyre
tubeless tyre
green tyre, uncured cover
extra ply tire Am., reinforced tyre
private brand tyre
load per tyre
tyre with running flat properties
overinflated tyre
implement tyre
Reinraum m
modularer Reinraum
Reinraum m für die Herstellung pharmazeutischer und ähnlicher Produkte
clean room, cleanroom
modular cleanroom
health care cleanroom
Rettungswagen m
Rettungswagen pl
ambulance, mobile intensive care unit (MICU)
ambulances, mobile intensive care units
Säuglingspflege f
baby care
Schönheitspflege f
beauty care
Schwangerschaftsfürsorge f
antenatal care
Seelsorge f
pastoral care
Sorge f, Kummer m
ohne Sorgen, sorgenfrei adj
free from cares
sich Sorgen machen, sich Gedanken machen (um)
sich Sorgen machend, sich Gedanken machend
sich Sorgen gemacht, sich Gedanken gemacht
es ist mir zwar egal, aber ...
to care (about)
not that I care, but ...
Sorgfalt f, Achtsamkeit f, Sorgfältigkeit f
care, carefulness
Sorgfaltspflicht f
obligation to exercise diligence, due diligence, due care
Sozialarbeit f
sozialarbeiterische Betreuung
social work
social work care
Spezialklinik f für Verbrennungen med.
burn care center
Sterbebegleitung f
care of dying, caring for the dying
Umweltpflege f
environmental care
Verwahrung f, Aufbewahrung f
in sicherer Verwahrung
in sichere Verwahrung geben
etw. in Verwahrung geben
in Verwahrung geben (bei)
in Verwahrung haben
in Verwahrung nehmen
safe-keeping, custody, care, trust
in safe custody
to place in safe custody
to give sth. into custody (in charge)
to deliver in trust, to entrust, to lodge (with)
to hold in trust
to take charge of, to take into custody
Vorsorgemaßnahmen für die Umwelt
measures towards environmental preventive care
Wagenpflege f, Autopflege f
car care, car valeting
Wundbehandlung f med.
wound care
Zahnpflege f
dental care, dental hygiene
abgearbeitet, verbraucht adj
abgetragen adj
abgegriffen, abgenutzt adj
worn, worn out
abgetakelt, heruntergekommen adj
faded, worn out, run-down, shagged out
to wear away, to wear off, to wear out
wearing away, wearing off, wearing out
worn away, worn off, worn out
abnutzen, abnützen, verschleißen
abnutzend, abnützend, verschleißend
abgenutzt, abgenützt, verschlissen
nutzt ab, verschleißt
nutzte ab, verschliss
to wear out
wearing out
worn out
wears out
wore out
abtragen v (Kleidung)
to wear out
wearing out
worn out
abwetzen v
to wear away
wearing away
worn away
akribisch adj
very painstakingly, with the utmost care
anfassen, handhaben, behandeln v
anfassend, handhabend, behandelnd
angefasst, gehandhabt, behandelt
fasst an, behandelt
fasste an, behandelte
vorsichtig behandeln
to handle
to handle with care
vertraut an
vertraute an
jdn. in jds. Obhut anvertrauen
to commit
to commit sb. to sb.'s care
aufpassen, sich Mühe geben
aufpassend, sich Mühe gebend
aufgepasst, sich Mühe gegeben
to take care
taking care
taken care
ausgetreten (Schuhe)
well-worn (shoes)
to wear out, to cease glowing
wearing out, ceasing glowing
worn out, ceased glowing
(Schuhe) auslatschen v ugs.
to wear (shoes) out of shape
wearing out of shape
worn out of shape
ausleiern ugs. v
to wear out, to become stretched
wearing out, becoming stretched
worn out, become stretched
behüten v
to care
to wear down {wore, worn}
wearing down
worn down
wears down
wore down
ganz erschöpft sein, abgearbeitet sein
to be worn out
hinreichende Sorgfalt f
adequate care
sich hüten v, vorsichtig sein v
to take care
sich kümmern um, sich scheren um ugs. v
sich kümmernd um, sich scherend um
sich gekümmert um, sich geschert um
Was kümmert es mich?, Was schert's mich?
to care for
caring for
cared for
What do I care?
in need of care
pfleglich behandeln, schonen
pfleglich behandelnd, schonend
pfleglich behandelt, geschont
to take care of, to look after
taking care of, looking after
taken care of, looked after
psychologisch, seelisch adj
psychologische Betreuung f
psychological care
sorgen für, umsorgen, pflegen
sorgend, umsorgend, pflegend
gesorgt, umsorgt, gepflegt
sorgt, umsorgt, pflegt
sorgte, umsorgte, pflegte
to care for
sorgen für, sich kümmern um, Acht geben auf, erledigen
sorgend, sich kümmernd, Acht gebend, erledigend
gesorgt, sich gekümmert, Acht gegeben, erledigt
to take care of
taking care of
taken care of
sorgenfrei, sorgenlos adj
carefree, happy-go-lucky, devil-may-care
tragen, anhaben, aufhaben (Kleidung)
tragend, anhabend, aufhabend
getragen, angehabt, aufgehabt
sie trägt, er
sie hat hat an
sie trug, ich
sie hatte an
sie hat
hatte getragen, er
sie hat
hatte angehabt
to wear {wore, worn}
she wears
she wore
she has
had worn
tragen, abtragen, abnutzen
tragend, abtragend, abnutzend
getragen, abgetragen, abgenutzt
to wear {wore, worn}
jdn. umhegen
to care lovingly for sb.
zermürben, aufreiben v
zermürbend, aufreibend
zermürbt, aufgerieben
to wear down
wearing down
worn down
Das ist ihr völlig schnuppe.
She doesn't care a hang.
Das ist mir egal., Das ist mir gleichgültig.
I don't care.
Das ist mir schnurzpiepegal! ugs.
A fat lot I care! coll.
Er kümmert sich keinen Deut darum.
He doesn't care a straw.
Er mag sich nur in Acht nehmen!
He had better take care!
Es ist mir völlig egal.
I don't care a pap for it.
Es liegt mir nichts mehr daran.
I don't care any more.
Ich mache mir nichts daraus.
I don't care a fig for it.
Ich pfeif' drauf.
I couldn't care less.
Ich pfeife eben darauf.
I couldn't care less about it.
Ich werde alles Weitere veranlassen.
I will take care of everything else.
Ich werde mich hüten, das zu tun.
I will take good care not to do that.
In liebevoller Sorge begleitet sie ihn.
With tender and loving care she follows him.
For all I care!
Möchten Sie gerne eine Tasse Kaffee?
Would you care for a cup of coffee?
Pass auf dich auf!
Take care!
Passt gut auf euch auf.
Take good care of yourselves.
Tschüss!, Mach's gut!
So long!, Bye bye!, Cheers!, Take care!
Von mir aus.
For all I care.
Vorsicht! Glas!
Glass! Handle with care!
Wer den Pfennig nicht ehrt, ist des Talers nicht wert. Sprw.
Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.
b. : bei, wohnhaft bei (Adresse)
o : care of
p.A., p.Adr. : per Adresse
o : care of
Arealpflegetechnik f
area care technology
Autopflegemittel n auto. mach.
car care material
Autopflegeprodukte pl auto. mach.
car care products
Babypflege f
baby care

Deutsche sorgenvoll Synonyme

Englische care worn Synonyme

care worn Definition

(n.) A burdensome sense of responsibility
(n.) Charge, oversight, or management, implying responsibility for safety and prosperity.
(n.) Attention or heed
(n.) The object of watchful attention or anxiety.
(n.) To be anxious or solicitous
(a.) Having the pile worn off
(p. p.) of Wear
(a.) Worn by the action of wheels
() p. p. of Wear.
(a.) Consumed, or rendered useless, by wearing

care worn Bedeutung

hair care
care for the hair: the activity of washing or cutting or curling or arranging the hair
activity involved in maintaining something in good working order, he wrote the manual on car care
camera care keeping a camera in good working order
car care keeping a car in good working order
care attention aid tending the work of providing treatment for or attending to someone or something, no medical care was required, the old car needs constant attention
primary care the medical care received on first contact with the medical system (before being referred elsewhere)
dental care care for the teeth
medical care
medical aid
professional treatment for illness or injury
hospital care
placing in medical care in a hospital
nursing care care by a skilled nurse
tender loving care
considerate and solicitous care, young children need lots of TLC
personal care care for someone who is disabled or is otherwise unable to care for themselves, can including bathing and cooking and managing bodily functions
skin care
care for the skin
intensive care close monitoring and constant medical care of patients with life-threatening conditions
care charge
tutelage guardianship
attention and management implying responsibility for safety, he is in the care of a bodyguard
healthcare health care the preservation of mental and physical health by preventing or treating illness through services offered by the health profession
healthcare delivery
health care delivery
care delivery
the provision of health care
health care social insurance for the ill and injured
primary health care health care that is provided by a health care professional in the first contact of a patient with the health care system
due care
ordinary care
reasonable care
the care that a reasonable man would exercise under the circumstances, the standard for determining legal duty
foster care supervised care for delinquent or neglected children usually in an institution or substitute home
great care more attention and consideration than is normally bestowed by prudent persons, the pilot exercised great care in landing
slight care such care as a careless or inattentive person would exercise
child care
a service involving care for other people's children
day care
childcare during the day while parents work
day nursery
day care center
a nursery for the supervision of preschool children while the parents work
worn spot
a spot that has been worn away by abrasion or erosion
judiciousness in avoiding harm or danger, he exercised caution in opening the door, he handled the vase with care
care a cause for feeling concern, his major care was the illness of his wife
concern care fear an anxious feeling, care had aged him, they hushed it up out of fear of public reaction
extended care facility a medical institution that provides prolonged care (as in cases of prolonged illness or rehabilitation from acute illness)
coronary care unit a hospital unit specially staffed and equipped to treat patients with serious cardiac problems
neonatal intensive care unit
an intensive care unit designed with special equipment to care for premature or seriously ill newborn
intensive care unit
a hospital unit staffed and equipped to provide intensive care
Casualty Care Research Center
an agency in the Department of Defense that is a national center for research on all aspects of injury control and casualty care
health professional
primary care provider
health care provider
a person who helps in identifying or preventing or treating illness or disability
primary care physician the physician who provides primary care, the primary care physician acts as a gatekeeper to the medical system
care for
provide treatment for, The doctor treated my broken leg, The nurses cared for the bomb victims, The patient must be treated right away or she will die, Treat the infection with antibiotics
worry care c be concerned with, I worry about my grades
care for cherish
hold dear
be fond of, be attached to
care feel concern or interest, I really care about my work, I don't care
care a hang
give a hoot
give a hang
give a dam
show no concern or interest, always used in the negative, I don't give a hoot, She doesn't give a damn about her job
wish care
prefer or wish to do something, Do you care to try this dish?, Would you like to come along to the movies?
care for have a liking, fondness, or taste (for)
deal d care b handle
be in charge of, act on, or dispose of, I can deal with this crew of workers, This blender can't handle nuts, She managed her parents' affairs after they got too old
take care mind be in charge of or deal with, She takes care of all the necessary arrangements
attend take care b look d see e take charge of or deal with, Could you see about lunch?, I must attend to this matter, She took care of this business
care d give care provide care for, The nurse was caring for the wounded
take care be careful, prudent, or watchful, Take care when you cross the street!
marked by a carefree unconventionality or disreputableness, a cocktail party given by some...raffish bachelors- Crary Moore
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