
personality disorder Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung f BPS psych.
borderline personality disorder BPD
dissoziativ adj
dissoziative Persönlichkeitsstörung f psych.
dissociative personality disorder
Persönlichkeitsstörung f
Persönlichkeitsstörungen pl
Selbstunsicher-vermeidende Persönlichkeitsstörung
personality disorder, personality disorder trait
personality disorders, personality disorder traits
avoidant personality disorder
Persönlichkeitsstörung f
Persönlichkeitsstörungen pl
zwanghafte Persönlichkeitsstörung; anankastische Persönlichkeitsstörung
Selbstunsicher-vermeidende Persönlichkeitsstörung
personality disorder; personality disorder trait
personality disorders; personality disorder traits
obsessive-compulsive personality disorder OCPD
avoidant personality disorder
Persönlichkeitsstörung f psych.
Persönlichkeitsstörungen pl
abhängige Persönlichkeitsstörung; dependente Persönlichkeitsstörung; asthenische Persönlichkeitsstörung
Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung f BPS
paranoide Persönlichkeitsstörung
zwanghafte Persönlichkeitsstörung; anankastische Persönlichkeitsstörung
Selbstunsicher-vermeidende Persönlichkeitsstörung
personality disorder; personality disorder trait
personality disorders; personality disorder traits
dependent personality disorder DPD ; asthenic personality disorder
borderline personality disorder BPD
paranoid personality disorder PPD
obsessive-compulsive personality disorder OCPD
avoidant personality disorder

Deutsche Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung {f} BPS [psych.] Synonyme

borderline case  aliene  bedlamite  blind bargain  chance  contingency  crackbrain  crackpot  dement  demoniac  
borderline  ambiguous  bordering  boundary  bounding  coastal  determinant  determinative  determining  dubitable  
psych out  answer  bottom  clear up  crack  crush  dash  debug  decipher  decode  
psych  agitate  answer  bottom  bug  clear up  convulse  crack  debug  decipher  

Englische borderline personality disorder BPD Synonyme

personality disorder Definition

(n.) Want of order or regular disposition
(n.) Neglect of order or system
(n.) Breach of public order
(n.) Disturbance of the functions of the animal economy of the soul
(v. t.) To disturb the order of
(v. t.) To disturb or interrupt the regular and natural functions of (either body or mind)
(v. t.) To depose from holy orders.
(n.) That which constitutes distinction of person
(n.) Something said or written which refers to the person, conduct, etc., of some individual, especially something of a disparaging or offensive nature
(n.) That quality of a law which concerns the condition, state, and capacity of persons.

personality disorder Bedeutung

violent disorder
violently angry and destructive behavior
personality test any test that is intended to assess personality
personality the complex of all the attributes--behavioral, temperamental, emotional and mental--that characterize a unique individual, their different reactions reflected their very different personalities, it is his nature to help others
anal personality
anal retentive personality
(psychoanalysis) a personality characterized by meticulous neatness and suspicion and reserve, said to be formed in early childhood by fixation during the anal stage of development (usually as a consequence of toilet training)
genital personality (psychoanalysis) the mature personality which is not dominated by infantile pleasure drives
narcissistic personality personality marked by self-love and self-absorption, unrealistic views about your own qualities and little regard for others
obsessiveompulsive personality personality characterized by a strong need to repeat certain acts or rituals
oral personality (psychoanalysis) a personality characterized either by generous optimism or aggressive and ambitious selfishness, formed in early childhood by fixation during the oral stage of development
cult of personality intense devotion to a particular person
personality inventory
personality assessment
a questionnaire that is supposed to yield a description of a person's personality traits, a personality inventory is a direct test of personality, as contrasted with a projective test
selfeport personality inventory
selfeport inventory
a personality inventory in which a person is asked which of a list of traits and characteristics describe her or him or to indicate which behaviors and hypothetical choices he or she would make
California Personality Inventory
a selfeport personality inventory originally derived from the MMPI, consists of several hundred yes-no questions and yields scores on a number of scales including dominance and self acceptance and self control and socialization and achievement etc.
Eysenck Personality Inventory
a selfeport personality inventory based on Hans Eysenck's factor analysis of personality which assumes three basic factors (the two most important being extraversion to introversion and neuroticism)
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
a selfeport personality inventory consisting ofitems that describe feelings or actions which the person is asked to agree with or disagree with, many scales estimating traits and qualities of personality have been developed using MMPI items
Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire
a selfeport personality inventory developed by Raymond B. Cattell to measure the personality dimensions that emerged from his factor analysis of a wide range of traits
personality a person of considerable prominence, she is a Hollywood personality
disorder a disturbance of the peace or of public order
immunological disorder a disorder of the immune system
sleep terror disorder
pavor nocturnus
a disorder of sleep characterized by a dream of terrifying dimensions far worse than a typical nightmare, they occur during NREM sleep
disorder upset a physical condition in which there is a disturbance of normal functioning, the doctor prescribed some medicine for the disorder, everyone gets stomach upsets from time to time
functional disorder disorder showing symptoms for which no physiological or anatomical cause can be identified
organic disorder disorder caused by a detectable physiological or structural change in an organ
acute brain disorder
acute organic brain syndrome
any disorder (as sudden confusion or disorientation) in an otherwise normal person that is due to reversible (temporary) impairment of brain tissues (as by head injuries or drugs or infection)
eating disorder a disorder of the normal eating routine
attention deficit disorder
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
hyperkinetic syndrome
minimal brain dysfunction
minimal brain damage
a condition (mostly in boys) characterized by behavioral and learning disorders
bladder disorder a disorder of the urinary bladder
degenerative disorder condition leading to progressive loss of function
glandular disease
gland disease
glandular disorder
a disorder of the glands of the body
learning disorder
learning disability
a disorder found in children of normal intelligence who have difficulties in learning specific skills
food poisoning
gastrointestinal disorder
illness caused by poisonous or contaminated food
idiopathic disease
idiopathic disorder
any disease arising from internal dysfunctions of unknown cause
monogenic disorder
monogenic disease
an inherited disease controlled by a single pair of genes
polygenic disorder
polygenic disease
an inherited disease controlled by several genes at once
mental disorder
mental disturbance
disturbance psychological disorder
(psychiatry) a psychological disorder of thought or emotion, a more neutral term than mental illness
metabolic disorder a disorder or defect of metabolism
nervous disorder
neurological disorder
neurological disease
a disorder of the nervous system
brain disorder
brain disease
any disorder or disease of the brain
kidney disease
renal disorder
a disease affecting the kidneys
respiratory disease
respiratory illness
respiratory disorder
a disease affecting the respiratory system
genetic disease
genetic disorder
genetic abnormality
genetic defect
congenital disease
inherited disease
inherited disorder
hereditary disease
hereditary condition
a disease or disorder that is inherited genetically
autosomal dominant disease
autosomal dominant disorder
a disease caused by a dominant mutant gene on an autosome
autoimmune disease
autoimmune disorder
any of a large group of diseases characterized by abnormal functioning of the immune system that causes your immune system to produce antibodies against your own tissues
blood disease
blood disorder
a disease or disorder of the blood
skin disease
disease of the skin
skin disorder
a disease affecting the skin
sleep disorder a disturbance of the normal sleep pattern
anxiety disorder a cover term for a variety of mental disorders in which severe anxiety is a salient symptom
generalized anxiety disorder
anxiety reaction
an anxiety disorder characterized by chronic free-floating anxiety and such symptoms as tension or sweating or trembling or lightheadedness or irritability etc that has lasted for more than six months
obsessiveompulsive disorder an anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent and persistent thoughts and feelings and repetitive, ritualized behaviors
panic disorder an anxiety disorder characterized by unpredictable panic attacks, the attacks are usually severe but brief
phobic disorder
phobic neurosis
an anxiety disorder characterized by extreme and irrational fear of simple things or social situations, phobic disorder is a general term for all phobias
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