
meat prices Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Fleischpreise pl
meat prices
meat prices
Abnahme der Preise
decrease of prices
abnehmende Preise
falling prices
Anpassung der Preise, Anpassung der Kurse
adjustment of prices
Anziehen der Preise
hardening of prices
beständige Preise
constant prices
die Preise niedrig halten
keep prices down
index of retail prices
Entwicklung der Preise
development of prices
erwartete Preise
anticipated prices
feste Kurse
firm prices
Festigung der Preise
consolidation of prices
meat inspection
garantierte Preise
guaranteed prices
index of wholesale prices
in die Höhe schießende Preise
soaring prices
change in prices
Kurserhöhung, Anstieg der Preise
appreciation of prices
quotation of prices
decline in prices
break in prices
mäßige Preise
reasonable prices
curbmarket prices
nachlassende Preise
sliding down prices
niedrige Preise
low prices
Preisänderungen vorbehalten
subject to alteration of prices
rise in prices
movement in prices
Preisbildung, Preisbildung im freien Markt
formation of prices
Preise auf Anfrage
prices on application
Preise erhöhen
raise prices
Preise haben sich erholt
prices have recovered
Preise herabsetzen
lower prices
Preise hochhalten
keep up prices
Preise niedrig halten
keep prices down
trend of prices
Preiserholung, Erholung der Preise
recovery of prices
Preisermäßigung, Preisnachlass
reduction of prices
fixing of prices
Preisniveau, Preislage
level of prices
fall in prices
cut in prices
range of prices
scale of prices
Preissturz, Preisrückgang
drop in prices
Preissturz, Rückgang der Preise
fall in prices
cutting of prices
schedule of prices
Sinken der Preise
decline in prices
Stabilisierung der Preise
stabilization of prices
starkes Anziehen der Preise
strong rise of prices
Struktur der Preise
pattern of prices
unrentable Preise
unprofitable prices
Veränderung der Preise
movement of prices
Verzerrung der Preise
distortion of prices
wir kaufen zu konkurrenzfähigen Preisen
we buy at competitive prices
zu herabgesetzten Preisen
at cut prices
zu Marktpreisen
at market prices
zu stabilen Preisen
at steady prices
Absatzpreis m
Absatzpreise pl
selling price
selling prices
Abschlusspreis m, Abschlußpreis m alt econ.
Abschlusspreise pl, Abschlußpreise pl
contract price
contract prices
Agrarpreis pl
Agrarpreise pl
agricultural price
agricultural prices
Anzeigengrundpreis m
Anzeigengrundpreise pl
advertising base price
advertising base prices
Aufschnitt m cook.
cold cuts, cold meat
Auktionspreis m
Auktionspreise pl
auction price
auction prices
Ausgangspreis m
Ausgangspreise pl
initial price
initial prices
Barpreis m
Barpreise pl
cash price
cash prices
Barpreis m
Barpreise pl
spot price
spot prices
Brät m, n cook.
sausage meat
Bruttopreis m
Bruttopreise pl
gross price
gross prices
Büchsenfleisch n
canned meat Am., tinned meat Br.
Delfinfleisch n
dolphin meat
Dörrfleisch n cook.
dried meat
Einheitspreis m
Einheitspreise pl
standard price
standard prices
Einkaufspreis m, Kaufpreis m
Einkaufspreise pl, Kaufpreise pl
purchase price, buying price
purchase prices, buying prices
Erzeugerpreis m
Erzeugerpreise pl
producer price
producer prices
Einstandspreis m, Lagereinstandspreis m
Einstandspreise pl, Lagereinstandspreise pl
acquisition price
acquisition prices
Einzelpreis m
Einzelpreise pl
flat rate, price of a single piece, price of a single item
flat rates, prices of a single piece, prices of a single item
Endpreis m
Endpreise pl
final price
final prices
Fleisch n
durchwachsenes Fleisch
sein eigenes Fleisch und Blut
noch ein Stück Fleisch
marbled meat
his own flesh and blood
another piece of meat
Fleisch verarbeitend
Fleischbeschauer m
meat inspector
Fleischbrät m, n
meat emulsion
Fleischbrühe f
meat broth
Fleischerzeugnis n
Fleischerzeugnisse pl
meat product
meat products
Fleischextrakt m
meat extract
Fleischfondue n cook.
meat fondue
Fleischgericht n cook.
meat dish
Fleischkost f cook.
meat diet
Fleischpastete f cook.
Fleischpasteten pl
meat pie
meat pies
Fleischpastete f cook.
meat turnover
Fleischscheibe f, Fleischschnitte f cook.
Fleischscheiben pl, Fleischschnitten pl
slice of meat
slices of meat
Fleischpreise pl
meat prices
Fleischverarbeitung f
meat processing
Fleischvergiftung f
meat poisoning
Fleischware f
meat product
Fleischwarenindustrie f
meat industry
Fleischwolf m
durch den Fleischwolf drehen, hacken, faschieren Ös.
mangler, mincer, meat grinder Am.
to mince
Fliegenschrank m
Fliegenschränke pl
meat safe
meat safes
Fond m, Fleischsaft m, Jus f, n, m Ös. cook.
meat juice, meat stock
Frühstücksfleisch n cook.
luncheon meat
Gammelfleisch m
rotten meat
Gefrierfleisch n cook.
frozen meat
Geräucherte n, Geräuchertes cook.
geräucherter Schinken
smoked meat, cured meat
Geschnetzelte n, Geschnetzeltes cook.
meat cut into small thin slices
Geselchte n, Geselchtes, Selchfleisch n cook. Ös. Süddt.
salted and smoked meat
Großhandelspreis m
Großhandelspreise pl
wholesale price
wholesale prices
Hackbraten m cook.
meat loaf, meatloaf
Hackfleisch n, Gehacktes, Hack m, Faschiertes Ös. cook.
mit Kartoffelbrei überbackenes Hackfleisch
minced meat, mincemeat, mince Br., ground meat Am.
cottage pie
Industrie f, Gewerbe n
Industrien pl
fleischverarbeitende Industrie
meat processing industry
Kassakurs m
Kassakurse pl
spot price
spot prices
Katalogpreis m
Katalogpreise pl
list price, catalogue price
list prices, catalogue prices
Krabbenfleisch n cook.
crab meat, crabmeat
Kühlfleisch n
chilled meat
Kurseinbruch m
Kurseinbrüche pl
fall in prices, slump
falls in prices, slumps
Kursrückgang m
decline in prices
Kurssturz m
price drop, break in prices, node-dive
Leberkäse m cook.
meat loaf, meatloaf
Lieferpreis m
Lieferpreise pl
delivery price, contract price
delivery prices, contract prices
Listenpreis m, Richtpreis m
Listenpreise pl, Richtpreise pl
list price
list prices
Lohn-Preis-Spirale f
wage-price spiral, spiral of rising prices and wages
Materialpreis m
Materialpreise pl
material price
material prices
Mindestpreis m
Mindestpreise pl
garantierter Mindestpreis
minimum price
minimum prices
guaranteed price
Niedrigstpreis m
Niedrigstpreise pl
rock-bottom price
rock-bottom prices
Pferdefleisch n
Pökelfleisch n, Surfleisch n Ös. cook.
salt meat
Preis m
Preise pl
zum halben Preis
angemessener Preis
annehmbarer Preis
halber Preis, zum halben Preis
voraussichtlicher Preis
zu herabgesetzten Preisen
zu jeweiligen Preisen
zu konstanten Preisen
zum angegebenen Preis
taxierter Preis, Taxe f
Preis, alles inbegriffen, Gesamtpreis m
Preise reduzieren
Preise erhöhen
einen Preis nennen
Preise angeben
Preise ausgleichen
die Preise in die Höhe treiben
um jeden Preis
um keinen Preis
at half (the) price
fair price
acceptable price
anticipated price
at reduced prices
at current prices
at constant prices
at the price indicated
all in price
to cut prices
to spike prices
to quote a price
to quote prices
to adjust prices
to push up prices, to force up prices
at any price
not at any price, not for anything
Preisänderung f
Preisänderungen pl
change in prices
changes in prices
Preisangabe f
Angebot mit Preisangabe
quotation of prices
Preisanstieg m
rise in prices, increase in prices
Preisbildung f
price formation, formation of prices
Preisdifferenz f, Marge f
price difference, difference in prices
Preisentwicklung f
Preisentwicklungen pl
trend of prices
trends of prices
Preisermittlung f
price calculation, calculation of prices, pricing
Preise unterbieten
to beat prices
Preisrückgang m
decrease in prices
Preissturz m
Preisstürze pl
drop in prices
drops in prices
Preistreiberei f
forcing up of prices
Preisverfall m
drop-off in prices
Preisvergleich m
Preisvergleiche pl
comparison of prices, price comparison
comparisons of prices, price comparisons
Rauchfleisch n cook.
smoked meat
Richtpreis m
Richtpreise pl
offizieller Richtpreis m
basic price, norm price, suggested price, recommended price, target price
basic prices, norm prices, suggested prices, recommended prices, target prices
officially fixed base price
Richtpreis m
Richtpreise pl
budget price
budget prices
Rohstoffpreis m
Rohstoffpreise pl
raw marerial price, commodity price
raw marerial prices, commodity prices
Salzfleisch n cook.
salted meat
Schätzpreis m, Schätzungspreis m
Schätzpreise pl, Schätzungspreise pl
valuation price
valuation prices
Schlachtbeil n
Schlachtbeile pl
meat axe
meat axes
Schlachtvieh n
meat stock, slaughter cattle, animals for slaughter
Schleuderpreis m
Schleuderpreise pl
crash price
crash prices
Schleuderpreis pl
Schleuderpreise pl
rock-bottom price, price cut to the bone coll.
rock-bottom prices, prices cut to the bone
Schmorbraten m cook.
braised meat, pot roast, braised beef

Deutsche Fleischpreise {pl} Synonyme

Englische meat prices Synonyme

meat prices Definition

(n.) A pie
(n.) Duckweed.
(n.) Food, in general
(n.) The flesh of animals used as food
(n.) Specifically, dinner
(v. t.) To supply with food.
(n.) Minced meat
(n.) Food that is, or must be, taken with a spoon

meat prices Bedeutung

meat grinder any action resulting in injury or destruction, the meat grinder of politics destroyed his reputation, allied forces crumbled before the Wehrmacht meat grinder
meat packing
meat-packing business
wholesale packaging of meat for future sale (including slaughtering and processing and distribution to retailers)
butcher shop
meat market
a shop in which meat and poultry (and sometimes fish) are sold
meat cleaver
a butcher's knife having a large square blade
meat counter counter where meats are displayed for sale
meat grinder a mill for grinding meat
meat hook a strong pointed hook from which the carcasses of animals are hung
meat house a small house (on a farm) where meat is stored
meat safe a safe for storing meat
meat thermometer a thermometer that is inserted into the center of a roast (with the top away from the heat source), used to measure how well done the meat is
meat house
a small house where smoke is used to cure meat or fish
meat hooks
large strong hand (as of a fighter), wait till I get my hooks on him
meat and potatoes the fundamental part, successful negotiation is the meat and potatoes of arbitration
substance core
heart heart and soul
inwardness marrow
nitty-gritty f a e a c
the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience, the gist of the prosecutor's argument, the heart and soul of the Republican Party, the nub of the story
canned meat
tinned meat
meat preserved in a can or tin
stew meat tough meat that needs stewing to be edible
white meat
meat carved from the breast of a fowl
meat the flesh of animals (including fishes and birds and snails) used as food
dark meat the flesh of the legs of fowl used as food
raw meat uncooked meat
red meat meat that is dark in color before cooking (as beef, venison, lamb, mutton)
variety meat
edible viscera of a butchered animal
cut of meat
a piece of meat that has been cut from an animal carcass
side of meat
a lengthwise dressed half of an animal's carcass used for food
jerked meat
meat (especially beef) cut in strips and dried in the sun
sausage meat any meat that is minced and spiced and cooked as patties or used to fill sausages
lunch meat
luncheon meat
any of various sausages or molded loaf meats sliced and served cold
coconut coconut meat the edible white meat of a coconut, often shredded for use in e.g. cakes and curries
meat loaf
a baked loaf of ground meat
meat pie pie made with meat or fowl enclosed in pastry or covered with pastry or biscuit dough
meat packer
a wholesaler in the meat-packing business
kernel meat the inner and usually edible part of a seed or grain or nut or fruit stone, black walnut kernels are difficult to get out of the shell
rising prices
a general and progressive increase in prices, in inflation everything gets more valuable except money
(of animals) carnivorous
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