
Deutsche exkl. ausschl. : exklusiv ausschließlich Synonyme

alleinig  Âausschließlich  Âexklusiv  
allein  Âalleinig  Âausschließlich  Âbloß  Âeinzig  Âlediglich  Ânur  
auserlesen  Âauserwählt  Âausgesucht  Âausgewählt  Âerlesen  Âexklusiv  Âexquisit  

Englische excl. : exclusive excluding Synonyme

exclaim  allude to  bark  bawl  bellow  blare  blat  blubber  blurt  blurt out  bolt  boom  bray  breathe  burst out  buzz  cackle  call attention to  call out  chant  chirp  comment  coo  crow  cry out  declare  drawl  ejaculate  flute  gasp  growl  grunt  hiss  holler  interject  keen  let drop  let fall  lilt  make reference to  mention  mumble  murmur  muse  mutter  note  observe  opine  pant  pipe  proclaim  refer to  reflect  remark  roar  rumble  scream  screech  shout  shriek  sibilate  sigh  sing  snap  snarl  snort  sob  speak  squall  squawk  squeal  thunder  trumpet  twang  utter  vociferate  wail  warble  whine  whisper  yap  yawp  yell  yelp  
exclamation  Parthian shot  address  affirmation  allegation  answer  apostrophe  assertion  averment  bellow  blurt  call  comment  crack  cry  declaration  dictum  ecphonesis  ejaculation  expletive  expression  greeting  holler  interjection  mention  note  observation  outburst  outcry  phrase  position  pronouncement  question  reflection  remark  say  saying  sentence  shout  statement  subjoinder  thought  utterance  vociferation  word  yell  
exclude  abjure  abscind  amputate  annihilate  anticipate  avert  ban  banish  bar  bar out  bate  blackball  blockade  bob  boot out  bounce  brush aside  cast  cast out  categorically reject  chuck  chuck out  clip  contemn  contradict  count out  crop  cull  cut  cut away  cut off  cut out  debar  decline  defenestrate  deflect  deny  deport  despise  deter  detrude  disallow  disapprove  disapprove of  discard  discharge  disclaim  discount  discourage  disdain  disfavor  disfellowship  dishearten  dismiss  disown  disregard  dissent from  dock  eject  eliminate  embargo  enjoin  enucleate  eradicate  estop  evict  except  excise  exclude from  excommunicate  exile  expatriate  expel  extinguish  extirpate  extradite  extrude  fend  fend off  forbid  foreclose  forestall  forswear  freeze out  frown at  frown down  frown upon  fugitate  get rid of  give the hook  grimace at  heave out  help  ignore  inhibit  interdict  isolate  jettison  junk  keep away  keep from  keep off  keep out  kick downstairs  kick out  knock off  leave out  lock out  look askance at  look black upon  lop  mutilate  nip  not approve  not go for  not hear of  not hold with  object  object to  obtrude  obviate  omit  oppose  ostracize  oust  outlaw  pare  pass by  pass over  pass up  peel  pick out  preclude  prevent  prohibit  proscribe  protest  prune  push aside  put out  rebuff  recant  refuse  refuse to consider  reject  relegate  remove  renounce  repel  repress  repudiate  repulse  root out  rule  rule out  rusticate  save  say no to  scout  send away  send down  send to Coventry  set apart  set aside  shave  shear  shove away  shut out  snub  spurn  stamp out  stave off  strike off  strip  strip off  suppress  taboo  take exception to  take off  take out  think ill of  think little of  throw away  throw out  throw overboard  thrust out  thumb down  toss out  transport  truncate  turn aside  turn away  turn out  view with disfavor  waive  ward off  wipe out  
excluded  absurd  banned  barred  closed-out  contemned  contrary to reason  debarred  declined  declined with thanks  denied  deported  despised  disapproved  discarded  discounted  disdained  dismissed  disowned  ejected  excepted  exiled  expelled  forsworn  hopeless  ignored  impossible  inconceivable  left out  liquidated  logically impossible  not considered  not in it  not included  not possible  oxymoronic  paradoxical  precluded  preposterous  prohibited  purged  rebuffed  refused  rejected  renounced  repudiated  repulsed  ridiculous  ruled-out  scouted  self-contradictory  shut out  spurned  tabooed  unimaginable  unthinkable  
excluding  aside from  bar  barring  beside  besides  but  discounting  ethnocentric  ex  except  except for  excepting  exception taken of  exceptional  exclusive  exclusive of  exclusory  from  inadmissible  insular  leaving out  less  let alone  minus  narrow  not counting  off  omitting  outside of  parochial  precluding  preclusive  prescriptive  preventive  prohibitive  restrictive  save  save and except  saving  seclusive  segregative  select  selective  separative  snobbish  than  unless  without  xenophobic  
exclusion  Eighteenth Amendment  Prohibition Party  Volstead Act  abjuration  abjurement  abscission  amputation  annihilation  ban  banishment  bar  blackball  blackballing  chucking  chucking out  complaint  contempt  contraband  contradiction  declination  declining  defrocking  degradation  demotion  denial  depluming  deportation  deprivation  despisal  despising  destruction  dim view  disagreement  disallowance  disappointment  disapprobation  disapproval  disbarment  discard  disclamation  discontent  discontentedness  discontentment  discounting  disenchantment  disesteem  disfavor  disfellowship  disgruntlement  disillusion  disillusionment  dismissal  disownment  displeasure  displuming  disregard  disrespect  dissatisfaction  dissent  distaste  ejection  elimination  embargo  eradication  eviction  exception  excision  excommunication  exile  expatriation  expulsion  extinction  extirpation  extradition  forbiddance  forbidden fruit  forbidding  fugitation  ignoring  index  index expurgatorius  index librorum prohibitorum  indignation  inhibition  injunction  interdict  interdiction  interdictum  law  lockout  low estimation  low opinion  mutilation  no-no  nonacceptance  nonapproval  nonconsideration  objection  omission  opposition  opposure  ostracism  ostracization  ouster  outlawing  outlawry  passing by  preclusion  prevention  prohibition  prohibitory injunction  proscription  protest  putting away  putting out  rebuff  recantation  refusal  rejection  relegation  removal  renouncement  repression  repudiation  repulse  rescission  restrictive covenants  riddance  ruling out  rustication  scouting  spurning  statute  stripping  sumptuary laws  suppression  taboo  throwing out  thumbs-down  transportation  turning out  unfrocking  unhappiness  zoning  zoning laws  
exclusive  Olympian  a certain  absolute  aloof  an  any  any one  apart from  aristocratic  arrogant  article  atomic  barring  beat  budget of news  chic  chilly  choice  chosen  clannish  classy  cliquish  closed  cold  concentrated  confining  contemptuous  contumelious  cool  copy  dashing  debarring  defining  definitive  detached  disdainful  distant  either  elect  elegant  elite  ethnocentric  except for  excepting  exceptional  excluding  exclusive of  exclusory  fashionable  fixed  forbidding  frigid  frosty  haughty  high-hat  icy  ignoring  inaccessible  inadmissible  incompatible  individual  indivisible  inhibitive  inhibitory  inimical  insular  integral  interdictive  interdictory  irreducible  limitary  limitative  limited  limiting  lone  modish  monadic  monistic  narrow  news item  not counting  offish  omitting  one  only  parochial  pick  picked  piece  preclusive  preferred  prescriptive  preventive  private  privileged  prohibiting  prohibitive  prohibitory  proscriptive  remote  removed  repressive  restricted  restricting  restrictive  scoop  scornful  seclusive  segregative  select  selected  selective  separative  simple  single  singular  smart  sneering  sniffy  snobbish  snobby  snooty  snotty  sole  solid  solitary  spot news  standoff  standoffish  story  stylish  supercilious  suppressive  swank  swish  tony  toploftical  toplofty  trendy  unanalyzable  unapproachable  undistracted  undivided  uniform  unique  unitary  unshared  unswerving  whole  with-it  withdrawn  withering  xenophobic  
exclusive of  aside from  bar  barring  beside  besides  but  discounting  ex  except  except for  excepting  exception taken of  excluding  from  leaving out  less  let alone  minus  not counting  off  omitting  outside of  precluding  save  save and except  saving  than  unless  without  
exclusively  alone  barely  but  completely  entirely  integrally  irreducibly  just  merely  only  particularly  plainly  purely  simply  simply and solely  singly  solely  totally  unanalyzably  undividedly  wholly  
exclusiveness  Jim Crow  airs  alien  apartheid  arrogance  clannishness  clanship  cliqueyness  cliquishness  cliquism  color bar  contempt  contemptuousness  contumely  denominationalism  despite  disdain  disdainfulness  disparagement  division  esprit de corps  ethnocentricity  ethnocentrism  faction  factionalism  foreigner  hauteur  insularity  insulation  insult  isolation  know-nothingism  narrowness  out-group  outcast  outsider  parochialism  partiality  partisanism  partisanship  party spirit  persona non grata  quarantine  race hatred  racial segregation  ridicule  scorn  scornfulness  seclusion  seclusiveness  sectarianism  sectionalism  segregation  selectiveness  selectivity  selectness  separation  sniffiness  snobbery  snobbishness  snobbism  snootiness  snottiness  sovereign contempt  stranger  superciliousness  tightness  toploftiness  xenophobia  

excl Definition

excl Bedeutung

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