
eel stock / eel stocks Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Aalbestand m
Aalbestände pl
eel stock
eel stocks
Schneideisenhalter m techn.
Schneideisenhalter pl
die stock
die stocks
Geldbestand m fin.
Geldbestände pl
money stock
money stocks
Wintervorrat m
Wintervorräte pl
winter stock
winter stocks
Bestand m (an)
Bestände pl
tatsächlicher Bestand
stock (of)
actual stock
Weinstock m; Rebstock m; Rebe f bot.
Weinstöcke pl; Rebstöcke pl; Reben pl
grapevine stock
grapevine stocks
Wildstand m
Wildstände pl
stock of game
stocks of the game
Wurzelstock m
Wurzelstöcke pl
root stock, rootstock
root stocks, rootstocks
Bestand m (an)
Bestände pl
tatsächlicher Bestand
eiserner Bestand
stock (of)
actual stock
base stock
Baumbestand m bot.
Baumbestände pl
tree population; stock of trees
tree populations; stocks of trees
Wissensschatz m
Wissensschätze pl
store of knowledge, stock of knowledge
stores of knowledge, stocks of knowledge
Wissensschatz m
Wissensschätze pl
store of knowledge; stock of knowledge
stores of knowledge; stocks of knowledge
Ersatzteillager n
Ersatzteillager pl
spare parts stock; stock of spare parts
spare parts stocks; stocks of spare parts
Fischbestand m
Fischbestände pl
Fischbestände erhalten
fish stock
fish stocks; fishery resources
to conserve fish stocks fishery resources
Fischbestand m
Fischbestände pl
Fischbestände erhalten
fish stock
fish stocks; fishery resources
to conserve fish stocks fishery resources
Aktienbesitz m fin.
share Br. stock Am. ownership; shareholding; stockholding Am.; holding of shares Br. stocks Am.
Baumstamm m; Stamm m; Baumstock m bot.
Baumstämme pl; Stämme pl; Baumstöcke pl
Baumstämme zuschneiden
tree trunk; trunk (of a tree); stock stem (of a tree); bole poet.
tree trunks; trunks; stocks; stems; boles
to buck tree trunks
Lagerbestand m
Lagerbestände pl
Bewertung des Lagerbestands
Höherbewertung der Lagerbestände
Veralterung der Lagerbestände
Versicherung von Lagerbeständen
den Lagerbestand aufnehmen
die Lagerbestände räumen
valuation of stocks
appreciation of stocks
obsolescence of stock
insurance of stocks
to do a stocktaking
to clear stocks
Aktienausgabe f; Effektenemission f fin.
Aktienausgaben pl; Effektenemissionen pl
erste Emission
issue(ing) of shares Br.; issuance of stocks Am.; share stock issue
issue(ing)s of shares; issuances of stocks; share stock issues
first issue
Vorrat m, Lager n
sich einen Vorrat zulegen
ungenügende Vorräte
etw. auf Vorrat kaufen
etw. auf Lager haben
solange der Vorrat reicht
to lay in a stock
stock shortage
to stock up with
to have sth. in stock, to keep sth. in stock
while stocks last, as long as stocks last
Gewindeschneidbacke f (fĂĽr AuĂźengewinde) techn.
Gewindeschneidbacken pl
threading die; threading plate; threading bot; screwing die; die nut; die stock
threading dies; threading plates; threading bots; screwing dies; die nuts; die stocks
Lagerbestand m
Lagerbestände pl
Lagerbestände abbauen
Bewertung des Lagerbestands
Höherbewertung der Lagerbestände
Veralterung der Lagerbestände
Versicherung von Lagerbeständen
den Lagerbestand aufnehmen
die Lagerbestände räumen
to draw down stocks
valuation of stocks
appreciation of stocks
obsolescence of stock
insurance of stocks
to do a stocktaking
to clear stocks
Aktienausgabe f; Aktienemission f; Effektenemission f (Börse) fin.
Aktienausgaben pl; Aktienemissionen pl; Effektenemissionen pl
erste Emission
(stark) ĂĽberzeichnete Aktienemission
issue(ing) of shares Br.; issuance of stocks Am.; share issue; stock issue (stock exchange)
issue(ing)s of shares; issuances of stocks; share issues; stock issues
first issue
oversubscribed share issue
Vorrat m; Lager n
sich einen Vorrat zulegen
ungenügende Vorräte
etw. vorrätig halten; etw. vorhalten v
etw. auf Vorrat kaufen
etw. auf Lager haben
nicht auf Lager
solange der Vorrat reicht
to lay in a stock
stock shortage
to hold stocks of sth.; to stock sth.; to hold sth.
to stock up with
to have sth. in stock; to keep sth. in stock; to have sth. in store; to keep sth. in store
out of stock
while stocks last; (for) as long as stocks last; until stocks are exhausted
Aktie f
Aktien pl
eigene Aktien, Vorratsaktien pl
Aktien und Anleihen kaufen und verkaufen
Aktien umsetzen
eine Aktie sperren
Aktien aufteilen
gesperrte Aktien
Aktien auf dem Markt abstoĂźen
sichere Aktien mit hoher Dividende
stark schwankende Aktien
stimmberechtigte Aktie
noch nicht emittierte Aktien
Aktien von produzierenden Firmen
share Br., stock Am.
shares, stocks
own shares Br., treasury stock
to trade in stocks and bonds
to trade stocks
to stop a stock
to split stocks, to split shares
stopped stock
to unload stocks on the market
widow-and-orphan stock
yo-yo stock
voting stock
unissued stock Am., unissued shares 1
smokestack stocks
Bestand m (an etw.)
Bestände pl
Bestand an Nutztieren agr.
Altbestand m
Endbestand m
Gesamtbestand m
Geldbestand m fin.
Interventionsbestände pl
tatsächlicher Bestand
eiserner Bestand
Zahl der Migranten; Zuwanderungszahl f soc.
der ausländische Bevölkerungsanteil soc.
Die Dorschbestände im Nordatlantik sind dramatisch zurückgegangen.
stock (of sth.)
stock abundance
old stock
final stock; closing stock
total stock
money stock
intervention stocks
actual stock
base stock
migrant population stock; migrant stock
the stock of foreign population; the foreign-stock population; the foreign stock
Cod stocks in the North Atlantic have dropped radically.
Lachnummer f; Witzfigur f; Zielscheibe f des Spotts; Gespött n soc.
Lachnummern pl; Witzfiguren pl; Zielscheiben pl des Spotts
zur Witzfigur werden
sich lächerlich machen
Die Klasse machte sich ĂĽber ihn lustig.
Sie hat sich zum Gespött der ganzen Stadt gemacht.
Mit dem Programm hat sich das Land in der ganzen Welt lächerlich gemacht.
laughing stock Br.; laughingstock Am.; mocking-stock archaic
laughing stocks; laughingstocks; mocking-stocks
to become a laughing stock
to make yourself a laughing stock; to make a laughing stock of yourself
He was the laughing stock of his class.
She has made herself a laughing stock of the whole town.
The programme has made the country an international laughing stock.
Spekulieren n; Spekulation f (spekulative Geschäftstätigkeit) econ.
Aktienspekulation f; Spekulation mit Aktien
Fehlspekulation f
GrundstĂĽcksspekulation f
Haussespekulation f (Börse)
Wertpapierspekulation f; Spekulation mit Wertpapieren
sich auf gewagte Spekulationen einlassen
Die jĂĽngste Spekulationswelle ist wieder abgeebbt.
speculation (speculative business activities)
share speculation Br.; stock speculation Am.; speculation in shares stocks
bad speculation; wrong speculation
speculation in land; land speculation; land jobbing Br.; speculation in property; property speculation; real-estate speculation Am.
speculation for a rise; bull speculation (stock exchange)
security speculation; securities speculation; speculation in securities
to engage in risky speculations
The most recent wave of speculation has declined.
Wertpapier n; Papier n fin.
Wertpapiere pl; Papiere pl
börsenfähige börsefähige Ös. Wertpapiere; börsengängige börsegängige Ös. Wertpapiere
nicht börsenfähige börsengängige Wertpapiere
börsennotierte Wertpapiere; Börsenpapiere pl; Börsenwerte pl
forderungsbesicherte Wertpapiere
mĂĽndelsichere Wertpapiere
überfällige Wertpapiere
marktenge Wertpapiere
Wertpapiere lombarieren beleihen
Wertpapiere (von jdm.) beleihen lassen
mit Hypotheken auf gewerbliche Immobilien besicherte Wertpapiere
Inlandswerte pl
Inhaber eines Wertpapiers
Art des Wertpapiers
ein Wertpapier bei Fälligkeit erneuern
security paper; security
security papers; securities
stock exchange securities
unmarketable securities
on-board securities; quoted listed securities; stocks and shares Br.; stocks and bonds Am.
asset-backed securities
trustee securities; gilt-edged securities Br.; gilts Br.; trustee stock Am.
accelerated paper
illiquid thinly-traded narrow-market securities
to lend advance money on securities
to hypothecate securities; to give pledge securities as a collateral (to sb.)
commercial mortgage-backed securities CMBS
domestic domestic securities
holder of a security
kind of security
to roll over a security
Lagerbestand m; Warenbestand m; Bestand m; Vorrat m; Vorräte pl; Lager n econ.
Lagerbestände pl
mittlerer Lagerbestand
spekulative Warenbestände pl
versteckte Vorräte
ungenügende Vorräte
nicht auf Lager
Lagerbestände abbauen
den Lagerbestand (bei einer Ware) aufnehmen
die Lagerbestände räumen
sich einen Vorrat zulegen
etw. vorrätig halten; etw. vorhalten v
etw. auf Vorrat kaufen
etw. auf Vorrat herstellen
etw. auf Lager haben
solange der Vorrat reicht
Bestände Vorräte auffüllen
Lagerbestand Bestand Vorrat an unfertigen Erzeugnissen Halbfertigerzeugnissen; Umlaufbestand
Bewertung des Lagerbestands
Höherbewertung der Lagerbestände
Veralten der Lagerbestände
Versicherung von Lagerbeständen
Unser Lagerbestand geht zur Neige.
stock; inventory Am.
average inventory on hand
hedge stock; hedge inventory
hidden stock
stock shortage
out of stock
to draw down stocks
to do a stocktaking; to do inventory (on a merchandise)
to clear stocks; to clear inventory
to lay in a stock
to hold stocks of sth.; to stock sth.; to hold sth.
to stock up with on sth.
to produce stocks of sth.
to have sth. in stock; to keep sth. in stock; to have sth. in store; to keep sth. in store
while stocks last; (for) as long as stocks last; until stocks are exhausted
to accumulate inventories
in-process stock inventory; word-in-process stock inventory; word-in-progress stock inventory
valuation of stocks
appreciation of stocks
obsolescence of stock
insurance of stocks
Our stock is running short. Our inventory is running low.
Wertpapier n; Papier n fin.
Wertpapiere pl; Papiere pl
börsengängige börsenfähige Wertpapiere
nicht börsengängige nicht marktfähige Wertpapiere
börsennotierte Wertpapiere; Börsenpapiere pl; Börsenwerte pl
festverzinsliche Wertpapiere; Rentenpapiere; Rentenwerte
forderungsbesicherte Wertpapiere
marktenge Wertpapiere
mĂĽndelsichere Wertpapiere
sofort realisierbare Wertpapiere
Spekulationspapiere pl; Spekulationswerte pl
überfällige Wertpapiere
Wertpapiere mit niedrigem Kurs; leichte Wertpapiere
Wertpapiere ausgeben
Wertpapiere lombarieren beleihen
Wertpapiere (von jdm.) beleihen lassen
Wertpapiere zurückkaufen ablösen einlösen
mit Hypotheken auf gewerbliche Immobilien besicherte Wertpapiere
Inlandswerte pl
Inhaber eines Wertpapiers
Art des Wertpapiers
ein Wertpapier bei Fälligkeit erneuern
security paper; security
security papers; securities
marketable stock exchange securities
unmarketable securities
on-board securities; quoted listed securities; stocks and shares Br.; stocks and bonds Am.
fixed-interest bearing securities; fixed-interest securities; bonds
asset-backed securities
illiquid thinly-traded narrow-market securities
trustee securities; gilt-edged securities Br.; gilts Br.; trustee stock Am.
easily marketable securities
speculative securities; cats and dogs coll.
accelerated paper
low-priced securities
to issue securities
to lend advance money on securities
to hypothecate securities; to give pledge securities as a collateral (to sb.)
to redeem securities
commercial mortgage-backed securities CMBS
domestic domestic securities
holder of a security
kind of security
to roll over a security
Aktie f fin.
Aktien pl
börsenfähige börsefähige Ös. Aktien; börsengängige börsegängige Ös. Aktien
eigene Aktien; Vorratsaktien pl
lebhaft gehandelte Aktien
nennwertlose Aktie
stimmrechtslose Aktie
Aktien im Sammeldepot
Aktien konjunkturanfälliger Unternehmen
Aktien und Anleihen kaufen und verkaufen
Aktien aufteilen
Aktien ausgeben emittieren
Aktien besitzen
Aktien einreichen
Aktien einziehen
eine Aktie sperren
Aktien umsetzen
Aktien zeichnen
Aktien zuteilen
gesperrte Aktien
Aktien auf dem Markt abstoĂźen
sichere Aktien mit hoher Dividende
stark schwankende Aktien
eingebĂĽĂźte Aktien
enorme Nachfrage nach Aktien
stimmberechtigte Aktie
noch nicht emittierte Aktien
Aktien von produzierenden Firmen
Aktien der Elektronikindustrie
Aktien der Gummiindustrie
Aktien der Maschinenbauindustrie
Aktien der Nahrungsmittelindustrie
Aktien der Schiffsbauindustrie
Aktien mit garantierter Dividende
Aktien von Versicherungsgesellschaften
Aktien mit Vorrechten; Mehrstimmrechtsaktien
Verwaltungsaktien pl; Vorstandsaktien pl
share Br.; share of stock Am.; stock Am.
shares; stock; stocks Am.
listable marketable shares stock
own shares Br.; treasury stock
active shares; active stock
no-par share; non-par share Br.
non-voting share stock
shares stock in collective deposit
cyclical shares stock
to trade in stocks and bonds
to split stocks; to split shares
to issue shares stock
to hold shares stock
to surrender share stock certificates
to call in shares stock
to stop a share stock
to trade shares stock
to subscribe to shares stock
to allot shares stock
stopped share stock
to unload shares stocks on the market
widow-and-orphan share stock
yo-yo stock
forfeited shares stock
run on shares stock
voting share stock
unissued shares stock
smokestack shares stock
electronics shares stock
rubber shares stock
engineering shares stock
foods shares stock
shipbuilding shares stock
debenture stock stock
insurance shares stock
mangement stock
management shares
Aktie f fin.
Aktien pl
Bergwerksaktie f
börsenfähige börsefähige Ös. Aktien; börsengängige börsegängige Ös. Aktien
eigene Aktien; Vorratsaktien pl; Aktien in Eigenbesitz
hochspekulative Aktien
hochspekulative Aktien mit niedrigem Kurs
lebhaft gehandelte Aktien
nennwertlose Aktie
stimmrechtslose Aktie
Aktien im Sammeldepot
Aktien konjunkturanfälliger Unternehmen
Aktien und Anleihen kaufen und verkaufen
Aktien aufteilen
Aktien ausgeben emittieren
Aktien besitzen
Aktien einreichen
Aktien einziehen
eine Aktie sperren
Aktien umsetzen
Aktien zeichnen
Aktien zuteilen
gesperrte Aktien
Aktien auf dem Markt abstoĂźen
sichere Aktien mit hoher Dividende
stark schwankende Aktien
eingebĂĽĂźte Aktien
enorme Nachfrage nach Aktien
stimmberechtigte Aktie
noch nicht emittierte Aktien
Aktien von produzierenden Firmen
Aktien der Elektronikindustrie
Aktien der Gummiindustrie
Aktien der Maschinenbauindustrie
Aktien der Nahrungsmittelindustrie
Aktien der Schiffsbauindustrie
Aktien mit garantierter Dividende
Aktien von Versicherungsgesellschaften
Aktien mit Vorrechten; Mehrstimmrechtsaktien
Verwaltungsaktien pl; Vorstandsaktien pl
Das Unternehmen hat alle zurĂĽck gekauften Aktien eingezogen.
share Br.; share of stock Am.; stock Am.
shares; stocks Am.
mining share; mining stock
listable marketable shares stock
own shares Br.; treasury stock
fancy shares stocks dated
penny stocks Am.
active shares; active stock
no-par share; non-par share Br.
non-voting share stock
shares stocks in collective deposit
cyclical shares stock
to trade in stocks and bonds
to split stocks; to split shares
to issue shares stocks
to hold shares stocks
to surrender share stock certificates
to call in shares stocks; to retire shares Am.
to stop a share stock
to trade shares stocks
to subscribe to shares stocks
to allot shares stocks
stopped shares stocks
to unload shares stocks on the market
widow-and-orphan shares stocks
yo-yo stocks
forfeited shares stocks
run on shares stocks
voting share stock
unissued shares stocks
smokestack shares stocks
electronics shares stocks
rubber shares stocks
engineering shares stocks
foods shares stocks
shipbuilding shares stocks
debenture shares stocks
insurance shares stocks
management stocks
management shares
The company retired all of their treasury shares.

Deutsche Aalbestand {m} / Aalbestände {pl} Synonyme

Englische eel stock Synonyme

eel stock / eel stocks Definition

Mahon stock
() An annual cruciferous plant with reddish purple or white flowers (Malcolmia maritima). It is called in England Virginia stock, but the plant comes from the Mediterranean.
(n.) The stem, or main body, of a tree or plant
(n.) The stem or branch in which a graft is inserted.
(n.) A block of wood
(n.) Hence, a person who is as dull and lifeless as a stock or post
(n.) The principal supporting part
(n.) The wood to which the barrel, lock, etc., of a musket or like firearm are secured
(n.) The handle or contrivance by which bits are held in boring
(n.) The block of wood or metal frame which constitutes the body of a plane, and in which the plane iron is fitted
(n.) The wooden or iron crosspiece to which the shank of an anchor is attached. See Illust. of Anchor.
(n.) The support of the block in which an anvil is fixed, or of the anvil itself.
(n.) A handle or wrench forming a holder for the dies for cutting screws
(n.) The part of a tally formerly struck in the exchequer, which was delivered to the person who had lent the king money on account, as the evidence of indebtedness. See Counterfoil.
(n.) The original progenitor
(n.) Money or capital which an individual or a firm employs in business
(n.) Same as Stock account, below.
(n.) Supply provided
(n.) Domestic animals or beasts collectively, used or raised on a farm
(n.) That portion of a pack of cards not distributed to the players at the beginning of certain games, as gleek, etc., but which might be drawn from afterward as occasion required
(n.) A thrust with a rapier
(n.) A covering for the leg, or leg and foot
(n.) A kind of stiff, wide band or cravat for the neck
(n.) A frame of timber, with holes in which the feet, or the feet and hands, of criminals were formerly confined by way of punishment.
(n.) The frame or timbers on which a ship rests while building.
(n.) Red and gray bricks, used for the exterior of walls and the front of buildings.
(n.) Any cruciferous plant of the genus Matthiola
(n.) An irregular metalliferous mass filling a large cavity in a rock formation, as a stock of lead ore deposited in limestone.
(n.) A race or variety in a species.
(n.) In tectology, an aggregate or colony of persons (see Person), as trees, chains of salpae, etc.
(n.) The beater of a fulling mill.
(n.) A liquid or jelly containing the juices and soluble parts of meat, and certain vegetables, etc., extracted by cooking
(v. t.) To lay up
(v. t.) To provide with material requisites
(v. t.) To suffer to retain milk for twenty-four hours or more previous to sale, as cows.
(v. t.) To put in the stocks.
(a.) Used or employed for constant service or application, as if constituting a portion of a stock or supply
(a.) Blind as a stock
(a.) Still as a stock, or fixed post
(n.) The part of a tool-rest in which a cutting tool is clamped.

eel stock / eel stocks Bedeutung

incentive option
incentive stock option
an option granted to corporate executives if the company achieves certain financial goals
split stock split
split up
an increase in the number of outstanding shares of a corporation without changing the shareholders' equity, they announced a two-for-one split of the common stock
reverse split
reverse stock split
split down
a decrease in the number of outstanding shares of a corporation without changing the shareholders' equity
technical analysis
technical analysis of stock trends
(stock exchange) analysis of past price changes in the hope of forecasting future price changes
making an itemized list of merchandise or supplies on hand, an inventory may be necessary to see if anything is missing, they held an inventory every month
an instance of stocktaking, the auditor did not attend the stocktake or check the valuations
stock issue (corporation law) the authorization and delivery of shares of stock for sale to the public or the shares thus offered at a particular time
farm animal
any animals kept for use or profit
American Stock Exchange
a stock exchange in New York
an ornamental white cravat
New York Stock Exchange
N. Y. Stock Exchange
big board
a stock exchange in New York
rolling stock collection of wheeled vehicles owned by a railroad or motor carrier
the merchandise that a shop has on hand, they carried a vast inventory of hardware, they stopped selling in exact sizes in order to reduce inventory
stock the handle end of some implements or tools, he grabbed the cue by the stock
stock gunstock the handle of a handgun or the butt end of a rifle or shotgun or part of the support of a machine gun or artillery gun, the rifle had been fitted with a special stock
stock lumber used in the construction of something, they will cut round stock to -inch diameter
stock car a racing car with the basic chassis of a commercially available car
stock car a car kept in dealers' stock for regular sales
stock exchange
stock market
securities market
an exchange where security trading is conducted by professional stockbrokers
stock-in-trade any equipment constantly used as part of a profession or occupation, friendliness is the salesman's stock in trade
stock room
storeroom for storing goods and supplies used in a business
stocks a former instrument of punishment consisting of a heavy timber frame with holes in which the feet (and sometimes the hands) of an offender could be locked
stocks a frame for constraining an animal while it is receiving veterinary attention or while being shod
stocks a frame that supports a boat while it is under construction
stock saddle
Western saddle
an ornamented saddle used by cowboys, has a high horn to hold the lariat
stock ticker
a character printer that automatically prints stock quotations on ticker tape
reappraisal of a situation or position or outlook
stock purchase plan an organized plan for employees of a company to buy shares of its stock
employee stock ownership plan
a program under which employees regularly accumulate shares and may ultimately assume control of the company
stock-index futures a futures contract based on a stock index, a bet on the future price of the indexed group of stocks
stock list
a detailed list of all the items in stock
stock power a power of attorney document to transfer ownership of a registered security from the owner to another party
stock symbol the letters used to identify listed companies on the securities exchanges where they are traded
stock index
stock market index
index based on a statistical compilation of the share prices of a number of representative stocks
stock warrant a written certificate that gives the holder the right to purchase shares of a stock for a specified price within a specified period of time
summer stock theatrical productions performed by a stock company during the summer
beef broth
beef stock
a stock made with beef
chicken broth
chicken stock
a stock made with chicken
broth stock liquid in which meat and vegetables are simmered, used as a basis for e.g. soups or sauces, she made gravy with a base of beef stock
stock cube a cube of dehydrated stock
a special variety of domesticated animals within a species, he experimented on a particular breed of white rats, he created a new strain of sheep
stock company repertory company a theatrical company that performs plays from a repertoire
stock company a company whose capital is represented by stock
joint-stock company a company (usually unincorporated) which has the capital of its members pooled in a common fund, transferable shares represent ownership interest, shareholders are legally liable for all debts of the company
stock breeder
a person who breeds animals
an employee whose job is to take inventory, an outside stocktaker had to be hired
stock trader someone who buys and sells stock shares
stock raiser
stock farmer
farmer who breed or raises livestock
Malcolm stock
any of various ornamental flowering plants of the genus Malcolmia
Virginian stock
Virginia stock
Malcolmia maritima
erect branching herb cultivated for its loose racemes of fragrant white or pink or red or lilac flowers, native to sands and sea cliffs of southwestern Greece and southern Albania
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