
personal goal statements Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Zielvorstellung f
personal goal statements
aller persönlicher Sachbesitz
all chattels personal
betrügerische Erklärungen
fraudulent statements
educational goal
contract of personal service
personal requirements
household and personal effects
irreführende Angaben
misleading statements
mündliches Interview
personal interview
personal data
personal loan
personal insurance
persönliche Daten, personenbezogene Daten
personal data
persönliche Einkünfte, persönliches Interview
personal earnings
persönliche Zeitzugabe
personal allowance
persönliche Zeitzugabe
personal needs allowance
persönlicher Assistent
personal assistant
persönlicher Besitz
personal property
persönlicher Freibetrag
personal allowance
persönlicher Vorteil, persönlicher Nutzen
personal benefit
persönliches Eigentum, Sachbesitz
personal property
persönliches Gespräch mit Voranmeldung
personal call
persönliches Gut, bewegliches Gut, Hausrat
personal chattels
private Unfallversicherung
personal accident insurance
privates Darlehen
personal loan
personal liability insurance
tabellarischer Lebenslauf
personal data sheet
verfügbares persönliches Einkommen
disposable personal income
Vermittler von Privatkrediten
personal loan broker
Vertreter einer Person
personal representative
goal conflict
Zugabe für persönliche Bedürfnisse
allowance for personal needs
Abrechnung f
Abrechnungen pl
statement of account
statements of account
Absatzziel n, Absatzsoll n
sales target, sales goal
Abseitstor n sport
Abseitstore pl
offside goal
offside goals
Abstaubertor n sport
Abstaubertore pl
poacher's goal
poacher's goals
Abstoß m sport
Abstöße pl
goal kick
goal kicks
Angabe f
Angaben pl
Angaben zur Person
personal details
Anschlusstor n, Anschlusstreffer m
goal which leaves the side only one down
Anweisung f
Anweisungen pl
Arztstempel m
Arztstempel pl
doctor's personal seal
doctor's personal seals
Ausbildungsziel n
Ausbildungsziele pl
training goal
training goals
Ausgleichstreffer m, Ausgleichstor n, Ausgleich m sport
Ausgleichstreffer pl, Ausgleichstore pl
equalizer, equaliser, equalizing goal
equalizers, equalisers, equalizing goals
Aussage f
Aussagen pl
unwiderlegliche Aussage
nach Ihrer Aussage
apodictic statement
according to what you said
Auswärtstor n sport
Auswärtstore pl
goal scored in an away game
goals scored in an away game
(Konto-) Auszug m
Auszüge pl
statement (of account)
Barscheck m
Barschecks pl
personal cheque
personal cheques
Daten pl
analoge Daten
betriebliche Daten pl
personenbezogene Daten
strukturierte Daten
technische Daten
ungültige Daten
veraltete Daten
Daten übermitteln
analogue data
operational data
personal data
structured data
technical data
bad data
decaying data
to submit data
Ehrentor n, Ehrentreffer m sport
Ehrentore pl, Ehrentreffer pl
consolation goal
consolation goals
Eigenleistung f
personal contribution
Eigentor n sport
Eigentore pl
ein Eigentor schießen
own goal
own goals
to score an own goal
Eigentum n, Besitz m, Besitztümer pl
persönliches Eigentum
personal estate
Eigenverantwortlichkeit f, Eigenverantwortung f (für)
personal responsibility, direct responsibility (for)
Eigenverschulden n
personal negligence
Einverständniserklärung f
Einverständniserklärungen pl
statement of agreement
statements of agreement
Einzelunternehmen n
personal undertaking
Einzelunterricht m (Sonderpädagogik)
individualized personal instruction (IPI)
Erfahrung f, Sachkenntnis f
Erfahrungen pl
praktische Erfahrung f, Ãœbung f
praktische Erfahrung f, Betriebserfahrung f
eine Erfahrung machen
Erfahrung sammeln, Erfahrung hinzugewinnen
viele Jahre Erfahrung mit
eine etwa zwanzigjährige Erfahrung
langjährige Erfahrungen in
aus eigener Erfahrung
aus (eigener) Erfahrung wissen
nach unserer Erfahrung
besondere Erfahrung, besondere Berufserfahrung
aus Erfahrung
nach meinen Erfahrungen, nach meiner Erfahrung
practical knowledge
operational experience
to have an experience
to gain experience
many years of experience with
some twenty years of experience
a long experience in
from my own personal experience
to know from (one's own) experience
as far as our experience goes
special experience
by experience
in my experience
Freiheit f, Ungebundenheit f, Ungezwungenheit f
akademische Freiheit
persönliche Freiheit
academic freedom
personal freedom
Gegentor n sport
goal against
Haftpflichtversicherung f
gesetzliche Haftpflichtversicherung
private Haftpflichtversicherung f
liability insurance
legally required liability insurance
personal liability insurance
Hauptziel n
Hauptziele pl
main goal, principal aim
main goals, principal aims
Klagebegründung f
Klagebegründungen pl
statement of claim
statements of claim
Körperpflege f
personal hygiene
Kontoauszug m, Bankauszug m
Kontoauszüge pl Bankauszüge pl
bank statement, statement, banking statement
bank statements, statements, banking statements
Kontoauszug m
Kontoauszüge pl
statement of account, account statement, abstract of account
statements of account, account statements
Kopfballtor n sport
Kopfballtore pl
headed goal
headed goals
Kostenaufstellung f
Kostenaufstellungen pl
statement of cost
statements of costs
Matrixbilanz f
Matrixbilanzen pl
articulation statement
articulation statements
Meinung f, Ansicht f, Anschauung f, Urteil n
Meinungen pl, Ansichten pl, Anschauungen pl, Urteile pl
meiner Meinung nach, meiner Ansicht nach
ohne eigene Meinung
sich eine Meinung bilden
öffentliche Meinung
abweichende Meinung
nach verbreiteter Ansicht
sich ein Urteil bilden (über)
in my opinion
without a personal opinion
to form an opinion
public opinion, lay opinion
dissenting opinion
according to popular opinion
to form an opinion (about)
Minicomputer m
personal digital assistant (PDA)
Mundraub m
theft of comestibles for personal consumption
persönliche Note f
personal touch
Ortsangabe f
Ortsangaben pl
statement of place
statements of place
Persönlichkeitsrecht n
Persönlichkeitsrechte pl
allgemeines Persönlichkeitsrecht
personal right
personal rights
general right of privacy
Person f, Mensch m
Personen pl, Menschen pl
berechtigte Person
eine integre Person
dritte Person
natürliche Person jur.
juristische Person jur.
ernannte Person
geselliger Mensch
persons, people
qualified person
a person of integrity
third person
natural person
legal entity, legal person
designated person
people person
Personalakte f
personal file
Personalangaben pl, Personalien pl
particulars, personal data
Personalcomputer m (PC) comp.
personal computer (PC)
Personal-Computer m
personal computer
Personalpronomen m gramm.
Personalpronomen pl
personal pronoun
personal pronouns
Personalunion f pol. hist.
personal union
Personenbeschreibung f
personal description
Personendaten pl
personal data
Personenschaden m
personal injury, harm to persons
Personenschutz m
personal security
Presseerklärung f
Presseerklärungen pl
eine Presseerklärung abgeben
statement to the press
statements to the press
to make a statement to the press
Rechenschaftsbericht m
Rechenschaftsberichte pl
statement of accounts
statements of accounts
etw. in eigene Regie nehmen
take personal charge (direct control) of sth.
Schmerzensgeld n
compensation for personal suffering, smart-money Am.
Schuss m
Schüsse pl
Schuss aufs Tor
shot at goal
Schutzausrüstung f
persönliche Schutzausrüstung (PSA)
Schutzausrüstung der Polizei
protective equipment
personal protective equipment (PPE)
riot gear
Steckbrief m übtr.
profile, personal description
Straftor n sport
Straftore pl
penalty goal
penalty goals
Tor n sport
Tore pl
ein Tor schießen
am Tor vorbei schießen
to score a goal
to miss the goal
Torauslinie f sport
byline, byline at goal, endline
Torchance f sport
Torchancen pl
eine Torchance herausspielen
goal-scoring chance
goal-scoring chances
to create a goal-scoring chance
Torjäger m, Torjägerin f sport
Torjäger pl, Torjägerinnen pl
goal scorer, finisher
goal scorers
Torlinie f sport
Torlinien pl
die Torlinie überqueren
goal line
goal lines
to cross the goal line
Torraum m sport (Fußball)
Torräume pl
6-yard-box, goal area
6-yard-boxes, goal areas
Torschuss m
Torschüsse pl
Torschütze m, Schütze m sport
Torschützen pl, Schützen pl
scorer, goal scorer
Torverhältnis n sport
Torverhältnisse pl
danke des besseren Torverhältnisses
goal average
goal averages
thanks to the better goal average
Torwart m, Torhüter m, Torhüterin f, Tormann m, Torfrau f, Schlussmann m sport
Torwarte pl, Torhüter pl, Torhüterinnen pl, Tormänner pl, Torfrauen pl
Torwart sein
goal keeper, goalkeeper, netminder, goalie coll.
goal keepers, goalkeepers, netminders, goalies
to keep goal
Trainingsziel n
Trainingsziele pl
training goal
training goals
Treffer m sport
Treffer pl
hit, goal
hits, goals
Unannehmlichkeit f
Unannehmlichkeiten pl, Umstände pl
jdm. große Umstände bereiten
trotz persönlicher Unannehmlichkeiten
sich Unannehmlichkeiten einhandeln
inconvenience, inconveniences
to put sb. to great inconvenience
at personal inconvenience
to get into trouble
Unternehmensziel n
Unternehmensziele pl
corporate goal
corporate goals
Verbrauch m, Konsum m, Konsumtion f
persönlicher Verbrauch
privater Verbrauch
personal consumption
private consumption
per capita consumption
Verfasser m
personal author
Vier-Augen-Gespräch n, Vieraugengespräch n
private discussion, personal discussion
Werdegang m einer Person
personal background
Ziel n
Ziele pl
zum Ziel gelangen
to reach one's goal
Zielfunktional n math.
objective functional, goal functional
Zielpunkt m
Zielvorstellung f
personal goal statements
Zwischenbilanz f
Zwischenbilanzen pl
interim financial statement
interim financial statements
(ein Tor, Punkte) erzielen
to score (a goal)
köpfen v sport
ins Tor köpfen
to head
to head a goal
persönlich adj
in person, personal
persönlich adj, Personal...
am persönlichsten, persönlichst
more personal
most personal
persönliche Geheimzahl f, persönliche Identifikationsnummer f, PIN f
personal identification number, PIN
persönlicher gestalten, eine persönliche Note geben
to make more personal, to personalize, to personalise Br.
unsachlich werden, persönlich werden
to become personal
zielorientiert, ausgerichtet, gezielt adj
gezielte Forschungsprojekte
targeted, goal-oriented
targeted research projects
pers. : persönlich
pers. : personal, personally, in person
PC : Personalcomputer m
PC : personal computer
PIN : Persönliche Geheimnummer f
PIN : personal identification number
goal keeper
goal keepers
goal kick
goal line
goal lines
in personal
more personal
most personal
penalty goal
persoenlich, Personal..
personal cheque
Arbeitsplatzrechner (PC)
personal computer
personenbezogene Daten
personal data
personal description
persoenliche Geheimzahl (PIN)
personal identification number
Angaben, Meinungsaeusserungen

Deutsche Zielvorstellung {f} Synonyme

Ziel  Zielsetzung  Zielvorstellung  Zweck  

Englische personal goal statements Synonyme

personal goal statements Definition

(n.) The mark set to bound a race, and to or around which the constestants run, or from which they start to return to it again
(n.) The final purpose or aim
(n.) A base, station, or bound used in various games
(a.) Pertaining to human beings as distinct from things.
(a.) Of or pertaining to a particular person
(a.) Pertaining to the external or bodily appearance
(a.) Done in person
(a.) Relating to an individual, his character, conduct, motives, or private affairs, in an invidious and offensive manner
(a.) Denoting person
(n.) A movable

personal goal statements Bedeutung

goal-kick (association football) a kick by the defending side after the attacking side sends the ball over the goal-line
goal-kick (rugby) an attempt to kick a goal
goal a successful attempt at scoring, the winning goal came with less than a minute left to play
own goal (soccer) a goal that results when a player inadvertently knocks the ball into the goal he is defending, the own goal cost them the game
field goal a score in American football, a score made by kicking the ball between the opponents' goal posts
field goal
a score in basketball made by throwing the ball through the hoop
personal care care for someone who is disabled or is otherwise unable to care for themselves, can including bathing and cooking and managing bodily functions
personal foul a foul that involves unnecessarily rough contact (as in basketball or football)
judgment in personam
judgement in personam
personal judgment
personal judgement
a judgment rendered against an individual (or corporation) for the payment of money damages
goal game equipment consisting of the place toward which players of a game try to advance a ball or puck in order to score points
personal computer
a small digital computer based on a microprocessor and designed to be used by one person at a time
personal digital assistant
personal organizer
personal organiser
a lightweight consumer electronic device that looks like a hand-held computer but instead performs specific tasks, can serve as a diary or a personal database or a telephone or an alarm clock etc.
personal identity
the distinct personality of an individual regarded as a persisting entity, you can lose your identity when you join the army
personal appeal
personal magnetism
a personal attractiveness or interestingness that enables you to influence others
personal equation variability attributable to individual differences
manner personal manner a way of acting or behaving
personal business
personal matters
matters of personal concern, get his affairs in order
episodic memory
personal memory
memory for episodes in your own life
the state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve and that (when achieved) terminates behavior intended to achieve it, the ends justify the means
no-goal a nonexistent goal, he lived without a reason progressing toward no-goal
personal a short newspaper article about a particular person or group
personal pronoun a pronoun expressing a distinction of person
personal letter a letter dealing with personal affairs
personal identification number
PIN number
a number you choose and use to gain access to various accounts
the place designated as the end (as of a race or journey), a crowd assembled at the finish, he was nearly exhausted as their destination came into view
goal line a line marking each end of the playing field or pitch, where the goals stand
personal representative a person who manages the affairs of another
personal property
personal estate
private property
movable property (as distinguished from real estate)
personal chattel
personal as opposed to real property, any tangible movable property (furniture or domestic animals or a car etc)
personal effects
property of a personal character that is portable but not used in business, she left some of her personal effects in the house, I watched over their effects until they returned
personal income the income received by a single individual
personal expense the cost of personal or family living, some personal expenses are tax deductible
credit line
line of credit
bank line
personal credit line
personal line of credit
the maximum credit that a customer is allowed
personal check
personal cheque
a check drawn against funds deposited in your personal checking account
personal loan
consumer loan
a loan that establishes consumer credit that is granted for personal use, usually unsecured and based on the borrower's integrity and ability to pay
personal relation
personal relationship
a relation between persons
personal particular to a given individual
personal concerning or affecting a particular person or his or her private life and personality, a personal favor, for your personal use, personal papers, I have something personal to tell you, a personal God, he has his personal bank account and she has hers
personal intimately concerning a person's body or physical being, personal hygiene
having a purpose, purposive behavior
personal indicating grammatical person, personal verb endings
personal of or arising from personality, personal magnetism
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