
continuous bucket Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Eimerkettenbagger m
Eimerkettenbagger pl
Eimer des Eimerkettenbaggers
continuous-bucket dredger; continuous-bucket excavator; bucket(-ladder) excavator; ladder-bucket dredger; bucket-chain dredger; chain-bucket dredger
continuous-bucket dredgers; continuous-bucket excavators; bucket(-ladder) excavators; ladder-bucket dredgers; bucket-chain dredgers; chain-bucket dredgers
bucket of the multi-bucket excavator
continuous operation
continuous inventory
fortlaufend, ununterbrochen
continuous reading method
kontinuierliche Fertigung
continuous production
kontinuierliche Produktion, Fließfertigung
continuous production
laufende Finanzplanung
continuous budgeting
permanente Revision
continuous audit
stetige Variable
continuous variable
Winkelbörse, nicht konzessionierter Makler
Abbruchschaufel f, Abbruchlöffel m constr.
Abbruchschaufeln pl, Abbruchlöffel pl
demolition bucket
demolition buckets
Arbeitsbühne f techn
Arbeitsbühnen pl
hydraulische Arbeitsbühne f, Steiger m
hydraulische Arbeitsbühne auf LKW-Fahrgestell
working platform
working platforms
boom lift, Hydraladder, cherry picker
bucket truck
Baggerschaufel f
excavator shovel, bucket
Becherleiter f
bucket ladder
Bereitschaftsparallelbetrieb m electr.
continuous battery power supply
Blecheimer m
Blecheimer pl
metal bucket
metal buckets
continuous, permanent
Dauerbetrieb m
continuous operation, continuous working, permanent operation
Dauerlast f, Dauerbelastung f
unter Dauerlast, unter Dauerbelastung
continuous load, steady load
under continuous load, under a constant load
Dauerlichtelement n
continuous light element
Dauerregen m meteo.
incessant rain, continuous rain
Dauerstrichlaser m
continuous beam laser
Dauerstrom m
continuous current
Drahterodieren n techn.
wire-cut EDM, continuous wire EDM
Druck m
unter Druck
gleichmäßiger Druck
auf jdn. Druck ausüben, jdn. unter Druck setzen
Druckmittel anwenden auf
mit Hochdruck arbeiten
under pressure
smooth and continuous pressure
to put pressure on sb., to apply pressure to sb.
to apply pressure to
to work at high pressure
Durchkontaktierung f
interlayer connection, continuous bonding
Durchlaufpfette f techn.
continuous purlin
Durchlaufträger m
continuous beam
Eimer m, Kübel m, Behälter m
Eimer pl, Kübel pl, Behälter pl
Eimerhenkel m
Endlosformular n
Endlosformulare pl
continuous form
continuous forms
Endlospapier n
continuous paper
Feuerwehrfahrzeug n, Feuerwehrauto n
Feuerwehrfahrzeuge pl, Feuerwehrautos pl
Feuerwehrfahrzeug mit hydraulisch ausfahrbarem Rettungskorb
fire-fighting vehicle, fire engine, fire truck coll.
fire-fighting vehicles, fire engines, fire trucks
bucket truck
Gegenwart f, Präsens n gramm.
erweitertes Präsens
present tense, present, simple present
present continuous
Lötkelch m
solder bucket
Perfekt n, zweite Vergangenheit f gramm.
Perfekt in der Verlaufsform
present perfect, present perfect tense
present perfect progressive, present perfect continuous
Plusquamperfekt n gramm.
Plusquamperfekt in der Verlaufsform
pluperfect, past perfect
past perfect progressive, past perfect continuous
Regen m meteo.
starker Regen
saurer Regen
peitschender Regen, Regen mit treibendem Wind
wegen Regen nicht stattfinden
ausgiebiger Regen, ergiebiger Regen
bei strömendem Regen
vom Regen in die Traufe übtr.
heavy rain
acid rain
driving rain
to be rained out Am., to be rained off Br.
continuous heavy rain
in pouring rain
out of the frying pan and into the fire fig.
Regenfall n
heftige Regenfälle
anhaltende Regenfälle
fall of rain
heavy rains, heavy falls of rain, frog strangler coll. Am.
continuous rain
Schaufel f
Schaufeln pl
blade, bucket, vane
blades, buckets, vanes
Schaufelradbagger m
Schaufelradbagger pl
bucket excavator, bucket wheel excavator
bucket excavators, bucket wheel excavators
Schaufelvolumen n
bucket volume
Schöpfrad n techn.
Schöpfräder pl
Stetigförderer m techn.
Stetigförderer pl
continuous conveyor
continuous conveyors
Strangguss f, Strangguß f alt (Metallurgie)
continuous casting
Stranggussanlage f, Stranggußanlage f alt (Metallurgie)
Stranggussanlagen pl, Stranggußanlagen pl
continuous casting plant
continuous casting plants
Strömungsmaschine f
Strömungsmaschinen pl
continuous-flow machine, fluid kinetic machine
continuous-flow machines, fluid kinetic machines
Stulpe f (am Stiefel)
bucket-top, turn-down
Tropfen m
Tropfen pl
ein Tropfen auf den heißen Stein übtr.
a drop in the ocean, a drop in the bucket fig.
Umlaufaufzug m techn.
continuous lift
Umlaufförderer m techn.
Umlaufförderer pl
continuous conveyor
continuous conveyors
Unstetigförderer m techn.
Unstetigförderer pl
non-continuous conveyor
non-continuous conveyors
Unterstützungsbedarf m
kontinuierlicher Unterstützungsbedarf
need for support
continuous need for support
Verbesserungsprogramm n
Verbesserungsprogramme pl
kontinuierliches Verbesserungsprogramm (KVP)
improvement program
improvement programs
continuous improvement program (CIP)
Verbesserungsprozess m
Verbesserungsprozesse pl
kontinuierlicher Verbesserungsprozess
improvement process
improvement processes
continuous improvement process
Vergangenheit f, Präteritum n gramm.
Präteritum in der Verlaufsform
past tense, preterite (tense)
past progressive, past continuous
fortdauernd, ununterbrochen, durchgängig adj
fortlaufend, durchgehend adj
gleichmäßig stetig math.
uniformly continuous
kontinuierlich, stetig adj
stetig adj math.
verrecken ugs., sterben
to kick the bucket coll.
ein Tropfen auf dem heissen Stein
a drop in the bucket
ein Tropfen auf den heissen Stein
a drop in the bucket
blade, bucket
Eimer, Schaufel
fortdauernd, ununterbrochen
continuous form
steady load
continuous load
kick the bucket
anhaltendes Problem, ungelöstes Problem
continuous problem
wegen der ständigen Preissteigerung
owing to the continuous rise in prices
Abbruchschaufel f; Abbruchlöffel m constr.
Abbruchschaufeln pl; Abbruchlöffel pl
demolition bucket
demolition buckets
Arbeitsbühne f techn.
Arbeitsbühnen pl
hydraulische Arbeitsbühne f; Steiger m
hydraulische Arbeitsbühne auf LKW-Fahrgestell
working platform; work platform; saller; scaffold; stand; staging; drilling floor; derrick floor
working platforms; work platforms; sallers; scaffolds; stands; stagings; drilling floors; derrick floors
boom lift; Hydraladder; cherry picker
bucket truck
Baggereimer m; Baggerlöffel m
Baggereimer pl; Baggerlöffel pl
scoop; dredger bucket; dredging bucket; dipper; shovel dipper
scoops; dredger buckets; dredging buckets; dippers; shovel dippers
Baggerschaufel f; Kratzer m constr.
Baggerschaufeln pl; Kratzer pl
excavator shovel; dredging shovel; drag; bucket
excavator shovels; dredging shovels; drags; buckets
Bandschleife f; endloses Band n
Bandschleifen pl; endlose Bänder pl
continuous loop; endless loop
continuous loops; endless loops
Becherleiter f
Becherleitern pl
bucket ladder
bucket ladders
Billigflugbörse f
bucket shop Br.
Daten pl
analoge Daten
betriebliche Daten pl
diskrete Daten
globale und lokale Daten
personenbezogene Daten
stetige Daten
strukturierte Daten
technische Daten
ungültige Daten
veraltete Daten
Daten erheben
Daten übermitteln
Daten erneut übermitteln
Daten weitergeben (verbreiten)
Bei der Datenqualität kollidieren Aktualität und Genauigkeit oft miteinander.
Ich erkläre hiermit dass ich keine Einwände dagegen habe dass meine persönlichen Daten weitergegeben und für kommerzielle Zwecke genutzt werden.
data (takes a singular verb in general language a plural verb in formal technical language); details; information
analogue data
operational data
discrete data; attribute data
global and local data
personal data
continuous data
structured data
technical data
bad data
decaying data
to collect data
to submit data
to resubmit data
to disseminate data
Timeliness and accuracy in data quality often collide.
I hereby declare that I have no objection to my personal details being disseminated and used for commercial purposes.
continuous; permanent
Dauerbehandlung f med.
Dauerbehandlungen pl
continuous treatment; prolonged treatment
continuous treatments; prolonged treatments
Dauerbelastung f med.
continuous load (on organs); continuous stress (on the psyche)
Dauerbetrieb m techn.
continuous operation; continuous working; permanent operation; non-stop operation
Dauerblüher m bot.
Dauerblüher pl
repeat-blooming plant cultivar; repeat-flowering plant cultivar; continuous bloomer; perennial bloomer; nonstop bloomer
repeat-blooming plants cultivars; repeat-flowering plants cultivars; continuous bloomers; perennial bloomers; nonstop bloomers
Dauerlast f; Dauerbelastung f
unter Dauerlast; unter Dauerbelastung
continuous load; steady load; sustained load
under continuous load; under a constant load
Dauerlichtelement n
Dauerlichtelemente pl
continuous light element
continuous light elements
Dauerregen m; Landregen m meteo.
feiner Dauerregen; Schnürlregen m Bayr. Ös.
steady rain; continuous rain; incessant rain
steady drizzle; continuous drizzle
Dauertraining n sport
continuous training
Druck m
Drucke pl; Drücke pl
gleichmäßiger Druck
voller Druck
den Druck mindern
unter Druck stehen
unter Druck setzen
auf jdn. Druck ausüben; jdn. unter Druck setzen
Druckmittel anwenden auf
mit Hochdruck arbeiten
absoluter Druck
allseitiger Druck
einseitiger Druck
mittiger Druck
smooth and continuous pressure
full pressure
to reduce the pressure
to be under pressure
to put under pressure
to put pressure on sb.; to apply pressure to sb.
to apply pressure to
to work at high pressure
absolute pressure
confining pressure; pressure acting in all directions
directional pressure; unilateral pressure
axial compression
Durchkontaktierung f
interlayer connection; continuous bonding
Durchlauferhitzer m
Durchlauferhitzer pl
instantaneous water heater; tankless water heater; (continuous) flow heater; geyser Br.
instantaneous water heaters; tankless water heaters; flow heaters; geysers
Durchlaufofen m adm.
Durchlauföfen pl
continuous furnace; flow-through furnace
continuous furnaces; flow-through furnaces
Durchlaufpfette f techn.
Durchlaufpfetten pl
continuous purlin
continuous purlins
Durchlaufschnitzler m (Teil einer Küchenmaschine)
continuous slicer (food processor component)
Eiereinsatz m (im Kühlschrank)
Eiereinsätze pl
egg tray; egg bin; egg bucket (in the fridge)
egg trays; egg bins; egg buckets
Eimer m Norddt. Westdt.; Kübel m Mitteldt. Bayr. Ös. Schw.
Eimer pl; Kübel pl
bucket; pail
buckets; pails
Eimerhenkel m
Eimerhenkel pl
Eimerinhalt m Norddt. Westdt.; Kübelinhalt m Mitteldt. Bayr. Ös. Schw.
bucket content
Eimerkette f (des Kettenbaggers)
Eimerketten pl
bucket chain; bucket line (of the bucket excavator)
bucket chains; bucket lines
Eimerkettenbagger m
Eimerkettenbagger pl
Eimer des Eimerkettenbaggers
continuous-bucket dredger; continuous-bucket excavator; bucket(-ladder) excavator; ladder-bucket dredger; bucket-chain dredger; chain-bucket dredger
continuous-bucket dredgers; continuous-bucket excavators; bucket(-ladder) excavators; ladder-bucket dredgers; bucket-chain dredgers; chain-bucket dredgers
bucket of the multi-bucket excavator
Eimerkettennassbagger m
Eimerkettennassbagger pl
bucket-ladder dredge; bucket-ladder dredger; bucket dredge; bucket dredger; elevator dredger
bucket-ladder dredges; bucket-ladder dredgers; bucket dredges; bucket dredgers; elevator dredgers
Eimerkettenrücklader m
Eimerkettenrückladern pl
bucket-chain stacker reclaimer
bucket-chain stacker reclaimers
Eimerketten-Schwenkbagger m
Eimerketten-Schwenkbagger pl
slewing-bucket ladder excavator
slewing-bucket ladder excavators
Eimerkettenspeicher m; Eimerkettenschaltung f; Schiebekettenspeicher m; CCD-Schieberegister n electr.
bucket brigade device BBD ; CCD shift register
Endlosformat n; Endlosformular n; Endlosvordruck m comp. print
Endlosformate pl; Endlosformulare pl; Endlosvordrucke pl
continuous form
continuous forms
Endlosformulardruck m comp. print
continuous form printing
Endlosformulare pl adm.
continuous stationery
Endlosmedium n techn.
continuous-form medium
Entlüftungsrohr n; Dunstabzugsrohr n; Dunstabzug m (im WC)
Entlüftungsrohre pl; Dunstabzugsrohre pl; Dunstabzüge pl
continuous vent (in the toilet)
continuous vents
der rote Faden übtr.
sich wie ein roter Faden durch etw. ziehen
the common thread; the continuous thread fig.
to run through sth. (like a consistent common thread)
Feuerwehrfahrzeug n; Feuerwehrauto n
Feuerwehrfahrzeuge pl; Feuerwehrautos pl
Feuerwehrfahrzeug mit hydraulisch ausfahrbarem Rettungskorb
fire-fighting vehicle; fire engine; fire truck coll.
fire-fighting vehicles; fire engines; fire trucks
bucket truck
Filamentgarn n textil.
Kohlenstoff-Filamentgarn n
verwirbeltes Filamentgarn
filament yarn; continuous manmade filament yarn
carbon fibre Br. fiber Am. filament yarn
interlaced yarn; intermingled yarn
Fließtext m
continuous text
Gegenwart f; Präsens n ling.
erweitertes Präsens
present tense; present; simple present
present continuous
Greifkübel m; Greifer m (Bagger) techn.
Greifkübel pl; Greifer pl
clam; clamshell; bucket; grab; clamshell bucket; grab bucket (dredger)
clams; clamshells; buckets; grabs; clamshell buckets; grab buckets
Gurtung f und Magazinierung f (Halbleiter) electr.
tape packaging; packaging on continuous tapes (semi-conductors)
Kämpfer m; Impost m (Steinlage auf der ein Gewölbebogen aufliegt) constr.
um eine Nische einen Pfeiler herumgeführter Kämpfer
impost; cushion; platband
continuous impost
Kettenbecherwerk n mach.
chain bucket elevator
Klappkübel m
Klappkübel pl
hinged bucket; trap bucket
hinged buckets; trap buckets
Klappkübel-Schrägaufzug m min.
inclined bucket hoist
Kontibeizen n min.
continuous pickling
Kontinue-Ausrüstung f textil.
continuous finishing
Kontinue-Düsenspinn-Streckzwirnmaschine f textil.
Kontinue-Düsenspinn-Streckzwirnmaschinen pl
continuous spin-draw twister
continuous spin-draw twisters
Kübel m zum Wasserziehen min.
kettle; bucket
Kübel m zur Begichtung (Metallurgie)
skip; charging basket; charging bucket Am. (metallurgy)
Kübelaufzug m (Metallurgie)
bucket conveyor Br.; bucket elevator Am. (metallurgy)
Kübelbahn f für Beton constr.
monorail overhead bucket transport system
Kübelbegichtung f (Metallurgie)
tub filling; basket charging; bucket charging Am. (metallurgy)
Kübelwagen m (Bahn)
Kübelwagen pl
bucket car (railways)
bucket cars
Kübelwagensitz m auto
Kübelwagensitze pl
bucket seat; tub-shaped seat
bucket seats; tub-shaped seats
Liste f von Dingen die man vor dem Tod gemacht erlebt haben will
bucket list coll.
Löscheimer m; Löschkübel m Ös.
Löscheimer pl; Löschkübel pl
fire bucket
fire buckets
Lötkelch m
Lötkelche pl
solder bucket
solder buckets
Magendauerabsaugung f med.
continuous gastric suction
Pendelbecherwerk n techn.
Pendelbecherwerke pl
chain-and-bucket conveyor; pendulum swing gravity bucket conveyor; pendulum swing gravity elevator
chain-and-bucket conveyors; pendulum swing gravity bucket conveyors; pendulum swing gravity elevators
Perfekt n; zweite Vergangenheit f ling.
Perfekt in der Verlaufsform
present perfect; present perfect tense
present perfect progressive; present perfect continuous
Pflanzenkübel m agr.
Pflanzenkübel pl
plant bucket; plant tub
plant buckets; plant tubs
Pisspott m vulg.
Pisspötte pl
pee-bucket vulg.
Plusquamperfekt n ling.
Plusquamperfekt in der Verlaufsform
pluperfect; past perfect
past perfect progressive; past perfect continuous
Putzeimer m
Putzeimer pl
cleaning bucket
cleaning buckets
Regen m meteo.
Regenfälle pl
starker Regen; Starkregen m
heftige Regenfälle
anhaltende Regenfälle
gefrierender Regen; Blitzeis n
saurer Regen
peitschender Regen; Regen mit treibendem Wind
wegen Regen nicht stattfinden; ins Wasser fallen übtr.
Die Veranstaltung fiel buchstäblich ins Wasser.
ausgiebiger Regen; ergiebiger Regen
bei strömendem Regen
vom Regen in die Traufe kommen übtr.
rain; rainfall; fall of rain
heavy rain; heavy intense stormy rainfall
heavy falls of rain
continuous rain
freezing rain
acid rain
driving rain
to be rained off Br.; to be rained out Am.
The event was rained off Br. out Am..
continuous heavy rain
in pouring rain
to go jump from the frying pan into the fire; to jump out of the frying pan and into the fire fig.
Schalensitz m auto
Schalensitze pl
bucket seat
bucket seats
Schaufelinhalt m
bucket capacity
Schaufelradbagger m
Schaufelradbagger pl
bucket excavator; bucket wheel excavator
bucket excavators; bucket wheel excavators
Schöpfbecherwerk n techn. mach.
Schöpfbecherwerke pl
bucket elevator
bucket elevators

Deutsche Eimerkettenbagger {m} / Eimerkettenbagger {pl} / Eimer des Eimerkettenbaggers Synonyme

Bottich  ÂEimer  ÂKübel  
abgekackt  (umgangssprachlich)  Âaußer  Betrieb  Âdefekt  Âfunktionsunfähig  Âim  Eimer  (umgangssprachlich)  Âin  die  Brüche  gegangen  Âkaputt  Ânicht  funktionierend  

Englische continuous-bucket dredger; continuous-bucket excavator; bucket excavator; ladder-bucket dredger; bucket-chain dredger; chain-bucket dredger Synonyme

continuous bucket Definition

(n.) A vessel for drawing up water from a well, or for catching, holding, or carrying water, sap, or other liquids.
(n.) A vessel (as a tub or scoop) for hoisting and conveying coal, ore, grain, etc.
(n.) One of the receptacles on the rim of a water wheel into which the water rushes, causing the wheel to revolve
(n.) The valved piston of a lifting pump.
Bucket shop
() An office or a place where facilities are given for betting small sums on current prices of stocks, petroleum, etc.
(a.) Without break, cessation, or interruption
(a.) Not deviating or varying from uninformity

continuous bucket Bedeutung

listening watch
continuous receiver watch
a watch established for the reception of traffic of interest to the unit maintaining the watch
a roughly cylindrical vessel that is open at the top
bucket seat a low single seat as in cars or planes
bucket shop (formerly) a cheap saloon selling liquor by the bucket
dinner pail
dinner bucket
a pail in which a workman carries his lunch or dinner
dredging bucket a bucket for lifting material from a channel or riverbed
wine bucket
wine cooler
a bucket of ice used to chill a bottle of wine
steady state theory
continuous creation theory
(cosmology) the theory that the universe maintains a constant average density with matter created to fill the void left by galaxies that are receding from each other, the steady state theory has been abandoned in favor of the big bang theory
bucket shop an unethical or overly aggressive brokerage firm
the quantity contained in a bucket
progressive tense
imperfect tense
continuous tense
a tense of verbs used in describing action that is on-going
pass away
pass b kick the bucket
cash in one's chips
buy the farm
give-up the ghost
drop dead
pop off
choke croak
snuff it
pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life, She died from cancer, The children perished in the fire, The patient went peacefully, The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of
bucket carry in a bucket
bucket put into a bucket
c rush
speed race
pelt along
rush along
cannonball along
bucket along
belt along
step on it
move fast, He rushed down the hall to receive his guests, The cars raced down the street
continuous uninterrupted continuing in time or space without interruption, a continuous rearrangement of electrons in the solar atoms results in the emission of light- James Jeans, a continuous bout of illness lasting six months, lived in continuous fear, a continuous row of warehouses, a continuous line has no gaps or breaks in it, moving midweek holidays to the nearest Monday or Friday allows uninterrupted work weeks
continuous of a function or curve, extending without break or irregularity
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