
recycling centre [Br] Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Wertstoffhof n
Wertstoffhöfe pl
recycling centre Br.; buyback center; collection center
recycling centres; buyback centers; collection centers
Abfallwirtschaftshof m; Altstoffhof m; Altstoffsammelstelle f; Altstoffzentrum n; Recyclinghof m; Wertstoffhof m Dt. envir.
Abfallwirtschaftshöfe pl; Altstoffhöfe pl; Altstoffsammelstellen pl; Altstoffzentren pl; Recyclinghöfe pl; Wertstoffhöfe pl
recycling centre Br.; recycling center Am.; recycling yard; household waste recycling centre Br. center Am. HWRC ; civic amenity site; CA site
recycling centres; recycling centers; recycling yards; household waste recycling centres; civic amenity sites; CA sites
job centre
training centre
Bankplatz, Standort mehrerer Banken
banking centre
betriebliche Ausbildungsstätte
company training centre
buying centre
Einkaufszentrum, Ladenstraße
shopping centre
production centre
financial centre
Förderungszentrum für praktische Ausbildung
skill centre
business centre
trading centre
wholesale centre
commercial centre
trading centre
Industriezentrum, Industriezusammenballung
industrial centre
information centre
Innenstadt (Br.)
city centre
conference centre
burden centre
cost centre
mittlere Schublade
centre drawer
nachbarschaftliches Ladenzentrum
neighbourhood shopping centre
örtliches Arbeitsamt
job centre
politisches Zentrum
political centre
computer centre
welfare centre
job centre
retraining centre
clearing centre
Verteilungszentrum, Absatzzentrum
distribution centre
world trading centre
commercial centre
economic centre
Zentrum (Br.)
Abfallverwertung f
Abgasrückführung f
exhaust gas recycling
Abwehrzentrum n sport
centre of defence
Achsabstand m, Achsenabstand m
centre distance
Achslinie f
Achslinien pl
centre line
centre lines
Altenpflegezentrum n
geriatric care centre Br., geriatric care center Am.
Altpapierfaser f
Altpapierfasern pl
recycling paper fibre, recycling paper fiber
recycling paper fibres, recycling paper fibers
Anstoßpunkt m sport
centre spot Br., center spot Am., kick-off spot
Ärztezentrum n
health centre Br., health center Am.
Atomforschungszentrum n
atomic research centre Br., atomic research center Am.
Auflagermitte f (Statik)
centre of support Br., center of support Am.
Auslegermittelteil n techn.
boom centre part
Auslieferungslager n, Auslieferungszentrum n
distribution centre Br., distribution center Am.
Ballungszentrum n
Ballungszentren pl
industrielles Ballungszentrum
centre of ..., center of ...
centres of ..., centers of ...
centre of industry
Beratungsstelle f
Beratungsstellen pl
information centre
information centres
Beratungsstelle f
advice centre, centre of consulting
Berufsbildungszentrum n
Berufsbildungszentren pl
vocational training center Am., vocational training centre Br.
vocational training centers, vocational training centres
Blutspendezentrale f
Blutspendezentralen pl
blood donor centre
blood donor centres
Bohrungsmitte f
hole centre
Brückenachse f
Brückenachsen pl
centre line of bridge
centre lines of bridge
Callcenter n
Callcenter pl
call center, call centre Br.
call centers, call centres
Chiffrierstelle f
code centre
Dialysezentrum f med.
Dialysezentren pl
dialysis centre, dialysis center
dialyses centres, dialyses centers
Dorfzentrum n, Dirfkern m
village center Am., village centre Br.
Drehpunkt m
Drehpunkte pl
centre of rotation
centres of rotation
Drehzapfen m
centre pin, pivot
Drehzentrum n
machining centre
Einkaufszentrum n
Einkaufszentren pl
shopping centre, shopping center
shopping centres, shopping centers
Einsatzleitstelle f
Einsatzleitstellen pl
mission control center Am., mission control centre Br.
mission control centers, mission control centres
Einsatzzentrale f
operations centre
Einsatzzentrum n für Krisenfälle
crisis centre
Erholungszentrum n
Erholungszentren pl
recreation park, leisure centre
recreation parks, leisure centres
Explosionszentrum n, Explosionsherd m
Explosionszentren pl, Explosionsherde pl
explosion center Am., explosion centre Br.
explosion centers, explosion centres
Felge f
Felgen pl
abnehmbare Felge
dreiteilige Felge
einteilige Felge
empfohlene Felge
fünfteilige Felge
genietete Felge
geschweißte Felge
mittengeteilte Felge
mögliche Felge
nicht zerstörbare Felge
schlauchlose Felge
theoretische Felge
vierteilige Felge
zweiteilige Felge
zweiteilige Felge mit geteilter Radscheibe
demountable rim
three-piece rim
one piece rim, single piece rim
recommended rim
five-piece rim
riveted rim
welded rim
centre split rim
alternative rim
non-fangible rim
tubeless rim
theoretical rim
four-piece rim
two-piece rim
divided wheel, split (divided) rim
Fertigungsleitstand m
production control station (centre)
Filter m
Filter pl
abgestimmter Filter
aktiver Filter
digitaler Filter
Filter mit Steg
tuned filter
active filter
digital filter
filter with centre bar
Finanzzentrum n, Finanzplatz m
financial centre, financial center Am.
Fitnessstudio n, Fitness-Studio n
Fitnessstudios pl, Fitness-Studios pl
fitness studio, fitness centre Br.
fitness studios, fitness centres
Flächenmittelpunkt m, Flächenschwerpunkt m
centroid of an area, centre of an area
Flanke f, Flankenball m sport
Flanken pl, Flankenbälle pl
eine Flanke schlagen
cross, centre pass
to put in a cross
Förderzentrum n
support centre, resource centre
Gemeinsame Forschungsstelle f (GFS)
joint research centre (JRC)
Forschungszentrum n
Forschungszentren pl
research centre Br., research center Am.
research centres, research centers
Freizeitzentrum n, Freizeitanlage f
Freizeitzentren pl, Freizeitanlagen pl
leisure centre, recreation center Am.
leisure centres, recreation centers
Füllung f (einer Praline)
centre, center Am.
Fürsorgeamt n
Fürsorgeämter pl
welfare centre
welfare centres
Gemeindezentrum n
community centre
Geschäftszentrum n
Geschäftszentren pl
business centre Br., business center Am., trading centre
business centres, business centers
Industriezentrum n
Industriezentren pl
industrial centre, ndustrial center Am.
industrial centres, ndustrial centers
Informationszentrum n, Informationsstelle f
information centre Br., information center Am.
Innenstadt f, City f
city centre, town centre, downtown Am.
Kettenaufhängung f
seitliche Kettenaufhängung
chain suspension
off-centre chain suspension
Körner m
centre punch Br., center punch Am.
Körnerpunkt m
centre mark Br., center mark Am.
Kommunikationszentrum n (einer Stadt)
community centre, community center Am.
Konferenzzentrum n
conference centre, conference center Am.
Kostenstelle f
cost centre
Krümmungsmittelpunkt m
centre of curvature
Kulturhaus n
Kulturhäuser pl
arts and leisure centre, arts and leisure center
arts and leisure centres, arts and leisure centers
Kulturzentrum n
Kulturzentren pl
arts centre, cultural centre
arts centres, cultural centres
Kupplungsnabe f techn.
Kupplungsnaben pl
clutch centre, clutch hub
clutch centres, clutch hubs
Leistungszentrum n sport
Leistungszentren pl
intensive training centre
intensive training centres
Massenmittelpunkt m
Massenmittelpunkte pl
center of mass, centre of mass
centers of mass, centres of mass
Messezentrum n
Messezentren pl
exhibition centre
exhibition centres
Mittelabschirmung f
Mittelabschirmung einer Fassung
centre shield, center shield Am.
centre shield of a socket
Mittelfeld n übtr.
Mittelkreis m, Anstoßkreis m sport
centre circle, center spot
Mittellinie f, Mittelachse f
Mittellinien pl, Mittelachsen pl
center line Am., centre line Br.
center lines, centre lines
Mittelpunkt m, Mitte f, Zentrum n
centre Br., center Am.
Mittelpunkt m math.
Mittelpunktswinkel m math.
angle subtended by the arc at the centre
Mittelseite f einer Zeitung
centre spread of a newspaper
Mittelstück n
centre, core
Nervenknoten m
nerve centre, nerve center Am.
Pressezentrum n
press centre, press center Am.
Rechenzentrum n
Rechenzentren pl
computer centre Br., computer center Am., computing center
computer centres, computer centers, computing centers
Regenerierung f, Wiedergewinnung f, Wiederverwertung f, Wiederaufbereitung f, Recycling n, Recyceln n
Abfälle der Wiederverwertung zuführen
Recyceln von Wertstoffen
to supply refuse for recycling
recycling of reusable materials
Rehabilitationszentrum n
rehabilitation centre (center Am.)
Reststoff m
recycling material, waste material
Sanitätszentrum n mil.
Sanitätszentren pl
medical centre Br., medical center Am.
medical centres, medical centers
Schaltzentrale f
nerve centre
Schwerpunkt m
Schwerpunkte f
centre of gravity Br., center of gravity (CG)
centres of gravity
Seuchenherd m
Seuchenherde pl
centre of an epidemic
centres of an epidemic
Sonderforschungsbereich m (SFB)
collaborative research centre (CRC)
Spitzendrehbank f
centre lathe, center lathe
Sportzentrum n
Sportzentren pl
sports center Am., sports centre Br.
sports centers, sports centres
Stadtmitte f, Stadtkern m
town centre, city centre, downtown area Am.
Stadtzentrum n
Stadtzentren pl
das Stadtzentrum
city centre Br., city center Am., town centre Br., town center Am.
city centres, city centers, town centres, town centers
the city
Stopper m, Stopperin f sport
centre half, stopper
Suchtklinik f, Trinkerheilanstalt f
detoxification centre Br., detoxification center Am., asylum fpr alcoholics
Totpunkt m, toter Punkt
unterer Totpunkt
nach dem oberen Totpunkt
vor dem oberen Totpunkt
dead center, dead centre (DC), dead point
bottom dead center (bdc)
after the dead center (atdc)
before the dead center (btdc)
Trägermitte f techn.
centre of girder, center of girder Am.
Umschlagplatz m
Umschlagplätze pl
reloading point, trans-shipment centre
reloading points, trans-shipment centres
Umschulungszentrum n
Umschulungszentren pl
retraining centre
retraining centres
Universitätsrechenzentrum n
university computer centre Br., university computer center Am.
Ventileinsatznadel f
centre pin (valve), core pin, valve core pin
Verrechnungsstelle f, Abrechnungsstelle f
zentrale Abrechnungsstelle
clearing house, clearinghouse, clearing center Am., clearing centre Br.
accounting center
Verwertung f, Auswertung f, Verwendung f, Ausnutzung f
Verwertungen pl
thermische Verwertung
stoffliche Verwertung
utilization, utilisation Br.
utilizations, utilisations
thermal recycling, thermal utilization
Welthandelszentrum n
world trading centre, world trading center, centre of world trade
Wiederaufbereitungsanlage f
Wiederaufbereitungsanlagen pl
recycling plant
recycling plants
Wirtschaftszentrum n
center of commerce, commercial centre
Wirtschaftszentrum n
economic centre
Zentrum n
Zentren pl
im Zentrum
centre Br., center Am.
centres Br., centers Am.
at the centre, at the center
gelegen, befindlich adj
im Stadtzentrum gelegen
situated in the city centre
rechts der Mitte pol.
right of centre (center Am.)
wieder verwerten, wieder aufbereiten, recyceln v
wieder verwertend, wieder aufbereitend, recycelnd
wieder verwertet, wieder aufbereitet, recycelt
verwertet wieder
verwertete wieder
to recycle
to center Am., to centre Br.
centering, centring, centreing Br.
Halbtiefbett n
semi-drop centre
Halbtiefbettfelge f
semi-drop centre rim
Mittelebene f
centre plane
Mittelpunkt m der Reifenaufstandsfläche
centre of tyre contact
Mittenloch n
Mittenlöcher pl
centre hole
centre holes
Nabenteil n
centre member, shell (wire wheel)
Radmitte f
wheel centre
Schwerpunktsachse f
Schwerpunktsachsen pl
centre of gravity axis
centres of gravity axis

Deutsche Wertstoffhof {n} / Wertstoffhöfe {pl} Synonyme

Englische recycling centre ; buyback center; collection center Synonyme

recycling centre [Br] Definition

(v. i.) To be placed in a center
(v. i.) To be collected to a point
(v. t.) To place or fix in the center or on a central point.
(v. t.) To collect to a point
(v. t.) To form a recess or indentation for the reception of a center.
(n. & v.) See Center.

recycling centre [Br] Bedeutung

recycling the act of processing used or abandoned materials for use in creating new products
detention cell
detention centre
a large cell where prisoners (people awaiting trial or sentence or refugees or illegal immigrants) are confined together temporarily
call center
call centre
a center equipped to handle a large volume of telephone calls (especially for taking orders or serving customers)
a building dedicated to a particular activity, they were raising money to build a new center for research
center bit
centre bit
a bit with a sharp center point for guidance and two side cutters
plaza mall center shopping mall
shopping center
shopping centre
mercantile establishment consisting of a carefully landscaped complex of shops representing leading merchandisers, usually includes restaurants and a convenient parking area, a modern version of the traditional marketplace, a good plaza should have a movie house, they spent their weekends at the local malls
recycling bin a bin for depositing things to be recycled
recycling plant a plant for reprocessing used or abandoned materials
dead center
dead centre
the position of a crank when it is in line with the connecting rod and not exerting torque
center of curvature
centre of curvature
the center of the circle of curvature
nerve center
nerve centre
a cluster of nerve cells governing a specific bodily process, in most people the speech center is in the left hemisphere
center centre center of attention
centre of attention
the object upon which interest and attention focuses, his stories made him the center of the party
substance core
heart heart and soul
inwardness marrow
nitty-gritty f a e a c
the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience, the gist of the prosecutor's argument, the heart and soul of the Republican Party, the nub of the story
center spread
centre spread
the spread at the center of a magazine
the sweet central portion of a piece of candy that is enclosed in chocolate or some other covering
United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
Centre for International Crime Prevention
the United Nations office responsible for crime prevention and criminal justice and law reform
center centre a place where some particular activity is concentrated, they received messages from several centers
nerve center
nerve centre
a center that provides information and control, the nerve center of the diamond industry is in Amsterdam
a point equidistant from the ends of a line or the extremities of a figure
center of buoyancy
centre of buoyancy
center of immersion
centre of immersion
(physics) the center of mass of the immersed part of ship or other floating object
center of gravity
centre of gravity
the point within something at which gravity can be considered to act, in uniform gravity it is equal to the center of mass
center of flotation
centre of flotation
the center of gravity of a floating object
center of mass
centre of mass
point representing the mean position of the matter in a body
center centre middle
an area that is approximately central within some larger region, it is in the center of town, they ran forward into the heart of the struggle, they were in the eye of the storm
center stage
centre stage
the central area on a theater stage
city center
city centre
central city
the central part of a city
storm center
storm centre
the central area or place of lowest barometric pressure within a storm
Centre a low-lying region in central France
center stage
centre stage
a position of prominence or importance
storm center
storm centre
a center of trouble or disturbance
direct one's attention on something, Please focus on your studies and not on your hobbies
move into the center, That vase in the picture is not centered
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