
natural spline Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

natürlicher Spline math.
natural spline
Spline m math.
kubischer Spline
natürlicher Spline
cubic spline
natural spline
natural resources
britischer Staatsangehöriger von Geburt
natural-born British subject
natural hazards
Lebensdauer einer Maschine
natural life of a machine
natural colour
natürlich, naturgemäß
natürliche Feinde
natural enemies
natürliche Person
natural person
natürliche Rate der Arbeitslosigkeit
natural rate of unemployment
natürliche Zunahme
natural increase
natürlicher Abgang
natural wastage
natürlicher Hafen
natural harbour
natürlicher Tod
natural death
natürlicher Vorteil
natural advantage
natürliches Monopol
natural monopoly
natural justice
natural sciences
natural scientist
normales Geschäftsjahr
natural business year
natural resources
selbstverständliche Folgen
natural consequences
ungezwungene Verhaltensweise
natural manners
Auflösungszeichen n mus.
Auslese f, Auswahl f, Selektion f
diversifizierende Selektion biol.
gerichtete Selektion biol.
natürliche Selektion biol.
sexuelle Selektion biol.
stabilisierende Selektion biol.
diversifying selection
directional selection
natural selection, survival of the fittest
sexual selection
stabilizing selection
Binärcode m comp.
reiner Binärcode
natural binary code
natural binary code
Boden m, Erdboden m
Böden pl
anstehender Boden, gewachsener Boden
über der Erde, über Tage
unter der Erde, unter Tage
an Boden gewinnen
auf festem Boden
natural ground, the natural
above ground
below ground
to gain ground
on firm ground
Bodenschätze pl
natural resources, mineral resources
Eigenfrequenz f
natural frequency, eigenfrequency
Eigenschwingung f
natural frequency, natural vibration
Eigenschwingung f
natural oscillation
Eigenschwingungsform f
natural mode, eigenform
Erdgas n
natural gas
Koordinate f math.
generalisierte Koordinate f, verallgemeinerte Koordinate f
natürliche Koordinate f
generalized coordinate
natural coordinate
Naturalien pl
natural produce
Naturdenkmal n
natural monument
Naturdünger m
natural fertilizer
Naturereignis n, Naturerscheinung f
natural phenomenon
Naturerzeugnis n
natural product
Naturfaser f
natural fibre
Naturgeschichte f
natural history
Naturgeschichtsbuch n
Naturgeschichtsbücher pl
natural history book
natural history books
Naturkatastrophe f
Naturkatastrophen pl
natural disaster
natural disasters
Naturkonvektion f
natural convection
Naturkosmetik f
natural cosmetics
Naturkunde f
natural history
Naturkundemuseum n
Naturkundemuseen pl
museum of natural history
museums of natural history
Naturlandschaft f
natural landscape
Naturlehrpfad m
Naturlehrpfaden pl
natural trail
natural trails
Naturprodukt n
Naturprodukte pl
natural product
natural products
Naturrecht n
natural justice
Naturschätze pl
natural resources
Naturschauspiel n
natural spectacle
Naturschönheit f
Naturschönheiten pl
natural beauty, site of natural beauty
natural beauties, sites of natural beauty
Naturseide f
natural silk, real silk
Naturstein m
natural stone
Naturtalent n
natural talent, natural gift, natural
Naturumlaufkessel m mach.
Naturumlaufkessel pl
natural-circulation boiler
natural-circulation boilers
Naturverjüngung f
natural regeneration, natural rejuvenation
Naturvorgang m
Naturvorgänge pl
natural process
natural processes
Naturwissenschaft f
Naturwissenschaften pl, Wissenschaften pl
science, natural science, physical science
Naturwissenschaftler m, Naturwissenschaftlerin f
Naturwissenschaftler pl, Naturwissenschaftlerinnen pl
(natural) scientist
(natural) scientists
Naturwunder n
natural wonder
Naturzustand m
im Naturzustand
im Naturzustand belassen
natural state
in the raw
Person f, Mensch m
Personen pl, Menschen pl
berechtigte Person
eine integre Person
dritte Person
natürliche Person jur.
juristische Person jur.
ernannte Person
geselliger Mensch
persons, people
qualified person
a person of integrity
third person
natural person
legal entity, legal person
designated person
people person
Reinigungsvorgang m
natürliche Selbstreinigungsvorgänge
natural self-purification
Schiebestück n
spline end
Spline-Kurve f
Spline curve
natürlicher Spline math.
natural spline
Veranlagung f, Anlage f (zu)
(natural) tendency (of)
Zuchtwahl f
natural selection
angeboren adj
natürlich adj
natürliche Zahl f math.
natural, natural number, whole number
natürlicher Logarithmus math.
natural logarithm
naturfern, naturfremd adj
only slightly pristine, not natural
naturgegeben adj
naturgemäß, naturbelassen, natürlich adj
am naturgemäßesten
more natural
most natural
naturgetreu adj
ökologisch wirtschaftende Betriebe
companies saving on natural resources
pathogenetisch adj med.
pathogenetische Entwicklung, (naturgesetzlicher) Verlauf
natural history
sterben v (an)
du stirbst
sie stirbt
sie starb
sie ist
war gestorben
sie stürbe
jung sterben
eines natürlichen Todes sterben
eines gewaltsamen Todes sterben
an einer Krankheit sterben
an einer einer Wunde sterben
an einer Verletzung sterben
vor Hunger (Durst) sterben
ins Gras beißen, daran glauben müssen ugs., sterben
ohne direkte Nachkommen sterben
tausend Tode sterben
im Elend sterben
to die {died, died} (of, from)
you die
she dies
she died
she has
had died
she would die
to die young
to die a natural death
to die a violent death
die of an illness
die from a wound
to die from an injury
to die of hunger (thirst)
to bite the dust coll.
to die without issue
to die a thousand deaths
to die like a dog
urtümlich adj
natural, primitive
Kerbverzahnung f
Naturkautschuk m
natural rubber
more natural
most natural
naturgemaess, natuerlich
reiner Binaercode
natural binary code
natural frequency
natural frequency
natural gas
natuerlicher Logarithmus
natural logarithm
natuerliche Zahl
natural number
natural oscillation
natural produce
natural selection
natural silk
natural history
natural science
landschaftliche Schönheit
inherent natural beauty
naturhistorisches Museum
Museum of Natural History
natürliche Zentrum, natürlicher Mittelpunkt
natural center
natürliche Kontraste
natural contrasts
natural parks
natural preserve
natürlicher Arbeitskräfteabgang; natürliche Personalreduzierung f
natural wastage
Aushärten n (bei Raumtemperatur); Kaltauslagern n (Metallurgie) techn.
natural ageing; natural aging (metallurgy)
Auslese f; Selektion f (Vorgang) biol.
diversifizierende Selektion biol.
gerichtete Selektion biol.
natürliche Auslese; natürliche Selektion biol.
sexuelle Selektion biol.
stabilisierende Selektion biol.
selection (process)
diversifying selection
directional selection
natural selection
sexual selection
stabilizing selection
Beleuchtung f; Licht n
künstliche Beleuchtung; künstliches Licht
natürliche Beleuchtung; natürliches Licht
direkte Beleuchtung; direktes Licht
halbindirekte vorwiegend direkte Beleuchtung
indirekte Beleuchtung; indirektes Licht
lighting; illumination
artificial lighting; artificial illumination
natural lighting; natural illumination
direct lighting; direct illumination
semi-direct lighting
indirect lighting; Indirect illumination
Bewirtschaftung f (von etw.) econ.
Bewirtschaftung eines Landguts
Bewirtschaftung natürlicher Ressourcen
Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen pl
management (of sth.)
management of a country estate
management of natural resources
mangagement measures
Blende f (optisches Instrument)
Blenden pl
Öffnungsblende f; Aperturblende f
Gesichtsfeldblende f; Feldblende f
fokussierte Blende
Hartmann'sche Blende
kritische Blende
Lamellenblende f; Irisblende f
lochförmige Blende
natürliche Blende
telezentrische Blende
diaphragm stop; lens stop; diaphragm; stop (optical instrument)
diaphragm stops; lens stops; diaphragms; stops
aperture diaphragm; aperture stop
field stop; flare stop
focussed diaphragm; focused diaphragm
Hartmann diaphragm
critical diaphragm; critical aperture
lamellar diaphragm; iris diaphragm
pinhole diaphragm; pinhole; pseudo-lens
natural diaphragm
telecentric stop
Blonde f; Blondine f
Blonden pl; Blondinen pl
eine Wasserstoffblondine ugs.
Sie ist naturblond. ugs.
a bottle bleached peroxide blonde
She's a natural blonde.
Boden m; Erdboden m; Land n
Böden pl; Erdböden pl
anstehender Boden; gewachsener Boden
angeschwemmter Boden; angeschwemmtes Land
verwehtes Land
über der Erde; über Tage
unter der Erde; unter Tage
an Boden gewinnen
auf festem Boden
ground; earth
natural ground; "the natural"
alluvium; alluvion
blow land
above ground; overground; on the surface; topside
below ground
to gain ground
on firm ground
Bodenschätze pl min.
natural resources; mineral resources; mineral wealth
Böschungsgrad m; natürlicher Böschungswinkel m
natural slope; natural angle of slope repose incline
Deich m; Damm m
Deiche pl; Dämme pl
natürlicher Damm
dike; dyke; embankment
dikes; dykes; embankments
natural dike
Eigenfestigkeit f
natural strength
Eigenfrequenz f
natural frequency; eigenfrequency
Eigenresonanz f phys.
intrinsic resonance; natural resonance
Eigenschwingung f phys.
natural oscillation; intrinsic oscillation vibration
Eigenschwingung f
natural frequency; natural vibration
Eigenschwingungsform f
natural mode; eigenform
Empfängnisverhütung f; Schwangerschaftsverhütung f
natürliche Empfängnisverhütung
natural contraception
Entbindung f; Geburtsvorgang m; Geburt f; Gebären n; Niederkunft f poet.; Parturitio f med.
die Geburt erleichtern
die Geburt anregen
die Geburt einleiten
die Geburt leiten
bei der Geburt assistieren
Auslösung f der Geburt
gut schlecht auf die Geburt vorbereitet sein
Geburt auf natürlichem Wege
Geburt bei verengtem Becken
Geburt nach vorzeitigem Fruchtwasserabgang
Geburt nach dem Termin
Geburt in Längslage
Geburt in Querlage
Geburt in Schräglage
Geburt in Beckenendlage
delivery; labour; accouchement; parturition; childbirth; giving birth
to facilitate delivery
to stimulate labour
to induce labour
to manage delivery labour
to handle the delivery
onset of labour
to be well ill prepared for labour
delivery by way of natural maternal passages
contracted pelvis delivery
dry labour; xerotocia
post-term birth
longitudinal presentation
transverse presentation; cross-birth
oblique presentation
breech presentation
Entkernung f constr.
Durch die Entkernung des Altbaus unter Beibehaltung des historischen Gerüsts wird ein größerer Lichteinfall ermöglicht.
The gutting of the old building while retaining the historical fabric will allow more natural light to enter the building.
Erbe n (Hinterlassenschaft) übtr.
kulturelles Erbe; Kulturerbe n
Naturerbe n; Naturbesitz m
(gemeinsames) Erbe der Menschheit
heritage fig.
cultural heritage
natural heritage
(common) heritage of mankind; mankind's (common) heritage
Erdgas n
komprimiertes Erdgas
natural gas; rock gas
compressed natural gas CNG
Erdgaskraftwerk n
Erdgaskraftwerke pl
natural gas power plant
natural gas power plants
Erdpech n
mineral pitch; natural asphalt
der (natürliche) Feind m; Fressfeind m eines Tieres
Der Fuchs hat keine natürlichen Feinde.
the (natural) predator of an animal
There are no predators of the fox.
Flageolett-Ton m; Flageolett n mus.
natürliches künstliches Flageolett
natural artificial harmonic
Gegenmittel n; Heilmittel n; Mittel n (gegen etw.) pharm.
Gegenmittel pl; Heilmittel pl; Mittel pl
ein Mittel gegen Erkältung
natürliches Heilmittel; Naturheilmittel n
remedy (for sth.)
a remedy for colds
natural remedy
bei etw. nach dem Geschlecht differenzieren v
nach dem Geschlecht aufgeschlüsselte Daten
eine geschlechterspezifische Sicht von etw.
ein geschlechterunabhängiges Vorgehen
Die geschlechterspezifische Vermarktung von Spielzeug bedient die natürlichen Vorlieben von Kindern.
to gender sth.
gendered data
a gendered understanding of sth.
a non-gendered approach
Gendered marketing of toys responds to children's natural preferences.
Gewinnung f
Gewinnung einer Substanz aus einem natürlichen Rohstoff
zur Gewinnung von Trinkwasser Öl Gas Rauschgift
production of a substance from a natural resource
for the production of drinking water oil gas drugs
natürlicher Horizont m; Landschaftshorizont m
natural horizon; skyline
Kalisalz n; Abraumsalz n (veraltend) min.
natural raw potassic salt; potassium salt; potash salt; (Staßfurt) abraum salt
Keilnabe f rechn
spline hub
Keilverbindung f
spline connection
Koordinate f math.
generalisierte Koordinate f; verallgemeinerte Koordinate f
natürliche Koordinate f
generalized coordinate
natural coordinate
Lebensraum m; Habitat n; Heimat f biol.; Biotop m envir.
Lebensräume pl; Habitate pl; Biotope pl
alltäglicher Lebensraum (eines Tiers)
Ausbreitung in neue Lebensräume (einer Tierart)
Lebensraum gefährdeter bedrohter oder vom Aussterben bedrohter Arten
die natürlichen Lebensräume wildlebender Tiere und Pflanzen erhalten
living space; habitat; biotope (rare)
living spaces; habitats; biotopes
home range (of an animal)
radiation (of a species)
habitat of depleted threatened or endangered species
to conserve the natural habitats of wild fauna and flora
Logarithmus m math.
natürlicher Logarithmus
Logarithmus dualis
der Logarithmus zur Basis b von a Log b von a
natural logarithm
binary logarithm
the logarithm to (the) base b of a log b of a
Magnet m
Magnete pl
Glockenmagnet m
natürlicher Magnet m phys.
bell-shaped magnet
natural magnet
jds. Markenzeichen n; jds. Handschrift n; jds. persönliche Note f
der Humor der zu ihrem Markenzeichen geworden ist
die herrlich schmeckenden Saucen aus natürlichen Zutaten für die er bekannt ist
ein zeitloser Duft mit einer unverwechselbaren maskulinen Note
Der Hüftschwung war sein Markenzeichen.
sb.'s signature
the humor that has become her signature
the great tasting sauces with natural ingredients that are his signature
a timeless fragrance with a unique masculine signature
The hip shake was his signature.
Milchsaft m; Chylus m bot.
natural latex
Monopol n
absolutes Monopol; vollkommenes Monopol
bilaterales Monopol
natürliches Monopol
absolute monopoly
bilateral monopoly
natural monopoly
Moorbad n med.
(natural) peat bath; peat-bog bath; moor mud bath
Natur f (natürliche Umwelt) envir.
die Schönheit der Natur
zurück zur Natur
geschützte Arten aus der Natur entnehmen
nature (natural environment)
the beauty of nature
back to nature
to take protected species from the wild
Naturdarmsaite f; Natursaite f mus. sport
Naturdarmsaiten pl; Natursaiten pl
natural gut string; natural string
natural gut strings; natural strings

Deutsche natürlicher Spline [math.] Synonyme

in  natürlicher  Lage  Âin  situ  (fachsprachlich)  
in natürlicher Lage  in situ (fachsprachlich)  

Englische natural spline Synonyme

natural spline Definition

(a.) Fixed or determined by nature
(a.) Conformed to the order, laws, or actual facts, of nature
(a.) Having to do with existing system to things
(a.) Conformed to truth or reality
(a.) Springing from true sentiment
(a.) Resembling the object imitated
(a.) Having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's position
(a.) Connected by the ties of consanguinity.
(a.) Begotten without the sanction of law
(a.) Of or pertaining to the lower or animal nature, as contrasted with the higher or moral powers, or that which is spiritual
(a.) Belonging to, to be taken in, or referred to, some system, in which the base is 1
(a.) Produced by natural organs, as those of the human throat, in distinction from instrumental music.
(a.) Of or pertaining to a key which has neither a flat nor a sharp for its signature, as the key of C major.
(a.) Applied to an air or modulation of harmony which moves by easy and smooth transitions, digressing but little from the original key.
(n.) A native
(n.) Natural gifts, impulses, etc.
(n.) One born without the usual powers of reason or understanding
(n.) A character [/] used to contradict, or to remove the effect of, a sharp or flat which has preceded it, and to restore the unaltered note.
(n.) A rectangular piece fitting grooves like key seats in a hub and a shaft, so that while the one may slide endwise on the other, both must revolve together
(n.) A long, flexble piece of wood sometimes used as a ruler.

natural spline Bedeutung

natural object an object occurring naturally, not made by man
natural family planning any of several methods of family planning that do not involve sterilization or contraceptive devices or drugs, coitus is avoided during the fertile time of a woman's menstrual cycle
natural (craps) a first roll of or that immediately wins the stake
a thin strip (wood or metal)
spline a flexible strip (wood or rubber) used in drawing curved lines
natural virtue (scholasticism) one of the four virtues (prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance) derived from nature
natural ability ability that is inherited
natural endowment
natural abilities or qualities
natural history the scientific study of plants or animals (more observational than experimental) usually published in popular magazines rather than in academic journals
natural law
a rule or body of rules of conduct inherent in human nature and essential to or binding upon human society
natural science the sciences involved in the study of the physical world and its phenomena
natural philosophy r
the science of matter and energy and their interactions, his favorite subject was physics
natural language processing
human language technology
the branch of information science that deals with natural language information
natural theology a theology that holds that knowledge of God can be acquired by human reason without the aid of divine revelation
natural language processor
natural language processing application
an application program that deals with natural language text
natural logarithm
Napierian logarithm
a logarithm to the base e
a notation cancelling a previous sharp or flat
natural language
a human written or spoken language used by a community, opposed to e.g. a computer language
natural event
an event that happens
Royal Society
Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge
an honorary English society (formalized inand given a royal charter by Charles II in ) through which the British government has supported science
natural covering
a natural object that covers or envelops, under a covering of dust, the fox was flushed from its cover
natural enclosure
a naturally enclosed space
natural depression
a sunken or depressed geological formation
natural elevation
a raised or elevated geological formation
natural order the physical universe considered as an orderly system subject to natural (not human or supernatural) laws
natural spring
a natural flow of ground water
natural someone regarded as certain to succeed, he's a natural for the job
natural scientist
a biologist knowledgeable about natural history (especially botany and zoology)
natural phenomenon all phenomena that are not artificial
natural resource
natural resources
resources (actual and potential) supplied by nature
natural childbirth labor and childbirth without medical intervention, no drugs are given to relieve pain or aid the birth process, natural childbirth is considered the safest for the baby
natural process
natural action
a process existing in or produced by nature (rather than by the intent of human beings), the action of natural forces, volcanic activity
survival of the fittest
natural selection
a natural process resulting in the evolution of organisms best adapted to the environment
natural number the number and any other number obtained by adding to it repeatedly
natural shape a shape created by natural forces, not man-made
natural state
state of nature
a wild primitive state untouched by civilization, he lived in the wild, they collected mushrooms in the wild
natural immunity
innate immunity
immunity to disease that occurs as part of an individual's natural biologic makeup
natural glass magma of any composition that cooled very rapidly
natural resin a plant exudate
natural fiber
natural fibre
fiber derived from plants or animals
natural gas
a fossil fuel in the gaseous state, used for cooking and heating homes
natural rubber
India rubber
gum elastic
an elastic material obtained from the latex sap of trees (especially trees of the genera Hevea and Ficus) that can be vulcanized and finished into a variety of products
free from artificiality, a lifelike pose, a natural reaction
being talented through inherited qualities, a natural leader, a born musician, an innate talent
natural related by blood, not adopted
natural in accordance with nature, relating to or concerning nature, a very natural development, our natural environment, natural science, natural resources, natural cliffs, natural phenomena
natural existing in or produced by nature, not artificial or imitation, a natural pearl, natural gas, natural silk, natural blonde hair, a natural sweetener, natural fertilizers
natural existing in or in conformity with nature or the observable world, neither supernatural nor magical, a perfectly natural explanation
natural (of a musical note) being neither raised nor lowered by one chromatic semitone, a natural scale, B natural
natural functioning or occurring in a normal way, lacking abnormalities or deficiencies, it's the natural thing to happen, natural immunity, a grandparent's natural affection for a grandchild
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