
presiding officer of the Parliament Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Parlamentspräsident m pol.
Parlamentspräsidenten pl
Bundestagspräsident m Dt.
Nationalratspräsident m Ös. Schw.
presiding officer of the Parliament; speaker of the Parliament
presiding officers of the Parliament; speakers of the Parliament
presiding officer speaker of the German Bundestag
presiding officer speaker of the Austrian Swiss Parliament
Beamter am Sozialamt
social welfare officer
Berufsberater (Br.)
careers officer
Berufsberater (Br.)
guidance officer
Berufsberater für Behinderte (Br.)
disablement resettlement officer
Betriebsarzt, Werksarzt
company medical officer
Act of Parliament
leitender Angestellter (US), Direktor
Offizier, Beamter
personnel officer
police officer
Sachbearbeiter des gehobenen Dienstes
executive officer
Vermittler, Arbeitsvermittler
placement officer
insurance officer
vom Parlament beschlossenes Gesetz
Act of Parliament
work study officer
customs officer
Abgeordnetenkammer f pol.
chamber of deputies, parliament
Amtsarzt m, Amtsärztin f
Amtsärzte pl, Amtsärztinnen pl
public health officer, medical officer
public health officers, medical officers
Angestellte m f , Angestellter
Angestellten pl, Angestellte
leitender Angestellter
Angestellter im öffentlichen Dienst, öffentlich Bedienstete
employee, employe Am.
employees, employes
public employee
Arzt m, Ärztin f, Mediziner m, Medizinerin f
Ärzte pl, Ärztinnen, Mediziner pl, Medizinerinnen pl
zum Arzt gehen
Arzt im Praktikum (AiP), Assistent im ersten Jahr
Arzt in der Ausbildung
Dienst habender Arzt, behandelnder Arzt
angehender Arzt
Jungassistent m
Altassistent m
Wir ließen den Arzt kommen.
doctor, physician, medical doctor (M.D.)
doctors, physicians
to go to the doctor, to go to the doctor's
intern, first year resident Am., junior houseofficer Br.
doctor in charge, physician in charge
resident Am., senior house officer (SHO) Br.
fellow Am., registrar Br.
We sent for the doctor.
Beamter m, Offizier m
Berufsberater m, Berufsberaterin f
Berufsberater pl, Berufsberaterinnen pl
careers officer
careers officers
Berufsoffizier m mil.
Berufsoffiziere pl
regular officer
regular officers
Bewährungshelfer m, Bewährungshelferin f
probation officer
Bundesrat m pol.
Bundesrat, Upper House of the German Parliament
Bundestag m pol.
Bundestag, Lower House of German Parliament
Chiffreur m, Dechiffreur m
chiffre officer, chiffre clerk
Darlehensberater m, Darlehensberaterin f
Darlehensberater pl, Darlehensberaterinnen pl
loan officer
loan officers
Einsatzleiter m, Einsatzleiterin f
Einsatzleiter pl, Einsatzleiterinnen pl
head of operations, director of operations, officer-in-charge
heads of operations, directors of operations, officer-in-charges
Einsatzoffizier m mil.
Einsatzoffiziere pl
operations officer
operations officers
Einsatzstabsoffizier m, Einsatzoffizier m (Luftwaffe) mil.
senior air traffic control officer
Ermittlungsbeamte m f , Ermittlungsbeamter
Ermittlungsbeamten pl, Ermittlungsbeamte
investigating officer
investigating officers
Europa-Parlament n, Europäisches Parlament pol.
European Parliament
Fahnenjunker m mil. hist.
probationary officer cadet
Fähnrich m zur See, Maat m, Marineunteroffizier m mil.
petty officer
Fähnrich m mil. hist.
Oberfähnrich m
(junior) officer cadet, probationary officer
senior officer cadet
Fernmeldeoffizier m mil.
Fernmeldeoffiziere pl
chiffre officer
chiffre officers
Finanzvorstand m, Leiter Finanzwesen, Verantwortlicher für Finanzwesen
chief financial officer (CFO)
Firmensprecher m, Firmensprecherin f
liason officer of a firm
Flaggoffizier m
flag officer
Fliegeroffizier m
pilot officer
Forstbeamte m
Forstbeamten pl
forest officer
forest officers
Hinterbänkler m, Hinterbänklerin f (im Parlament)
Hinterbänkler pl, Hinterbänklerinnen pl
back-bencher (in parliament)
Justizbeamte m
Justizbeamten pl
judicial officer
judicial officers
Kämmerer m, Kämmerin f
Kämmerer pl, Kämmerinnen pl
finance officer
finance officers
Kommandeur m mil.
Kommandeure pl
stellvertretender Kommandeur
Commanding Officer (CO)
Commanding Officers
second in command
Kompaniefeldwebel m, Hauptfeldwebel m, Spieß m mil.
first sergeant Am., warrant officer class I Br., Company Sergeant Major (CSM)
Korporal m mil. obs.
corporal, military officer
Kriminalbeamte m, Kriminalbeamtin f, Kriminalbeamter, Kriminalpolizist m
detective, CID officer Br.
Ladung f, Munitionsladung f
Ladungen pl, Munitionsladungen pl
abgegebenr Schuss, Munition für einen Schuss
Die Waffe hat eine Feuergeschwindigkeit von 6.000 Schuss pro Minute.
Der Polizeibeamte gab sechs Schüsse ab.
round, round of ammunition
rounds, rounds of ammunition
The gun is capable of firing 6,000 rounds per minute.
The police officer fired six rounds.
Landrat m pol.
cantonal parliament (Switzerland)
Lobbytätigkeit f, Beeinflussung f von Abgeordneten durch Lobbyarbeit
lobbying (of members of parliament)
Marineoffizier m
naval officer
Medizinalrat m, Medizinalrätin f
Medizinalräte pl, Medizinalrätinnen pl
medical officer of health
medical officers of health
Oberschwester f
senior nursing officer
Oberstabsfeldwebel m mil.
sergeant major Am., warrant officer class I (WO1) Br.
Offizier m, Offizierin f mil.
Offizier pl, Offizierinnen pl
Offizier werden
Offizier vom Dienst (OvD)
leitender Offizier
technischer Offizier
to become an (army) officer
orderly officer, duty officer
Officer Commanding (OC)
engineer officer
Offiziersanwärter m
officer candidate
Offizierkasino n mil.
Officer's Mess
Parlament n, Abgeordnetenhaus n pol.
Parlamente pl, Abgeordnetenhäuser pl
Parlamentsabgeordnete m f , Parlamentsabgeordneter
Member of Parliament
Parlamentspräsident m
Parlamentspräsidenten pl
speaker of the parliament
speakers of the parliament
Polizeibeamte m f , Polizeibeamter
Polizeibeamten pl, Polizeibeamte
police officer
police officers
Polizist, der die Festnahme vorgenommen hat
arresting officer
Pressechef m
chief press officer
Presseoffizier m mil.
Presseoffiziere pl
information officer
information officers
Pressesprecher m, Pressesprecherin f
Pressesprecher pl, Pressesprecherinnen pl
press spokesman, press officer, spokeswoman
press spokesmen, press officers, spokeswomen
Prokurist m, Prokuristin f
Prokuristen pl, Prokuristinnen pl
authorized signatory, authorized officer, authorised officer
authorized signatories, authorized officers, authorised officers
Sanitätsoffizier m mil.
Sanitätsoffiziere pl
Leitender Sanitätsoffizier
medical officer (MO)
medical officers
senior medical officer
Schätzer m
appraising officer
Seeoffizier m
Seeoffiziere pl
naval officer
naval officers
Sicherheitsingenieur m, Sicherheitsingenieurin f
safety engineer, safety officer
Stabsarzt m, Stabsärztin f mil.
Stabsärzte pl
surgeon major, medical officer
surgeons major
Stabsfeldwebel m mil.
master sergeant Am., warrant officer class 2 (WO2)
Stabsoffizier m mil.
Stabsoffizier pl
staff officer, field officer
staff officers, field officers
Stadtparlament n
Stadtparlamente pl
city parliament
city parliaments
Steuerbeamte m
revenue officer
Steuerbeamte m für indirekte Steuern
excise officer
Unteroffizier m mil.
Unteroffiziere pl
Unteroffizier ohne Portepee
Unteroffizier mit Portepee (ab Feldwebel)
non-commissioned officer, NCO, N.C.O., non-com Am.
non-commissioned officers, NCOs, N.C.O.s, non-coms
junior NCO (JNCO)
senior NCO (SNCO)
Verantwortlicher, der die Einhaltung von Revisionsregeln und
oder Konzerngrundsätzen überwacht
chief compliance officer (CCO)
Verbindungsoffizier m (VO) mil.
Verbindungsoffiziere pl
liaison, liaison officer (LO)
liaison officers
Verbindungsmann m, V-Mann m, Verbindungsfrau f
liaison, liaison officer
Verdienstorden m
Verdienstorden pl
Britischer Verdienstorden
order of merit
orders of merit
Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)
Verladeoffizier m
embarkation officer
Verwaltungsbeamte m
administrative officer
Vollstreckungsbeamte m f , Vollstreckungsbeamter
Vollstreckungsbeamten pl, Vollstreckungsbeamte
executory officer
executory officers
Vorstandsvorsitzende m f , Vorstandsvorsitzender econ.
Chief Executive Officer, CEO Am.
Wachbeamte m, Wachbeamter
Wachbeamten pl, Wachbeamte
watch officer, watch official
watch officers, watch officials
Waffensystemoffizier m (in einem Kampfjet) mil.
weapon systems officer, weapon systems operator, defense systems operator Am.
Wahlleiter m, Wahlleiterin f
election official Am., returning officer
Zöllner m
Zöllner pl
customs officer
customs officers
Zollbeamte m f , Zollbeamter
Zollbeamten pl
customs official, customs officer
customs officials
einsetzen, zuweisen v
einsetzend, zuweisend
eingesetzt, zugewiesen
versetzt werden, abkommandiert werden
einem Offizier eine Einheit zuweisen
to post
to be posted away
to post an officer to a unit
to preside
sitzt vor
saß vor
to preside
Er ist bei der Polizei.
He is a police officer.
IT-Leiter m, IT-Leiterin f, IT-Manager m
CIO : Chief Information Officer
Technischer Direktor
CTO : Chief Technology Officer
Betriebsleiter m
COO : Chief Operating Officer
Unterhausabgeordnete m, f
MP : Member of Parliament Br.
administrative officer
appraising officer
Polizist der die Festnahme vorgenommen hat
arresting officer
careers officer
chief press officer
city parliament
customs officer
executory officer
field officer
forest officer
judicial officer
naval officer
non commissioned officer
officer, official
Beamter, Offizier
leitender Angestellter
pilot officer
police officer
praesidierend, praesidierende
public health officer
regular officer
revenue officer
warrant officer class
consular officer
vor dem Parlamentsgebäude
in front of the Parliament
Polizeibeamter, Polizeibeamtin
police officer
Abfallbeauftragte m f; Abfallbeauftragter
Abfallbeauftragten pl; Abfallbeauftragte
waste disposal officer
waste disposal officers
Abgeordnetenkammer f pol.
chamber of deputies; parliament
Abordnung f; Delegation f +Gen. bei adm.
Abordnungen pl; Delegationen pl
Handelsdelegation f
eine Delegation der europäischen Union
die Ad hoc-Delegation des Parlaments
die polnische Delegation bei der UNO-Generalversammlung
eine Delegation führen
delegation (from to)
trade delegation
a delegation from the European Union
the Parliament's ad-hoc delegation
the Polish delegation to the UN General Assembly
to head a delegation
die Absicht haben vorhaben etw. zu tun v
Ich hatte schon lange vor einen Ratgeber über das Organisieren von Festen zu schreiben.
Es ist eindeutig die Absicht des Gesetzgebers dass diese Hürde genommen werden muss wenn es als strafbarer Tatbestand gelten soll.
to have it in mind to do sth. that ...
For a long time I had it in mind to write a guide on organizing festivities.
Parliament clearly has it in mind that you must pass this hurdle for it to be an offence.
Amtsarzt m; Amtsärztin f
Amtsärzte pl; Amtsärztinnen pl
public health officer; medical officer
public health officers; medical officers
gegen jdn. ein Amtsenthebungsverfahren einleiten v (Parlament) pol.
to impeach sb. (Parliament)
Anfang m; Beginn m
Anfänge pl
Beginn Tag des Inkrafttretens eines Gesetzes
commencement of an Act of Parliament
Angestellte m f; Angestellter
Angestellten pl; Angestellte
leitender Angestellter; Kaderangestellter Schw.; Kadermitarbeiter Schw.
Angehöriger m einer Organisationseinheit Dienststelle; Angestellte m f; Angestellter m adm.
Angehörige pl einer Organisationseinheit Dienststelle; Angestellten pl; Angestellte
Anhang m (zu einer Urkunde einem Gesetz) jur.
schedule (to a document an Act of Parliament)
Arbeitsschutzbeauftragte m f; Arbeitsschutzbeauftragter
Arbeitsschutzbeauftragten pl; Arbeitsschutzbeauftragte
occupational health and safety officer; (health and) safety representative
occupational health and safety officers
Armeeoffizier m; Offizier in der Armee mil.
Armeeoffiziere pl; Offiziere in der Armee
army officer
army officers
Arzt m; Ärztin f; Mediziner m; Medizinerin f
Ärzte pl; Ärztinnen; Mediziner pl; Medizinerinnen pl
der behandelnde Arzt
niedergelassener Arzt; niedergelassene Ärztin
zum Arzt gehen
Arzt im Praktikum (AiP); Turnusarzt m Ös.; Assistent im ersten Jahr
Arzt in der Ausbildung
Dienst habender Arzt; behandelnder Arzt
angehender Arzt
Jungassistent m
Altassistent m
Wir ließen den Arzt kommen.
Kannst du mir einen guten Hausarzt empfehlen?
Er war beim Arzt.
doctor; physician; medical doctor M.D. ; medic coll.
doctors; physicians; medics
the attending physician; the attending doctor
registered doctor (with his her own practice)
to go to the doctor; to go to the doctor's
intern; first year resident Am.; junior house officer Br.; Foundation House Officer FHO Br.; pre-registration house officer Br.
doctor in charge; physician in charge
senior house officer SHO Br.; resident Am.
registrar Br.; fellow Am.
We sent for the doctor.
Can you recommend a good family doctor?
He has been to see the doctor.
Beamte m f; Beamter; Staatsbeamter m; Staatsdiener m humor. adm.
Beamten pl; Beamte; Staatsbeamten pl; Staatsdiener pl
leitende Beamte; Chefbeamte Schw.
Beamte des Gerichtshofs
civil servant Br.; public officer Am.; officer; official
civil servants; public officers; officers; officials
senior officials
officers of the Tribunal
Beauftragter m für allgemeinen Strahlenschutz; Strahlenschutzbeauftragter m
radiaion safety officer
Begleitgesetz n jur.
Begleitgesetze pl
Haushaltsbegleitgesetz n Dt.; Budgetbegleitgesetz n Ös.
accompanying law (category); accompanying Act (of Parliament)
accompanying legislation
Budget Accompanying Act
Berufsberater m; Berufsberaterin f
Berufsberater pl; Berufsberaterinnen pl
careers officer; vocational adviser
careers officers; vocational advisers
Berufskonsul m
career consular officer
Betriebsleiter m; leitender Geschäftsführer
Chief Operating Officer; Chief Operations Officer COO

Deutsche Parlamentspräsident {m} [pol.] / Parlamentspräsidenten {pl} / Bundestagspräsident {m} [Dt.] / Nationalratspräsident {m} [Ös.] [Schw.] Synonyme

Englische presiding officer of the Parliament; speaker of the Parliament Synonyme

presiding officer of the Parliament Definition

(n.) One who holds an office
(n.) Specifically, a commissioned officer, in distinction from a warrant officer.
(v. t.) To furnish with officers
(v. t.) To command as an officer
(n.) A parleying
(n.) A formal conference on public affairs
(n.) The assembly of the three estates of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, viz., the lords spiritual, lords temporal, and the representatives of the commons, sitting in the House of Lords and the House of Commons, constituting the legislature, when summoned by the royal authority to consult on the affairs of the nation, and to enact and repeal laws.
(n.) In France, before the Revolution of 1789, one of the several principal judicial courts.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Preside
() a. & n. from Preside.

presiding officer of the Parliament Bedeutung

fantan sevens
a card game in which you play your sevens and other cards in sequence in the same suit as the sevens, you win if you are the first to use all your cards
officer's mess a mess for the exclusive use of officers
parliament a legislative assembly in certain countries
British Parliament the British legislative body
Houses of Parliament the building in which the House of Commons and the House of Lords meet
action officer the case officer designated to perform an act during a clandestine operation (especially in a hostile area)
air force officer
an officer in the airforce
army officer an officer in the armed forces, he's a retired army officer
case officer an operative who also serves as an official staffer of an intelligence service
chief executive officer
chief operating officer
the corporate executive responsible for the operations of the firm, reports to a board of directors, may appoint other managers (including a president)
chief financial officer
the corporate executive having financial authority to make appropriations and authorize expenditures for a firm
chief petty officer a person with the senior noncommissioned naval rank
church officer a church official
commanding officer
an officer in command of a military unit
commissioned officer a military officer holding a commission
commissioned military officer a commissioned officer in the Army or Air Force or Marine Corps
commissioned naval officer a commissioned officer in the navy
desk officer a military officer who is not assigned to active duty
executive officer the officer second in command
field-grade officer
field officer
an officer holding the rank of major or lieutenant colonel or colonel
flag officer a senior naval officer above the rank of captain
general officer officers in the Army or Air Force or Marines above the rank of colonel
hearing examiner
hearing officer
an official appointed by a government agency to conduct an investigation or administrative hearing so that the agency can exercise its statutory powers
law officer
peace officer
an officer of the law
line officer a commissioned officer with combat units (not a staff officer or a supply officer)
medical officer
a medical practitioner in the armed forces
military officer
any person in the armed services who holds a position of authority or command, an officer is responsible for the lives of his men
naval officer an officer in the navy
noncommissioned officer
enlisted officer
a military officer appointed from enlisted personnel
officeholder officer someone who is appointed or elected to an office and who holds a position of trust, he is an officer of the court, the club elected its officers for the coming year
officer ship's officer a person authorized to serve in a position of authority on a vessel, he is the officer in charge of the ship's engines
Parliamentarian Member of Parliament an elected member of the British Parliament: a member of the House of Commons
petty officer
a noncommissioned officer in the Navy or Coast Guard with a rank comparable to sergeant in the Army
police officer
a member of a police force, it was an accident, officer
presiding officer the leader of a group meeting
probation officer the officer of the court who supervises probationers
public prosecutor
prosecuting officer
prosecuting attorney
a government official who conducts criminal prosecutions on behalf of the state
disinfestation officer
a workman employed to destroy or drive away vermin
returning officer the official in each electorate who holds the election and returns the results
civil authority
civil officer
a person who exercises authority over civilian affairs
secret agent
intelligence officer
intelligence agent
a person secretly employed in espionage for a government
senior chief petty officer
a senior noncommissioned officer in the Navy or Coast Guard with a rank comparable to master sergeant in the Army
staff officer a commissioned officer assigned to a military commander's staff
supply officer a commissioned officer responsible for logistics
financial officer
an officer charged with receiving and disbursing funds
warrant officer holds rank by virtue of a warrant
officer direct or command as an officer
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