
chapel Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Kapelle f
Kapellen pl
Marienkapelle f
Marienkapellen pl
Lady chapel
Lady chapels
Grabkapelle f
Grabkapellen pl
funeral chapel
funeral chapels
Kapelle f
Kapellen pl
Sixtinische Kapelle f
Sistine Chapel
Andachtsraum m; Kapelle f relig.
Andachtsräume pl; Kapellen pl
oratory; chapel
oratories; chapels
Aufbahrungshalle f; Leichenhalle f (auf dem Friedhof)
Aufbahrungshallen pl; Leichenhallen pl
(a cemetery's) funeral chapel
funeral chapels
Aufbahrungsraum m (beim Bestatter)
Aufbahrungsräume pl
funeral home chapel; chapel of rest Br. (at the funeral director's)
funeral home chapels; chapels of rest
Kapellmeister m; Theaterdirigent m (an einer Oper) mus.
Kapellmeister pl; Theaterdirigenten pl
Hofkapellmeister m (an einem Fürstenhof eines Fürsten) hist.
chapel master; kapellmeister (at an opera house)
chapel masters; kapellmeisters
court chapel master (at a princely court to a prince)
Kapelle f relig.
Kapellen pl
Friedhofskapelle f
Grabkapelle f
Hofkapelle f hist.
Marienkapelle f
Sixtinische Kapelle (im Vatikan)
cemetery chapel
sepulchral chapel
court chapel
Mary chapel; Marian chapel; Lady chapel Br.
Sistine Chapel (in the Vatican)
Pfarrhof m; Pfarrhaus n; Pfarreihaus n BW Schw.; Pfarrei f relig.
Pfarrhöfe pl; Pfarrhäuser pl; Pfarreihäuser pl; Pfarreien pl
parish house; clergy house; priest's house; presbytery; chapel house Sc.; parochial house Ir. (Catholic Church); vicarage; rectory; parsonage dated (Protestant Churches)
parish houses; clergy houses; priest's houses; presbyteries; chapel houses; parochial houses; vicarages; rectories; parsonages
Pfarrhaus n; Pfarreihaus n BW Schw.; Pfarrei f relig.
Pfarrhäuser pl; Pfarreihäuser pl; Pfarreien pl
parish house; clergy house; priest's house; presbytery; chapel house Scot.; parochial house Irl. (Catholic Church); vicarage; rectory; parsonage (old-fashioned) (Protestant Churches)
parish houses; clergy houses; priest's houses; presbyteries; chapel houses; parochial houses; vicarages; rectories; parsonages

chapel Definition

(n.) A subordinate place of worship
(n.) a small church, often a private foundation, as for a memorial
(n.) a small building attached to a church
(n.) a room or recess in a church, containing an altar.
(n.) A place of worship not connected with a church
(n.) In England, a place of worship used by dissenters from the Established Church
(n.) A choir of singers, or an orchestra, attached to the court of a prince or nobleman.
(n.) A printing office, said to be so called because printing was first carried on in England in a chapel near Westminster Abbey.
(n.) An association of workmen in a printing office.
(v. t.) To deposit or inter in a chapel
(v. t.) To cause (a ship taken aback in a light breeze) so to turn or make a circuit as to recover, without bracing the yards, the same tack on which she had been sailing.

chapel Bedeutung

chapel service
a service conducted in a place of worship that has its own altar, he was late for chapel
chapel a place of worship that has its own altar
funeral home
funeral parlor
funeral parlour
funeral chapel
funeral church
a mortuary where those who knew the deceased can come to pay their last respects
lady chapel a small chapel in a church, dedicated to the Virgin Mary
side chapel a small chapel off the side aisle of a church
Sistine Chapel the private chapel of the popes in Rome, it was built by and named after Sixtus IV in
Chapel Hill a town in central North Carolina, site of the University of North Carolina
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A chapel is a religious place of fellowship, prayer and worship that is attached to a larger, often nonreligious institution or that is considered an extension of a primary religious institution. It may be part of a larger structure or complex, such as a college, hospital, palace, prison, funeral home, church, synagogue or mosque, located on board a military or commercial ship, or it may be an entirely free-standing building, sometimes with its own grounds. Many military installations have chapels for the use of military personnel, normally under the leadership of a military chaplain.

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