
residential real estate seminar Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Wohnimmobilienseminar n
Wohnimmobilienseminare pl
residential real estate seminar
residential real estate seminars
der wahre Sachverhalt
real facts
der wirkliche Verdienst
the real reward
echte Bedrohung
real threat
echter Sportler
real sportsman
echter Wert
real value
real time
effektive Kaufkraft, reale Kaufkraft
real purchase power
effektiver Wert, realer Wert, Sachwert
real value
Eigentümer des Grundstücks
real owner
estate duty
industrial estate
landed estate
real property holding
Grundbesitz, Immobilien
real estate
Grundbesitz, Landbesitz, Gutsbesitz
Grundbesitz, Liegenschaften
real assets
Grundbesitz, Liegenschaften, Immobilien
real estate
Grundbesitz, Liegenschaften, Immobilien
real property
owner of an estate
real security
Grundstücks- und Hausbesitz
real estate
tax on real estate
real property
real estate account
estate agent
real estate agent
real estate broker
real estate speculation
real estate department
separate estate
estate agency
real estate fund
Immobilienmakler, Grundstücksmakler
estate agent
estate duty
administration of an estate
real earnings
real income
realer Wert
real value
realer Wert, Sachwert, effektiver Wert
real value
real costs
credit on real estate
Reallohn, Effektivlohn
real wage
richtiger Idiot
real idiot
real investment
Sachkapital, Realkapital
real capital
real accounts
sein Vermögen vermachen
make over one's estate
Siedlung, Wohngebiet
residential estate
wahre Freundschaft
real friendship
wahrer Freund
real friend
wahrer Gentleman
real gentleman
wahrer Sachverhalt
real facts
wirkliche Sachverhalt
real facts
wirklicher Feigling
real coward
wirklicher Wert, Realwert
real value
residential building
residential area
Wohnrecht und Nutzungsrecht auf Lebenszeit
life estate
Absolutzeitgeber m
real-time clock
Absolutzeitimpuls m
real-time pulse
Adresse f comp.
absolute Adresse
absolute Adresse, Maschinenadresse
absolute Adresse, echte Adresse
absolute (wirkliche) Adresse
alphanumerische Adresse
explizite Adresse, ausdrückliche Adresse
implizite Adresse
physische Adresse
relative Adresse
symbolische Adresse
tatsächliche Adresse
virtuelle (gedachte) Adresse
specific address
actual address
effective address
absolute address
alphanumeric address
explicit address
implicit address
physical address
symbolic address
real address
virtual address
Anwesen n
herrschaftliches Anwesen
estate, land, premises
Bauträger m
Bauträger pl
property developer, real estate developer, building promoter
property developers, real estate developers, building promoters
Besitztum n, Grundbesitz m, Gutshof m
Besitztümer pl, Grundbesitze pl, Gutshöfe pl
Domäne f
Domänen pl
domain, estate
domains, estates
Echte n, Wirkliche n
the genuine, the real
Echtsilber n
real silver
Echtzeit-Betriebssystem n comp.
real-time operating system
Echtzeitbetriebssystem n
Echtzeitbetriebssysteme pl
real-time operating system
real-time operating systems
Echtzeitverarbeitung f
real-time processing
Eigentum n, Besitz m, Grundbesitz m, Grundstück n
Eigentum n, Grundbesitze pl
geistiges Eigentum
gewerbliches Eigentum
Besitz erwerben, Eigentum erwerben
bewegliches Eigentum
unbewegliches Eigentum
unbelasteter Grundbesitz
unveräußerlicher Grundbesitz
intellectual property
industrial property
to acquire property
moveables, movable property
immoveables, real property
unencumbered property
entailed property
Eigentum n, Besitz m, Besitztümer pl
persönliches Eigentum
personal estate
Erbschaftssteuer f, Erbschaftsteuer f
estate duty, death duty, death duties
Familiengut n, Erbgut n
Familiengüter pl, Erbgüter pl
entailed estate
entailed estates
Gewerbegebiet n, Gewerbepark m
industrial estate, industrial park
Grundschuld f
land charge, real charge
Grundsteuer f fin.
Einheitswert für die Grundsteuer
rates, local rates, real estate tax Br., property tax, land tax Am.
rateable value
Grundstücksmakler m, Grundstücksmaklerin f, Makler m, Maklerin f
estate agent, land agent Br., real estate sales associate, real estate broker, realtor Am.
Hauptseminar n
advanced seminar
Hochgenuss m, besonderer Genuss
Das ist ein wahrer Genuss.
It's a real treat.
Immobiliarvermögen n
real asset
Immobilie f, Liegenschaft f
real estate, realty
Immobilien pl, Liegenschaften pl
real estate, real property, immoveable property, immoveables
Immobilienfonds pl
real estate investment trust
Immobiliengesellschaft f
real estate company
Immobilienhandel m
real estate business
Immobilienhändler m, Immobilienhändlerin f, Immobilienmakler m, Immobilienmaklerin f
estate agent, land agent Br., real estate sales associate, real estate broker, realtor Am.
Internat n
boarding school, residential school
Kombiwagen m, Kombi m auto
estate car Br., utility wagon, station wagon Am.
Konkursmasse f, Insolvenzmasse f
bankrupt's estate, bankruptcy estate, debtor's assets, estate in bankruptcy, insolvent assets, assets in the insolvency
Leben n
Leben pl
sein Leben einsetzen, unter Einsatz seines Leben tun
ums Leben kommen
am Leben hängen
aus dem Leben gegriffen
das ganze Leben
behütetes Leben
künstliches Leben
Leben nach dem Tod
am Leben
to risk one's life (to do ...)
to lose one's life
to cling to life, to love life
taken from real life
the full life
sheltered life
above ground
below ground
Maklerbüro n
broker's office, brokerage office, real-estate agency, land agency
Nachlass m, Erbmasse f
Naturseide f
natural silk, real silk
reale Nettorendite nach Steuern econ.
after tax real rate return
Praxis f
aus der Praxis
ein Beispiel aus der Praxis
from real life, from experience, from practice
an example from real life
Presse f (Zeitung)
der Einfluss der Presse, die Macht der Presse, die Presse
the fourth estate
Proseminar n
Proseminare pl
proseminar, undergraduate seminar
proseminars, undergraduate seminars
Prozessdatenverarbeitung f
real-time data processing
Realeinkommen n
real income, real earnings
Realität f, das wirkliche Leben, die wahre Welt
aus dem wirklichen Leben genommen, echt geschehen
real life
Realkosten pl
real costs
Reallohn m
real wage
Reallohnsumme f
aggregate real wage
Realspeicher m
real memory
Reihenhaussiedlung f
Reihenhaussiedlungen pl
estate of terraced houses
estates of terraced houses
Rittergut n
manor, feudal estate
Sachwert m
real value, intrinsic value
Schwierigkeiten pl, Schwierigkeit f, Unannehmlichkeiten pl, Problem n
in Schwierigkeiten geraten
in Schwierigkeiten sein, in der Bredouille sein ugs.
in Schwierigkeiten geraten, in die Bredouille kommen ugs.
mit jdm. Schwierigkeiten haben, mit jdm. Ärger haben
jdn. in Schwierigkeiten bringen mit
aus den Schwierigkeiten herauskommen
jdn. aus seinen Schwierigkeiten heraushelfen
to get into trouble
to be in trouble, to be in real trouble
to get into (real) trouble
to be in trouble with sb.
to get sb. into trouble with
to get out of trouble
to get sb. out of trouble
Seminar n, Lehrgang m
Seminare pl, Lehrgänge pl
Seminar n mit praktischer Arbeit
hands-on seminar
Seminarraum m
Seminarräume pl
seminar room
seminar rooms
Ständeordnung f hist.
system of estate
Studienarbeit f, Seminararbeit f
Studienarbeiten pl, Seminararbeiten pl
seminar paper, student research project
seminar papers, student research projects
Süße m f , Süßer, Schätzchen n ugs.
Hallo Süße!, Hallo Süßer!
echt süß sein
Sie ist so süß., Er ist so süß.
sweetie, poppet, honey, cutie coll.
Hey cutie!
to be a real cutie
She is such a cutie., He is such a cutie.
Urviech n, Unikum n ugs.
real character
Waldgut n, Waldbesitz m
Waldgüter pl
forest estate
forest estates
Wattleistung f
real power
Wertschöpfungstiefe f econ.
real net output ratio
Wohnbau m
Wohnbauten pl
residential building, dwelling
residential buildings, dwellings
Wohnbevölkerung f
residential population
Wohnbezirk m
Wohnbezirke pl
residential district, residental
residential districts
Wohngebiet n, Wohngegend f, Wohnviertel n
Wohngebiete pl, Wohngegenden pl, Wohnviertel pl
residential area
residential areas
Wohnhaus n
Wohnhäuser pl
residential house
residential houses
Wohnheim n
Wohnheime pl
residential home, rooming house Am.
residential homes, rooming houses
Wohnlage f
residential area
Wohnungsgeldzuschuss m
Wohnungsgeldzuschüsse pl
residential allowance
residential allowances
Wohnungswirtschaft f
housing industry, residential trade and industry
Wohnviertel n
residential, residential quarter
jdn. beerben v
jdn. beerbend
jdn. beerbt
to inherit sb.'s estate
inheriting sb.'s estate
inherited sb.'s estate
bleiben, weitermachen, fortfahren v
bleibend, weitermachend, fortfahrend
geblieben, weitergemacht, fortgefahren
gelassen bleiben
gesund bleiben
geistig rege bleiben
Bleib wie du bist!, Bleib dir treu!
to keep {kept, kept}
to keep calm, to keep cool
to keep well and fit
to keep one's mind alive
Keep it real!
sich die Köpfe blutig schlagen
to have a real go at each other
echt adj
real adj
real, real-life, real-world, realistic
reell adj
reelle Zahl f math.
real number
reellwertig math.
regelrecht, ausgesprochen adj
real, regular
stocksauer sein ugs.
to be in a real peeve
traumhaft schön
traumhaft schön sein
a perfect dream
to be a real vision
veritabel adj
veritable, real
der wahre Jakob übtr.
the real McCoy fig.
wirklich, tatsächlich, echt adj
Das ist der wahre Jakob. übtr.
It's the real McCoy. fig.
Das ist eine arge Schinderei.
That's a real grind.
Das ist terminlich wirklich nicht zu schaffen
The scheduling is a real problem.
Das kannst du vergessen.
This one is a real bummer
Er sitzt ganz schön in der Klemme (Patsche, Tinte).
He's in a real fix (bind, jam).
Er wird einfach nicht erwachsen.
He is a real Peter Pan.

Deutsche Wohnimmobilienseminar {n} / Wohnimmobilienseminare {pl} Synonyme

Englische residential real estate seminar Synonyme

residential real estate seminar Definition

(n.) Settled condition or form of existence
(n.) Social standing or rank
(n.) A person of high rank.
(n.) A property which a person possesses
(n.) The state
(n.) The great classes or orders of a community or state (as the clergy, the nobility, and the commonalty of England) or their representatives who administer the government
(n.) The degree, quality, nature, and extent of one's interest in, or ownership of, lands, tenements, etc.
(v. t.) To establish.
(v. t.) Tom settle as a fortune.
(v. t.) To endow with an estate.
(n.) A small Spanish silver coin
(a.) Royal
(a.) Actually being or existing
(a.) True
(a.) Relating to things, not to persons.
(a.) Having an assignable arithmetical or numerical value or meaning
(a.) Pertaining to things fixed, permanent, or immovable, as to lands and tenements
(n.) A realist.
(a.) Of or pertaining to a residence or residents
(a.) Residing

residential real estate seminar Bedeutung

royal tennis
real tennis
court tennis
an ancient form of tennis played in a four-walled court
seminar a course offered for a small group of advanced students
real-estate business the business of selling real estate
beach wagon
station wagon
wagon estate car
beach waggon
station waggon
a car that has a long body and rear door with space behind rear seat
real storage the main memory in a virtual memory system
real McCoy
real thing
real stuff
informal usage attributing authenticity
real world
real life
the practical world as opposed to the academic world, a good consultant must have a lot of experience in the real world
real presence (Christianity) the Christian doctrine that the body of Christ is actually present in the Eucharist
Real IRA
Real Irish Republican Army
Dissident Irish Republican Army
a radical terrorist group that broke away in when the mainstream Provisional IRA proposed a cease-fire, has continued terrorist activities in opposition to any peace agreement
Real Estate Investment Trust
an investment trust that owns and manages a pool of commercial properties and mortgages and other real estate assets, shares can be bought and sold in the stock market
estate of the realm
the three estates
a major social class or order of persons regarded collectively as part of the body politic of the country (especially in the United Kingdom) and formerly possessing distinct political rights
first estate
Lords Spiritual
the clergy in France and the heads of the church in Britain
second estate
Lords Temporal
the nobility in France and the peerage in Britain
third estate
the common people
fourth estate the press, including journalists, newspaper writers, photographers
real matrix a matrix whose elements are all real numbers
seminar any meeting for an exchange of ideas
housing estate a residential area where the houses were all planned and built at the same time
residential district
residential area
a district where people live, occupied primarily by private residences
real estate broker
real estate agent
estate agent
land agent house agent
a person who is authorized to act as an agent for the sale of land, in England they call a real estate agent a land agent
personal property
personal estate
private property
movable property (as distinguished from real estate)
real property
real estate
property consisting of houses and land
estate land
landed estate
extensive landed property (especially in the country) retained by the owner for his own use, the family owned a large estate on Long Island
estate everything you own, all of your assets (whether real property or personal property) and liabilities
gross estate the total valuation of the estate's assets at the time of the person's death
net estate the estate remaining after debts and funeral expenses and administrative expenses have been deducted from the gross estate, the estate then left to be distributed (and subject to federal and state inheritance taxes)
life estate
estate for life
(law) an estate whose duration is limited to the life of the person holding it
real gross national product
real GNP
a version of the GNP that has been adjusted for the effects of inflation
inheritance tax
estate tax
death tax
death duty
a tax on the estate of the deceased person
real an old small silver Spanish coin
real estate loan
mortgage loan
a loan on real estate that is usually secured by a mortgage
real-time processing
real-time operation
data processing fast enough to keep up with an outside process
real the basic unit of money in Brazil, equal to centavos
real number
any rational or irrational number
real time (computer science) the time it takes for a process under computer control to occur
real time the actual time that it takes a process to occur, information is updated in real time
capable of being treated as fact, tangible evidence, his brief time as Prime Minister brought few real benefits to the poor
residential used or designed for residence or limited to residences, a residential hotel, a residential quarter, a residential college, residential zoning
real material
having substance or capable of being treated as fact, not imaginary, the substantial world, a mere dream, neither substantial nor practical, most ponderous and substantial things- Shakespeare
being or occurring in fact or actuality, having verified existence, not illusory, real objects, real people, not ghosts, a film based on real life, a real illness, real humility, Life is real! Life is earnest!- Longfellow
real(a) no less than what is stated, worthy of the name, the real reason, real war, a real friend, a real woman, meat and potatoes--I call that a real meal, it's time he had a real job, it's no penny-ante job--he's making real money
real of, relating to, or representing an amount that is corrected for inflation, real prices, real income, real wages
coinciding with reality, perceptual error...has a surprising resemblance to veridical perception- F.A.Olafson
real not to be taken lightly, statistics demonstrate that poverty and unemployment are very real problems, to the man sleeping regularly in doorways homelessness is real
real (of property) fixed or immovable, real property consists of land and buildings
being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something, her actual motive, a literal solitude like a desert- G.K.Chesterton, a genuine dilemma
real-time of or relating to computer systems that update information at the same rate they receive information
residential of or relating to or connected with residence, a residential requirement for the doctorate
real rattling
used as intensifiers, `real' is sometimes used informally for `really', `rattling' is informal, she was very gifted, he played very well, a really enjoyable evening, I'm real sorry about it, a rattling good yarn
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