
Deutsche zugig Synonyme

Englische draughty Synonyme

draughty  CD  IOU  MO  abbreviation  abbreviature  abrege  abridgment  abstract  acceptance  acceptance bill  air current  arrangement  article  attraction  autograph  bag  bang  bank acceptance  bank check  beverage  bill  bill of draft  bill of exchange  black and white  blackmail  blank check  blueprint  booster  booster dose  booster shot  boot  brainchild  brief  brouillon  bumper  call  call for  call-up  capsule  cartoon  certificate  certificate of deposit  certified check  charcoal  charcoal drawing  chart  check  checkbook  cheque  chiaroscuro  claim  commercial paper  compend  composition  compulsory military service  computer printout  condensation  condensed version  conscript  conscription  conspectus  contribution  copy  crayon  crosscurrent  current  current of air  debenture  deck  delineation  demand  demand bill  demand draft  demand for  design  diagram  digest  displacement  document  doodle  dose  downdraft  draft  draft call  drafted man  draftee  drafting  drag  drain  dram  draw  drawing  drayage  drench  drink  drop  dropping  drug packet  due bill  duty  ebauche  edited version  edition  elevation  engrossment  enlistee  enlistment  enrollee  enrollment  epitome  esquisse  essay  exaction  exchequer bill  extortion  extortionate demand  extraction  fair copy  fall wind  fiction  figure  final draft  finished version  first draft  fix  flimsy  flow of air  following wind  gargle  graph  ground plan  gulp  guzzle  haul  haulage  hauling  head  head wind  heave  heaving  heavy demand  hit  holograph  house plan  hymnal  hymnbook  ichnography  imposition  impost  impressment  indent  indraft  inductee  induction  inflow  inhalation  injection  inrush  insistent demand  inspiration  instrumental score  jetstream  jigger  jolt  katabatic wind  lap  letter  letter of credit  levy  libation  libretto  line drawing  literae scriptae  literary artefact  literary production  literature  lucubration  lug  lute tablature  mainlining  manuscript  matter  

draughty Definition

(a.) Pertaining to a draught, or current of air

draughty Bedeutung

not airtight
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