
heart breaker Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Herzensbrecher m
Herzensbrecher m; verführerischer Typ Mann Frau; flatterhafter Charmeur; flatterhafte Charmeurin
Appretbrecher m textil.
finish breaker
Ausschalter m
Betonbrecher m constr.
Betonbrecher pl
concrete breaker
concrete breakers
Durchlaufbrecher m techn.
Durchlaufbrecher pl
feeder breaker
feeder breakers
Extrasystole f, vorzeitige Kontraktion des Herzmuskels med.
extrasystole, premature heart contraction
Fehlerstrom-Schutzschalter m, FI-Schalter electr.
residual-current circuit-breaker
Fettherz n, Adipositas cordis, Lipomatosis cordis med.
fatty heart
im Grunde genommen, im Innersten
at heart
Gürtelreifen m
belted tyre, braced tread tyre, rigid breaker tyre (tire Am.)
Herz n anat.
Herzen pl
aus tiefstem Herzen
von ganzem Herzen
aus tiefstem Herzen, aus innerster Seele
aus tiefstem Herzen danken
etw. auf dem Herzen haben
ins Herz schließen
ins Herz geschlossen
jdn. ans Herz drücken
jdm. ans Herz gewachsen sein
sich etw. zu Herzen nehmen
sich ein Herz fassen, mutig sein
Sei tapfer!, Sei mutig!
schweren Herzens
ans Herz drücken, an die Brust drücken, ins Herz schließen
ein Herz aus Stein übtr.
Hand aufs Herz!
from the bottom of the heart
with all my heart, dearly
with all one's heart and with all one's soul
to thank from the bottom of one's heart
to have sth. on the mind
to take into one's heart
locked in one's heart
to press (sb.) close to one's heart
to be dear to sb.'s heart
to take root
to take heart
Take heart!
with a heavy heart
to embosom (poetically, archaic)
a heart of stone, a heart of flint
cross your heart!
Herzanfall m med.
Herzanfälle pl
heart attack
heart attacks
Herzbeutel m anat.
heart sac
Herzbeschwerden pl med.
heart trouble
Herzchirurg m med.
heart surgeon, cardiac surgeon
Herzchirurgie f med.
heart surgery, cardiac surgery
Herzdekompensation f med.
cardiac decompensation, congestive heart failure
Herzensbrecher m
Herzenswunsch m, Lieblingswunsch m
nach Herzenslust
ihr Herzenswunsch
heart's desire
to one's heart's content, to the top of one's bent
her fondest wish
Herzerweiterung f med.
dilatation of the heart
Herzflimmern n
heart flutter
Herzfrequenz f med.
heart rate
Herzgeräusch n med.
Herzgeräusche pl
heart murmur
heart murmurs
Herzinfarkt m med.
heart attack, coronary
Herzinsuffizienz f med.
heart failure, heart insufficiency
Herzkirsche f bot.
heart cherry, sweet cherry
Herzklappe f med.
cardiac valve, heart valve
Herzklappenfehler m med.
valvular defect, valvular heart defect, valvular insufficiency, heart valve defect
Herzklopfen n
beating of the heart, cardiac palpations
Herzkrankheit f med.
Herzkrankheiten pl
heart disease
heart diseases
Herz-Kreislauf-System n med.
heart circulation system, cardiovascular system
Herzleiden n
heart disease, heart condition, heart trouble
Herz-Lungen-Maschine f med.
heart-lung machine
Herzmassage f
heart massage, cardiac massage
Herzoperation f med.
Herzoperationen pl
heart surgery
heart surgeries
Herzrhythmusstörung f med.
disturbance of the heart rhythm, disturbance of the cardiac rhythm
Herzschlagfrequenz f med.
heart rate
Herzschmerz m, Herzschmerzen pl med.
(stabbing) pain in the region of the heart
Herzschrittmacher m med.
pacemaker, cardiac pacemaker, heart pacemaker
Herzstück n
heart, core
Herztod m med.
plötzlicher Herztod
death from heart disease, cardiac death
sudden cardiac death
Herzverpflanzung f med.
Herzverpflanzungen pl
heart transplant
heart transplants
Herzversagen n med.
heart failure
Herzwärme f
heart warming
Innerste n, Innerstes
das Innerste verletzend
innermost part, heart, core, innermost being
Kardiologe m, Kardiologin f, Herzspezialist m, Herzspezialistin f med.
Kardiologen pl, Kardiologinnen pl, Herzspezialisten pl, Herzspezialistinnen pl
cardiologist, heart specialist
cardiologists, heart specialists
Kernfäule f
heart rot
Leib m
mit Leib und Seele
with heart and soul
Leistungsschalter m, Leistungsschutzschalter m electr.
circuit breaker, power circuit-breaker
Maschinenstürmer m, Maschinenstürmerin f, Luddit m hist.
Maschinenstürmer pl, Maschinenstürmerinnen pl, Ludditen pl
luddite, machine breaker, machine wrecker
luddites, machine breakers, machine wreckers
Motorschutzschalter m
motor protection circuit breaker, motor circuit-breaker
Mutterherz n
mother's heart
Palpitation f, Herzklopfen n med.
palpitation (of the heart)
etw. auf den Punkt bringen
to get to the heart of sth.
Selbstprüfung f
Spenderherz n med.
Spenderherzen pl
donor heart
donor hearts
Stauungsinsuffizienz f med.
congestive heart failure
Streikbrecher m
Streikbrecher pl
strike breaker, strikebreaker
strike breakers, strikebreakers
Stromkreisunterbrecher m
circuit breaker
Tachykardie f, Herzrasen n med.
tachycardia, racing heart
Trennschalter m
circuit breaker, isolating switch, disconnect switch
Unterbrecher m, Trennschalter m
breaker, contact breaker
Unterbrecherkontakt m
breaker contact
Zottenherz n med.
hairy heart
Zwischenbau m (Diagonal)
breaker (diagonal)
jdm. sein Herz ausschütten
to unburden one's heart to sb.
auswendig adj
etw. auswendig lernen
etw. auswendig wissen
by heart, by rote
to learn by heart, to learn sth. by rote
to know sth. by heart
to take to heart, to heed
sich zu Tode grämen
to die of a broken heart, to pine away
gutherzig adj
gutherzig sein
to have a kind heart
herzförmig adj
heart-shaped, cordate, cordiform
herzkrank adj med.
suffering from heart condition
herzzerbrechend, herzzerreißend adj
heartbreaking, heart-rending, heartrending
jung adj
am jüngsten
(bei) Jung und Alt
nicht mehr ganz jung
jung geblieben
sehr jung
(in) young and elderly
young at heart
very young
pochen, heftig schlagen v (Herz)
pochend, heftig schlagend
gepocht, heftig geschlagen
mit pochendem Herzen
to pound
with a pounding heart
schwer adj
am schwersten
Wie schwer bist du?
Ihr wurde schwer ums Herz.
Mir werden die Beine schwer.
How much do you weigh?
Her heart grew heavy.
My legs grow heavy.
sie schwört
sie schwor
sie hat
hatte geschworen
sie schwüre
Ich schwöre bei meiner Seele.
to swear {swore, sworn}
she swears
she swore
she has
had sworn
she would swear
I cross my heart and hope to die.
sich verzehren
to eat one's heart out fig.
Gürtelkantenlösung f
breaker edge looseness
Gürtellage f
breaker ply, bracing ply (radial)
Gürtelstreifen m
breaker strip
Stahlgürtelreifen m
steel belted tyre, steel breaker tyre
Außen hui, innen pfui! Sprw.
All show and no substance!, A fair face may hide a foul heart. prov.
Die Liebe wächst mit der Entfernung. Sprw.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. prov.
Du meine Güte!
Bless my heart!
Er nimmt es sich zu Herzen.
He's taking it to heart.
Er starb an einem Herzschlag.
He died of a heart attack.
Er war mit Leib und Seele dabei.
He put his heart and soul in it.
Ich habe sie ins Herz geschlossen.
I have taken her to my heart.
Lass dich nicht entmutigen!
Don't lose heart!
Mein Herz schlägt schnell.
My heart beats fast.
Mir rutschte das Herz in die Hose.
My heart was in my mouth.
Mir wird bange ums Herz.
I become anxious., My heart sinks., I get a sinking feeling.
Sie erleichterte ihr Herz.
She lightened her heart.
Sie schüttete mir ihr Herz aus.
She poured her heart out to me.
Perez-Salmler m, Fahnen-Kirschflecksalmler m (Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma) zool.
bleeding heart tetra
Brandtaube f ornith.
Bartlett's Bleeding Heart
Negrostaube f ornith.
Negros Bleeding Heart
Dolchstichtaube f ornith.
Luzon Bleeding Heart
Tawitawitaube f ornith.
Tawitawi Bleeding Heart
Platentaube f ornith.
Mindoro Bleeding Heart
Goldbrusttaube f ornith.
Golden Heart
Rundschwanzspecht m ornith.
Heart-spotted Woodpecker
Ich liebe dich von ganzem Herzen!
LYWAMH : Love you with all my heart!
ein Herz aus Stein
a heart of flint
ein Herz aus Stein
a heart of stone
im Grunde genommen
at heart
beating of the heart
Du meine Güte
bless my heart
Unterbrecher, Trennschalter
by heart
circuit breaker
lass dich nicht entmutigen
don't lose heart
auswendig lernen
get by heart
er nimmt es sich zu Herzen
he's taking it to heart
Er starb an einem Herzschlag
he died of a heart attack
er war mit Leib und Seele dabei
he put his heart and soul in it
heart attack
heart attacks
heart beat
heart disease
heart rending
heart rot
heart shaped
heart specialist
heart specialists
heart transplant
heart transplants
heart trouble
heart warming
mein Herz schlaegt schnell
my heart beats fast
war mit Leib und Seele dabei
put her heart and soul in it
war mit Leib und Seele dabei
put his heart and soul in it
strike breaker
nimmt es sich zu Herzen
taking it to heart
das Herz schlägt
the heart beats
auswendig lernen
to learn by heart
schweren Herzens
with a heavy heart
von ganzem Herzen
with all my heart
kultureller Mittelpunkt
cultural heart
Erkrankung des Herzens
heart disease
Abbruchfirma f; Abbruchunternehmen n constr.
Abbruchfirmen pl; Abbruchunternehmen pl
demolition company; house breaker Br.; wrecking company Am.; housewrecker Am.; wrecker Am.
demolition companies; house breakers; wrecking companies; housewreckers; wreckers
Aortenherz n; Aortenkonfiguration f; Schuhform des Herzens med.
boat shaped heart
Astern pl (Aster) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Alpenaster f (Aster alpinus)
Alpenmaßliebchen n (Aster bellidiastrum)
Kalkaster f; Bergaster f (Aster amellus)
Kissenaster f (Aster dumosus)
Myrtenaster f; Septemberkraut n (Aster ericoides)
Schleieraster f (Aster cordifolius)
asters (botanical genus)
alpine aster
false aster; daisy star
Italian aster
bushy aster; rice button aster
(white) heath aster
heart-leaved aster; blue wood aster
Ausschalter m
Ausschalter pl
cut-off switch; cutoff switch; breaker
cut-off switches; cutoff switches; breakers
Autoschrottplatz m; Autoverwertungsplatz m; Autoverwertung f (in Eigennamen)
Autoschrottplätze pl; Autoverwertungsplätze pl; Autoverwertungen pl
car breaker's yard; automobile wreck yard; wrecker's yard; wrecking yard Austr. Can. NZ; car dismantling yard Br.; car dismantler's yard Br.; salvage yard Am.
car breaker's yards; automobile wreck yards; wrecker's yards; wrecking yards; car dismantling yards; car dismantler's yards; salvage yards
Backenbrecher m techn.
Backenbrecher pl
Ein-Kniehebelbrecher m
Doppel-Kniehebelbrecher m
jawcrusher; jaw crusher; jaw breaker
jawcrushers; jaw crushers; jaw breakers
single-toggle jaw crusher
double-toggle jaw crusher

Deutsche Herzensbrecher {m} Synonyme

Englische heart-breaker Synonyme

heart breaker Definition

(n.) One who, or that which, breaks.
(n.) Specifically: A machine for breaking rocks, or for breaking coal at the mines
(n.) A small water cask.
(n.) A wave breaking into foam against the shore, or against a sand bank, or a rock or reef near the surface.
(a.) False-hearted.
(n.) A hollow, muscular organ, which, by contracting rhythmically, keeps up the circulation of the blood.
(n.) The seat of the affections or sensibilities, collectively or separately, as love, hate, joy, grief, courage, and the like
(n.) The nearest the middle or center
(n.) Courage
(n.) Vigorous and efficient activity
(n.) That which resembles a heart in shape
(n.) One of a series of playing cards, distinguished by the figure or figures of a heart
(n.) Vital part
(n.) A term of affectionate or kindly and familiar address.
(v. t.) To give heart to
(v. i.) To form a compact center or heart
(a.) Preying on the heart.
(a.) Depriving of thought
(a.) Stealing the heart or affections
(n.) Ease of heart
(n.) A species of violet (Viola tricolor)
(n.) A part of the breastbone.
(a.) Having the heart or affections free
(a.) With unbroken courage
(a.) Of a single and sincere heart.
(a.) Wounded to the heart with love or grief.
(n.) A very brave person.
(n.) Any contractile vessel of invertebrates which is not of the nature of a real heart, especially one of those pertaining to the excretory system.
(n.) A somewhat heart-shaped cherry with a whitish skin.

heart breaker Bedeutung

cardiac massage
heart massage
an emergency procedure that employs rhythmic compression of the heart (either through the chest wall or, during surgery, directly to the heart) in an attempt to maintain circulation during cardiac arrest
heart surgery any surgical procedure involving the heart
closed-heart surgery heart surgery in which a small incision is made (the chest cavity is not opened)
open-heart surgery heart surgery in which the rib cage is spread open, the heart is stopped and blood is detoured through a heart-lung machine while a heart valve or coronary artery is surgically repaired
a job or situation that is demanding and arduous and punishing, Vietnam was a ball-breaker
heart urchin sea urchin having a heart-shaped body in a rigid spiny shell
c acid
back breaker
dose dot
loony toons
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
pane superman
window pane
street name for lysergic acid diethylamide
artificial heart a pump that replaces the natural heart
cardiac monitor
heart monitor
a piece of electronic equipment for continual observation of the function of the heart
circuit breaker
a device that trips like a switch and opens the circuit when overloaded
distributor point
breaker point
a contact in the distributor, as the rotor turns its projecting arm contacts them and current flows to the spark plugs
heart a playing card in the major suit that has one or more red hearts on it, he led the queen of hearts, hearts were trumps
heart-lung machine a pump to maintain circulation during heart surgery, diverts blood from the heart and oxygenates it and then pumps it through the body
heart valve an implant that replaces a natural cardiac valve
Jarvik heart
Jarvik artificial heart
a kind of artificial heart that has been used with some success
sodium thiopental
purple heart
a long-acting barbiturate used as a sedative
heart spirit an inclination or tendency of a certain kind, he had a change of heart
cardiac rhythm
heart rhythm
the rhythm of a beating heart
heart mettle nerve
the courage to carry on, he kept fighting on pure spunk, you haven't got the heart for baseball
the hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum and between the lungs, its rhythmic contractions move the blood through the body, he stood still, his heart thumping wildly
athlete's heart enlarged heart commonly found among athletes trained for endurance
biauriculate heart a heart (as of mammals and birds and reptiles) having two auricles
cardiac muscle
heart muscle
the muscle tissue of the heart, adapted to continued rhythmic contraction
ventricle heart ventricle a chamber of the heart that receives blood from an atrium and pumps it to the arteries
atrium cordis
atrium of the heart
the upper chamber of each half of the heart
right atrium
right atrium of the heart
atrium dextrum
the right upper chamber of the heart that receives blood from the venae cavae and coronary sinus
left atrium
left atrium of the heart
atrium sinistrum
the left upper chamber of the heart that receives blood from the pulmonary veins
heart valve
cardiac valve
a valve to control one-way flow of blood
the locus of feelings and intuitions, in your heart you know it is true, her story would melt your bosom
substance core
heart heart and soul
inwardness marrow
nitty-gritty f a e a c
the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience, the gist of the prosecutor's argument, the heart and soul of the Republican Party, the nub of the story
Order of the Purple Heart
Purple Heart
a United States military decoration awarded to any member of the armed forces who is wounded in action
heart-to-heart an intimate talk in private, he took me aside for a little heart-to-heart
waves breaking on the shore
broken heart devastating sorrow and despair, he is recovering from a broken heart, a broken heart languishes here
tenderness heart warmness
a positive feeling of liking, he had trouble expressing the affection he felt, the child won everyone's heart, the warmness of his welcome made us feel right at home
heart a firm rather dry variety meat (usually beef or veal), a five-pound beef heart will serve six
artichoke heart the tender fleshy center of the immature artichoke flower
heart cherry
oxheart cherry
large heart-shaped sweet cherry with soft flesh
bullock's heart
Jamaica apple
large heart-shaped tropical fruit with soft acid pulp
center centre middle
an area that is approximately central within some larger region, it is in the center of town, they ran forward into the heart of the struggle, they were in the eye of the storm
Heart of Dixie
Camellia State
a state in the southeastern United States on the Gulf of Mexico, one of the Confederate states during the American Civil War
a demanding woman who destroys men's confidence
bleeding heart someone who is excessively sympathetic toward those who claim to be exploited or underprivileged
a quarry worker who splits off blocks of stone
heart specialist
heart surgeon
a specialist in cardiology, a specialist in the structure and function and disorders of the heart
iconoclast image breaker a destroyer of images used in religious worship
someone who breaks a record
ship-breaker a contractor who buys old ships and breaks them up for scrap
stone breaker someone who breaks up stone
bullock's heart
bullock's heart tree
bullock heart
Annona reticulata
small tropical American tree bearing a bristly heart-shaped acid tropical fruit
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The heart is a muscular organ in humans and other animals, which pumps blood through the blood vessels of the circulatory system. Blood provides the body with oxygen and nutrients, as well as assists in the removal of metabolic wastes. The heart is located in the middle compartment of the chest.