
hearing disorder Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Hörstörung f med.
Hörstörungen pl
hearing disorder; defective hearing; auditory dysfunction; paracousia; parac(o)usis
hearing disorders; auditory dysfunctions
Anhörung, Verhandlung eines Antrags
hearing of the application
eine Anhörung vertagen
adjourn a hearing
Hearing, Anhörung
Vernehmung eines Zeugen
hearing of a witness
vertrauliche Anhörung
private hearing
hearing of witnesses
Angststörung f
anxiety disorder
Anhörung f, Hearing n, Verhandlung f
Anhörungen pl, Hearings pl, Verhandlungen pl
Asylverfahren n
court hearing to determine a person's right to political asylum
Aufmerksamkeitsdefizitsyndrom n
attention deficit disorder
Beweisaufnahme f
Beweisaufnahmen pl
hearing of evidence
hearings of evidence
Blutkrankheit f, Bluterkrankung f med.
blood disorder
Depression f
Depressionen pl
Depressionen haben
jahreszeitlich bedingte Depression
to suffer from depression
seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Durchblutungsstörung f med.
Durchblutungsstörungen pl
vorübergehende Durchblutungsstörung
circulatory disorder
circulatory disorders
transient ischemic attack (TIA)
Dyspepsie f, Verdauungsstörung f med.
Dyspepsien pl, Verdauungsstörungen pl
dyspepsia, indigestion, digestive disorder
dyspepsias, indigestions, digestive disorders
Essstörung f med.
Essstörungen pl
eating disorder
eating disorders
Funktionsstörung f
functional disorder
Gehör n, Gehörsinn m
nach Gehör
feines Gehör
sich Gehör verschaffen
nach dem Gehör spielen
hearing, audition
by ear
discriminating ear
to obtain a hearing, to find one's voice
to play by ear
Gehörsinn m, Gehör n
sense of hearing, auditory sense
Geistesstörung f
mental disorder
Gerichtsverhandlung f
court hearing, (judicial) hearing
Hauptverhandlung f jur.
Hauptverhandlungen pl
vor der Hauptverhandlung
trial, actual trial, main hearing
trials, actual trials, main hearings
Hörgerät n med.
Hörgeräte pl
hearing aid
hearing aids
Hörgerät n
Hörgeräte pl
hearing device
hearing devices
Hörapparat m
Hörapparate pl
hearing aid
hearing aids
Hörschaden m, Gehörfehler m, Hörbehinderung f med.
hearing impairment, hearing defect
Hörsturz m, Gehörsturz m med.
acute hearing loss
Hörvermögen n
powers of hearing
Hörweite f, Rufweite f
in Rufweite
außer Hörweite
earshot, ear-shot, hearing distance, hearing range
within earshot, within hail, within hailing distance, within hearing distance, within hearing range, within cry
out of earshot
Kreislaufkrankheit f med.
circulatory disorder
Libidostörung f, Störung des sexuellen Verlangens
libido disorder
Persönlichkeitsstörung f
Persönlichkeitsstörungen pl
Selbstunsicher-vermeidende Persönlichkeitsstörung
personality disorder, personality disorder trait
personality disorders, personality disorder traits
avoidant personality disorder
Schule f
Schulen pl
in die Schule gehen
gemischte Schule für Mädchen und Jungen
Schule für Blinde
Schule für Gehörlose
Schule für Sehgeschädigte
Schule für Hörgeschädigte
Schule für Geistigbehinderte
Schule für Körperbehinderte
to go to school
coed school coll.
school for the blind
school for the deaf
school for the visually impaired
school for the hearing impaired
school for the mentally handicapped
school for the physically disabled
Schwerhörige m, f
die Schwerhörigen pl
person who is hard of hearing
the hard of hearing
Schwerhörigkeit f med.
hardness of hearing
Sprachstörung f
Sprachstörungen pl
speech disorder
speech disorders
Störung f med.
Störungen pl
nervöse Störungen
nervous disorders
Stoffwechselkrankheit f med.
Stoffwechselkrankheiten pl
metabolic disorder
metabolic disorders
Sühnetermin m
conciliation hearing
Unordnung f
in Unordnung
in Unordnung geraten
out of order
to get into disorder, to get into a state of disorder
in Unordnung bringen, zerrütten
in Unordnung bringend, zerrüttend
in Unordnung gebracht, zerrüttet
to disorder
Verhaltensstörung f
zwanghafte Verhaltensstörung f
behavioural disturbance, behavioral disturbance, behavioural disorder
obsessive-compulsive disorder
Vernehmung f, Verhör n jur.
Vernehmungen pl
Vernehmung eines Zeugen
hearing of a witness
Voruntersuchung f jur.
pre-trial hearings, preliminary hearing
Wahrnehmungsstörung f
perceptual disorder, perception disorder, distortion of perception
Wiederaufnahmeverfahren n
new hearing
Zwangsneurose f med.
Zwangsneurosen pl
compulsion neurosis, obsessive-compulsive disorder, obsessive neurosis, obsessional neurosis
compulsion neuroses
auditiv adj, das Gehör betreffend med.
auditory, hearing-related
feinhörig adj
am feinhörigsten
quick of hearing
quicker of hearing
quickest of hearing
sich freuen (auf) v
sich freuend
sich gefreut
Ich freue mich, von Ihnen zu hören.
to look forward (to)
looking forward
looked forward
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
hören v v (von)
sie hört
sie hörte
sie hat
hatte gehört
to hear {heard, heard} (of)
she hears
she heard
she has
had heard
hörgeschädigt adj
posttraumatisch adj med.
posttraumatische Belastungsstörung f (PTBS)
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
schwerhörig adj
hard of hearing
überhören v
eine Bemerkung überhören
not to hear, to ignore
not hearing, ignoring
not heard, ignored
to ignore a remark
verhaltensgestört adj
with a behavioural disorder
vernehmen, anhören
vernehmend, anhörend
vernommen, angehört
to hear {heard, heard}
Ich freue mich darauf, bald von Ihnen zu hören.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Wir sehen Ihren weiteren Nachrichten mit Interesse entgegen und verbleiben ...
We look forward to hearing from you and remain ...
conciliation hearing
in Unordnung bringen
hard of hearing
Gehoer, Hearing
hearing aid
hearing aids
hat ein gutes Gehör
hearing is very good
hearing of evidence
hearing wave
mental disorder
new hearing
quick of hearing
quicker of hearing
quickest of hearing
speech disorder
in Erwartung Ihrer baldigen Antwort
looking forward to hearing from you soon
Angststörung f psych.
generalisierte Angststörung GAS
anxiety disorder
generalized anxiety disorder GAD
Anhörung f; mündliche Verhandlung f jur.; Hearing n pol.
Anhörungen pl; Hearings pl; Verhandlungen pl
öffentliche Anhörung
eine Anhörung vertagen
public hearing
to adjourn a hearing
Anhörungstermin m jur.
Anhörungstermine pl
hearing date
hearing dates
Atemwegskrankheit f med.
Atemwegskrankheiten pl
respiratory disorder
respiratory disorders
Aufmerksamkeitsdefizitsyndrom n; ADS-Syndrom n; Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen pl psych.
Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivitätssyndrom n ADHS
attention deficit disorder ADD
attention deficit deficient hyperactivity disorder ADHD
Augenerkrankung f med.
Augenerkrankungen pl
eye disorder
eye disorders
Autoimmunerkrankung f; Autoimmunkrankheit f med.
Autoimmunerkrankungen pl; Autoimmunkrankheiten pl
autoimmune disease; autoimmune disorder
autoimmune diseases; autoimmune disorders
Berufungsverfahren n jur.
Berufungsverfahren pl
appeal proceedings; appellate hearing
appeal proceedingses; appellate hearings
Beweisaufnahme f; Beweiserhebung f jur.
Beweisaufnahmen pl; Beweiserhebungen pl
taking of evidence; hearing of evidence
takings of evidence; hearings of evidence
Blasenspeicherstörungen pl med.
urine storage disorder
Blutkrankheit f; Bluterkrankung f med.
Blutkrankheiten pl; Bluterkrankungen pl
blood disorder
blood disorders
Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung f BPS psych.
borderline personality disorder BPD
Chromosomenanomalie f med.
Chromosomenanomalien pl
chromosomal disorder
chromosomal disorders
jahreszeitlich bedingte Depression f; saisonal-affektive Störung f med.
Winterdepression f
Sommerdepression f
seasonal depression; seasonal affective disorder SAD
winter depression; winter blues
summer depression; summer blues
Durchblutungsstörung f med.
Durchblutungsstörungen pl
vorübergehende Durchblutungsstörung
circulatory disorder
circulatory disorders
transient ischemic attack TIA
Störung f des Geschmacksempfindens; Geschmackssinnstörung f; Dysgeusie f med.
distortion of sense of taste; taste gustatory disorder; dysgeusia; parageusia
Dysmenorrhoe f; Dysmorphophobie f; körperdysmorphe Störung f med.
body dysmorphic disorder BDD
Dyspepsie f; Verdauungsstörung f med.
Dyspepsien pl; Verdauungsstörungen pl
dyspepsia; indigestion; digestive disorder
dyspepsias; indigestions; digestive disorders
Dysthymia f; Dysthymie f; neurotische Depression f; dysthymische Störung f; chronische Depression f psych.
dysthymia; neurotic depression; dysthymic disorder; chronic depression
Ejakulationsstörung f med.
Ejakulationsstörungen pl
ejaculation disorder
ejaculation disorders
Endokrinopathie f med.
endocrine disorder
Entwicklungsstörung f
Entwicklungsstörungen pl
tiefgreifende Entwicklungsstörungen pl
developmental disorder
developmental disorders
pervasive developmental disorders
Frauenkrankheit f; Frauenleiden n med.
Frauenkrankheiten pl; Frauenleiden pl
gynaecological disorder Br.; gynecological disorder
gynaecological disorders; gynecological disorders
Gehör n (Anhören) übtr.
jdm. Gehör schenken
jdm. kein Gehör schenken
jdn. um Gehör bitten
bei jdm. Gehör finden
sich Gehör verschaffen
rechtliches Gehör jur.
Anspruch auf rechtliches Gehör jur.
ohne rechtliches Gehör verurteilt werden jur.
den Parteien rechtliches Gehör geben
Vor Gericht hat jeder Anspruch auf rechtliches Gehör.
hearing; audience
to hear sb.; to listen (impartially) to sb.; to give sb. a (fair) hearing
to refuse to listen to sb.
to request a hearing from sb.
to get a hearing from sb.
to make oneself heard; to make one's voice heard
hearing in accorance with the law; due process of law; day in court Am.
right to due process of law; right of audience; right to be heard before the court
to be convicted without a hearing
to give the parties opportunity for explanation
Before a court everyone shall be entitled to a hearing in accordance with the law.
Gehörorgan n; Hörorgan n anat.
Gehörorgane pl; Hörorgane pl
hearing organ; organ of hearing; auditory organ
hearing organs; organs of hearing; auditory organs
Gehörschaden m; Hörschaden m; Gehörleiden n med.
hearing defect
Gehörsinn m; Gehör n
sense of hearing; auditory sense
Gerichtstermin m (Anhörung) jur.
einen Gerichtstermin bekommen
date of hearing
to obtain a hearing
Gerichtsverhandlung f
court hearing; (judicial) hearing
Gerichtsverhandlung f
mündliche Verhandlung
court proceedings
oral proceedings; hearing
Gerinnungsstörung f med.
Gerinnungsstörung Koagulopathie bei Giftschlangenbiss
clotting disturbance; coagulation disorder
envenomation coagulopathy
Haftprüfungstermin m jur.
detention review hearing meeting; remand review hearing meeting Br.
Hauptverhandlung f jur.
Hauptverhandlungen pl
trial; actual trial; main hearing
trials; actual trials; main hearings
Hilfsmittel n; Hilfe f; Behelf m Ös.
Hilfsmittel pl; Hilfen pl; Behelfe pl
Gehhilfe f; Gehbehelf m Ös. med.
Behindertenhilfsmittel n
Hörhilfe f
Suchhilfe f comp.
Unterrichtsmittel n; Unterrichtshilfe f; Lehrmittel n; Lehrbehelf m Ös. school
Lernhilfe f; Lernbehelf m Ös. school
medizinisches Hilfsmittel; Heilbehelf Ös. med.
Navigationshilfe f aviat. naut.
Sehhilfe f; Sehbehelf m Ös. med.
visuelles Hilfsmittel; Anschauungsmaterial n school
Zielflughilfsmittel n aviat.
Ein Synonymenwörterbuch ist beim Schreiben ein nützliches Hilfsmittel.
walking aid; walker
disability aid; disabled aid
aid to hearing
search aid
teaching aid
learning aid; instructional aid
medical aid
navigational aid
low-vision aid
visual aid
homing aid
A synonym dictionary is a useful aid to writing.
Hörfähigkeit f med.
hearing ability; ability to hear; acouaesthesia
Hörgerät n; Hörapparat m techn. med.
Hörgeräte pl; Hörapparate pl
hearing aid; hearing device
hearing aids; hearing devices
Hörgeräteakustiker m; Hörgeräteakustikerin f
Hörgeräteakustiker pl; Hörgeräteakustikerinnen pl
acoustic-aid technician; hearing-aid maker
acoustic-aid technicians; hearing-aid makers
Hörgeräteträger m; Hörgeräteträgerin f
Hörgeräteträger pl; Hörgeräteträgerinnen pl
hearing-aid user wearer; hearing-device user
hearing-aid users wearers; hearing-device users
Hörbehinderte m f; Hörbehinderter med.
Hörbehinderten pl; Hörbehinderte
person with hearing disabilities
people with hearing disabilities
Hörentfernung f
earshot; hearing range
Hörschädigung f med.
Hörschädigungen pl
hearing impairment
hearing impairments
Hörschärfe f med.
hearing acuity; auditory acuity
Hörschaden m; Gehörfehler m; Hörbehinderung f med.
hearing impairment; hearing defect
Hörschleifen pl med. techn.
hearing loops
Hörschwelle f med.
hearing threshold; auditory threshold
Hörschwund m med.
hearing loss; loss of hearing
Hörstörung f med.
Hörstörungen pl
hearing disorder; defective hearing; auditory dysfunction; paracousia; parac(o)usis
hearing disorders; auditory dysfunctions
Hörstatus m med.
hearing level
Hörstummheit f; Stummheit f bei intaktem Hörvermögen med.
hearing mutism; audimutism
Hörsturz m; Gehörsturz m; akuter Hörverlust m med.
Hörstürze pl; Gehörstürze pl
acute hearing loss; sudden loss of hearing
acute hearing losses; sudden losses of hearing
Hörtest m; Hörprobe f med.
Hörtests pl; Hörproben pl
Politzerscher Hörtest
hearing test; auditory analysis; audiometry
hearing tests; auditory analyses; audiometries
Politzer's test
Hörverlust m med.
loss of the ability to hear; loss of hearing
Hörvermögen n; Hörfähigkeit f; Gehör n; Ohr n ugs. med.
ein scharfes Gehör haben
wachsames Ohr; gutes Gehör
ein sehr gutes Gehör haben
nach Gehör
feines Gehör
ein absolutes Gehör haben mus.
nach dem Gehör spielen
nach Gehör einparken iron. humor.
Er hört gut schlecht.
power of hearing; ability to hear; hearing; audition; ear
to have acute hearing
sharp ear
to have excellent hearing
by ear
discriminating ear
to have perfect pitch
to play by ear
to park by feel touch
His hearing is good poor.
Hörweite f; Rufweite f
in Rufweite
außer Hörweite
earshot; ear-shot; hearing distance; hearing range
within earshot; within hail; within hailing distance; within hearing distance; within hearing range; within cry
out of earshot
Immunkrankheit f; immunologische Krankheit f med.
Immunkrankheiten pl; immunologische Krankheiten pl
immune disorder; immunological disease
immune disorders; immunological diseases
Induktionschleifenanlage f; induktive Höranlage (für Hörgeräteträger) f techn.
audio-frequency induction loop AFIL ; (audio) induction loop (for hearing-aid users)
Insomnie f; Agrypnie f; Schlaflosigkeit f; Schlafstörung f med.
insomnia; agrypnia; sleeplessness; sleep disorder; sleep disturbance
Kommunikationsstörung f
Kommunikationsstörungen pl
communication disorder
communication disorders
Lärmschwerhörigkeit f; Lärmtraumataubheit f med.
noise-induced hearing loss NIHL ; noise trauma deafness
Lebererkrankung f; Leberkrankheit f med.
Lebererkrankungen pl; Leberkrankheiten pl
liver disease; liver disorder
liver diseases; liver disorders
Libidostörung f; Störung des sexuellen Verlangens
libido disorder
Lymphdrüsenkrankheit f med.
lymphatic system disorder
Messie-Syndrom n; Desorganisationsproblematik f psych.
compulsive hoarding; hoarding disorder
Muskel-Skelett-Krankheit f med.
Muskel-Skelett-Krankheiten pl
musculoskeletal disorder
musculoskeletal disorders
Nervenkrankheit f (psychisch)
nervous disease disorder; mental disorder illness
Persönlichkeitsstörung f
Persönlichkeitsstörungen pl
zwanghafte Persönlichkeitsstörung; anankastische Persönlichkeitsstörung
Selbstunsicher-vermeidende Persönlichkeitsstörung
personality disorder; personality disorder trait
personality disorders; personality disorder traits
obsessive-compulsive personality disorder OCPD
avoidant personality disorder
Phobie f; Angst f
Phobien pl; Ängste pl
phobia; phobic disorder
phobias; phobic disorders
Pigmentstörung f med.
Pigmentstörungen pl
Pigmentstörung der Nägel
pigmentation disorder; pigment disorder; dyschromia; melanopathy
pigmentation disorders; pigment disorders
Poltern n (Sprechstörung)
cluttering (speech disorder)
Prostataerkrankung f; Prostatakrankheit f med.
Prostataerkrankungen pl; Prostatakrankheiten pl
prostate disease; prostate disorder
prostate diseases; prostate disorders
Prozessgericht n jur.
Prozessgerichte pl
trial court; law court hearing the case
trial courts; law courts hearing the case

Deutsche Hörstörung {f} [med.] / Hörstörungen {pl} Synonyme

Englische hearing disorder; defective hearing; auditory dysfunction; paracousia; paracusis Synonyme

hearing disorder Definition

(n.) Want of order or regular disposition
(n.) Neglect of order or system
(n.) Breach of public order
(n.) Disturbance of the functions of the animal economy of the soul
(v. t.) To disturb the order of
(v. t.) To disturb or interrupt the regular and natural functions of (either body or mind)
(v. t.) To depose from holy orders.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Hear
(n.) The act or power of perceiving sound
(n.) Attention to what is delivered
(n.) A listening to facts and evidence, for the sake of adjudication
(n.) Extent within which sound may be heard

hearing disorder Bedeutung

violent disorder
violently angry and destructive behavior
the act of hearing attentively, you can learn a lot by just listening, they make good music--you should give them a hearing
hearing (law) a proceeding (usually by a court) where evidence is taken for the purpose of determining an issue of fact and reaching a decision based on that evidence
administrative hearing a hearing that takes place outside the judicial process before hearing examiners who have been granted judicial authority specifically for the purpose of conducting such hearings
competence hearing a hearing to determine legal capacity (to determine whether the defendant can understand the charges and cooperate with a lawyer in preparing a defense)
fair hearing a hearing that is granted in extraordinary situations where the normal judicial process would be inadequate to secure due process because the person would be harmed or denied their rights before a judicial remedy became available (as in deportation or loss of welfare benefits)
hearing dog dog trained to assist the deaf by signaling the occurrence of certain sounds
hearing aid
ear trumpet
a conical acoustic device formerly used to direct sound to the ear of a hearing-impaired person
hearing aid deaf-aid an electronic device that amplifies sound and is worn to compensate for poor hearing
organ of hearing the part of the ear that is responsible for sensations of sound
auditory sense
sense of hearing
auditory modality
the ability to hear, the auditory faculty, his hearing was impaired
colored hearing
colored audition
a form of chromesthesia in which experiences of color accompany auditory stimuli
hearing a session (of a committee or grand jury) in which witnesses are called and testimony is taken, the investigative committee will hold hearings in Chicago
confirmation hearing a hearing held by the US Senate to gather information on whether to approve or reject candidates for high federal office who are nominated by the president
the range within which a voice can be heard, the children were told to stay within earshot
hearing examiner
hearing officer
an official appointed by a government agency to conduct an investigation or administrative hearing so that the agency can exercise its statutory powers
disorder a disturbance of the peace or of public order
immunological disorder a disorder of the immune system
sleep terror disorder
pavor nocturnus
a disorder of sleep characterized by a dream of terrifying dimensions far worse than a typical nightmare, they occur during NREM sleep
disorder upset a physical condition in which there is a disturbance of normal functioning, the doctor prescribed some medicine for the disorder, everyone gets stomach upsets from time to time
functional disorder disorder showing symptoms for which no physiological or anatomical cause can be identified
organic disorder disorder caused by a detectable physiological or structural change in an organ
acute brain disorder
acute organic brain syndrome
any disorder (as sudden confusion or disorientation) in an otherwise normal person that is due to reversible (temporary) impairment of brain tissues (as by head injuries or drugs or infection)
eating disorder a disorder of the normal eating routine
attention deficit disorder
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
hyperkinetic syndrome
minimal brain dysfunction
minimal brain damage
a condition (mostly in boys) characterized by behavioral and learning disorders
bladder disorder a disorder of the urinary bladder
degenerative disorder condition leading to progressive loss of function
glandular disease
gland disease
glandular disorder
a disorder of the glands of the body
learning disorder
learning disability
a disorder found in children of normal intelligence who have difficulties in learning specific skills
food poisoning
gastrointestinal disorder
illness caused by poisonous or contaminated food
idiopathic disease
idiopathic disorder
any disease arising from internal dysfunctions of unknown cause
monogenic disorder
monogenic disease
an inherited disease controlled by a single pair of genes
polygenic disorder
polygenic disease
an inherited disease controlled by several genes at once
mental disorder
mental disturbance
disturbance psychological disorder
(psychiatry) a psychological disorder of thought or emotion, a more neutral term than mental illness
metabolic disorder a disorder or defect of metabolism
nervous disorder
neurological disorder
neurological disease
a disorder of the nervous system
brain disorder
brain disease
any disorder or disease of the brain
kidney disease
renal disorder
a disease affecting the kidneys
respiratory disease
respiratory illness
respiratory disorder
a disease affecting the respiratory system
genetic disease
genetic disorder
genetic abnormality
genetic defect
congenital disease
inherited disease
inherited disorder
hereditary disease
hereditary condition
a disease or disorder that is inherited genetically
autosomal dominant disease
autosomal dominant disorder
a disease caused by a dominant mutant gene on an autosome
autoimmune disease
autoimmune disorder
any of a large group of diseases characterized by abnormal functioning of the immune system that causes your immune system to produce antibodies against your own tissues
blood disease
blood disorder
a disease or disorder of the blood
skin disease
disease of the skin
skin disorder
a disease affecting the skin
sleep disorder a disturbance of the normal sleep pattern
anxiety disorder a cover term for a variety of mental disorders in which severe anxiety is a salient symptom
generalized anxiety disorder
anxiety reaction
an anxiety disorder characterized by chronic free-floating anxiety and such symptoms as tension or sweating or trembling or lightheadedness or irritability etc that has lasted for more than six months
obsessiveompulsive disorder an anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent and persistent thoughts and feelings and repetitive, ritualized behaviors
panic disorder an anxiety disorder characterized by unpredictable panic attacks, the attacks are usually severe but brief
phobic disorder
phobic neurosis
an anxiety disorder characterized by extreme and irrational fear of simple things or social situations, phobic disorder is a general term for all phobias
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