
freedom from pain Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Schmerzfreiheit f med.
freedom from pain
Schmerzfreiheit f (nach vorherigen Schmerzen) med.
freedom from pain; anodynia (after previous pain)
freedom from industrial disputes
freedom of movement
freedom from fear
freedom of trade
heftiger Schmerz
acute pain
freedom of association
freedom of establishment
freedom of press
freedom of speech
freedom of religion
Schmerzen haben
suffer pain
Schmerzen lindern
relieve pain
damages for pain and suffering
freedom of assembly
freedom of contract
freedom of competition
Ärgernis n
pain in the ass, pain in the neck coll. Am.
Arthralgie f, Gelenkschmerz m med.
arthralgia, pain in a joint
Augenschmerz m med.
Augenschmerzen pl
eye pain
eye pains, eyestrain
Berufsfreiheit f
free choice of job, freedom to choose and carry out one's career, freedom to choose an occupation
Bewegungsfreiheit f
freedom of movement
Denkfreiheit f
freedom of thought
Dienstleistungsfreiheit f, freier Dienstleistungsverkehr
free movement of services, freedom to provide services, liberalization of services
Epigastralgie f, Schmerzen im mittleren Oberbauch med.
epigastralgia, upper abdomen pain
Freiheit f, Ungebundenheit f, Ungezwungenheit f
akademische Freiheit
persönliche Freiheit
academic freedom
personal freedom
Freiheitsgrad m math.
Freiheitsgrade pl, Anzahl der Freiheitsgrade
degree of freedom
degrees of freedom
Freiheitskampf m
Freiheitskämpfe pl
struggle for freedom
struggles for freedom
Freiraum m
Freizügigkeit f pol.
Freizügigkeit, freier Dienstleistungs- und Kapitalverkehr
Freizügigkeit der Arbeitnehmer
Freizügigkeit der Studenten
freedom of movement, free movement of persons
Free movement of persons, services and capital
free movement of workers
free movement of students
Gedankenfreiheit f
freedom of thought
Gestaltungsspielraum m
sphere of influence, leeway, freedom
Gewerbefreiheit f
freedom of trade
Gewissensfreiheit f
freedom of conscience
Glaubensfreiheit f
religious freedom, freedom of worship
Grundfreiheiten pl, Grundfreiheit f
fundamental freedom
Handlungsfreiheit f
freedom of action, freedom to act
Handlungsspielraum m
scope (of action), freedom to act
Herzschmerz m, Herzschmerzen pl med.
(stabbing) pain in the region of the heart
Informationsfreiheit f
freedom of information
Investitionsfreiheit f
freedom of investment
Koaltitionsfreiheit f
freedom to form a coalition
Leibschmerzen pl, Magenschmerzen pl, Abdominalschmerzen pl med.
abdominal pain, stomach ache
Magenschmerz m med.
Magenschmerzen pl
pain in the stomach
pains in the stomach
Maulkorberlass m
decree muzzling freedom of speech
Meinungsfreiheit f
freedom of opinion
Menstruationsschmerzen pl med.
mentrual pain
Mühe f, Umstände pl
Mühen pl
Mühe machen
jdm. Mühe machen, jdm. zur Last fallen
sich die Mühe machen
sich große Mühe geben
sich die größte Mühe geben
trotz aller Mühe
mit Mühe und Not
nach des Tages Mühen
to give trouble
to be a trouble to sb.
to take the trouble
to take great pains
to try hard
in spite of every effort
just barely, with pain and misery
after the day's exertion
Myalgie f, Muskelschmerz m med.
myalgia, muscle pain
Nervensäge f übtr.
pain in the neck fig.
Niederlassungsfreiheit f
freedom of establishment
Pein f, Schmerz m
Pressefreiheit f
freedom of the press
Qual f, Leid n, Leiden n
Qualen pl
Redefreiheit f
freedom of speech
Religions- und Bekenntnisfreiheit f
freedom of religion
Religionsausübung f
freie Religionsausübung
practice of religion
freedom of practice one's religion
Religionsfreiheit f
religious liberty, religious freedom, freedom of religion
Retrosternalschmerzen pl med.
retrosternal pain
Ruheschmerz m med.
Ruheschmerzen pl
ischämischer Ruheschmerz
rest pain
rest pains
ischaemic rest pain
Schmerz m
Schmerzen pl
rasende Schmerzen
Schmerzen haben
Schmerzen empfinden
Schmerzen bereiten, weh tun
von Schmerzen geplagt
racking pains
to be in pain
to feel pain
to give pain
racked with pain
Schmerzensschrei m
Schmerzensschreie pl
cry of pain
cries of pain
Schmerzempfindlichkeit f
sensibility to pain
Schmerzensschrei m
shout of pain
Schmerzfreiheit f med.
freedom from pain
Schmerzgrenze f
pain barrier, pain threshold
Schmerzlinderung f
pain relief
Schmerzmittel n, Schmerzlinderer m med.
pain killer, painkiller, pain-killing drug, pain reliever
Stich m (Schmerz)
stabbing, pain, stitch
Streikrecht n
freedom of strike
Trennungsschmerz m
pain of separation
Vereinigungsfreiheit f
freedom of association
Versammlungsfreiheit f pol.
freedom of assembly
Weisungsfreiheit f
freedom from instructions
Wettbewerbsfreiheit f
freedom of competition
Wirtschafts- und Berufsfreiheit f
freedom to engage in business and to choose and practice a profession
brüllen, grölen v
brüllend, grölend
gebrüllt, gegrölt
vor Lachen brüllen
vor Schmerz brüllen
to bellow
to roar with laughter
to scream with pain
brüllen, schreien v
brüllend, schreiend
gebrüllt, geschrien, geschrieen alt
brüllt, schreit
brüllte, schrie
vor Schmerz brüllen, vor Schmerz schreien
to squall
to squall in pain
sich krümmen
sich krümmend
sich gekrümmt
sich vor Tränen krümmen
sich vor Schmerzen krümmen
to double up, to double over
doubling up, doubling over
doubled up, doubled over
to be doubled up in tears
to double over in pain
(sich) krümmen
sich vor Schmerzen krümmen
to writhe
to writhe in pain
lindern, erleichtern, vermindern v
lindernd, erleichternd, vermindernd
gelindert, erleichtert, vermindert
lindert, erleichtert, vermindert
linderte, erleichterte, verminderte
Schmerzen lindern
to assuage
to assuage pain
schmerzfrei adj
schmerzend, Schmerzen habend, weh tuend
free of pain, painless, pain-free
schmerzen, weh tun v
schmerzend, weh tuend
geschmerzt, weh getan
to pain {vt}
schmerzlindernd, analgetisch adj med.
pain-relieving, analgesic, soothing
pain killing
vorbei sein (Schmerzen)
to be gone (pain)
wahnsinnig vor Schmerz sein
to be distracted with pain
wahnsinnig vor Schmerz
distract with pain
Du bist unausstehlich!
You're a pain in the neck!
Du gehst mir auf die Nerven.
You're a pain in the ass., You're a pain in the neck.
Er geht mir auf die Nerven.
He's a pain in my neck.
Freiheit ist überall zu finden, aber ich bin ausgerechnet hier.
Freedom is everywhere but I'm here.
Meine Schmerzen sind weg.
My pain has gone.
Ohne Fleiß kein Preis. Sprw.
There is no pleasure without pain.
Seit wann haben Sie diese Schmerzen?
How long have you had this pain?
Wo fühlen Sie den Schmerz am meisten?
Where do you feel the pain most?
absolut schrecklich
PITA : pain in the ass
cries of pain
cry of pain
Freiheit, Ungebundenheit
freedom of action
freedom of conscience
freedom of opinion
freedom of strike
freedom of the press
freedom of thought
Meine Schmerzen sind weg
my pain has gone
Pein, Schmerz
pain in the stomach
religious freedom
shout of pain
struggle for freedom
struggles for freedom
Du gehst mir auf die Nerven.
you're a pain in the neck.
dies wird die Schmerzen lindern
this will ease the pain
Ärgernis n
pain in the ass; pain in the neck coll. Am.
Algesimetrie f; Algimetrie f; Algometrie f; Schmerzmessung f; Schmerzempfindungsmessung f med.
pain measurement
Augenschmerzen pl; Augenschmerz m med.
eye pain
Bauchschmerzen pl; Bauchschmerz m; Leibschmerzen pl; Bauchweh n ugs. med.
abdominal pain; belly ache; tummy ache coll.; abdominalgia med.
Berufsfreiheit f
free choice of job; freedom to choose and carry out one's career; freedom to choose an occupation
Bewegungsfreiheit f
Er war durch den Helm in seiner Bewegungsfreiheit eingeschränkt.
Die Truppen wurden durch den Feind in ihrer Bewegungsfreiheit eingeschränkt. mil.
freedom of movement
He was hampered in his movements by the helmet.
The troops were restricted in their movements by the enemy.
Dienstleistungsfreiheit f; freier Dienstleistungsverkehr (EU)
free movement of services; freedom to provide services; liberalization of services eAm.; liberalisation of services (EU) Br.
Durchbruchschmerzen pl med.
breakthrough pain
Dysmenorrhoea f; Regelschmerzen pl; Menstruation f mit Unterleibsschmerzen med.
dysmenorrhoea; dysmenorrhea (severe uterine pain during menstruation)
Ehrenbürger m soc.
Ehrenbürger pl
Paul McCartney wurde zum Ehrenbürger der Stadt Liverpool ernannt.
honorary citizen; freeman Br. (male)
honorary citizens; freemen
Paul McCartney was made a freeman given the freedom of the City of Liverpool.
Ehrenbürgerschaft f; Ehrenbürgerrecht n soc.
jdm. die Ehrenbürgerschaft eines Landes verleihen
die Ehrenbürgerschaft einer Stadt erhalten
honorary citizenship; freedom of a city Br.
to confer the honorary citizenship on sb.
to receive the honorary citizenship freedom Br. of a city
Epigastralgie f; Schmerzen im mittleren Oberbauch med.
epigastralgia; upper abdomen pain
Forschungsfreiheit f
freedom of research
Freiheit f; Ungebundenheit f
akademische Freiheit
persönliche Freiheit
Freiheit der Fischerei
Freiheit der Schifffahrt
Freiheit des Ãœberflugs
Transitfreiheit f
seine Freiheit wiedererlangen
academic freedom
personal freedom
freedom of fishing
freedom of navigation
freedom of overflight
freedom of transit
to be set free again
Freiheitsbegriff m
concept of freedom
Freiheitsgrad m math.
Freiheitsgrade pl; Anzahl der Freiheitsgrade
degree of freedom
degrees of freedom
Freiheitskämpfer m; Freiheitskämpferin f pol.
Freiheitskämpfer pl; Freiheitskämpferinnen pl
Des einen Terrorist ist des anderen Freiheitskämpfer. pol.
freedom fighter
freedom fighters
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
Freizügigkeit f pol.
Freizügigkeit freier Dienstleistungs- und Kapitalverkehr
Freizügigkeit der Arbeitnehmer
Freizügigkeit der Studenten
freedom of movement; free movement of persons
Free movement of persons services and capital
free movement of workers
free movement of students
Fußwurzelschmerz m; Tarsalgie f med.
pain in the tarsus; tarsalgia
Gelenkschmerzen pl; Gelenkschmerz m; Arthralgie f; Arthrodynie f med.
joint pain; articular pain; arthralgia; arthrodynia
Gestaltungsspielraum m
Gestaltungsspielräume pl
sphere of influence; leeway; freedom
spheres of influence; leeways; freedoms
Gewissensfreiheit f
freedom of conscience; liberty of conscience
Glaubensfreiheit f
religious freedom; freedom of worship
Gliederschmerzen pl; Melalgie f med.
pain in the extremities; pain in the arms or legs; melalgia
Grundfreiheit f pol.
Grundfreiheiten pl
fundamental freedom
fundalmental freedoms
Handlungsfreiheit f; Bewegungsfreiheit f übtr.
freedom of action; freedom to act; liberty of action
Handlungsspielraum m
scope (of action); freedom to act
Herzschmerz m; Herzschmerzen pl med.
(stabbing) pain in the region of the heart
Hüftgelenk(s)schmerzen pl; Hüftgelenk(s)schmerz m med.
pain in the hip joint; coxalgia; coxodynia
Hungerschmerzen pl; Hungerschmerz m med.
hunger pain
Klitorisschmerzen pl; Klitorisschmerz m med.
pain in the clitoris; clitoralgia
Knieschmerzen pl; Gonaglie f med.
pain in the knee; gonalgia
Kreuzschmerzen pl med.
lower back pain; backache

Deutsche Schmerzfreiheit {f} [med.] Synonyme

Englische freedom from pain Synonyme

freedom from pain Definition

(n.) The state of being free
(n.) Privileges
(n.) Exemption from necessity, in choise and action
(n.) Ease
(n.) Frankness
(n.) Improper familiarity
(n.) Generosity
(n.) Punishment suffered or denounced
(n.) Any uneasy sensation in animal bodies, from slight uneasiness to extreme distress or torture, proceeding from a derangement of functions, disease, or injury by violence
(n.) Specifically, the throes or travail of childbirth.
(n.) Uneasiness of mind
(n.) See Pains, labor, effort.
(n.) To inflict suffering upon as a penalty
(n.) To put to bodily uneasiness or anguish
(n.) To render uneasy in mind

freedom from pain Bedeutung

pain pill
a medicine used to relieve pain
freedom of thought the right to hold unpopular ideas
freedom of religion a civil right guaranteed by the First Amendment to the US Constitution
freedom of speech a civil right guaranteed by the First Amendment to the US Constitution
freedom of the press a right guaranteed by the First Amendment to the US Constitution
freedom of assembly the right to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for redress of grievances, guaranteed by the First Amendment to the US Constitution
freedom to bear arms a right guaranteed by the nd amendment to the US Constitution
freedom from search and seizure a right guaranteed by the th amendment to the US Constitution
freedom from self-incrimination
privilege against self incrimination
the civil right (guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution) to refuse to answer questions or otherwise give testimony against yourself
freedom from double jeopardy a civil right guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution
freedom from cruel and unusual punishment a right guaranteed by the th amendment to the US Constitution
freedom from involuntary servitude a civil right guaranteed by the th amendment to the US Constitution
freedom from discrimination immunity from discrimination on the basis of race or sex or nationality or religion or age, guaranteed by federal laws of the United States
pain threshold the lowest intensity of stimulation at which pain is experienced, some people have much higher pain thresholds than do other people
pain sensation
painful sensation
a somatic sensation of acute discomfort, as the intensity increased the sensation changed from tickle to pain
phantom limb pain pain felt by an amputee that seems to be located in the missing limb
pain infliction
pain in the neck
pain in the ass
something or someone that causes trouble, a source of unhappiness, washing dishes was a nuisance before we got a dish washer, a bit of a bother, he's not a friend, he's an infliction
degree of freedom (statistics) an unrestricted variable in a frequency distribution
degree of freedom one of the minimum number of parameters needed to describe the state of a physical system
pleasure principle
pleasure-pain principle
pleasure-unpleasure principle
(psychoanalysis) the governing principle of the id, the principle that an infant seeks gratification and fails to distinguish fantasy from reality
emotional distress, a fundamental feeling that people try to avoid, the pain of loneliness
Basque Homeland and Freedom
Basque Fatherland and Liberty
Euskadi ta Askatasuna
a terrorist organization organized in by student activists who were dissatisfied with the moderate nationalism of the traditional Basque party, want to create an independent homeland in Spain's western Pyrenees, in ETA launched a campaign of political assassinations of government officials
Hizb ut-Tahrir
Freedom Party
the most popular and feared Islamic extremist group in central Asia, advocates `pure' Islam and the creation of a worldwide Islamic state
freedom rider one of an interracial group of civil rights activists who rode buses through parts of the South in order to protest racial segregation
freedom fighter
a person who takes part in an armed rebellion against the constituted authority (especially in the hope of improving conditions)
pain in the neck
a bothersome annoying person, that kid is a terrible pain
pain unit a unit measuring the intensity of pain
freedom the condition of being free, the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints
academic freedom the freedom of teachers and students to express their ideas in school without religious or political or institutional restrictions
freedom of the seas the right of merchant ships to travel freely in international waters
a symptom of some physical hurt or disorder, the patient developed severe pain and distension
chest pain pain in the chest
lumbar pain
backache affecting the lumbar region or lower back, can be caused by muscle strain or arthritis or vascular insufficiency or a ruptured intervertebral disc
labor pain pain and discomfort associated with contractions of the uterus during labor
referred pain pain that is felt at a place in the body different from the injured or diseased part where the pain would be expected, angina pectoris can cause referred pain in the left shoulder, pain in the right shoulder can be referred pain from gallbladder disease
immunity from an obligation or duty
ail pain
cause bodily suffering to and make sick or indisposed
cause emotional anguish or make miserable, It pains me to see my children not being taught well in school
not accompanied by pain sensations, pain-free surgery
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