
hereditary Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

hereditary enemy
hereditary title
Erbfehler m
hereditary defect
hereditary defect
Erbkrankheit f med.
hereditary disease
hereditary disease
hereditary enemies
erbliche Veranlagung f; genetische Veranlagung f med. psych.
hereditary disposition
Erbanlage f
hereditary disposition
erblich; hereditär adj
erblicher Titel m
hereditary title
Erbfaktor m biol.
Erbfaktoren pl
gene; hereditary factor
Erbfaktor m biol.
Erbfaktoren pl
gene, hereditary factor
Erbanspruch m
Erbansprüche pl
hereditary title
hereditary titles
Erbfeind m
Erbfeinde pl
hereditary enemy
hereditary enemies
Erbprinz m hist.
Erbprinzen pl
hereditary prince
hereditary princes
Erbkrankheit f med.
Erbkrankheiten pl
hereditary disease
hereditary diseases
Erbanlagen pl
hereditary factors; hereditary characteristics
jds. Baurecht n (subjektives Recht) jur.
Erbbaurecht n
sb.'s building right; sb.'s right to erect buildings
hereditary building right; heritable building right
Monarchie f pol.
Monarchien pl
absolute Monarchie
konstitutionelle Monarchie
konstitutionelle Erbmonarchie
Militärmonarchie f
die Donaumonarchie hist.
absolute monarchy
constitutional monarchy
hereditary constitutional monarchy
military monarchy
the Danube Monarchy
Gelenksdeformation f; Gelenksfehlbildung f; Gelenksdysplasie f med.
angeborene Gelenksdeformation f
Ellenbogengelenksfehlbildung f; Ellenbogengelenksdysplasie f
dysplasia of a joint; arthrodysplasia
hereditary deformity of a joint
deformity of the elbow joint; dysplasia of the elbow joint; ellbow dysplasia
Chorea f; Veitstanz m obs. (Morbus saltatorius) med.
Chorea bei aufrechter Körperhaltung
chronisch progressive hereditäre Chorea; Huntington'sche Chorea; Huntington-Krankheit (Morbus Huntington)
Kehlkopfchorea f
progressive hereditary chorea; degenerative adult hereditary chorea; Huntington's chorea; Huntington's disease
laryngeal chorea
Erbgutschaden m biochem.
Erbgutschäden pl
hereditary defect; hereditary injury; damage to the inherited characteristics
hereditary defects; hereditary injuries; damages to the inherited characteristics
Epithelablösung f; Oberhautablösung f mit Blasenbildung; Nikolskisches Zeichen n; Epidermolyse f; Epidermolysis f med.
Epidermolysis bullosa
Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica
Epidermolysis bullosa hereditaria letalis
Epidermolysis bullosa simplex
bullous epidermolysis; Köbner's disease; Goldscheider's disease
dystrophic bullous epidermolysis
lethal hereditary bullous epidermolysis
simple bullous epidermolysis
Epithelablösung f; Oberhautablösung f mit Blasenbildung; Nikolskisches Zeichen n; Epidermolyse f; Epidermolysis f med.
Epidermolysis bullosa
Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica
Epidermolysis bullosa hereditaria letalis
Epidermolysis bullosa simplex
bullous epidermolysis; Köbner's disease; Goldscheider's disease
dystrophic bullous epidermolysis
lethal hereditary bullous epidermolysis
simple bullous epidermolysis
Gen n; Erbanlage f; Erbfaktor m biochem.
Gene pl; Erbanlagen pl; Erbfaktoren pl
gefloxtes Gen
geschlechtsbeeinflusstes Gen
geschlechtsbeschränktes Gen
homöotisches Gen
Hox-Gen n
Maternaleffekt-Gen n
Tumorsuppressor-Gen n
mehrere Gene betreffend
bestimmte Gene einschalten anschalten
schützende Gene ausschalten abschalten
gene; unit of heredity; hereditary factor
genes; units of heredity; hereditary factors
floxed gene
sex-influenced gene
sex-limited gene
homeotic gene
hox gene
maternal effect gene
tumour suppressor gene
to switch on specific genes
to switch off; to silence protective genes
Adel m; Aristokratie f soc.
von Adel sein
niederer Adel
der hohe und niedere Adel
geistiger Adel
Adel verpflichtet.
Erbadel m
Geburtsadel m
Geblütsadel m
Landadel m
Uradel m
Adligen pl; Adlige
nobility; aristocracy
to be a member of the nobility
low nobility aristocracy; gentry Br.
the nobility and the gentry Br.
intellectual elite
Noblesse oblige.
hereditary nobility aristocracy
nobility aristocracy by birth
nobility asristocracy by blood
landed nobility aristocracy
ancient nobility aristocracy
Adel m; Aristokratie f soc.
von Adel sein
niederer Adel
der hohe und niedere Adel
geistiger Adel
Adel verpflichtet.
Erbadel m
Geburtsadel m
Geblütsadel m
Landadel m
Schwertadel m
Uradel m
Adligen pl; Adeligen pl; Adlige
nobility; aristocracy
to be a member of the nobility
low nobility aristocracy; gentry Br.
the nobility and the gentry Br.
intellectual elite
Noblesse oblige.
hereditary nobility aristocracy
nobility aristocracy by birth
nobility asristocracy by blood
landed nobility aristocracy
nobility of the sword; nobles of the sword
ancient nobility aristocracy

hereditary Definition

(a.) Descended, or capable of descending, from an ancestor to an heir at law
(a.) Transmitted, or capable of being transmitted, as a constitutional quality or condition from a parent to a child

hereditary Bedeutung

inheritance hereditary pattern (genetics) attributes acquired via biological heredity from the parents
hereditary cerebellar ataxia nervous disorder of late childhood and early adulthood, characterized by ataxic gait and hesitating or explosive speech and nystagmus
genetic disease
genetic disorder
genetic abnormality
genetic defect
congenital disease
inherited disease
inherited disorder
hereditary disease
hereditary condition
a disease or disorder that is inherited genetically
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy
a form of neuropathy that can begin between childhood and young adulthood, characterized by weakness and atrophy of the muscles of the hands and lower legs, progression is slow and individuals affected can have a normal life span, inheritance is X-linked recessive or X-linked dominant
hereditary patrimonial
inherited or inheritable by established rules (usually legal rules) of descent, ancestral home, ancestral lore, hereditary monarchy, patrimonial estate, transmissible tradition
hereditary inherited
transmitted transmissible
occurring among members of a family usually by heredity, an inherited disease, familial traits, genetically transmitted features
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