
labyrinth Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Labyrinth n
Labyrinthe pl
labyrinth, maze
Labyrinth n
Labyrinthe pl
labyrinth; maze
Labyrinthdichtung f techn.
Labyrinthdichtungen pl
labyrinth seal
labyrinth seals
Labyrinthwehr n
Labyrinthwehre pl
labyrinth weir
labyrinth weirs
Labyrinthstopfbuchse f techn.
Labyrinthstopfbuchsen pl
labyrinth gland
labyrinth glands
Irrgarten m
Irrgärten pl
maze, labyrinth, knot garden
mazes, labyrinths, knot gardens
Irrgarten m
Irrgärten pl
maze; labyrinth; knot garden
mazes; labyrinths; knot gardens
Innenohr n; Labyrinth n (Labyrinthus) anat.
häutiges Labyrinth
knöchernes Labyrinth
inner ear; labyrinth (of the ear)
membranous labyrinth
bony labyrinth; osseous labyrinth
Wehr n (Wasserbau)
Wehre pl
bewegliches Wehr
Dachstauwehr n; Dachwehr n
festes Wehr
fest gemauertes Wehr
Fischwehr n
Gabionenwehr n
Jalousiewehr n; Rollvorhangwehr n; Rollladenwehr n; Caméréwehr n
Labyrinthwehr n
Nadelwehr n hist.
Regulierwehr n
Segmentwehr n
Stauwehr n; Rückhaltewehr n
Streichwehr n
Ãœberfallwehr n; Ãœberlaufwehr n
weir (water engineering)
gated weir; controlled weir; barrage
bear-trap weir; bear-trap gate; roof weir
fixed-crest weir; uncontrolled weir
solid masonry weir
fishing weir; fish weir; fishgarth; kiddle
gabion weir
curtain weir; Caméré weir
labyrinth weir
needle weir; needle dam Am.
regulating weir
segmental weir; radial weir
retaining weir; pounding dam
side weir; lateral weir
overfall weir; overflow weir; overfall spillway; overflow spillway

Deutsche Irrgarten Synonyme

Irrgarten  ÂLabyrinth  
Irrgarten  Labyrinth  

Englische labyrinth Synonyme

labyrinth  Chinese puzzle  Gordian knot  Rube Goldberg contraption  can of worms  complex  jungle  knot  maze  meander  mesh  mess  morass  perplex  ravel  skein  snafu  snake pit  snarl  tangle  tangled skein  web  webwork  wheels within wheels  wilderness  
labyrinthine  Byzantine  Gongoresque  Johnsonian  aberrant  aberrative  affected  ambagious  anamorphous  anfractuous  askew  asymmetric  balled up  bedizened  bent  big-sounding  billowing  billowy  bowed  circuitous  circumlocutory  cockeyed  complex  complicated  confounded  confused  contorted  convoluted  convolutional  crabbed  crazy  crooked  crumpled  crunched  curvaceous  curvate  curvated  curve  curved  curvesome  curviform  curvilineal  curvilinear  curving  curvy  daedal  declamatory  departing  desultory  deviant  deviating  deviative  deviatory  devious  digressive  discursive  distorted  elaborate  elevated  embrangled  entangled  errant  erratic  euphuistic  excursive  flamboyant  flaming  flashy  flaunting  flexuose  flexuous  fouled up  fulsome  garish  gaudy  geosynclinal  gordian  grandiloquent  grandiose  grandisonant  high-flowing  high-flown  high-flying  high-sounding  highfalutin  implicated  incurvate  incurvated  incurved  incurving  indirect  inkhorn  intricate  involute  involuted  involutional  involved  irregular  knotted  knotty  labyrinthian  lexiphanic  lofty  lopsided  loused up  lurid  magniloquent  many-faceted  matted  mazy  meandering  meandrous  meretricious  messed up  mixed up  mucked up  multifarious  nonsymmetric  one-sided  orotund  ostentatious  out-of-the-way  overdone  overelaborate  overinvolved  overwrought  pedantic  perplexed  planetary  pompous  pretentious  rambling  ramified  recurvate  recurvated  recurved  recurving  rhetorical  rivose  rivulose  roundabout  roving  ruffled  screwed up  sensational  sensationalistic  sententious  serpentine  shifting  showy  sinuate  sinuose  sinuous  snaky  snarled  sonorous  sophisticated  sprung  stilted  stray  subtle  swerving  tall  tangled  tangly  torsional  tortile  tortuous  turning  twisted  twisting  twisty  undirected  undulant  unsymmetric  vagrant  veering  wandering  warped  wavy  whorled  winding  wreathlike  wreathy  zigzag  

labyrinth Definition

(n.) An edifice or place full of intricate passageways which render it difficult to find the way from the interior to the entrance
(n.) Any intricate or involved inclosure
(n.) Any object or arrangement of an intricate or involved form, or having a very complicated nature.
(n.) An inextricable or bewildering difficulty.
(n.) The internal ear. See Note under Ear.
(n.) A series of canals through which a stream of water is directed for suspending, carrying off, and depositing at different distances, the ground ore of a metal.
(n.) A pattern or design representing a maze, -- often inlaid in the tiled floor of a church, etc.

labyrinth Bedeutung

Labyrinth of Minos a vast labyrinth built in Crete by Daedalus at the command of Minos in order to contain the Minotaur
complex system of paths or tunnels in which it is easy to get lost
inner ear
internal ear
a complex system of interconnecting cavities, concerned with hearing and equilibrium
membranous labyrinth the sensory structures of the inner ear including the labyrinthine receptors and the cochlea, contained within the bony labyrinth
bony labyrinth
osseous labyrinth
cavity in the petrous part of the temporal bone that contains the membranous labyrinth
labyrinthine artery
artery of the labyrinth
internal auditory artery
an artery that is a branch of the basilar artery that supplies the labyrinth
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In Greek mythology, the labyrinth was an elaborate structure designed and built by the legendary artificer Daedalus for King Minos of Crete at Knossos. Its function was to hold the Minotaur eventually killed by the hero Theseus. Daedalus had so cunningly made the Labyrinth that he could barely escape it after he built it.

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