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Rotbauchunke f zool. (Bombina bombina)
Rotbauchunken pl
fire-bellied toad
fire-bellied toads
Würstchen im Teig cook.
Kröte f, Unke f zool.
Kröten pl, Unken pl
Kroete, Unke
Katholikenfrosch m (Notaden bennettii) zool.
holy cross frog; crucifix toad
Krokodilhaut f med.
crocodile skin; toad skin; phrynoderma
Wurst f cook.
Würste pl
Würstchen n
Würstchen pl im Schlafrock
Würstchen im Teig
Wiener Würstchen pl; Frankfurter Würstchen pl; Wiener pl; Frankfurter pl; Wienerle pl Südwestdt.; Saiten pl Südwestdt.; Würstel pl Ös.; Wienerli pl Schw.; Frankfurterli pl Schw. cook.
Wiener Frankfurter Würstchen n; Würstchen n; Wienerle n Südwestdt.; Saitenwurst f Südwestdt.; Würstel n Ös.; Wienerli n Schw.; Frankfurterli n Schw. cook.
Hotdog n; Hot Dog n (Wiener Würstchen im Brötchen) cook.
warme Würstchen; heiße Würstchen cook.
Null.; Absolut nichts.
sausage; wurst
little sausage
pigs in a blanket Am.
frankfurters; franks Am.; wieners Am.; wienies Am.; weenies Am.
hot dog
hot dog bun
hot dogs; hot sausages
No not a sausage. (old-fashioned) Br. coll.
Austrialische Notadenfrösche pl (Notaden) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Katholikenfrosch m (Notaden bennettii)
Australian spadefoot toads (zoological genus)
holy cross frog; crucifix toad
Europäische Schaufelfußkröten pl; Europäische Schaufelkröten pl (Pelobates) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Knoblauchkröte f (Pelobates fuscus)
European spadefoot toads (zoological genus)
European common spadefoot; common spadefoot toad; common spadefoot; garlic toad
Echte Kröten pl (Bufo) (zoologische Gattung)
Wechselkröte f; Grüne Kröte f (Bufo viridis)
bufo toads (zoological genus)
European green toad
Krötenlilien pl (Tricyrtis) (botanische Gattung) bot.
toad lilies (botanical genus)
Rhinella-Kröten pl (Rhinella) (zoologische Untergattung)
Riesenkröte f; Agakröte f (Rhinella marina)
beaked toads; Rio Viejo toads (zoological subgenus)
cane toad; marine toad; giant neotropical toad
Würstchen n; Wurst f cook.
Würstchen pl
Würstchen pl im Schlafrock
Würstchen im Teig
Knackwurst f Dt. Ös.; Knacker f Dt. Ös. ugs.; Schübling m Vorarlberg; Schüblig m Schw.; Cervelat m Schw.; Klöpfer m Schw.
Rostbratwurst f; Roster f
Weißwurst f
Wiener Würstchen pl; Frankfurter Würstchen pl; Wiener pl; Frankfurter pl; Wienerle pl Südwestdt.; Saiten pl Südwestdt.; Würstel pl Ös.; Wienerli pl Schw.; Frankfurterli pl Schw. cook.
Wiener Frankfurter Würstchen n; Würstchen n; Wienerle n Südwestdt.; Saitenwurst f Südwestdt.; Würstel n Ös.; Wienerli n Schw.; Frankfurterli n Schw. cook.
Hotdog m,n; Hot Dog m,n (Wiener Würstchen im Brötchen) cook.
warme Würstchen; heiße Würstchen cook.
Null.; Absolut nichts.
little sausage; sausage link Am.
little sausages; sausage links
pigs in a blanket Am.
saveloy Br. Austr.; knackwurst Am.; knockwurst Am.
barbecue sausage
veal sausage
frankfurters; franks Am.; wieners Am.; wienies Am.; weenies Am.
hot dog
hot dog bun
hot dogs; hot sausages
No, not a sausage. dated Br. coll.
Leinkraut n
Leinkräuter pl (Linaria) (botanische Gattung) bot.
toadflaxes; flax weeds (botanical genus) (toadflax)
Leinblatt n; Bergflachs m; Vermeinkraut n (Thesium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Alpenleinblatt n; Alpenbergflachs m; Alpenvermeinkraut n (Thesium alpinum)
Bayerisches Leinblatt n; Bayerischer Bergflachs m; Bayerisches Vermeinkraut n (Thesium bavarum)
Mittleres Leinblatt n; Mittlerer Bergflachs m; Leinblättriger Bergflachs m; Mittleres Vermeinkraut n (Thesium linophyllon)
Wiesenleinblatt n; Wiesenbergflachs m; Wiesenvermeinkraut n; Pyrenäen-Leinblatt n; Pyrenäen-Bergflachs m; Pyrenäen-Vermeinkraut n (Thesium pyrenaicum)
bastard toadflax (botanical genus)
Alpine bastard toadflax
Bavarian bastard toadflax
Pyrenean bastard toadflax
Lochschlunde pl (Anarrhinum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
anarrhinum toadflaxes (botanical genus)
vor jdm. kriechen
to toady to sb.
Speichellecker, Speichelleckern
Kriecher m; Arschkriecher m; Speichellecker m; Speichelleckerin f ugs.
Kriecher pl; Arschkriecher pl; Speichellecker pl; Speichelleckerinnen pl
sycophant; toady
sycophants; toadies
Einschleimer m; Schleimer m; Kriecher m; Speichellecker m; Stiefellecker m veraltend; Schlieferl n Bayr. Ös. pej.
Einschleimer pl; Schleimer pl; Kriecher pl; Speichellecker pl; Stiefellecker pl; Schlieferl pl
brown-noser; brown-nose; toady; fawner; groveller Br.; groveler Am.; kowtower; truckler; sycophant; lickspittle; bootlicker; creep Br.; slimy git Br.; apple-polisher Am.; suck-up Am. (obsequious person)
brown-nosers; brown-noses; toadies; fawners; grovellers; grovelers; kowtowers; trucklers; sycophants; lickspittles; bootlickers; creeps; slimy gits; apple-polishers; suck-ups
Kroeten, Unken
Barbourfrösche pl (Barbourula) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
jungle toads (zoological genus)
Kröten pl (Bufonidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
eine Kröte schlucken müssen übtr.
true toads; toads (zoological family)
to have to swallow a bitter pill fig.
echte Kröten pl (Bufo) (zoologische Gattung)
Bufo toads (zoological genus)
Rhinella-Kröten pl (Rhinella) (zoologische Untergattung)
beaked toads; Rio Viejo toads (zoological subgenus)
Unken pl; Feuerkröten pl (Bombina) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
fire-bellied toads (zoological genus)
Wabenkröten pl (Pipa) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
star-fingered toads; Suriname toads; Surinam toads (zoological genus)
Fliegenpilz m biol.
Fliegenpilze pl
fly agaric, toadstool
fly agarics, toadstools
Giftpilz m biol.
Giftpilze pl
tödlicher Giftpilz
toadstool, poisonous mushroom
deadly poisonous mushroom
Pilz m (giftig)
Pilzlederkoralle f (Sarcophyton spp.) zool.
toadstool (leather) coral
Fliegenpilz m biol.
Fliegenpilze pl
fly agaric; toadstool
fly agarics; toadstools
Giftpilz m biol.
Giftpilze pl
tödlicher Giftpilz
toadstool; poisonous mushroom
deadly poisonous mushroom
Pilzlederkoralle f (Sarcophyton spp.) zool.
mushroom coral; toadstool (leather) coral
Giftpilz m myc.
Giftpilze pl
tödlicher Giftpilz
toadstool; poisonous fungus; poisonous mushroom
toadstools; poisonous fungi; poisonous mushrooms
deadly poisonous mushroom
Wulstlinge pl (Amanita) (Pilzgattung) myc.
Fliegenpilz m; Roter Fliegenpilz m (Amanita muscaria)
Grüne Knollenblätterpilz m; Grüner Gift-Wulstling m (Amanita phalloides)
Orangegelber Scheidenstreifling m; Safran-Scheidenstreifling m (Amanita crocea)
Pantherpilz m (Amanita pantherina)
Perlpilz m; Rötender Wulstling m; Fleischchampignon m (Amanita rubescens)
amanita; amanita mushrooms (genus of fungi)
fly agaric; toadstool
death cap; destroying angel
saffron ringless amanita
panther cap; false blusher
Kriecher m, Kriecherin f, Speichellecker m, Speichelleckerin f
Speichellecker, Speichelleckers
(vor jdm.) buckeln; katzbuckeln; kriechen; vor jdm. zu Kreuze kriechen; vor jdm. auf dem Bauch kriechen v übtr. (sich unterwürfig verhalten)
nach oben buckeln und nach unten treten
Ich musste vor dem Bankdirektor zu Kreuze kriechen, um einen Kredit zu bekommen.
to fawn (over sb.); to bow and scrape (before sb.); to crawl (to sb.); to creep (to sb.); to cringe (before sb.); to toady (to sb.); to truckle (to sb.); to grovel (before sb.); to kowtow (to sb.) formal (be obsequious to sb.)
to crawl to the bigwigs and bully the underlings Br.; to suck ass and kick ass
I had to grovel to the bank manager to get a loan.
Speichelleckerei m
Speichelleckerei, Speichelleckereien
verfrachtete Geschiebemenge f; Geschiebefracht f; Schwerstoff-Fracht f; Geschiebeführung f (eines Fließgewässers, gemessen in m3 s) envir.
Geschiebetrieb m (Geschiebeführung pro Meter Gerinnebreite, gemessen in m3 s pro Min)
bed-load transport rate; bed-load discharge; sediment discharge; discharge of solids; toal bed-load; total traction load (in a stream) (measured in m3 s)
unit bed-load discharge (bed-load transport per unit wideth of the stream channel)
Toarcien n geol.
Toarcian (stage)
Toarc n; Toarcium n (erdgeschichtliche Stufe) geol.
Toarcian (stage in the Earth's history)
Festredner m, Festrednerin f
Festredner pl, Festrednerinnen pl
speaker proposing a toast
speakers proposing toasts
Röstbrot n, Toastbrot n, Toast m
Scheibe f (Brot)
eine Scheibe Toast
a round of toast
Star m (der ständig in den Schlagzeilen ist)
der Star der Stadt
headliner Am., toast
the toast of the town
Tischrede f, Toast m, Trinkspruch m
Tischreden pl, Toasts pl, Trinksprüche pl
einen Toast auf jdn. ausbringen
einen Toast erwidern
toast, after-dinner speech
toasts, after-dinner speeches
to propose a toast to sb.
to respond to a toast
Zwieback m
rusk, french toast
anstoßen, auf jds. Wohl trinken
to toast, to drink a toast to
to toast
toasten v
to toast
Er hat ihn völlig in der Hand.
He has him on toast.
Er hat ihn völlig in der Hand
he has him on toast

Deutsche Rotbauchunke {f} [zool.] (Bombina bombina) / Rotbauchunken {pl} Synonyme


Englische fire-bellied toad Synonyme

go to  appear  assister  attend  be at  be present at  carry to  catch  come to  do  extend to  get to  hie to  lead to  look on  make the scene  reach to  repair to  resort to  run to  see  show up  sit in  stretch away to  stretch to  take in  turn up  visit  watch  witness  
go to bed  bed  bed down  couch  curl up  go beddy-bye  go night-night  go to rest  lie down  loll  lounge  recline  repose  rest  retire  settle to rest  snug down  sprawl  take it easy  take life easy  
go to extremes  aggrandize  amplify  ballyhoo  build up  burlesque  caricature  carry too far  draw the longbow  exaggerate  exhaust  go overboard  go too far  hyperbolize  know no bounds  lay it on  magnify  make much of  overact  overcarry  overcharge  overdevelop  overdo  overdraw  overdrive  overelaborate  overemphasize  overestimate  overexercise  overexert  overexpend  overindulge  overlabor  overplay  overpraise  overreach  overreact  oversell  overspeak  overspend  overstate  overstrain  overstress  overstudy  overtask  overtax  overtrain  overuse  overwork  pass all bounds  pile it on  protest too much  puff  stretch  stretch the truth  talk big  talk in superlatives  tout  travesty  
go to great lengths  be careful  be cautious  bend over backwards  exercise care  go all lengths  handle with gloves  have a care  make every effort  not relax  not rest  spare no effort  spare no pains  take care  take good care  take heed  take pains  take trouble  tread on eggs  treat gently  
go to it  attack  dive into  enter on  enter upon  fall to  get busy  get cracking  get going  get with it  hop to it  jump to it  launch into  light into  pitch in  pitch into  plunge into  sail into  set about  set at  set to  set to work  start in  tackle  take on  turn to  undertake  wade into  
go to pieces  bite the dust  break  break up  canker  carry away  cave in  collapse  come apart  come off  come undone  come unstuck  conk out  corrupt  crack  crack up  crumble  crumble into dust  crumble to dust  decay  decline  decompose  disintegrate  droop  drop  fade  fail  faint  fall  fall into decay  fall off  fall to pieces  fester  fizzle out  flag  flip  fly apart  gangrene  get loose  give out  give way  go bad  go downhill  go haywire  go into hysterics  go soft  hit the skids  languish  lose courage  lose self-control  mildew  mold  molder  mortify  necrose  peel off  peg out  peter out  pine  poop out  putrefy  putresce  rankle  rot  sink  sphacelate  spoil  spring apart  start  suppurate  topple  tumble  unravel  weaken  wear away  wear thin  wilt  yield  
go to pot  be ruined  become insolvent  break  bust  collapse  come down  come to naught  come to nothing  crash  decline  degenerate  deteriorate  dissipate  fail  fold  fold up  go bankrupt  go broke  go downhill  go into receivership  go to glory  go to hell  go to perdition  go to ruin  go to seed  go to shivers  go to smash  go to smithereens  go to waste  go under  go up  go wrong  have a comedown  hit rock bottom  leak  leak away  reach the depths  run to seed  run to waste  shut down  sink  slip  touch bottom  
go to the dogs  be ruined  become insolvent  break  bust  collapse  come down  crash  decline  degenerate  deteriorate  fail  fold  fold up  go bankrupt  go broke  go downhill  go into receivership  go to glory  go to hell  go to perdition  go to pot  go to ruin  go to shivers  go to smash  go to smithereens  go under  go up  go wrong  have a comedown  hit rock bottom  reach the depths  shut down  sink  slip  touch bottom  
go to town  be blooded  be successful  catch on  click  come off  connect  farewell  get cutting  go  go great guns  go off  go over  go over big  graduate  hit the ball  hump  lean on it  make a hit  meet with success  pass  pour it on  prevail  prosper  qualify  shake a leg  succeed  take  work well  work wonders  
go together  accord  agree  answer to  assent  assort with  be consistent  be of one  be uniform with  check  chime  cohere  coincide  concur  conform  conform with  consist with  cooperate  correspond  dovetail  fall in together  fit together  go with  hang together  harmonize  hit  hold together  interlock  intersect  jibe  lock  match  overlap  parallel  register  register with  respond to  sing in chorus  sort with  square  square with  stand together  tally  
go too far  advance upon  ask for it  be rash  be reckless  break bounds  carry too far  catch at straws  encroach  exaggerate  exhaust  go overboard  go to extremes  infringe  intrude  invade  irrupt  know no bounds  make an inroad  overact  overcarry  overdevelop  overdo  overdrive  overelaborate  overemphasize  overexercise  overexert  overexpend  overindulge  overlabor  overplay  overreact  overspend  overstep  overstep the bounds  overstrain  overstress  overstudy  overtask  overtax  overtrain  overuse  overwork  pass all bounds  protest too much  transgress  trespass  usurp  

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