
medium Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Agens n phys.
durchschnittlich adj, mittel...
durchschnittlich, mittel..
mittel, halb durch
mittel; durchschnittlich
durchschnittlich adj; mittel...
durchschnittlich adj; mittel…
Feinsitz m
medium fit
medium fit
halbfett adj cook.
Datenträger m
data medium
Mittelwelle f
medium wave
data medium
medium size
medium wave
mittelblau adj
mittelgroß adj
medium scale
mittelständisch adj econ.
medium scale
mittelgroß adj
halblang adj
rosa adj (Fleisch) cook.
medium (meat)
mittlere Qualität
medium quality
Medium n
Medien pl
Stellgröße f
control medium
Lagermedium n
storage medium
mittelkörnig adj
Mittelwelle f MW
medium wave MW
auf mittlerer Ebene
at medium level
Mittelweg m
goldener Mittelweg

happy medium
Kassenobligation f
medium term bond
Sekundärmedium n
secondary medium
MW : Mittelwelle f
MW : medium wave
medium term bond
Mittelwelle f MW
medium wave MW
Wechselmedium n; Wechseldatenträger m comp.
removable medium
Mittelformat n
medium format MF
für mittlere Sorten
for medium grades
direct mail medium
medium of teaching
advertising medium
Tauschmittel n
medium of exchange
Werbemittel n, Werbeträger m
advertising medium
Werbemittel, Werbetraeger
advertising medium
medium of exchange
Tauschmittel n econ.
medium of exchange
Mittelgrundfink m ornith.
Medium Ground Finch
Gaskohle f
medium volatile coal
Kommunikationsmittel n
communication medium
mittelschwer adj
of medium difficulty
Kommunikationsträger m
communication medium
medium of instruction
Kaseinbindemittel n art
casein binding medium
Endlosmedium n techn.
continuous-form medium
feuerunterdrückendes Mittel
fire suppressant medium
Mittel n; Werkzeug m
Mittel pl; Werkzeuge pl
mediums; media
Mittel n; Werkzeug n
Mittel pl; Werkzeuge pl
mediums; media
Massenmedium n
Massenmedien pl
mass medium
mass media
mittelgroß adj
medium size, middle size
exklusive Neuigkeit f; Exklusivbericht m (eines Massenmediums)
scoop (of a mass medium)
Schleifmittel n techn.
abradant, abrading medium
Schleifmittel n techn.
abradant; abrading medium
Medium n
Medien pl
neue Medien
new media
halbsteil adj
semisteep; medium-inclined
Mittelstrecke f
medium distance, medium haul
Gestaltungsmittel n
means of design, design medium
Kühlmittel n, Kältemittel n
freezing agent, cooling medium
mittelfristig adj
medium-term, intermediate-term
Druckmedium n; Printmedium n
Druckmedien pl; Printmedien pl
printed medium
printed media
Gaskohle f
medium volatile coal; gas coal
Gestaltungsmittel n
means of design; design medium
Kühlmittel n; Kältemittel n
freezing agent; cooling medium
Speichermedium n
Speichermedien pl
storage medium
storage media
Digitalmedium n
Digitalmedien pl
digital medium
digital media
Primärmedium n
Primärmedien pl
primary medium
primary mediums
Nährmedium n, Nährboden m
nutrient solution, culture medium
Mittelweg m
der goldene Mittelweg
goldener Mittelweg

the golden mean
happy medium
Sabouraud'scher Pilzagar m (Kulturmedium) biol. med.
Sabouraud's agar (culture medium)
Sekundärmedium n
Sekundärmedien pl
secondary medium
secondary media
Einbettungsmittel n
embedding material mounting medium
Beschriftungsseite f (eines Datenträgers usw.)
label side (of a data medium etc.)
halbdurch; halbrosa adj (Fleisch) cook.
medium-well done; medium-well (meat)
der Film m; die Leinwand f (als Medium)
im Film; auf der Leinwand
the screen (as a medium)
on screen
Retuschiermittel n; Retuschierfarbe f
retouch(ing) medium; retouch(ing) ink
Mittelstadt f
Mittelstadt f
medium-sized town
medium-sized city
Tonträger m
sound storage medium, recording medium
Werbemittel n; Werbeträger m
Werbemittel pl; Werbeträger pl
advertising medium
advertising media
Informationsmedium n
Informationsmedien pl
information medium
information media
Kulturmedium n (Laboruntersuchung) biol. med.
culture medium (laboratory examination)
mittelfristig adj
medium-term; midterm; intermediate-term
Leitmedium n
leading medium; main medium; key medium
Kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen (KMU) econ.
small and medium-sized enterprises (SME)
Mittelwellenbereich m techn.
medium-wave range; hectometer wave range
Wiedergabemedium n comp.
Wiedergabemedien pl
reproduction medium
reproduction media
Ãœbertragungsmedium n telco.
Ãœbertragungsmedien pl
transmission medium
transmission media
Mittelstrecke f
medium distance; medium haul; middle haul
sauerziehend adj textil.
acid dyeing; exhausting in an acid medium
trübe; dickflüssig; schlammig adj chem. phys.
optisch trüber Stoff
sich eintrüben
turbid medium
to become turbid
Nebengemengteil n geol.
accessory constituent; medium constituent
Schwerstoff m chem. techn.
heavy-medium; dense-medium; medium solids
Substrat n; Nährboden m biol.
substrate; nutrient medium; culture medium
mittelgroß adj
medium size; middle-size; of medium height
Medium n mit niedrigem Kopplungsfaktor (bei einer Atomexplosion) geol. mil.
low coupling medium (in a nuclear explosion)
Wärmeübertragungsmittel n; Wärmeübertrager m; Wärmeaustauschmedium n
heat transfer medium; thermal transfer medium
Nährmedium n; Nährboden m biol.
nutrient medium; culture medium; growth medium
Mittelbetrieb m; mittleres Unternehmen n
medium-sized enterprise; medium-sized business
Agarplatte f (festes Nährmedium in einer Petrischale) biochem.
agar plate (solid growth medium in a Petri dish)
Qualitätswein m
Qualitätswein bestimmter Anbaugebiete QbA
vintage wine
medium quality class of German wines
Qualitätswein m
Qualitätswein bestimmter Anbaugebiete QbA
vintage wine
medium quality class of German wines
Kühlmedium n
Kühlmedium n
coolant; cooling agent; cooling medium
Anflutung f (eines Arzneimittels Kontrastmittels im Gewebe) med. pharm.
enhancement (of a drug contrast medium in the tissue)
Schwerstoff-Setzbett n chem. techn.
heavy-medium bed; dense-medium bed; medium solids bed
Migration f (von Daten auf einen anderen Datenträger) comp.
Datenmigration f
migration (of data to another data medium)
data migration
Rasselgeräusch n; Knisterrasseln n; Krepitation f (der Lunge) med.
feinblasige mittelblasige grobblasige Rasselgeräusche
rales; crackles; crepitations
fine medium coarse crackles
Tonträger m (Audio)
etw. auf Tonträger aufnehmen; etw. einspielen
sound storage medium; sound recording medium
to record sth.
mittelfristig adj
medium-term; midterm; intermediate-term (mid-term) (mid term)
Mittelweg m
der goldene Mittelweg
goldener Mittelweg
einen Mittelweg finden; die goldene Mitte finden; einen Kompromiss finden

the golden mean
happy medium
to find a middle way fig.
eine Aufnahme (auf einen anderen Tonträger) überspielen v (Audio)
to transfer; to dub a recording (to another sound storage medium)
mittelfristig gesehen; mittelfristig adv
kurz- und mittelfristig
in the medium term; in the medium run
in the short and medium run
Datenträger m comp.
Datenträger pl
data medium; medium; data carrier
data media; media; data carriers
Schwertrübe-Wiedergewinnung f chem. techn.
heavy-medium recovery; dense-medium recovery, medium solids recovery
Nährstoff m biol.
Nährstoffe pl
Nährstoff für Bakterienkulturen
nutrient; nutriment
nutrient medium; nutritive substance
Bildmedium n
Bildmedien pl
visual medium
visual media; image media; picture media; pictorial media
Fettkohle f min.
fat coal; medium volatile bituminous coal Am.; low volatile bituminous coal
Installationsmedium n comp.
Installationsmedien pl
vom Installationsmedium (aus) hochstarten
installation medium
installation media
to boot from the installation medium
Entwicklung f (von etw. zu etw.) (langsame Weiterentwicklung)
die Entwicklung des Internets (hin) zu einem Massenmedium
evolution (of sth. into sth.)
the evolution of the Internet into a mass medium
Nährboden m; Nährmedium n; Kultursubstrat n; Substrat n biol.
nutrient medium; culture medium; growing medium; growth medium; substrate; substratum
Mittelstreckenflugzeug n aviat.
Mittelstreckenflugzeuge pl
medium haul aircraft, medium range aircraft
medium haul aircraft, medium range aircraft
Mittelstreckenflugzeug n aviat.
Mittelstreckenflugzeuge pl
medium haul aircraft; medium range aircraft
medium haul aircraft; medium range aircraft
Daten (von einem lokalen Speichermedium auf einen Netzwerkrechner) hochladen; hinaufladen ugs. v comp.
hochladend; hinaufladend
hochgeladen; hinaufgeladen
to upload data (from a local storage medium to a network computer)
Musiktitel m; Titel m; Stück n; Nummer f (auf einem Tonträger) (Audio)
Musiktitel pl; Titel pl; Stücke pl; Nummern pl
Anspieltipps pl
music track; track (on a sound recording medium)
music tracks; tracks
recommended tracks
Kommunikationsmedium n; Kommunikationsmittel n
Kommunikationsmedien pl; Kommunikationsmittel pl
communications medium; medium of communication
communications media; media of communication
Daten (von einem Netzwerkrechner auf ein lokales Speichermedium) herunterladen; downloaden ugs. v comp.
to download data (from a network computer to a local storage medium)
Kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen KMU econ.
small and medium-sized enterprises SME SMEs ; small and medium(-zized) businesses SMB SMBs Am.
Schwertrübe-Scheider m; Schwimm-Sink-Scheider m chem. techn.
Schwertrübe-Scheider pl; Schwimm-Sink-Scheider pl
heavy-medium separator; dense-medium separator
heavy-medium separators; dense-medium separators
Druckmedium n; Printmedium n
Druckmedien pl; Printmedien pl
Printmedien und Rundfunk
die Print- und elektronischen Medien
printed medium
printed media
the printed and broadcast media
the printed and electronic media
Nährstoff m biol.
Nährstoffe pl
energieliefernde Nährstoffe
Nährstoff für Bakterienkulturen
nutrient; nutriment
energy-providing nutrients
nutrient medium; nutritive substance
starten; booten v (von einem Medium) (Software) comp.
startend; bootend
gestartet; gebootet
to boot; to boot up (from a storage medium) (of software)
booting; booting up
booted; booted up
Kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen KMU econ.
small and medium-sized enterprises SME SMEs ; small and medium(-zized) businesses SMB SMBs Am.
Mittelzentrum n
Mittelzentren pl
middle-order centre; middle-order center (medium-sized town)
middle-order centres; middle-order centers
Mittelstand m econ.
Unternehmen n des Mittelstandes
mid tier (business), small business(es), small and medium-sized companies
small and medium-sized company
Mittelstand m econ.
Unternehmen n des Mittelstandes
mid-tier (business); small business(es); small and medium-sized companies
small and medium-sized company
Maschinengewehr n MG mil.
Maschinengewehre pl MG
leichtes Maschinengewehr
mittelschweres Maschinengewehr
schweres Maschinengewehr
mit Maschinengewehr schießen
machine gun
machine guns
light machine gun
medium machine gune
heavy machine gune
to machine-gun
Schwertrübesortieren n; Schwertrübeverfahren n; Schwimm-Sink-Verfahren n chem. techn.
dense-medium washing; dense-media process; heavy-media process; heavy-liquid flotation; sink-float process
etw. spiegeln v (eine genaue Kopie eines Datenbestands auf einem anderen Datenträger vorhalten) comp.
to mirror sth. (to retain an exact copy of a data inventory on another data medium)
Kontrastmittel n KM med.
Kontrastmittel pl
contrast agent; contrast medium; radiopaque material
contrast agents; contrast media; radiopaque materials

Deutsche Agens {n} [phys.] Synonyme

Agens  (fachsprachlich)  ÂArznei  ÂArzneimittel  ÂHeilmittel  ÂMedikament  ÂMedizin  ÂMittel  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂPharmakon  ÂPharmazeutikum  ÂPräparat  ÂTherapeutikum  
Agens (fachsprachlich)  Arznei  Arzneimittel  Heilmittel  Medikament  Medizin  Mittel (umgangssprachlich)  Pharmakon  Pharmazeutikum  Präparat  

Englische medium Synonyme

medium  Charlie McCarthy  actor  agency  agent  air brush  ambiance  ambience  ambient  amidships  ancilla  appliance  approach  arbitrator  arc  arc light  architect  art paper  atmosphere  atoms  autecology  author  automatist  avenue  average  balance  banal  betwixt and between  bien cuit  bioecology  bionomics  broker  brush  camera lucida  camera obscura  canvas  center  central  chalk  channel  charcoal  chromogen  climate  coat  coat of paint  coating  color  color filter  color gelatin  colorant  coloring  common  compromise  connection  contact  contrivance  conveyance  core  course  crayon  creator  creature  crown  dead-color  deputy  device  dimmer  distemper  distillate  distillation  distributor  doer  done  doneness  drawing paper  drawing pencil  drier  dull  dummy  duodecimo  dupe  dye  dyestuff  easel  ecoclimate  ecodeme  ecology  ecosystem  ecstatic  eighteenmo  element  elixir  environment  equatorial  equidistant  essence  everyday  executant  executor  executrix  expedient  exterior paint  fabric  fabricator  fair  fair to middling  fairish  fence  fixative  flat coat  flat wash  floats  flood  floodlight  floor enamel  folio  footlights  foots  front  front man  gelatin  generality  gist  go-between  golden mean  ground  half measures  half-and-half measures  halfway  halfway measures  handmaid  handmaiden  happy medium  heart  imperial  implement  indifferent  insipid  instrument  instrumentality  instrumentation  interagent  interceder  intercessor  intercurrent  interior  interior paint  interjacent  intermediary  intermediate  intermediate agent  intermediation  intermediator  intermedium  internuncio  interpleader  intervener  intervenient  intervening  interventionist  interventor  jobber  juste-milieu  kernel  klieg light  lackluster  lay figure  lever  liaison  light plot  lights  limelight  link  long suit  maker  marquee  marrow  material  matter  maulstick  mean  means  meat  mechanism  medial  median  mediary  mediator  mediocre  
medium of exchange  and pence  cash  circulating medium  coinage  coined liberty  cold cash  currency  dollars  emergency money  filthy lucre  fractional currency  gold  hard cash  hard currency  legal tender  lucre  mammon  managed currency  mintage  money  necessity money  pelf  postage currency  postal currency  pounds  scrip  shillings  silver  soft currency  specie  sterling  the almighty dollar  the wherewith  the wherewithal  

medium Definition

(n.) That which lies in the middle, or between other things
(n.) See Mean.
(n.) The mean or middle term of a syllogism
(n.) A substance through which an effect is transmitted from one thing to another
(n.) An average.
(n.) A trade name for printing and writing paper of certain sizes. See Paper.
(n.) The liquid vehicle with which dry colors are ground and prepared for application.
(a.) Having a middle position or degree
(a.) Having a medium size

medium Bedeutung

an occupation for which you are especially well suited, in law he found his true metier
medium frequency
to kilohertz
medium an intervening substance through which signals can travel as a means for communication
medium a means or instrumentality for storing or communicating information
medium mass medium (usually plural) transmissions that are disseminated widely to the public
storage medium
data-storage medium
a medium for storing information
magnetic storage medium
magnetic medium
magnetic storage
any storage medium in which different patterns of magnetization are used to represent stored bits or bytes of information, the hard disk in you computer is magnetic storage
broadcast medium
a medium that disseminates via telecommunications
medium the surrounding environment, fish require an aqueous medium
interplanetary medium interplanetary space including forms of energy and gas and dust
interstellar medium interstellar space including streams of protons moving from the stars
someone who serves as an intermediary between the living and the dead, he consulted several mediums
medium wave a radio wave with a wavelength between and meters (a frequency between kilohertz and kilohertz)
Canterbury bell cup and saucer
Campanula medium
European biennial widely cultivated for its blue or violet or white flowers
medium of exchange
monetary system
anything that is generally accepted as a standard of value and a measure of wealth in a particular country or region
medium a state that is intermediate between extremes, a middle position, a happy medium
dispersing phase
dispersion medium
dispersing medium
(of colloids) a substance in which another is colloidally dispersed
medium an intervening substance through which something is achieved, the dissolving medium is called a solvent
culture medium
(bacteriology) a nutrient substance (solid or liquid) that is used to cultivate micro-organisms
medium (biology) a substance in which specimens are preserved or displayed
contrast medium
contrast material
a substance that is opaque to xays, when administered it allows a radiologist to examine the organ or tissue it fills
medium a liquid with which pigment is mixed by a painter
medium steel steel with .-.% carbon
medium (meat) cooked until there is just a little pink meat inside
medium-large of anything that is large but not the largest
around the middle of a scale of evaluation, an orange of average size, intermediate capacity, medium bombers
intermediate in size
medium-dry of a wine that is dry but not extremely dry
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Medium may refer to: