
garrison commander Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Standortkommandant m mil.
Standortkommandanten pl
garrison commander
garrison commanders
Bataillonskommandeur m mil.
Bataillonskommandeure pl
battalion commander
battalion commanders
Befehlshaber m, Führer m mil.
Befehlshaber pl, Führer pl
Führer Luftlandeoperation
Führer Luftlandkräfte
airborne joint force commander
airborne force commander
Besatzung f, Verteidigungstruppe f mil.
Besatzungen pl
mit Beschlag belegen
to garrison
Brigadekommandeur m mil.
Brigadekommandeure pl
brigade commander
brigade commanders
Feldherr m obs.
Feldherren pl
Garnison f, Standort m
Garnisonen pl
General m mil.
Generale pl
Kommandierender General (KG)
Einsternegeneral m
Viersternegeneral m
general (Gen.)
Corps Commander
one-star general
four-star general
Gruppenführer m mil.
Gruppenführer pl
section commander
section commanders
Heeresführer m mil.
Heeresführer pl
army commander
army commanders
Kompaniechef m, Kompanieführer m mil.
company commander
Oberbefehlshaber m mil.
commander-in-chief, C.-in-C., C in C
Panzerkommandant m mil.
Panzerkommandanten pl
tank commander
tank commanders
Staffelkommandant m mil. (Luftwaffe)
wing commander
Standortkommandant m mil.
Standortkommandanten pl
garrison commander
garrison commanders
Wachhabende m, Wachhabender mil.
Wachhabenden pl, Wachhabende
guard commander
guard commanders
Zugführer m mil.
Zugführer pl
troop commander, platoon leader
troop commanders, platoon leaders
KC : Knight Commander Br.
army commander
Befehlshaber m; Führer m mil.
Befehlshaber pl; Führer pl
Führer Luftlandeoperation
Führer Luftlandkräfte
airborne joint force commander
airborne force commander
Besatzung f; Verteidigungstruppe f mil.
Besatzungen pl
Einheitsführer m mil.
Einheitsführer pl
unit commander
unit commanders
Einsatzkommandant m
Einsatzkommandanten pl
task force commander; operations commander
task force commanders; operations commanders
Einsatzleiter m (Blaulichtorganisationen)
Einsatzleiter pl
incident commander (public emergency services)
incident commanders
Flottenchef m
Flottenchefs pl
fleet commander
fleet commanders
Garnison f (Standort einer Truppe) mil.
Garnisonen pl
einen Ort mit einer Garnison belegen v mil.
to garrison a place
Truppen in Garnison legen v mil.
to garrison troops
General m mil.
Generale pl
Kommandierender General KG
Einsternegeneral m
Viersternegeneral m
general Gen.
Corps Commander
one-star general
four-star general
Geschwaderkommodore m (Luftwaffe) mil. aviat.
Flugzeug n des Geschwaderkommodores
wing commander
flag ship Am.
Großoffizier m
Knight Commander Br. KC
Gruppenführer m mil.
Gruppenführer pl
section commander; section chief
section commanders; section chiefs
Kommandant m; Kommandeur m mil.
Kommandanten pl; Kommandeure pl
stellvertretender Kommandeur
commanding officer CO ; commander; commandant (of a fortress)
commanding officers; commanders; commandants
second in command
Kommandantur f
Kommandanturen pl
Kommandantur f einer Garnison
commandant's office
commandant's offices
garrison headquarters
Kompaniechef m; Kompanieführer m mil.
company commander
Korvettenkapitän m mil.
Corvette Captain (Lieutenant-Commander)
Major m aviat. mil.
Wing Commander (rank) Br.; Squadron Leader (RAF) Br.
Oberbefehlshaber m; Oberkommandierender m mil.
Oberbefehlshaber pl; Oberkommandierende pl
commander-in-chief C.-in-C
Schiffchen n mil.
Schiffchen pl
cap; side cap; garrison cap Am.
caps; side caps; garrison caps
Staffelkapitän m (Luftwaffe) mil. aviat.
squadron leader; squadron commander
Staffelkommandant m mil. aviat.
Staffelkommandanten pl
wing commander
wing commanders
Standortkommandantur f mil.
garrison command Am.
Truppe f mil.
Truppen pl
reguläre Truppen
Dienst bei der Truppe
die Moral der Truppe
die Schlagkraft der Truppe
unerlaubtes Entfernen von der Truppe
Der Oberbefehlshaber zog alle seine Truppen zurück.
troops; forces
troops; soldiery
regular troops; regulars
military service
the morale of the troops
the strike power of the forces
absence without leave AWOL
The commander-in-chief retired all his troops.
Wachhabende m; Wachhabender mil.
Wachhabenden pl; Wachhabende
guard commander
guard commanders
Zugführer m; Zugsführer m Ös. mil.
Zugführer pl; Zugsführer pl
troop commander; platoon leader; platoon commander
troop commanders; platoon leaders; platoon commanders
General m Gen Dt. Ös. Schw. (Dienstgrad) mil.
Generale pl; Generäle pl
Kommandierender General KG
Einsternegeneral m
Viersternegeneral m
General Gen. Br. Am. Can. (rank)
Corps Commander
one-star general
four-star general
Großoffizier m
Knight Commander Br. KC
Kommandant m; Kommandeur m mil.
Kommandanten pl; Kommandeure pl
stellvertretender Kommandeur
commanding officer CO ; commander; commandant (of a fortress)
commanding officers; commanders; commandants
second in command
Oberbefehlshaber m; Oberkommandierender m mil.
Oberbefehlshaber pl; Oberkommandierende pl
commander-in-chief C-in-C
Panzerkommandant m mil.
Panzerkommandanten pl
erfolgreicher deutscher Panzerkommandant im 2. Weltkrieg
tank commander
tank commanders
Panzer ace coll.
Truppe f mil.
Truppen pl
Entsatztruppe f; Entsatz m ugs. hist.
reguläre Truppen
Dienst bei der Truppe
die Moral der Truppe
die Schlagkraft der Truppe
unerlaubtes Entfernen von der Truppe
Der Oberbefehlshaber zog alle seine Truppen zurück.
troops; forces
troops; soldiery
relief troops; relief forces
regular troops; regulars
military service
the morale of the troops
the strike power of the forces
absence without leave AWOL
The commander-in-chief retired all his troops.

Deutsche Standortkommandant {m} [mil.] / Standortkommandanten {pl} Synonyme

Englische garrison commander Synonyme

garrison commander Definition

(n.) A chief
(n.) An officer who ranks next below a captain, -- ranking with a lieutenant colonel in the army.
(n.) The chief officer of a commandery.
(n.) A heavy beetle or wooden mallet, used in paving, in sail lofts, etc.
(n.) A body of troops stationed in a fort or fortified town.
(n.) A fortified place, in which troops are quartered for its security.
(v. t.) To place troops in, as a fortification, for its defense
(v. t.) To secure or defend by fortresses manned with troops

garrison commander Bedeutung

a fortified military post where troops are stationed
garrison cap
overseas cap
a wedge-shaped wool or cotton cap, worn as part of a uniform
Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic
commanding officer of ACLANT, a general of the United States Army nominated by the President of the United States and approved by the North Atlantic Council
Supreme Allied Commander Europe
commanding officer of ACE, NATO's senior military commander in Europe
garrison the troops who maintain and guard a fortified place
air force officer
an officer in the airforce
commander someone in an official position of authority who can command or control others
commander a commissioned naval officer who ranks above a lieutenant commander and below a captain
commander in chief
the officer who holds the supreme command, in the U.S. the president is the commander in chief
commanding officer
an officer in command of a military unit
lieutenant commander a commissioned officer in the Navy ranking above a lieutenant and below a commander
naval commander naval officer in command of a fleet of warships
wing commander (RAF rank) one who is next below a group captain
Daniel Garrison Brinton
United States anthropologist who was the first to attempt a systematic classification of Native American languages (-)
William Lloyd Garrison
United States abolitionist who published an anti-slavery journal (-)
garrison station (troops) in a fort or garrison
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