
pitch and toss Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Kopf oder Zahl
Kopf oder Zahl
head or tail; heads or tails; pitch-and-toss
etw. (an einen Ort) werfen; schleudern; schmeißen ugs. v
werfend; schleudernd; schmeißend
geworfen; geschleudert; geschmissen
du wirfst
er sie wirft
ich er sie warf
wir sie warfen
er sie hat hatte geworfen
ich er sie würfe
einen Stein werfen
seine Tasche auf das Sofa werfen
einen Ziegel durch die Fensterscheibe werfen
seinen Hut in die Luft werfen
seine Schuhe quer durchs Zimmer schleudern
etw. nach jdm. schmeißen
jdn. ins Gefängnis werfen
ein paar Bälle werfen (Baseball)
Sie stürzte sich begeistert in die Arbeit.
to throw {threw; thrown}; to toss; to cast {cast; cast}; to fling {flung; flung}; to pitch; to chuck coll.; to sling {slung; slung} coll.; to heave coll. (sth. heavy); to bung coll.; to peg Am. coll.; to hoy Austr. coll.; to bish NZ coll. sth. (in a place)
throwing; tossing; casting; flinging; pitching; chucking; slinging; heaving; bunging; peging; hoying; bishing
thrown; tossed; cast; flung; pitched; chucked; slung; heaved; bunged; peged; hoyed; bished
you throw
he she throws
I he she threw
we they threw
he she has had thrown
I he she would throw
to throw toss cast a stone
to toss your bag on to the sofa
to hurl a brick through the window glass
to fling your hat into the air
to fling your shoes across the room
to chuck sth. at sb. coll.
to fling sb. into prison
to pitch a few balls (baseball)
She hurled herself into the job with enthusiasm.
etw. (an einen Ort) werfen; schleudern; schmeißen ugs. v
werfend; schleudernd; schmeißend
geworfen; geschleudert; geschmissen
du wirfst
er sie wirft
ich er sie warf
wir sie warfen
er sie hat hatte geworfen
ich er sie würfe
einen Stein werfen
seine Tasche auf das Sofa werfen
einen Ziegel durch die Fensterscheibe werfen
seinen Hut in die Luft werfen
seine Schuhe quer durchs Zimmer schleudern
etw. nach jdm. schmeißen
jdn. ins Gefängnis werfen
den ersten Stein werfen übtr.
ein paar Bälle werfen (Baseball)
Sie stürzte sich begeistert in die Arbeit.
Mike warf einen Stein in den Teich.
Ken warf noch ein Scheit ins Feuer.
to throw {threw; thrown}; to toss; to cast {cast; cast}; to fling {flung; flung}; to pitch; to chuck coll.; to sling {slung; slung} coll.; to heave coll. (sth. heavy); to bung coll.; to peg Am. coll.; to hoy Austr. coll.; to bish NZ coll. sth. (in a place)
throwing; tossing; casting; flinging; pitching; chucking; slinging; heaving; bunging; peging; hoying; bishing
thrown; tossed; cast; flung; pitched; chucked; slung; heaved; bunged; peged; hoyed; bished
you throw
he she throws
I he she threw
we they threw
he she has had thrown
I he she would throw
to throw toss cast a stone
to toss your bag on to the sofa
to hurl a brick through the window glass
to fling your hat into the air
to fling your shoes across the room
to chuck sth. at sb. coll.
to fling sb. into prison
to cast the first stone fig.
to pitch a few balls (baseball)
She hurled herself into the job with enthusiasm.
Mike threw a stone into the pond.
Ken tossed another log on the fire.

Deutsche Kopf oder Zahl Synonyme

Avogadro-Konstante  ÂAvogadro-Zahl  ÂAvogadrozahl  ÂLoschmidt-Konstante  ÂLoschmidt-Zahl  ÂLoschmidtsche  Zahl  ÂLoschmidtzahl  
über  kurz  oder  lang  Âeines  Tages  Âfrüher  oder  später  Âirgendwann  
Antivalenz  ÂEntweder-Oder  Âexklusives  ODER  ÂKontravalenz  
o.  Ã„.  Âoder  Ã„hnliche  Âoder  Ã„hnliches  
Wert  ÂZahl  
Anzahl  ÂZahl  
Poissonsche  Zahl  ÂQuerdehnzahl  ÂQuerkontraktionszahl  
Frankfurt  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂFrankfurt  an  der  Oder  ÂFrankfurt/Oder  
Kennziffer  ÂMenge  ÂNr.  ÂNummer  ÂVielheit  ÂZahl  ÂZiffer  
gerade  (Zahl)  Âohne  Rest  durch  zwei  teilbar  
3,141592653589793238...  ÂArchimedes-Konstante  ÂKreiskonstante  ÂKreiszahl  Âludolfsche  Zahl  ÂLudolfzahl  ÂPi  
aus  dem  Kopf  (umgangssprachlich)  Âauswendig  
Disjunktion  ÂODER-Verknüpfung  
brüskieren  Âverletzen  Âvor  den  Kopf  stoßen  (umgangssprachlich)  
chartern  Âmieten  (Schiff  oder  Flugzeug)  
(körperliche  oder  geistige)  Reifungsverzögerung  ÂRetardation  
Anfechtung  ÂBestreitung  der  Glaubwürdigkeit  oder  Gültigkeit  
begriffsstutzig  Âdösig  (umgangssprachlich)  Âdenkfaul  Âlangsam  (im  Kopf)  Âstumpfsinnig  
Sklerose  (fachsprachlich)  ÂVerhärtung  von  Geweben  oder  Organen  
Rehydratation  (fachsprachlich)  ÂZufuhr  von  Wasser  oder  Salzlösungen  
rückgebildet  Âretrograd  Âzeitlich  oder  Ã¶rtlich  zurückliegend  
schmerzhafter  Harn-  oder  Stuhlgang  ÂTenesmus  (fachsprachlich)  
Grübeln  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂKognition  (fachsprachlich)  ÂNachdenken  Âsich  den  Kopf  zerbrechen  
obdachlos  Âohne  Dach  Ã¼ber  dem  Kopf  (umgangssprachlich)  Âwohnsitzlos  Âwohnungslos  
auf  den  Punkt  bringen  Âden  Nagel  auf  den  Kopf  treffen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âzutreffend  sein  
Retraktion  (fachsprachlich)  ÂSchrumpfen  eines  Organs  oder  Gewebes  
überstürzt  Âeilfertig  Âeilig  ÂHals  Ã¼ber  Kopf  (umgangssprachlich)  Âhastig  Âvoreilig  Âvorschnell  
mit  leerem  Magen  Ânüchtern  Âohne  etwas  gegessen  oder  getrunken  zu  haben  
2,718281828459...  ÂBasis  des  natürlichen  Logarithmus  Âe  Âeulersche  Konstante  Âeulersche  Zahl  
gezwungenermaßen  Ânolens  volens  Ânotgedrungen  Âunfreiwillig  Âwohl  oder  Ã¼bel  Âzähneknirschend  (umgangssprachlich)  Âzwangsläufig  Âzwangsweise  
(angestrengt)  nachdenken  Â(sich)  das  Hirn  zermartern  Â(sich)  den  Kopf  zerbrechen  Âgrübeln  
brillanter  Kopf  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂEinstein  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂGenie  ÂGenius  
auf  den  Kopf  stellen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âumkrempeln  (umgangssprachlich)  
Birne  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂHaupt  ÂKopf  ÂRübe  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂSchädel  (umgangssprachlich)  
egal  Âeinerlei  Âgehupft  wie  gesprungen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âgleich  (umgangssprachlich)  Âgleichgültig  ÂJacke  wie  Hose  (umgangssprachlich)  Âschnuppe  (umgangssprachlich)  Âso  oder  so  Âwurscht  (umgangssprachlich)  
(einen  Plan)  verwerfen  Â(sich  etwas)  abschminken  (umgangssprachlich)  Â(sich  etwas)  aus  dem  Kopf  schlagen  (umgangssprachlich)  
cool  bleiben  (umgangssprachlich)  Âeinen  kühlen  Kopf  behalten  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂRuhe  bewahren  Âruhig  bleiben  Âruhig  Blut  bewahren  (umgangssprachlich)  
Grips  haben  (umgangssprachlich)  Âhelle  sein  (umgangssprachlich)  Âintelligent  sein  ÂKöpfchen  haben  (umgangssprachlich)  Ânicht  auf  den  Kopf  gefallen  sein  (umgangssprachlich)  
(körperliche oder geistige) Reifungsverzögerung  Retardation  
Poissonsche Zahl  Querdehnzahl  Querkontraktionszahl  
auf den Kopf stellen (umgangssprachlich)  umkrempeln (umgangssprachlich)  
aus dem Kopf (umgangssprachlich)  auswendig  
gerade (Zahl)  ohne Rest durch zwei teilbar  
schmerzhafter Harn- oder Stuhlgang  Tenesmus (fachsprachlich)  
über kurz oder lang  eines Tages  früher oder später  irgendwann  

Englische pitch-and-toss Synonyme

pitch and toss Definition

(n.) A thick, black, lustrous, and sticky substance obtained by boiling down tar. It is used in calking the seams of ships
(n.) See Pitchstone.
(n.) To cover over or smear with pitch.
(n.) Fig.: To darken
(v. t.) To throw, generally with a definite aim or purpose
(v. t.) To thrust or plant in the ground, as stakes or poles
(v. t.) To set, face, or pave with rubble or undressed stones, as an embankment or a roadway.
(v. t.) To fix or set the tone of
(v. t.) To set or fix, as a price or value.
(v. i.) To fix or place a tent or temporary habitation
(v. i.) To light
(v. i.) To fix one's choise
(v. i.) To plunge or fall
(n.) A throw
(n.) That point of the ground on which the ball pitches or lights when bowled.
(n.) A point or peak
(n.) Height
(n.) A descent
(n.) The point where a declivity begins
(n.) The relative acuteness or gravity of a tone, determined by the number of vibrations which produce it
(n.) The limit of ground set to a miner who receives a share of the ore taken out.
(n.) The distance from center to center of any two adjacent teeth of gearing, measured on the pitch line
(n.) The length, measured along the axis, of a complete turn of the thread of a screw, or of the helical lines of the blades of a screw propeller.
(n.) The distance between the centers of holes, as of rivet holes in boiler plates.
(a.) Black as pitch or tar.
(a.) Dark as a pitch
(a.) Having the arris defined by a line beyond which the rock is cut away, so as to give nearly true edges
(n.) Pitchblende.
(v. t.) To throw with the hand
(v. t.) To lift or throw up with a sudden or violent motion
(v. t.) To cause to rise and fall
(v. t.) To agitate
(v. t.) Hence, to try
(v. t.) To keep in play
(v. i.) To roll and tumble
(v. i.) To be tossed, as a fleet on the ocean.
(n.) A throwing upward, or with a jerk
(n.) A throwing up of the head
(n.) The exact state or quality of texture and consistency of well reduced and refined copper.
(n.) Copper so reduced

pitch and toss Bedeutung

(sports) the act of throwing the ball to another member of your team, the pass was fumbled
pitch the action or manner of throwing something, his pitch fell short and his hat landed on the floor
pitch delivery (baseball) the act of throwing a baseball by a pitcher to a batter
change-of-pace ball
off-speed pitch
a baseball thrown with little velocity when the batter is expecting a fastball
overhand pitch a baseball pitch in which the hand moves above the shoulder
submarine ball
submarine pitch
a pitch thrown sidearm instead of overhead
wild pitch an errant pitch that the catcher cannot be expected to catch and that allows a base runner to advance a base
foul shot
free throw
penalty free throw
charity toss
charity throw
charity shot
an unhindered basketball shot from the foul line, given to penalize the other team for committing a foul
lurch pitch pitching abrupt up-and-down motion (as caused by a ship or other conveyance), the pitching and tossing was quite exciting
toss an abrupt movement, a toss of his head
pitch auction pitch an all-fours game in which the first card led is a trump
pitch pitch shot a high approach shot in golf
loft bombing
toss bombing
a bombing run in which the bomber approaches the target at a low altitude and pulls up just before releasing the bomb
flip toss the act of flipping a coin
pitch pipe a small pipe sounding a tone of standard frequency, used to establish the starting pitch for unaccompanied singing
variable-pitch propeller propeller for which the angle of the blades is adjustable
coal black
jet black
pitch black
soot black
a very dark black
pitch the property of sound that varies with variation in the frequency of vibration
concert pitch
philharmonic pitch
international pitch
the pitch used to tune instruments for concert performances, usually assignsHz to the A above middle C
high pitch
high frequency
a pitch that is perceived as above other pitches
low pitch
low frequency
a pitch that is perceived as below other pitches
pitch rake
degree of deviation from a horizontal plane, the roof had a steep pitch
absolute pitch
perfect pitch
the ability to identify the pitch of a tone
modulation pitch contour
rise and fall of the voice pitch
tonic accent
pitch accent
emphasis that results from pitch rather than loudness
sales talk
sales pitch
promotion by means of an argument and demonstration
pitch a vendor's position (especially on the sidewalk), he was employed to see that his paper's news pitches were not trespassed upon by rival vendors
even chance
an unpredictable phenomenon, it's a toss-up whether he will win or lose
pitch pine northern pitch pine
Pinus rigida
large three-needled pine of the eastern United States and southeastern Canada, closely related to the pond pine
longleaf pine
pitch pine southern yellow pine
Georgia pine
Pinus palustris
large three-needled pine of southeastern United States having very long needles and gnarled twisted limbs, bark is red-brown deeply ridged, an important timber tree
pitch apple
strangler fig Clusia rosea
Clusia major
a common tropical American clusia having solitary white or rose flowers
total darkness
pitch blackness
total absence of light, they fumbled around in total darkness, in the black of night
fever pitch a state of extreme excitement, the crowd was at fever pitch
asphalt mineral pitch a dark bituminous substance found in natural beds and as residue from petroleum distillation, consists mainly of hydrocarbons
any of various dark heavy viscid substances obtained as a residue
set the level or character of, She pitched her speech to the teenagers in the audience
pitch set to a certain pitch, He pitched his voice very low
toss in add casually to a conversation, `I don't agree with this,' she tossed in
pitch lead (a card) and establish the trump suit
pitch in
dig in
eat heartily, The food was placed on the table and the children pitched in
toss off
pop bolt down belt down
pour down
drink down
drink down entirely, He downed three martinis before dinner, She killed a bottle of brandy that night, They popped a few beer after work
lam into
tear into
lace into
pitch into
lay into
hit violently, as in an attack
pitch hit (a golf ball) in a high arc with a backspin
toss agitate, toss the salad
deliver pitch d throw or hurl from the mound to the batter, as in baseball, The pitcher delivered the ball
toss sky
throw or toss with a light motion, flip me the beachball, toss me newspaper
throw back
toss back
throw back with a quick, light motion, She tossed back her head
pitch set up erect and fasten, pitch a tent
throw carelessly, chuck the ball
dash off
scratch off
knock off
toss off
fling off
write quickly, She dashed off a note to her husband saying she would not be home for supper, He scratched off a thank-you note to the hostess
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