
cream of asparagus soup Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Spargelcremesuppe f cook.
cream of asparagus soup
Aalsuppe f cook.
Aalsuppen pl
eel soup
eel soups
Abdeckcreme f
blemish cream
Antifaltencreme f
anti-wrinkle cream
Basilikumrahmsauce f cook.
basil cream sauce
das Beste, die Auslese
das Beste vom Besten
the cream
the cream of the crop
Buttercreme f cook.
butter-cream, buttercream
Buttercremetorte f cook.
butter-cream cake
Cremetorte f, Sahnetorte f cook.
cream cake, cream-pie
Cremetörtchen n, Sahnetörtchen n cook.
small cream cake
Doppelkeks m mit Vanillecremefüllung cook.
custard cream biscuit
Eclair n cook.
cream bun, eclair
Eis n, Speiseeis n cook.
ein Eis esen
to eat an ice-cream
Eisbecher m (mit Früchten)
sundae, ice-cream sundae
Eisbombe f
ice cream bomb
Eisdiele f
Eisdielen pl
ice-cream parlor Am.
ice-cream parlors
Eissorte f
type of ice cream
Eistüte f
Eistüten pl
ice-cream cone
ice-cream cones
Erbsensuppe f cook.
pea soup
Esslöffel m, Suppenlöffel m
soup spoon
Feuchtigkeitscreme f
moisturizing cream
Fruchteis n
fruit ice cream
Gemüsesuppe f cook.
pottage, vegetable soup
Graupensuppe f cook.
barley soup, barley broth
Gulaschsuppe f cook.
goulash soup
Hautcreme f
skin cream
Hühnersuppe f cook.
Hühnersuppen pl
chicken soup
chicken soups
Kaffeesahne f
coffee cream
Kartoffelsuppe m cook.
potato soup
Krautsuppe f cook.
cabbage soup
Kugel f
Kugeln pl
eine Kugel Eis
ball, scoop
balls, scoops
a ball of ice-cream, a scoop of ice-cream
Lauchcremesuppe f, Lauchsuppe f cook.
leek soup
Leberknödelsuppe f cook.
liver dumpling soup
Linsensuppe f cook.
Linsensuppen pl
lentil soup
lentil soups
Nachmittagstee m
cream tea
Nusssahne f cook.
nut cream
eine Portion ...
eine Portion Eis
eine zweite Portion
a dish of ...
a dish of ice-cream
a second helping
Rahm m, Sahne f, Creme f, Obers n Ös.
Rahmkäse m, Frischkäse m, Doppelrahm-Frischkäse m cook.
cream cheese
Rahmsuppe f cook.
creamed soup
Rasiercreme f
shaving cream
Reinigungscreme f
cleansing cream
Rindfleischsuppe f cook.
beef soup
Sahnebonbon n, Toffee n, Sahnekaramell n, weiches Karamellbonbon cook.
Sahnebonbons pl
toffee, toffy, cream toffee
toffees, toffies
Sahnequark m cook.
cream curd cheese, creamy quark
Sahnesteif n cook.
whipping cream stiffener
Salatcreme f cook.
salad cream
Schildkrötensuppe f cook.
turtle soup
Schillerlocke f cook. (Gebäck)
Schillerlocken pl
cream horn
cream horns
Schlagsahne f, Schlagrahm m, Schlagobers n Ös. cook.
whipped cream, whipping cream, heavy cream, double-cream
Schmand n, saure Sahne f cook.
sour cream, soured cream
Schöberl m Ös. cook.
salted sponge mixture put into a clear soup
Schuhkrem f, Schuhcreme f, Schuhpolitur f, Schuhwichse f
shoe cream, shoe polish, boot polish
Schutzcreme f, Hautschutzcreme f
barrier cream
Softeis n
soft ice cream
Sonnencreme f
sun cream, sun lotion, sunblocker, sunscreen
Spargel m bot. cook.
Spargelkraut n
asparagus fern
Spargelspitze f
asparagus tip
Speiseeis n, Eis n
ice cream
Spinatcremesuppe f cook.
cream of spinach soup
Stangenspargel m cook.
asparagus served whole
Suppe f cook.
Suppen pl
Suppeneinlage f cook.
rice, noodles, dumplings etc. to put into a clear soup, soup vegetable
Suppenkelle f
Suppenkellen pl
soup ladle, ladle
soup ladles, ladles
Suppenschüssel f, Suppenterrine f
Suppenschüsseln pl, Suppenterrinen pl
soup tureen
soup tureens
Suppenteller m
Suppenteller pl
soup plate
soup plates
Suppenwürfel m cook.
Suppenwürfel pl
soup cube
soup cubes
Tinte f
ohne Tinte
mit Tinte
in der Tinte sitzen übtr.
in ink
to be in the soup fig.
Tomatensuppe f cook.
tomato soup
Ursuppe f biol.
primordial soup
Vanilleeis n cook.
vanilla ice cream
Volksküche f
public soup kitchen
Vollmilch f cook.
unskimmed milk, full-cream milk
Weinstein m
tartar (of wine), cream of tartar
Zwiebelsuppe f cook.
onion soup
das Beste abschöpfen von
to cream off fig.
cremefarben adj
eincremen v
to cream
einreiben, abreiben, reiben v
einreibend, abreibend, reibend
eingerieben, abgerieben, gerieben
reibt ein, reibt ab, reibt
rieb ein, rieb ab, rieb
sich die Hände reiben
sich mit Sonnencreme einreiben
etw. blank reiben
etw. sauber reiben
etw. trocken reiben
to rub
to rub one's hands
to rub oneself with sun cream
to rub sth. until it shines
to rub sth. clean
to rub sth. dry
sahnig werden
to cream
schaumig schlagen v
schaumig schlagend
schaumig geschlagen
to cream
übrig adv
Es ist viel Suppe übrig.
over, left over
There is a lot of soup (left) over.
Er hat den Rahm abgeschöpft. übtr.
He skimmed the cream off the top.
Kannst du mir bitte den Rücken eincremen?
Can you put some cream on my back, please?
Rauch-Engelfisch m (Apolemichthys xanthurus) zool.
cream angel
Rennvogel m ornith.
Cream-coloured Courser (Cursorius cursor)
Graubrachschwalbe f ornith.
Cream-coloured Pratincole
Weißmantelspecht m ornith.
Cream-backed Woodpecker
Strohspecht m ornith.
Cream-coloured Woodpecker
Rahmbauch-Mückenfänger m ornith.
Cream-bellied Gnatcatcher
Babycreme f
baby cream
eine Portion Eis
a dish of ice-cream
asparagus served whole
beauty cream
Creme, Sahne
ice cream
ice cream bomb
ice cream parlour
light whipping cream
pea soup
potato soup
public soup kitchen
shoe cream
soup cube
soup ladle
soup plate
Essloeffel, Suppenloeffel
soup spoon
Suppenschuessel, Suppenterrine
soup tureen
das Beste vom Besten
the cream of the crop
in der Tinte sitzen
to be in the soup
turtle soup
whipped cream
whipped cream
Creme, Hautcreme
sun cream
ice cream
Abkürzungsdschungel m ugs.
alphabet soup coll.
Affenbrotbäume (Adansonia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Afrikanischer Affenbrotbaum (Adansonia digitata)
monkey-bread trees; upside-down trees; bottle trees; baobab (botanical genus)
African monkey-bread tree; African baobab; cream of tartar tree
Aufbaucreme f
regenerative cream
das Beste; die Auslese
das Beste vom Besten
the cream
the cream of the crop
Lust auf etw. haben; Bock auf etw. haben ugs.
Ich hätte jetzt Lust auf ein Eis.
Ich hätte Lust einen Ausflug zu machen.
Hast du Lust auf ein Bier?
Ich hätte Lust ... zu tun.
Ich habe gar keine Lust dazu aber ich muss es ja wohl tun.
keinen Bock auf etw. haben
keinen Bock haben etw. zu tun ugs.
null Bock auf etw. haben
null Bock auf gar nichts
Ich habe keinen Bock keine Lust auf ...
to fancy sth.; to be up to sth. coll.
I'd fancy an ice cream now.
I fancy going on a trip.
Do you fancy a beer?
I fancy the idea of doing ...
I don't fancy the idea but I'll have to do it.
not to fancy sth.
not to fancy doing sth.
not to feel like doing sth.
to be pissed off with everything coll.
I don't want to ...
Brokkolisuppe f; Broccolicremesuppe f cook.
cream of broccoli soup
Brotsuppe f cook.
bread soup; panada
Buttercreme f cook.
butter-cream; buttercream
Cremetorte f; Sahnetorte f cook.
Cremetorten pl; Sahnetorten pl
cream cake; cream-pie
cream cakes; cream-pies
Cremetörtchen n; Sahnetörtchen n cook.
Cremetörtchen pl; Sahnetörtchen pl
small cream cake
small cream cakes
Éclair n; Liebesknochen m; Kaffeestange f cook.
cream bun; éclair
Eis n; Speiseeis n cook.
Softeis n
Fruchteis n
Vanilleeis n
Stracciatella-Eis n
ein Eis essen
dünn geschabtes mit Sirup übergossenes Eis
ice cream
soft ice cream
fruit ice cream; tutti-frutti
vanilla ice cream
chocolate chip ice cream
to eat an ice cream
snow cone; snowball
Eisbombe f cook.
Eisbomben pl
ice cream bomb
ice cream bombs
Eiscafé n; Eisdiele f; Eissalon m Ös.
Eiscafés pl; Eisdielen pl; Eissalons pl
ice-cream parlour Br. parlor Am.
ice-cream parlour parlors
Eisschale f
Eisschalen pl
ice cream bowl
ice cream bowls
Eisschnitte f cook.
Eisschnitten pl
ice-cream sandwich
ice-cream sandwiches
Eissorte f cook.
Eissorten pl
type of ice cream
types of ice cream
Eisstand m; Eisbude f
Eisstände pl; Eisbuden pl
ice-cream kiosk; ice-cream stand Am.
ice-cream kiosks; ice-cream stands
Eistüte f; Hörnchen n; Eisstanitzel n Ös.; Stanitzel n Ös.; Cornet n Schw. cook.
Eistüten pl; Hörnchen pl; Eisstanitzel pl; Stanitzel pl; Cornets pl
ice-cream cone; cornet Br. (old-fashioned)
ice-cream cones; cornets
Enthaarungscreme f
depilatory cream
Erdbeereis n cook.
strawberry ice-cream
Esslöffel m; Suppenlöffel m
soup spoon
Flädle pl Südwestdt.; Frittaten pl Ös.; Flädli pl Schw.; Pfannkuchenstreifen pl cook.
strips of pancake; pancake strips (soup addition)
Flädlesuppe f; Flädlisuppe f Schw.; Frittatensuppe f Ös. cook.
clear soup with pancake strips; bouillon with strips of pancake
Früchte-Eisbecher m cook.
Früchte-Eisbecher pl
Früchte-Eisbecher mit Schokoladesauce
sundae; ice-cream sundae
sundaes; ice-cream sundaes
hot chocolate fudge sundae
Gartensalat (Lactuca sativa) bot. cook.
Kochsalat m; Bindesalat m; Römersalat m; Römischer Salat m; Romagnasalat m; Romanasalat m; Lattich Schw. (Lactuca sativa var. longifolia)
Blattsalat m; Schnittsalat m; Pflücksalat m; Rupfsalat m (Lactuca sativa var. crispa)
Eichblattsalat m; Amerikanischer Pflücksalat m (Lactuca sativa var. foliosa)
Spargelsalat m (Lactuca sativa var. asparagina angustana)
Kopfsalat m; Häuptelsalat m; Butterkopfsalat m; Grüner Salat Dt. (Lactuca sativa var. capitata)
Krachsalat m; Knacksalat m (Lactuca sativa var. capitata nidus tenerimma)
Eisbergsalat m Dt. Schw.; Eissalat m Dt. Ös.; Bummerlsalat m Ös.
Bataviasalat m
garden lettuce; lettuce
Romaine lettuce; cos lettuce
looseleaf lettuce cutting lettuce; bunching lettuce
oak leaf salad
celtuce; stem lettuce; celery lettuce; asparagus lettuce; Chinese lettuce
butterhead lettuce; Boston lettuce; Bibb lettuce
crisphead salad; crisphead lettuce
iceberg lettuce
summercrisp lettuce; Batavian crisp lettuce; French crisp lettuce
Gemüsecremesuppe f cook.
cream of vegetable soup
Gemüsesuppe f cook.
klare Gemüsesuppe f
pottage; vegetable soup
clear vegetable soup

Deutsche Spargelcremesuppe {f} [cook.] Synonyme

cook up  ad-lib  angle  beget  breed  brew  bring forth  bring into being  cabal  call into being  
cook  KO  abigail  adulterate  amah  au pair girl  ayah  bake  baker  ball up  

Englische cream of asparagus soup Synonyme

cream of asparagus soup Definition

(n.) A genus of perennial plants belonging to the natural order Liliaceae, and having erect much branched stems, and very slender branchlets which are sometimes mistaken for leaves. Asparagus racemosus is a shrubby climbing plant with fragrant flowers. Specifically: The Asparagus officinalis, a species cultivated in gardens.
(n.) The young and tender shoots of A. officinalis, which form a valuable and well-known article of food.
(n.) The rich, oily, and yellowish part of milk, which, when the milk stands unagitated, rises, and collects on the surface. It is the part of milk from which butter is obtained.
(n.) The part of any liquor that rises, and collects on the surface.
(n.) A delicacy of several kinds prepared for the table from cream, etc., or so as to resemble cream.
(n.) A cosmetic
(n.) The best or choicest part of a thing
(v. t.) To skim, or take off by skimming, as cream.
(v. t.) To take off the best or choicest part of.
(v. t.) To furnish with, or as with, cream.
(v. i.) To form or become covered with cream
(a.) Of the color of cream
(a.) White or pale, as the effect of fear, or as the natural complexion.
(n.) A plant of Sierra Leone which yields a wholesome, creamy juice.
Cream laid
() See under Laid.
(n.) A wooden knife with a long thin blade, used in handling cream or ice cream.
(a.) As white as cream.
(n.) A liquid food of many kinds, usually made by boiling meat and vegetables, or either of them, in water, -- commonly seasoned or flavored
(v. t.) To sup or swallow.
(v. t.) To breathe out.
(v. t.) To sweep. See Sweep, and Swoop.

cream of asparagus soup Bedeutung

cinch breeze
snap duck soup
child's play
piece of cake
any undertaking that is easy to do, marketing this product will be no picnic
soupfin shark
Galeorhinus zyopterus
Pacific shark valued for its fins (used by Chinese in soup) and liver (rich in vitamin A)
asparagus bed a bed in which asparagus is growing
cold cream
face cream
vanishing cream
a cream used cosmetically (mostly by women) for softening and cleaning the skin
ointment emollient
toiletry consisting of any of various substances in the form of a thick liquid that have a soothing and moisturizing effect when applied to the skin
cream pitcher
a small pitcher for serving cream
hand cream moisturizing cream for the hands
shaving cream
shaving soap
toiletry consisting of a preparation of soap and fatty acids that forms a rich lather for softening the beard before shaving
soup bowl a bowl for serving soup
soup ladle a ladle for serving soup
soup plate a deep plate with a wide rim
soup spoon
a spoon with a rounded bowl for eating soup
slang for a mustache
soup liquid food especially of meat or fish or vegetable stock often containing pieces of solid food
soup du jour the soup that a restaurant is featuring on a given day
alphabet soup soup that contains small noodles in the shape of letters of the alphabet
chicken soup soup made from chicken broth
mock turtle soup soup made from a calf's head or other meat in imitation of green turtle soup
oxtail soup a soup made from the skinned tail of an ox
pea soup a thick soup made of dried peas (usually made into a puree)
petite marmite
vegetable soup
soup made with a variety of vegetables
turtle soup
green turtle soup
soup usually made of the flesh of green turtles
eggdrop soup made by stirring beaten eggs into a simmering broth
won ton wonton wonton soup a soup with won ton dumplings
split-pea soup made of stock and split peas with onions carrots and celery
green pea soup
potage St. Germain
made of fresh green peas and stock with shredded lettuce onion and celery
lentil soup made of stock and lentils with onions carrots and celery
ice cream
frozen dessert containing cream and sugar and flavoring
chocolate ice cream ice cream flavored with chocolate
Neapolitan ice cream a block of ice cream with or layers of different colors and flavors
peach ice cream ice cream flavored with fresh peaches
strawberry ice cream ice cream flavored with fresh strawberries
vanilla ice cream ice cream flavored with vanilla extract
frozen custard
soft ice cream
dessert resembling ice cream but with a boiled custard base
Bavarian cream a rich custard set with gelatin
whipped cream cream that has been beaten until light and fluffy
cream puff
puff filled with cream or custard
Boston cream pie layer cake filled with custard
asparagus edible young shoots of the asparagus plant
salad cream a creamy salad dressing resembling mayonnaise
cream sauce white sauce made with cream
coconut milk coconut cream white liquid obtained from compressing fresh coconut meat
cream the part of milk containing the butterfat
clotted cream
Devonshire cream
thick cream made from scalded milk
double creme
heavy whipping cream
cream with a fat content of % or more
heavy cream contains more than % butterfat
light cream
coffee cream
single cream
cream that has at least % butterfat, in England they call light cream `single cream'
sour cream
soured cream
artificially soured light cream
whipping cream
light whipping cream
cream that has enough butterfat (% to %) to be whipped
cream cheese soft unripened cheese made of sweet milk and cream
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