
Deutsche Lengfisch Synonyme

Englische ling Synonyme

linger  abide  amble  await  bide  bide the issue  carry on  cease not  continue  crawl  creep  dally  dawdle  delay  diddle  dillydally  dither  doodle  drag  drag along  drag on  drift  dwell on  elaborate  endure  fall behind  falter  flag  get behind  go along  go on  goof off  halt  hang about  hang around  hang back  hang on  harp on  hold everything  hold on  hold steady  hold your horses  idle  jog on  keep going  keep on  labor  lag  linger behind  linger on  loiter  lollygag  mark time  mope  mosey  muck  never cease  pause  persevere  persist  piddle  poke  procrastinate  put off  remain  run on  shilly-shally  sit tight  sit up  slog on  stagger on  stay  stay on  stay up  stick around  straggle  stroll  survive  take time  tarry  temporize  trail  trail behind  wait  wait a minute  wait and see  waste time  wear on  
lingerer  clock watcher  dallier  dawdle  dawdler  diddler  dillydallier  do-nothing  dolittle  doodler  drone  faineant  foot-dragger  gentleman of leisure  goldbrick  goldbricker  goof-off  idler  laggard  lie-abed  loafer  loiterer  loller  lotus-eater  lounger  lubber  mope  moper  plodder  potterer  procrastinator  putterer  sleepyhead  slouch  sloucher  slow goer  slow-foot  slowbelly  slowpoke  slug  sluggard  snail  stick-in-the-mud  straggler  time killer  time waster  tortoise  trifler  waiter on Providence  
lingering  Micawberish  backward  booming  continuation  dalliance  dallying  dawdling  delaying  dilatoriness  dilatory  dillydallying  dolce far niente  dragging  drawn-out  easygoing  echoic  echoing  extended  extension  foot-dragging  goofing off  gradual  growling  idling  interminable  lackadaisical  lag  laggard  lagging  languishing  lasting  lax  lazing  lazy  lengthened  lengthening  loafing  loitering  lolling  lollygagging  long  long-continuing  long-drawn  long-drawn-out  long-pending  long-winded  lounging  marathon  mopery  overlong  persistent  procrastinating  procrastination  procrastinative  procrastinatory  prolongation  prolonged  protracted  protraction  reboant  rebounding  reechoing  remaining  remiss  repercussive  resounding  reverberant  reverberating  reverberatory  rumbling  shilly-shallying  shuffling  slack  slow  sluggish  sounding  spun-out  stretched-out  tarriance  tarrying  thundering  trifling  undamped  waiting  
lingo  argot  cant  dialect  gibberish  gobbledygook  idiom  jargon  language  langue  lingua  locution  mumbo jumbo  mumbo-jumbo  parlance  parole  patois  patter  personal usage  phraseology  pidgin  scatology  slang  speech  taboo language  talk  tongue  usage  vernacular  vocabulary  vulgar language  
lingual  accented  alveolar  apical  apico-alveolar  apico-dental  articulated  assimilated  back  barytone  bilabial  broad  cacuminal  central  cerebral  checked  close  consonant  consonantal  continuant  dental  descriptive  dissimilated  dorsal  enunciated  flat  front  glide  glossal  glottal  glottochronological  grammatic  graphemic  guttural  hard  heavy  high  intonated  labial  labiodental  labiovelar  lateral  lax  lexicographic  lexicological  lexicostatistical  light  linguiform  linguistic  lingulate  liquid  low  metalinguistic  mid  monophthongal  morphological  morphophonemic  muted  narrow  nasal  nasalized  nuncupative  occlusive  open  oral  oxytone  palatal  palatalized  parol  pharyngeal  pharyngealized  philological  phonemic  phonetic  phonic  phonological  pitch  pitched  posttonic  pronounced  psycholinguistic  retroflex  rounded  said  semantic  semivowel  soft  sonant  sounded  speech  spoken  stopped  stressed  strong  structural  surd  syllabic  syntactic  tense  thick  throaty  tonal  tonguelike  tonic  twangy  unaccented  unrounded  unstressed  unwritten  uttered  velar  verbal  viva voce  vocal  vocalic  vocalized  vocoid  voiced  voiceful  voiceless  vowel  vowellike  weak  wide  
linguist  bilingual  dialectician  diglot  etymologer  etymologist  glossarist  glossographer  grammarian  grammaticaster  grammatist  lexicographer  lexicologist  linguistic scholar  linguistic scientist  linguistician  multilingual  orthoepist  paleographer  philologaster  philologer  philologian  philologist  phonemicist  phonetician  phoneticist  phonologist  polyglot  semanticist  semasiologist  
linguistic  answering  articulated  communicating  communicational  communional  conversational  descriptive  enunciated  glottochronological  grammatic  graphemic  interacting  interactional  interactive  intercommunicational  intercommunicative  intercommunional  interresponsive  interrogative  interrogatory  lexicographic  lexicological  lexicostatistical  lingual  metalinguistic  morphological  morphophonemic  nuncupative  oral  parol  philological  phonemic  phonetic  phonological  pronounced  psycholinguistic  questioning  responsive  said  semantic  sounded  speech  spoken  structural  syntactic  telepathic  transmissional  unwritten  uttered  verbal  viva voce  vocal  vocalized  voiced  voiceful  
linguistics  bowwow theory  comparative linguistics  derivation  descriptive linguistics  dialectology  dingdong theory  etymology  glossematics  glossology  glottochronology  glottology  grammar  graphemics  historical linguistics  language study  lexicology  lexicostatistics  linguistic geography  linguistic science  mathematical linguistics  morphology  morphophonemics  paleography  philology  phonetics  phonology  psycholinguistics  semantics  sociolinguistics  structuralism  syntactics  transformational linguistics  


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