
Deutsche Diskusbuntbarsch {m} (Symphysodon discus) [zool.] Synonyme

discus  O  annular muscle  annulus  areola  aureole  ball  chaplet  circle  circuit  

Englische discus Synonyme

discus  O  annular muscle  annulus  areola  aureole  ball  chaplet  circle  circuit  circumference  circus  closed circle  corona  coronet  crown  cycle  diadem  disk  ejecta  ejectamenta  eternal return  fairy ring  garland  glory  halo  lasso  logical circle  loop  looplet  magic circle  missile  noose  orbit  projectile  quoit  radius  ring  rondelle  round  roundel  saucer  sphincter  trajectile  vicious circle  wheel  wreath  
discuss  advise with  agitate  air  analyze  argue  bargain  call in  canvass  collogue  comment upon  compare notes  confer  confer with  consider  consult  consult with  controvert  counsel  criticize  deal with  debate  deliberate  deliberate over  deliberate upon  descant  discept  discourse  discourse about  discuss with  dispute  dissert  dissertate  examine  exchange observations  exchange views  go into  handle  have conversations  hold conference  inquire into  interpret  investigate  knock around  moot  negotiate  palaver  parley  pass under review  powwow  pro and con  put heads together  rap  reason  reason about  reason the point  reason with  refer to  remark upon  review  sift  sit down together  sit down with  study  survey  take counsel  take up  take up with  talk  talk about  talk of  talk over  thrash out  thresh out  toss  touch upon  treat  treat of  ventilate  write up  
discussion  airing  analysis  argument  article  audience  bargaining  bargaining session  bull session  buzz session  canvassing  causerie  chat  colloquium  colloquy  conclave  confab  confabulation  conference  confrontation  congress  consideration  consultation  convention  conversation  council  council fire  council of war  debate  debating  deliberation  descant  dialectic  dialogue  discourse  disquisition  dissertation  essay  etude  examination  exchange  exchange of views  excursus  exposition  eyeball-to-eyeball encounter  feature  first approach  forum  high-level talk  homily  huddle  interchange of views  interview  introductory study  investigation  joint discussion  logical analysis  logical discussion  lucubration  meeting  memoir  monograph  morceau  negotiations  news conference  note  open discussion  open forum  outline  palaver  pandect  panel discussion  paper  paragraph  parley  piece  pourparler  powwow  preliminary study  press conference  prolegomenon  rap  rap session  research paper  review  screed  scrutiny  seance  seminar  session  sitting  sketch  special article  study  summit  summit conference  summitry  survey  symposium  talk  term paper  theme  thesis  town meeting  tract  tractate  treatise  treatment  ventilation  


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